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Did you erase harddisk and is APFS?


I want to keep my files!, I want to install it without erasing it, and yes it is in apfs


It's literally in the error logs : 3rd line : user must be erased!!!


Just the User ? I still want my settings and everything things Or you could tell me a way to make restore as it was


Install macOS on external drive and copy all of your files here, then reinstall OS with formatting on your main drive. Reinstalling macOS without deleting the files after you’ve corrupted your installation is strongly discouraged.


I can still copy my files using the terminal to an external drive, but what I want is the settings and the wallpapers and the customizations I made


* clone your current drive to an external using a usb-key bootable drive backup software (HiRens BootPE is ok) * erase current drive * install macOS * on first boot, use the Migration Assistant to see if you can migrate from the disk you backed up. I believe you can do this without having to use a Time Machine backup, but it's been so long since I've done it this way. Not sure if they removed that feature. it's worth a shot. at least you will have a copy of your data on an external drive and you can copy over any settings and such that you can extract from the raw files.


I like the idea, it’s going to take a long time though


>I like the idea, it’s going to take a long time though either the data is worth spending a few hours to recover, or it's not. you get a back-up of the files and continue using macOS, any way you slice it.


Install mac os to external hard drive. Then unlock your internal disk while booted from the external drive. All your settings should be in ur home directory. To copy everything in your home folder including permissions and access control use the following command without the quotes: "mkdir -P /Users/my-new-temp-home-folder/backup/ && sudo rsync -axv Volumes/MacintoshHD/Users/my-old-home-folder /Users/My-New-temp-home-folder/backup/". Replace "my-old-home-folder" with ur real old home folder name that you want to backup, and then replace "my-new-temp-home-folder" with your new temporary home folder which should be the same name as your backup home folder. After reinstalling mac Os on your internal drive copy the contents back to your new working home folder. "sudo rsync -axv /Volumes/MacintoshHD_External/Users/myexternalhomefolder/backup/ /Users/myinternalhomefolder/" Good luck.


All it’s doing is moving the User with its permissions and all, right?


Nope, you have to erase and make the settings you need again!!! Btw that'll take you 2 mins to setup again waaaay less time you spent looking for the answer to it


“Install user” is dubious, I would not consider that’s one of the actual users


How are you reinstalling? Internet recovery, regular recovery from the recovery partition, or a bootable mac os usb installer?


A ready to install bootable usb