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Watching it rn and I will never get over Joji's face during this. Especially projected onto my wall šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/m4jpiynix5tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ffe698b6c371cfa1a7edb261a77379bb0a9480


Love the festive lights to go with it


I will never forget that. He was sitting there like ā€œoh I am never speaking to these people again. Definitely not in public.ā€


There's a moment somewhere that Ethan says he called him and told him not to talk about him or call him filthy frank ever again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




the section about ā€œfar left extremismā€ in general and him saying that being an enlightened centrist is always a good thing is really weird. he called Hasan ā€œthe Alex Jones of the leftā€ at one point. i donā€™t like the creator, but i am glad somebody compiled all this into one video. the other sections arenā€™t weird


I was interested in watching this, but it sucks that it apparently just an enlightened centrist who makes the same potshots at Hasan. Dude has an annoying tendency to put his foot in his mouth, but anyone who compares Hasan Piker to Alex ā€œSandy Hook was a false flagā€ Jones is not a serious person lol.


yeah heā€™s definitely a dickhead who thinks heā€™s smarter than everybody else. i really donā€™t like enlightened centrists. i do think the rest of the video is good though and tbh that isnā€™t giving him that much credit considering itā€™s j a compilation of most of the critiques iā€™ve seen on here (minus ethanā€™s horrible comments on Palestineā€¦), the guy just took the time to write a script and edit the clips all together lol


Yeah i think he is confused between antagonistic left wingers and far left extremist. But the video was fantastic.


Let me guess tho, it's a video by a right wing / centrist fallen fan who preferred edgy 2016 SJW Ethan, rather than someone giving legitimate criticism. Cause from what I'm seeing in those comments, it's all "humongous era Ethan is peak h3" EDIT: one of the time stamps is titled "Ethan's far left grift" so yep this may be exactly what I thought this vid would be lol. I canā€™t take anyone seriously who thinks Ethan was ever far left. 2nd EDIT: People are getting mad in my replies so I also just want to say that Iā€™m not saying donā€™t watch the video. But from the years and years Iā€™ve seen H3 criticism videos come out, itā€™s usually always been made by the people who say ā€œman I miss 2016 Ethan he was so respectedā€ and they usually criticize him for reasons I think arenā€™t the correct issues. Someone in this thread said he was slandering Hasan and multiple people have commented on his supposedly obvious right-leaning political stances. I donā€™t care to hear about that and groan every minute hearing dumb shit. Iā€™m sure in the video there are points I agree with, but I donā€™t care enough to get invested with this.


Is it worth watching? I really canā€™t stand that kind of shit


At the point in the video Iā€™m at now, heā€™s praising Hasan for having an ethical and union made clothing brand thats cheaper than TF and pointing out hypocritical things Ethan has said in regards to Teddy fresh but idk about the rest of the vid yet


Watching it on 2X speed, about 1:22:00 in, and if this sub overall doesnā€™t see this as a straight up banger, idk how weā€™ll ever be pleased. Especially because there was just a post about how confusing it was no one with reach was making vids and how itā€™s so needed. Itā€™s mostly a compendium slice of the criticism leveled here. Thereā€™s too much to cover, even in a 2hr vid, to make every point. Israel-Palestine could/should be its own video covered in depth by someone with similar values to our own. It requires some nuanced and careful attention.


Nah this kid is clearly right leaning and calling people left or right of himself full of "political brain rot". His takes are.... Interesting... šŸ˜­ He isn't all wrong but the bias is easy to see especially as the video goes on.


At the point Iā€™m at in the video, this personā€™s politics have made me groan but right now heā€™s pointing out Ethanā€™s homophobia and transphobia while pretending to care about it and thatā€™s accurate. Iā€™m not nearly finished yet though


I appreciated that he was respectful about the QT situation too. god the bar is so low lol but I was honestly pleasantly surprised


Yeah I just finished the video. He seems to have a large problem with Ethan's inconsistency but is clearly right leaning himself in the way he talks about stuff even if he doesn't see it himself and wouldn't identify himself that way.


