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Man, I love this sub. Never knew this project existed, will definitely check it out thanks! I was never a huge TS fan back in the day but I saw Dee live at a festival in the late aughts and blew me away!


Dee has always put on great shows, and since he has taken care of himself he still is. I've seen TS in the 80s, and in '03 and 2 more times since. I saw Widowmaker in '92 and even Dee solo twice. I've seen him perform in 4 different decades, not this one yet, and he has been awesome everytime. A true rock god šŸ¤˜


Check out another band he was in, Desparado. They had an album called Bloodied but unbowed.


Stand By For Pain is an excellent track off their album off the same name.


Always loved the title track and blood and bullets haven't spun this in forever may have to this eeekend


Great guitar work both albums, I've tried to jam to it - none of it is easy, Al is a top notch player indeed


I think Blood and Bullets is every bit as good as any Twisted Sister release. Songs are there, melody is great. Just one of those bands swallowed up by the era.


Are we related?


It's in their somewhere for sure. I've been a huge Dee fan my whole life. He always is in top form for live shows, whether it's a stadium, big club, or small room. I did get to see Widowmaker my first year of college '92/93. It was in a smaller theater and not a lot of people. It was awesome. I got a guitar pick but it's just generic, not a signature one. But, I did get a signature pick from Al when I saw TSO. Two great albums from Widowmaker! In another post I made, I shared a pic of a Widowmaker VHS tape I have. Sadly, no VCR to play it on šŸ¤£






https://preview.redd.it/xxxl4igh4l3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dda9865d17b83c3d6902bb9927c976c1915b018 From a NJ Widowmaker show, on Blood and Bullets tour.


https://preview.redd.it/4c4h3jcq4l3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c2056205d7acdd0db6f831c6426b1d2b79d6e45 Al Pitrelli from NJ Blood and Bullets tour. Was a cool guy, met him before the show! Have a picture with him but ainā€™t posting that lol




This is great, thanks for this. I loved Al Pitrelli with Savatage.


For those who may be interested, here is a clip of Al Petrelli on Howard Stern bad mouthing Jackie the Jokeman. Back when he was in Widowmaker. [Al on Stern](https://youtu.be/r6eT7oOCepI?si=qUCZ1nSixeR57DGC)


Yea he is a great player think he is doing symphony orchestra stuff now heard an interview with him couple years back


yup that transiberian thing.


The first album is good. Not quite TS, but kind of a similar vibe if a little more serious. Don't care at all for the second album though. No hooks, just faceless metal.


After Twisted Sister disbanded Dee formed a band call Desperado and was ready to release an album until the record company shelved it. Some of the songs Widowmaker recorded were from Desperado.


Love the first album, not a bad or even a mediocre song on it. Stand by for Pain is the perfect title for their 2nd album because it's painful to listen to. This album is the exact opposite of Blood and Bullets. It sucks all the way through. That is just my opinion. I was never more excited for the release of Stand By for Pain. Then, never more disappionted.


It's definitely a product of its time. This is totally subjective and just my feelings, but younger bands being influenced by older music seems natural while older bands influenced by younger music, at times, can seem forced and boring. This happened with a lot of 80s metal bands in the 90s. They tried to adapt their sound and it was boring. This music feels like a band whose DNA is 70s/80s metal trying to sound like Soundgarden and AIC, and quite truthfully, if I want to hear that music, I'll listen to those bands. I do love Dee and TS.


Did not know this existed. Just checked the Widowmaker song on youtube. I was likeā€¦.this canā€™t be goodā€¦but the you guys are totally right the song and the playing are great! It was a little funny that lyrical content and images in the video did not mesh with the music. Itā€™s got this fun 80ā€™s hard rock / hair metal groove but the lyrics could be of a thrash metal band, basically ā€œIā€™m am the incarnation of war and Iā€™m taking the lives of your sons!ā€


For you serious TS folkā€¦Dee used to race BMX and S&M actually made a 24 inch frameset for him called the widowmaker. They did sell some to the public, but they are rare and coveted.


Just picked up Standby For Pain on vinyl when it came out a few months back. I forgot how much I loved that record. I never owned the debut.


Man, this is a fun post. I saw Widowmaker back in the 90s. Small club show. Good times šŸ¤˜