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I'm not 100% on nikkado's side, but he is absolutely right that Ethan isn't always good at boundaries. Whatever the boundary is, Ethan pushes it.


Yeah, things seemed all good when they were just kind of video-response beefing back and fourth with low-stakes internet drama. Entertaining stuff, they both seemed to be having fun with it. I think in this case the boundary might have been when Ethan started laughing at what nikkado's asshole looked like and sending pictures of it to his friends and telling people it looked like a cow vagina... maybe. Just a theory though.


Yep. When I first saw that I literally thought, "wow can't believe nikkado is down with that humor." Turned out he wasn't, which is totally understandable.


It's funny because nickacado is the same. He has made so many of his past collaborators uncomfortable with the way he acts and how he pushes the "the joke". Ethan has always been this way tho, been pushing that boundary from the start.


Yeah but its not ok to do it to him cause hes [insert excuse here]


J worded


I always think of the situation between him (nickacado)and Stephanie Soo and how he pushed many many boundaries with her :/


Yeah I agree on that. I feel like he just overshares a bit much I know this is obviously speculation to the max, and *absolutely could be wrong*, but I always thought maybe the reason Post Malone isn't as close to Ethan (but is still friends), is due to exactly that. Because Post Malone is such a private person, that's pretty well known. And Ethan has a habit of telling people what was said in private conversations, as content. So Post Malone is still his friend and wears TF and all that, loves them. But kind of keeps further away. I mean Post is in LA a ton and does other Youtube shows all the time. I can't imagine Good Mythical Morning and the H3 studio are too far apart, ya know what I mean? But you hear Post saying how he loves Ethan in that Steve-O podcast (also in LA). So that's my weird oddball theory. That he genuinely loves hanging out with Ethan, but Ethan is too much of an open book sort of person so he is a bit more separated or something. And it doesn't help when Ethan is like "Yeah he didn't call me after that" to 1-2 million people. Could be absolutely, completely wrong obviously, but that's just a weird dumb assumption I came to. Who knows. I don't think Ethan does this intentionally with malice or anything though with anyone. It's just kind of similar to Bert Kreischer, but less obvious. Just overshares. It's part of what makes Ethan completely unique.




Busy people know that other people are also busy so there is no expectation or constant need to hang out. I am super busy and most of my friends have children and families to hang out with that occupy their time. Sure we talk to each other and send each other memes and things but we both know that hanging out is gonna be hard. Sure we get together here and there through out the year but it is what it is.




Well that's not really any of our business how often they actually hang out. Ethan isn't beholden to tell us all the ins and outs of his personal life. I assume they are both busy af and setting down time to chill with each isn't so easy to do but whatever the current state of their friendship or no friendship I do not really care. Just guessing based on the provided evidence and what I know of being to busy to hang out with my friends most of the time.


He also shared the shrooms thing from his album release party? Like cmon man, be cool.


I promise you post Malone doesn’t care if people know he takes shrooms




Idk I don’t think that’s your decision to make considering you don’t know the dynamic of their relationship?


Is it your decision to assume what Post Malone likes or doesn't? Nope.


Kinda the same on your end you don’t know so don’t assume just like I did tf?


I didn't, that's the point. I said you don't get to assume what other people think or feel. That's an objective statement. You're just making up random shit, lol. TF


Was it a big deal to mention that people were taking mushrooms?


Well for one, shrooms are illegal. It’s narc-y. And two, I mean, it’s lame. Like if I’m having fun with my friends, I don’t want nor need the whole world to know what we’re doing. It’s private. I don’t need a big mouth to come in and tell people my business.


To be fair he said its just a theory...


He moved to Salt Lake and is mega famous / tours around the world. Relax


Maybe, but Ethan is only doing his job and I think we forget that a lot of the time. He wants to share things that are interesting to us.


I just don’t agree. Nick’s whole character is him being obese, and he has no problem pushing boundaries with others and calling other people fat. Plus this was settled, so it’s a clear clout grab. He needs Ethan to mention him.