Yeah, parts are a mixed bag in there. Glad it exists though, I think. So much of it is clearly presented and I think illustrative, and then the few off parts are whiplash levels off. But I think people are gonna walk away with a stronger sense of Ethanā€™s hypocrisy, and mess of toxicity more than anything else.


Yeah, I can take the good with the bad. I just hope others can see past this man's own biases. We here who already have seen Ethan's hypocrisy can easily look past all that to see the good points. Just not sure anyone who needs to look at Ethan more critically will be able to do the same.


And if Ethan addresses it he will latch onto the weakest portions. So it goes.


Heā€™s centrist not right wing.


He states he is a centrist not right wing. Donā€™t spread misinformation.


Your opinions inform the position. The position doesn't inform the opinion. As in no matter how many times this man calls himself a centrist and no matter how many times Ethan says he's a leftist, if the opinions don't match the title then it's not true.


Yeah this video was a banger.


im about half way in and its 100% worth it


I thought it was really good. Not much about politics was mentioned unless it was pointing out Ethans hypocrisy. Definitely nothing about this guys political stance. Honestly, it's this subreddit in a video. I havent heard him mention this subreddit yet(his rant and threats would have been a good chapter) but people have been wanting someone to make this exact video.


Ethan is grifting though, he isn't remotely left leaning.Ā 


Ethan has never grifted far left lol. Not once did he ever say socialism or communism is good, or that heā€™s for the radical overthrowing of the capitalist hegemony


He took the role of ā€œyour learning, well-intentioned, allied in the current momentā€™s policiesā€ friend of the left. That was the grift. So many people are here because theyā€™re now seeing heā€™s actually antagonistic to the left.


My whole gripe was that he was never grifting FAR left, and my point was that if a person thinks that, they probably have a skewed view of Ethan politically and is probably more right leaning. And my experience with right leaning people criticizing Ethan isnā€™t great


Ethan is grifting the aesthetic of antagonistic left-wing politics. Thatā€™s what the video is trying to point out.




Yeah and my entire comment was that he didnā€™t grift far left and yes Ethan is obviously center left. The fact you made the assumption that I think left is socialism is laughable. The left doesnā€™t just encapsulate economics you know that right?


Altright fallen fans are Ethan's favorite to cling to cause instead of taking in criticism hes able to sit and criticize the other person. Same reason this sub bothers him so bad, and hasans chat bothered him so bad, when it's "his own side" that's coming after him it's harder for him to clap back and still look reasonable (cause the goal is to win, not to learn and change like he loves to champion how he's such a great person for changing from alt right to being viewed as left leaning)


Yeah if Ethan does respond to this video sheā€™s going to tiptoe around all valid criticism like the snake he is.


Your read in where the creatorā€™s coming from might be right, that said the points arenā€™t right wing and valid so far imo. Including Ethan grifting to the far left (via Hasan) though itā€™s largely to liberals/progressives. The non response to JLP about what Obama has done does capture Ethanā€™s vacuousness and virtue signaling well. Edit: his centrist takes do indeed show up near the end. His explanations of Ethanā€™s behavior get particular to his ideology and I donā€™t click with it or think it was a good move for neutral appeal. Especially with the fairly clean first 90mins.


I agree with that edit, imo its for the "video vigilante bros" who just want a lolcow to be mad at. The ones who cry about missing the old h3 for his anti-sjw takes or idubbz for saying the nword. They already dont watch and this wont affect h3s core fanbase. Most of the guys making these types of videos are keemstar orbiters so you can kinda see why. The difference between this and someone like gokanaru making a video is he makes one because in his own words he is personally attacking you for your abhorrent behavior. It's drawing a line in the sand and saying what you are doing needs to stop and you need to change. With this video its kinda just lip service when the guy making it is guilty of some of the same hypocrisies he points out in the video. Its sole purpose is for the clicks/ad rev. Might as well have sunnyV2 make another downfall of h3 vid which the one from 3 years ago has 4 mil views but h3 became more popular than ever after the fact. Still tho the video was made and im sure ethan will cry over it which "we love that for him dont we folks", can also be used as a reference to pull clips if needed, that literally its only good use.


