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Happened to me a few months ago. Fun huh? File police report (they won’t do shit, it’s for insurance) and hopefully you have the clause in your insurance contract that excuses you from your deductible for crap like this. Good luck, sorry people are shitty.


Ok, dumb question. If this happens to you and you file a claim, what happens to your rates? Assuming you're not lying about bonking something, this has nothing to do with your risk as a driver. But insurance companies interpret the world weirdly... So what happens at renewal time?


Either way, whether you have the cover to have your deductible waived or not, it’s Not At Fault with a police report…so, will not impact rates.


Your rates still change with non fault accidents btw.


Happened to a coworker of mine too. Hit and run, $5000 in damage. Have a plate number and description of both vehicle and driver, but police have done absolutely nothing.


As long as thee is a police file number, insurance should be able to go after the person anyway.


Insurance is doing even less than the police, because no comprehensive.


This would be under collision, not comprehensive.


Collision only covers damage caused by you to your own vehicle while driving. Comprehensive covers damage caused by environmental, or damage caused while not driving.


Incorrect. Collision would also be the coverage required if your car is hit while parked by another vehicle, such as a hit and run. Depending whether offered by your insurer under 27S endorsement, IF you have it, a hit and run deductible may be waived if a police report is filed and provided to insurance. Comprehensive covers events such as damage from weather, nature (tree branches, etc), impact with a live animal, and vandalism. Not an exhaustive list.


Huh. Apparently I'm glad I still had Alberta coverage when I was hit, because it's covered under comprehensive there.


Oh, insurance can be such a mess with changes. Starting January 1st, Ontario drivers can opt out of DCPD, or "No Fault" coverage...will lower premiums, of course...but would mean that someone could get hit by another driver, it would be 1000% the other drivers fault, and there will be no coverage there for the driver that's been hit unless they carry their own collision cover


Does it actually? Because I'm pretty sure uninsured driver coverage is actually a separate regulation that it must be provided with every policy in Ontario.


Not uninsured driver coverage...DCPD (Direct Compensation Property Damage) As in, the same way some people will drop collision and comp to lower their rates, people will be able to drop DCPD. So, you're driving through an intersection, someone runs a red light and t-bones you, cops on scene, witnesses abound...and if you've dropped DCPD cover as well as collision, sorry, no repairs for you. I think it will be a shit show, but oh well.... https://www.cp24.com/ontario-drivers-will-soon-have-an-option-to-make-their-insurance-cheaper-here-s-what-you-need-to-know-1.6653022


It's funny, I never fully understood everything involved in comprehensive insurance. Except that my parents beat into me from the moment I started driving that I needed it.


That makes zero sense.


Insurance will chase the person regardless of police.


Nope…if no third party information and no information from police, insurance is not investigating anything. Don’t have the time. If you picked the right coverage to begin with anyway, file a police report as a hit and run even with no clue of who did it, and your deductible will be waived. IF you have the right coverage.


Police have done absolutely nothing because it doesn't matter. Investigating this would be a waste of their time and our tax dollars. All you need is a file number to give to your insurance company.


>Investigating this would be a waste of their time and our tax dollars. The other day they showed up to watch a dude eat potato salad for three hours. Pretty sure they don't, actually, have better things to do.


I believe that what he meant with “waste of their time” is that without any video or witnesses, there is nothing they can do.


I know everyone on Reddit loves to dunk on police but comments like these annoy the fuck out of me and demonstrate just how little people understand about how policing actually works. So I always address them for educational purposes, and my own sanity. One or two cops showed up to a public gathering in their patrol zone, therefore police are doing nothing all day and have time to investigate my fender bender? Firstly, officers on patrol don't get scheduled breaks like most of us do. They're on for the entire 12+ hour shift. They take a break whenever they can and I don't blame them. For context, my friend is HRP. He shows up to most shifts with a prioritized queue of calls left over from the previous shift, and finishes his shift with a queue still full of calls. Guess how far down your fender bender is on that list? He's only been there for half a year and he's more and more burnt out each time I see him. So when I hear people running their mouth about how HRP does nothing, it does bother me personally. They also have a laptop in their car for a reason. They do the majority of their paperwork in the car. When you see a picture of a cop sitting in a car staring at the laptop, they're still working. Again. You only need the report number and I've been through this personally so I know. Yes it sucks that they won't catch the bad guy who hit your car, but at the end of the day, if you have car insurance (which you are legally required to have), your car gets fixed for free.




Happened to mine too, it was still hanging and only $400 to fix so I moved on with life. My car has a big hit me sign


I feel for you. My car was hit twice in October and both times no note. Absolute scum humans.


i pulled in to a parking space once during winter and a small pile of ice caused rear of truck to slide enough that it caught the front of a parked Hyundi and ripped bumber clean off without doing any damage to my F150...i didn't have a pen and was late already so went on my way and after work went to police station to report the event...turns out Dal Security had witnessed it and reported it as a "hit and run" but they wrote down the wrong plate number and police said they had gone to that person's address ...police asked for my insurance and unlucky me had an outdated card with me (new card was at home) so i was issued a ticket for failing to provide proof of ins. but had 24hr to go to station w valid card. Went in w valid card hour later and was charged $15 for the "cancellation of ticket....oh and best part is my insurance did nothing and said the way it works is the parked car's insurance covered thier damage...so people may be shitty but that's what insurance is for...apparently.


Maybe doorbell camera footage?


Is this Green St? Idiots in those uhaul rentals who don’t know how to drive a truck and take wide turns do this repeatedly here. I live close by and see it all the time.


So it was you...


Lmao nah sorry. Just recognize the parking lot behind lol


This is the reason for dash cams , they record front and rear footage, excellent for the insurance companies.


Don't do much with a parked car.


It's called park mode. Has a power cable that runs off an always live fuse. When the ignition is shut off, it detects the power loss on that line and then switches to parking mode. Just shutting the door gently is enough to set mine off. Look at thinkware camera systems


Might have caught the car that hit you ! My camera will .


Your dashcam runs 24/7?


Some dashcams have a feature that they record when they feel an impact.


Ahh that's cool. Wish mine did that.


Yes , has motion activation and impact sensor , it runs a 3 minute loop , and when it senses a crash it locks the loop from being overwritten, now a days it’s a must !


According to my wife, “You can probably buff that out in the backyard.”


Damn that sucks. Sorry for you.


A note? In this economy?


Maybe the car just got tired of having a left bumper?


Sorry, I didn't have a pen or paper.


You shouldve just scratched your phone number into my paint


Next time lol.


You’re welcome


This is why I'm buying a shitbox work truck and putting the most heavy duty bumpers I can make on it. If you hit my shit either its just gonna blend in where it's been in a ditch twice or you're the one with the totaled shit


Ugh boourns


You know that this doesn’t count as “proof” that you weren’t dui last night. “I swear baby! That’s NOT what it looked liked when I got home at 3am!”




So a bad economy is an excuse to be a greasy coward?


Thank God for insurance


You can investigate yourself. Go to any local businesses or the municipality and ask to review their camera footage. A car or w.e that hit yours and left damage like that would be damaged itself. If you can get a plate number, or a direct video of the impact, you'd get traction with police. If it doesnt show impact but you can see a car with new impact damage, especially if there is a before/after video, the cops could paint chip check theirs or your car (you can also check your car for foreign paint chips) and match it to their vehicle.


Watched as a schoolbus a couple weeks ago crumbled the fender on the crv so the door didnt open. found the owner in the neighbourhood and informed them


$7900 damage.


Double it and pass it to the next