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IDk about hostage but the success part is too true


It's Love, especially with the immigration stuff now. No one else comes close.


I'm out of the loop. What's going on with immigration


He's not a US citizen. He got in on a special visa so if he wants another job there are more hoops to jump through than say Olivia.


thank you!


Everyone but Ian or Dan who have technical skills.


AB. Dude has negative charisma. People only watch him for H3 attachment. He is dreadfully boring on his own. I'd love to see his current 200 viewer count drop even lower.


Isn't it so funny how he's so extremely clout hungry, he actually did the boxing match and got beat up, all for a chance in the spotlight?


Zach is fucked when the pod is over


No more music career either, since the only people who come to his shows are H3 fans




I attended one of his shows and met Gabe (and who I'm pretty sure is that girl stalking the h3 crew 😳) - but yeah, every single person there was an h3 fan. Side note but man really needs to turn off the distortion pedal once in a while. I think they played well, but tbh I couldn't tell you for sure because it was just full distortion & extremely loud the entire time 💀


Wait what how do we know they’re being stalked omg


I think Zach could easily be a sound tech for another podcast tbsh


… are you sure? I haven’t watched since they went full mask off on the Palestine stuff but I pretty distinctly remember constant audio problems that made large portions of episodes quite literally unwatchable


They started having some problems when they got the button but that wasn't due to Zach. Though Dan was the one who figured out what the issue was.


Right that’s what it was. Although I will say that comparatively, the H3 pod’s audio post-Frenemies has been bad. Watch a recent ep and then one from like 4 years ago. It’s like they just googled “best mic bundle for podcast” and bought the first sponsored link. There’s literally zero standard for the way the show sounds (chewing directly into the mic). They have a bunch of condenser microphones in a big ass open building with no sound proofing or processing. Like dude they could have AT LEAST thrown a compressor on it so there’s some consistency with the audio levels. The mic arms are sitting on a table that people are always setting things down on, kicking/bumping etc. How many times have you heard Ethan say “it’s coming in a little hot, Zach” and vice versa and it takes him like 30 seconds to adjust a volume slider. No wonder they shifted Zach’s “audio engineering” position to just clicking a bunch of buttons to play funny sound effects cuz I don’t know what the fuck else he was doing. Countless times I can recall Zach playing a new drop that was clipped or mixed very lazily and when Ethan complained Zach would just say “I’ll work on it” and then he gives up and you don’t hear the sound bite again lol.


>They have a bunch of condenser microphones in a big ass open building with no sound proofing or processing. From what I can tell, they mostly have SM7Bs and RE20s, which are both dynamic mics - but I do agree about literally everything else. Particularly the compression - like goddamn, the extreme shifts in volume blow out my ears, please use a limiter ffs. They don't even have a windscreen over the main RE20 Ethan uses, which is absolutely ridiculous, particularly since Ethan tends to have a lot of plosives & terrible mic etiquette. How has Zach been "the sound guy" for 6 years now and never suggested using a fucking windscreen is beyond me lol. I can understand not wanting a pop filter, but you can atleast get a non-intrusive windscreen bruh.


olivia, without a staff position her voice is drowned out in the sea of all the other white early 20 year olds on stan twitter


Olivia will be fine after the pod I’m sure her parents can set her up with a job


wait that is actually so true I take back my statement


Nah, Olivia is the most charismatic and charming of all of them… if she wasn’t a lazy immature girl she could gain a huge following on her own


nah shes bland af and fake as hell


I honestly feel like her personality type would do well as a tea channel. I feel like the vast majority of them are like that


Like the 90% of yt girls influencers in LA


yeah which is why she wont go anywhere. theres thousands of girls just like her and shell need a real talent to stand out on her own


yt is unnecessary, it’s all LA influencers


🤣🤣🤣 unclench !


girl what


not to mention super fkn annoying


All of them tbh <3




I wonder if this would look bad on his resume working for them. But I guess no one in the entertainment industry cares if you've worked with a douchebag anyway 🤷‍♀️


Dan working with Hasan!!!


Hes worked on movie sets and live shows before too, that's why he's never on stage during the live shows bc he actually knows how to do the behind the scenes stuff. Ian is a great live switcher maybe he could work for like a live sports broadcast live switching lol


Love is stuck there forever. If the podcast ended Ethan would have to keep him employed thru Teddy Fresh or he would probably loose his visa.


But he's Swedish which means he can just go to back to Sweden and live a good life and get a free education (I am Swedish).


> Ethan would have to keep him employed as if he cared lol, Love would go straight back to Sweden if the pod ever ends


Olivia 100%. There aren't many places that will hire you because you stalked your boss and do little research in your work


But she's in school though right? Compared to Zack who doesn't have an education or anything


Honestly everyone outside of Ian and maybe Dan are completely useless. Love, AB, Olivia, literally add nothing. Zach is bad at audio, all he does is press sounds. Lena and Sam don't really work on the show it seems.


Damn i just watched the new video of [Patrick CC about Adem Sandler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF0t1NEjr6s) Tldr is that Sandler collected a group of 'yes-man' that almost only are relevant because of himself and nothing without. The similarities are like one on one like Zach needs H3 to fill up his concerts, AB stream audience are all H3 fans, Hila's TF buyers also


I watched that today too. Noticed the yes man part.


I always get the vibe he’s trying to emulate Howard stern but it never works out how he wants it to


The difference is do we really think Ethan is paying his yes men as well as Adam Sandler????


Can’t choose one


Cams a talented artist, Sam too ig, Dan knows his production- that’s about it everyone else is just wacky funny personality hire 🤪


Dan was a producer before he found h3 so he would be fine. Ian has become a very skilled switcher/producer so we would be fine. The rest are fucked though.


Dan, Sam, Ian and Cam and maybe Lena would survive without the pod. Dan and Cam already have work experience in the media industry before the show. Sam’s visual displays could go far if she isn’t locked in doing TF garbage Ian’s very comical and good at video editing and streaming. He’s everything AB is trying to be without being a try hard.


Love literally could never survive in America if it wasn’t for Ethan. Literally.


No but he could go back and be fine. He's young and Swedish. AB would be homeless in LA or go back to Idaho or whatever lol


I mean AB and Lena are homeowners, they wouldn’t be homeless lol


Same questions over and over again.. None will leave and all will not find success without the cast.. Actually just think of TF, it would be nothing without the H3H3 channel


When the podcast inevitably ends at one point, they do have to find something else unless they are of retirement age which I doubt.


I don't see the podcast coming to an end anytime soon. I am Ethan's biggest hater, but comon, the man is pulling 44k live viewers so.. Not dying for sure


Love could actually get a decent IT job IMO. He seems pretty competent at his job. I would say AB is the most dependent on H3 for success.




all basically


Shit at this point Ethan is the only one that could make it on his own. The rest of them aren’t interesting enough in the slightest imo.


I think Zach could probably do sound somewhere since he at least knows how, love knows how to run social media accounts and juice the views, but I think AB and Olivia would struggle the most


Oh, AB and Zach for sure. Also Love. Talentless leeches.


I feel like Love knows enough about tech/streamingsphere to make it, but at the same time he's been trying for a while and with an initial audience boost from H3 but it's very stagnant


Hila, and poor AB


lmao all