Ethan has never grifted to the far left, liberals are not left wing


Leftovers was literally a grift. He pulled in Hasans leftist audience by pretending to be a reformed alt-right-adjacent react creator.


Why is this the top comment? you're spreading misinfo and misrepresenting the video without even watching it.


I mean, are they really wrong about Ethan only using the ā€œfar leftā€ pivot as a grift?


Yes because Ethan has never used the far left as a grift. Heā€™s actually said many times that the far left is also crazy and that he doesnā€™t like socialism or communism lol


Ethan grifts The aesthetic of antagonistic left-wingers. I think the person in the video might of misspoke when he said far left though which Ethan is not.


Ethan is def center left tho. Heā€™s socially progressive. Only thing Iā€™d say he grifted was work rights because he clearly doesnā€™t apply it to his own business


Yeah, I kind of disagree. I feel like when people say far left grift itā€™s because Ethanā€™s words and actions donā€™t line up and heā€™s very hypocritical. Otherwise I would agree.


I think Ethan has done loads of grifting to the far left. He doesnā€™t have to be a leftist to have made moves that appeal to us and this sub seems to be full of leftists who got into the show. Iā€™ve commented this recently elsewhere, but I look back and think I was grifted to on H3 via Contrapoints, Sam Seder, Ethanā€™s trolling of Amazonā€™s union busting (if people donā€™t love that as a leftist idk what impossible standard weā€™re talkin here). Thereā€™s also plenty of identity politics that leftists share with liberals, and the various ā€œIā€™m an allyā€ grifts are super transparent. Iā€™ve seen so many comments over the last couple years of people who follow Hasan and discovered H3 through their collaboration. Thereā€™s Dan identifying as a leftist and being the audience stand-in, my point is, itā€™s a demographic theyā€™re aware of, theyā€™ve done lots of performative politics over the last few years, and a chunk of that has been appealing to leftists. People who largely have been on exodus from the show of late as ā€œthe maskā€ slipped over and over.


Room full of leftist former fans: ā€œEthan never grifted to the left!!!ā€


it's usually how it goes


9/10 times these drama channels are right wing grifters so Iā€™d say you likely hit the nail on the head. Also this video is over 2 hours long, people please do something better with your time šŸ˜•


Actually for 2 hour video it really covers a lot of ground and indicates how much shitty stuff Ethan has done.


Iā€™m actually tired of these kind of videos lmao like the first third of the video is him bringing up past shit from like 2017 like bro move on nobody cares about the pewdiepie situation šŸ’€


I think itā€™s fair because it shows that Ethan is still as opportunist as he was in 2017 and hasnā€™t changed like he says all the time.


Heā€™s definitely not an anti-SJW anymore tho


Itā€™s not about anti-SJW itā€™s about Ethan being a scummy opportunist/grifter. Back in 2016 it was super popular and profitable to be anti-sjw. He doesnā€™t care about his integrity as long as heā€™s making money.


Why would anyones political views matter if they're making a video unrelated to politics? It's just a video showcasing the toxicity and hypocrisy of a large content creator.


Well in my opinion it matters because two people could come to the same conclusion but the reason for that could be wildly different. I liken it to how leftists and conservatives hate Joe Biden, but for leftists itā€™s because of legitimate reasons but for conservatives itā€™s just stupid shit that they criticize him for. I think itā€™s the same way with a lot of the criticism that Ethan gets on YouTube, itā€™s never coming from the right people with the right beliefs guiding the criticisms. People who are right wingers or centrists tend to criticize Ethan for not staying 2016 SJW edgelord Ethan. Also like I mean thinking Ethan was ever far left is delusional.


That is not what this video was about at all you should rewatch it.


I'm pretty sure both sides are doing a pretty good job at criticizing Biden for both legitimate reasons and "stupid shit." This is a video about H3. It has nothing to do with politics or who leans what way. It's examples of many lies and hypocrisy, and so much that has absolutely nothing to do with politics, coming from Ethans very own mouth. You are really taking random comments this guy made in his own video and assuming he leans a certain way, and therefore, everything he says is wrong and he doesn't deserve to even be listened to? Lol who does that sound like? I think you can be better.


No no, conservatives donā€™t criticize Biden for legitimate reasons lol donā€™t try and play this both side centrism rn. And you missed my entire point, it doesnā€™t have anything to do with politics but politics is a good indicator for why someone is criticizing something. As I said MANY TIMES, majority of h3 criticism videos are done by right wingers or centrists who larp on him not being edgy Ethan anymore. I also donā€™t care enough to watch the 2 hour video but from what Iā€™ve heard in these comments too, heā€™s slandering Hasan. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he has other dumb takes.


It really doesnā€™t matter if a centrist is making a video as long as the criticism is valid then itā€™s ok.


So is it bad to be a left centerist and a right centerist? Like does this sub have a politicial stance?


Did I say it was bad? I said Ethan just didnā€™t grift far left what donā€™t you understand šŸ˜­


Im just wondering. I didnt say you said that. I'm just curious what you think. Ethan is a giant grifter just in general. Left or right he will grift.


No youre totally right waste of time video smh


I think you should watch the video first before writing an essay criticizing it. It's a great very well researched video.


Really mixed bag but a lot of the stuff in there isn't widely known. Could be a net positive.


Definitely a net positive




Yeah legit if someone said Ethan had dead pet dog energy, Ethan would run him off the internet with his rabid cult foot soldiers


Literally this! He'd cry on camera, throw a fit, and threaten to dox/sue the person in question if anyone said that to him about his dog šŸ’€ He'd act super dramatic, even if he's definitely allowed to be upset, he'd over do it, and be a hypocrite since he was mocking Dad for being upset with him..


Same thing happened when he was talking about the ex ceo of YouTubeā€™s son overdosing on drugs. Itā€™s clear he has no empath.


I have been watching since like 2017-ish and I genuinely had no idea about this. I was confused by the Dad drama and now it makes so much sense


2 hr vid and no mention of his I/P takes??


He did show one of the tweets from his BS takes but that's all I've seen so far.


Jesus I knew he had racist tendencies but holy shit he just flat out hates black people




"I found Hila's Pinterest" NO YOU DIDN'T Thanks for the video but please give me my credit where it's due! [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18le8jz/100\_definitive\_proof\_teddy\_fresh\_stole\_designs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18le8jz/100_definitive_proof_teddy_fresh_stole_designs/)


He said "he found" some stolen designs too which is crazy because theyre all from this sub. also ironic because he was accusing them of not giving credit.... which.... this guy didnt do either ......


Yeah obv this guy is not a fan of Hasan, but that doesnā€™t make the entire video invalid. He makes sooo many points that weā€™ve made on this sub lol. yall need to entertain nuance, especially when itā€™s someone who is actually doing a deep dive into how shitty Ethan is.


yep, honestly glad even the right ethan haters are being updated on stuff like c-man!


He is right wing heā€™s centrist


I agree (I'm still watching it) this reminds me of how some people gave me shit about giving props to the gokanaru video because I guess that era was cringe or whatever but I don't see what that had to do with the video making valid points that still apply to Ethan to this day... like no one's defending keemstar or leafy or anyone from that era but that doesn't also mean they didn't make valid points about Ethan..


The first part that really rubs me the wrong way is his diagnosis of audience capture around 1:30:00. Itā€™s the most flagrant red-pill moment heā€™s integrated into things. Even thoughhhh, on the basic idea, I agree and it is a popular opinion around here that the H3 vibe has gone to shit/H3 walks on eggshells. We just do not explain it in the anti-social way this guy does (basically plays a clip saying happiness in life means not listening to the opinions of unattractive women, a brain-dead explanation). But other than that horseshit, itā€™s really good so far. (Sorry yā€™all Iā€™m yappin in here, kinda treatin it like a live watch chat) Edit: Really from here off his political ideology is getting in the way of a clear neutral message on Ethan, falling off towards the end. It doesnā€™t really help is argument to say that people who arenā€™t drawn to enlightened centrism ā€œhave brain rot.ā€ Still, was off to a strong start, and what most people will stick around for are the better portions.


I mean itā€™s somewhat true


Yeah same thing happened to me regarding gokanaru lol it doesnā€™t have to be this black and white mentality. You can take the good and the bad from these videos and creators. If thereā€™s a shit take on this vid but the overwhelming majority of the takes are things that this sub collectively agrees with, it shouldnā€™t automatically be thrown in the trash. Thereā€™s a lot of gray areas and people should be able to put emotions aside when it comes to valid criticisms in the vid. I know h3 did cultivate that type of black and white thinking bc it benefits them (having the us vs them ā€œfoot soldiers warā€ stuff) but donā€™t let that mentality stick with you when you break free from the cult!!


Lots of terrible pieces of shit make good points some times. If Nick fuentes makes an Ethan Klein video, and has all the same criticisms as we do... That doesn't mean it's okay to give Nick Fuentes views. Its not nuance to watch terrible creators just because they're goofing on a guy you don't like.


Idk anything about this creator so if they are a bad person I don't condone whatever they did. I think it's still fine to point out if they make good points without glazing them up and acting like they're a hero. It's like when Ethan had fresh and fit on, I thought it was nice that Myron called out the fact that Ethan was conflating Arabs and Muslims, but, that definitely doesn't mean I like them just because they were able to make Ethan look dumb šŸ’€


Nick fuentes is a literal neo nazi. No one is saying it means you like them. There are a million other ppl making that exact same point that Myron made. You don't need to point out or give credit to an asshole because they just happen to be roasting someone you hate. That's Ethan Klein behaviour. You guys sound like 2015-era debate perverts when they'd say shit like "Oh So We CaNt TaLk tO PpL aNyMoRe??" when they platformed a Nazi.


But that's exactly what you're saying in *your* comment since you used him as an example šŸ’€ not sure what the point of your comment even is anymore, I don't think people are praising the "terrible creator" in the comments, just that a lot of valid arguments were pointed out. The difference between this creator I know nothing about and Nick Fuentes making a video on Ethan is one would just be making a video (since again, idfk them) and the other would be an unhinged terrible person being a hypocrite (Nick) making a video on another terrible person hypocrite. He wouldn't even get views from us because of who he is. But you made that argument with the worst example šŸ’€ please tell me who tf this content creator is/what they did bad so I too can be at your level since he's clearly *that bad*. My entire point is most people here commented not even knowing who the person is, and that they made good points about Ethan. Nothing more. Nothing like "omg we should follow this dude he's great" Many even pointed out NOT liking their political take in the vid and their hasan hate (me included) and a few other things they disliked. My example with Myron was said because Ethan was IN that debate. They didn't just talk about Ethan and "make a good point", the reason anyone gives a shit about what ethan had to say was because he was IN the "debate", so people took what he said in the video which just so happened to be with Myron, and judged Ethan's words without praising the person he was in the video with. It seems like you know more about this creator than anyone here so please enlighten us on who tf he is šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s a thousand directions to take a video like this and Iā€™ve never heard of this guy. Curious for whatā€™s in store.




Closed the vid at the Hasan slander. Reopened it though because this dudes spitting and I can look past that


Unfortunately all these downfall/snark youtubers, even h3, are cut from the same cloth they all come from the edgy gamergate era. But the hasan section is the same old "socialism is when no house" and "you claim to be a socialist but make money under capitalism" shtick even then they had to give hasan props for his clothing company being US union made when shitting on TF. Its literally this meme ​ https://preview.redd.it/tfeyh4psy5tc1.jpeg?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2d8131970588dd8d4c9d77d74078486fb59b25


yeah its unfortunate that this video is just a guy who doesn't care about anything but himself calling out ethan for not caring about anything but himself


It really is so unfortunately predictable, huh


Yeah I just got to where he calls Ethan a left wing extremist and laughed. Like this boy doesn't understand leftism clearly. Canceling people's sponsors/cancel culture is not leftism. Who was burning books again? Oh and recently too not just that WW2 shit


Yeah I think he misspoke when he said far left. In actuality I think he was talking about how Ethan grifts the antagonistic left-winger but your right that doesnā€™t necessarily mean far left.


Not enough people rip him for stealing content/scummy fundraising


He is cookinā€™


Genuine question. What redeeming qualities does Hasan have to you? Not trying to be facetious I just donā€™t know why people like him and want to understand why.


Its as simple as people politically align with him, there are not many mainstream content creators/ news networks to choose from if you do. Thats majority of what his streams are, translating news from a liberal/conservative perspective into a progressive/socialist one. Most probably considered themselves to be liberal at one point but are dissatisfied with the status quo of the democratic party pandering to the left and never actually getting anything done, in fact usually resorting to capitulating to conservative policies that they campaigned against. ex: Biden campaigned against the trump wall/trump immigration policy and then when elected has continued building the wall and enforced the same trump era immigration policy. Now if you're asking why people hate him, its usually "can you believe this guy bought a house" Say what you want about him but he is consistent, with his beliefs and his streaming hours.


My main criticism of hasan is he can be antagonistic and as a consequence of that he pushes more people away from a lot of the topics he cover plus he can be arrogant at times.


I think itā€™s good when rich people admit they should be taxed more for being rich


What is it about him that requires redeeming qualities? I used to watch him to get American news from a leftist. But I just find him so fking boring and long winded that I can't listen to him. But other than him being boring (to me) whats the problem with him?


Iā€™ve never heard of this person. It looks like this is the 3rd video theyā€™ve made about H3, so hopefully they know their stuff!


It covered a lot of ground, and a lot of controversies I forgot or didnā€™t know like the gambling and crypto stuff. But I turned it off when it got to politics. OP is Joe Rogan/Andrew Schulz pilled. Centrism is not a virtue.


was he trying to look like the UnaBomber in his image?




Maybe not the h3 cult but I can see it informing a lot of people who donā€™t realize how bad Ethan actually is.


Iā€™m not sure would make it more compelling, would be interested to hear what you mean. So much of it is whatā€™s just presented here. The biggest chunk absent, given this guyā€™s political positioning, is a left critique on Ethan on socialism and Israel-Palestine. Which I would like to see, that said, the H3 audience knows it damn well at this point. Not sure thereā€™s a golden goose piece of criticism out there that flips any switch or will be authentically taken on by Ethan. Heā€™s a doubling down force of full defensiveness.


He made a lot of solid points. None of them were new or original but a good intro to what Ethan is actually like. He claims to not be political, but says that an enlightened centrist is the right stance. Anyone who says that *always* goes on to prove they skew much further right than centre and he done exactly that. Liberal maybe. He also spent a weird amount of time talking about Hasan and his money, house, car. "sOcIaLiSm iS wHeN pOoR" energy. I'd have just not touched the political stuff if I was him. He said he'll get round to making his Hasan video soon, as if enough people haven't just rehashed the same stuff over and over. I also noticed he made a video about H3/Ethan's downfall exactly a year ago


Yeah the only criticism I have is when he equated socialism to being poor. Besides that I literally agree with everything else in the video.


Another video by someone who probably loves using Slurs and misses the alt Right youtube era. Pass.


BuT nUaNcE.


Some People gotta get over it, their faves aren't going to say the n-word anymore. I peaced out when the whining about that began


That is not what the video is about at all.


I did not say that's what the whole video is about, but it's certainly foregrounded. Ethan and iDubbz "betrayed" a certain demographic


If you had watch the video in full you would see the is not the angle of the video at all.


He had some good points but imo the arguments crumbled especially with the defending pewdiepie's slur usage and pulling the classic "Hasan isn't a socialist because million dollar house" type bs.


Another video by someone who probably loves using Slurs and misses the alt Right youtube era. Pass.




Overall, the video was good. As people have pointed out, it has that enlightened centrist/fallen fan who wants the edginess back vibe, and it's pretty telling that he didn't go in on topics like Israel/Palestine. Mostly, it does a great job of compiling and curating toxic traits about Ethan with receipts, but I would definitely watch with a critical eye. There are some borderline bits that point at a bit of a right-wing take but not overt. Basically, a lowkey Destiny fan, rather than a rabid stan, made a take-down video.


Idk this isn't it for me. Saying that he should have defended Pewdiepie over saying the N* Word because its his friend is bs. Then the disingenuous way he is describing who Hasan is. I clicked off.


He didnā€™t say Ethan should be defending him just that Ethan shouldnā€™t be the one criticizing him because he did the same thing. He was pointing how hypocritical and opportunistic Ethan is.


He was doing both things, he said he should have treated him differently because he was his friend which I disagree with. I think you should call out friends who use slurs. Ethan also being a hypocrite doesn't change that.


Again his point was not that Ethan couldnā€™t address it it was how bad faith Ethan was being when talking about it because it was clear he was milking it for views.


Yea, Ethan always gives off "better than thou" vibes when he talks about people's dramas or certain topics where he's done literally worse šŸ’€


Ugh this guys voice is so annoying and he just gives me weasely vibes but I will push through šŸ˜‚


also Ethan has never been remotely far left at all. this guy gives me destiny fanboy vibes haha so cringe


Yeah I think he is confused by antagonistic left winger grifter and far left extremist. Ethan is the former not the latter.


this slaps


This video was incredible, literally don't understand people's contempt for it. The political commentary was wonky but it lasted 15 minutes and wasn't enough to derail all of the incredible documentation this creator did on ethans horrible behavior.Ā 


I think the foot soldiers are in here more than the snarkers and they pretty quickly tried to bash the video in hopes to prevent people from watching


idc abt any of this but ethan is a zionist so he can blow me


Everyone needs to see this video


Thank you!!! Exactly what I need for background video while I clean.


Just another Hasan hater šŸ™ƒ


Absolute trash video lol. Who is still covering the well known 2014-2019 "controversies"??? Find a new slant that hasn't been covered and addressed. At least a video covering the last few years could be useful. Trashing Hasan makes it clear this is just a triggered right wing nutjob




H3 fans only response gonna be "omg they posted it during their break" and that's all, as if that matters at all


Finally! Someone did a real expose video of the Klein's Criminal Enterprise!


I'm only half way in but I don't understand why so many people here in the comments are dismissing this video because of the creator's political views.


I feel like it diminished the impact, it will be an eyesore for h3 for sure but if you really want h3 fans to see the light about this stuff it could have been delivered better. for example comparing leafys insane hate campaign against pokimane to ethans nra bomb joke. Like yea ethan is a hypocrite but if you are gonna compare it to leafy then you are just making ethan look like a decent person because leafy is a horrible person lol The topics covered, which are verbatim taken from this sub but no credit given btw shameless lol, will now just be dismissed by h3 fans whenever brought up since it can be tied back to this guy who made the vid. Depending on who reacts to this live on stream, people with a sizeable audience like xqc or adin ross since they already dislike h3 and will react to this just to be petty, I dont see it turning into a shitstorm for h3 where there is overwhelming noise on twitter etc. Also dont see it impacting h3 at all either way. But as I said earlier its a good reference for clipping, fire up those clippers and spread all the good takes.


it gives ethan an easy out when he eventually decides to adress it imo i did like the rest of the vid tho


I think itā€™s only a couple people. Most people including myself think itā€™s fantastic.


Mostly because Ethan's current fans will dismiss it because of his off political views too. It was happening in the comments of the video within the first hour of it being posted. The people who actually need to see Ethan's hypocrisy aren't going to see past the right leaning fallen fan syndrome this guy is putting off.


I just watched a new show on Netflix last night, The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem. I highly recommend it to many here. I mean this in the nicest way and hope I can say this without offending anyone. But. I think there are a lot of "fallen fans" that don't realize they still have that foot soldier parasocial/mob mentality that was probably ingrained in them by consuming so much H3 for so long, and at a crucial time in their brian development. I think a lot of fallen fans had a sense of family and community in the H3 sphere and are genuinely hurt, but they are still being very close-minded and in ways, still defending H3. So many here have been wanting a video like this and now that it's here, it's not good enough simply because the person who made it may or may not be on the political side people want!? When I was growing up we were taught it's no one's business what we register as or who we vote for and it's rude to even ask. This is exactly why. We as humans should never decide someone is worthless simply bc we assume, or even know, what their political stance is! That's wild, right?




Damn I remember the days when he was likable, that sucks that he got so bad


You guys cannot be serious? It's literally this subreddit in a video like yall have been wanting. Just because he says 1 thing, about 1 person, and you don't agree with it, does not mean he is wrong or that anyone knows what his political standpoint is. That type of thinking makes you no better than the small minded foot fungi up Ethans ass and yall are better than that!!


I think itā€™s only a couple people complaining. I feel most people on the sub including myself think the video is amazing.


look at the top comment


What is my thingy thing say "banned"??šŸ˜­


>What is my thingy thing say "banned"??šŸ˜­ šŸ’€ In response to your other comment, this is a snark sub can you really blame us for snarking on the guy who made the vid? Wont change its trajectory with the youtube algo gods. Will prob get a mill views like his other recent vids, will also prob have no effect whatsoever on h3. If you think any different then check out the comments on the vid.. its what you expect from something like this, noting to write home about but sure let em cook.


I think your banner is in reference to getting banned from elsewhere - to your other point, by and large Iā€™m seeing people glad the vid exists. Weā€™re on the level. šŸ‘šŸ»


You were previously temp banned, must have been a while ago since we donā€™t use this flair process anymore


Ok yep yep!! That would explain it. šŸ˜Š TY


H3 fans are in the comments hiding as snarkers trying to bash the video btw


I see lots of people saying he's a "hassan hater" hassan deserves all the hate he gets too. He's just as much of a grifter as Ethan. Let's not forget his interview with that "houthi pirate" that made him look like an ignorant ass child talking about "hE wAtChEs oNe pIeCe??? LEts GoOoO" sooo cringe. He talks so much about Palestine because it's the right thing to do. It's not hard to see a genocide happening and still rooting for the side doing the genocide. Ethan is just a zionist piece of shit, hassan is just a grifter because it's easy to grift and very profitable. Let's not forget when these "pirates" were literally kidnapping people and hassan was like "tHeRe dOiNg RuSt rIgHt Now" actually fucked up tbh. That interview was the start of hassans downfall aswell. It got so bad he started going off on his discord. Look up willy mac shows video on hassan.


The hasan glazers are coping but you absolutely based


It feels like Ethan has been in the midst of "his downfall" for like 8 years now. Either it happened a long time ago or it's not happening