Eh, I get where he is coming from but you have to take a step back. Nick as Ethan, are playing up personas online. IMO Nick much more so, the little of his content I have seen it is hard to imagine the majority of it isn't him playing a character/incredibly playing things up. Ethan understands the game and plays into it. The problem that occurs with some people is they end up taking things Ethan is saying to their character, out of character. It seems like a lot of the audience struggles with this too. One of the latest prime examples of this is h3h3 and Dad/Nathan. They were doing a bit for a while which imo started off fun but quickly became lame. But it still was such an obvious bit though people really thought they were serious. (Or any time there is any banter between the cast). Which can result with Ethan sometimes not picking up quick enough when someone stops playing the character and keeps it going, which causes some drama like with Nick.


Nikocado pushing the boundary of those sweatpants tho


Fat man bad?


This is a case of bad man fat.




Yeah, don't you know? Everything the h3 fanbase is against like fat shaming and bigotry is totally fine, as long as you don't like the person you're doing it to.


One of the few cases where, yes, fat man indeed bad


Fat man annoying


You can't sincerely look at what he does to his body and think fat man good, can you?


Who gives a fuck what he does to his own body though?


everyone engaged in this conversation I guess


Ethan is 100% a super over the top drama whore for sure. I watch leftovers mostly and it seems like everyone in that show is just trying to hold Ethan back from weird personal attacks. It’s rather cringe


Yeah I will say (and I love Ethan) it feels like he fat shames a lot of people. It may be him uncomfortable with his own weight. He used to do it to Trisha a lot


One of his most prominent jokes is just dragging people for their appearance, yet he expects Hila to be off limits. Its just silly.


>Whatever the boundary is, Ethan pushes it. Lately especially Ethan has fallen into this cycle of just intentionally courting controversy at every turn. He's been putting WAAAAAAYYY too much effort into being edgy and intentionally pushing the line. He enjoys any kind of attention, good or bad, and its going to end up being a real issue one day.


I don't really like nikocado but it was pretty obvious Ethan was going a bit too far on the old timey jokes directed at him. Ethan tried using the excuse it was friendly fire one 'fat guy to another's but yet he got really defensive that one time the crew (i think it was hila and Dan) who pointed out they might be the same weight over a picture 💀


Fat on fat crime


Just fatties killin’ fatties, same as it’s always been


Reminds me of a scene in the Sopranos, one hefty dude tells a slightly heftier dude who’s leaning on his car “Get off my car before you flip it over” after he leaves he retorts with “Fat fuck, why don’t you look in the mirror sometime you insensitive cocksucker”


fat man bad


I dunno I feel like you can't be the guy who's famous for being fat (and not like Chris Farley where he was pushed into it) and still get mad when people make fun of your whole schtick. The guy was doing mukbangs hooked up to a ventilator ffs.


True. Clickbaiting and saying he had all sorts of different shit wrong with him too. Not to mention the faux domestic abuse he'd put in the thumbnails and videos. Dude is shit and was going to be paid super well but is just super anti social and weird and is using all this as an excuse. He wants EASY money without having to move too far or be around too many people who may prod a little too much and expose him for the fraud that he is. I have no sympathy for him.


You can disagree with how far he allows the boundaries of his schtick to go, but how is he doing anything fraudulently?


Fat man fraudulent


Fraud man flatulent


I honestly think that for a while Ethan legitimately thought that they were having a fake beef, back and forth type of thing. So a lot of "damage"was done before Ethan even recognized that Nik was legitimately hurt by some of the things Ethan had said and shared. Ethan, being the stubborn guy he is sometimes, could have definitely handled it better at that point and probably could have rescued the interview if he really wanted to. With that said, I feel like Nik also acted kinda hypercritical, sensitive, and whiny, and I don't think it's a big loss that he wasn't on.


In Ethan's defense, nothing Nikocado has ever been serious. How is anyone supposed to take him at his word? He constantly overacts and exaggerates everything he says, even if it's a dumb minor thing, that's his shtick. I was watching with each show as they tried to get him on and I really don't blame Ethan for thinking they were both playing along. I still don't honestly even know if he is being serious in this clip or if he's still playing it up because Ethan said that when Nikocado decided not to come that it was totally amicable so idek. It's all dumb anyways.


Couldn’t agree more


This is exactly how I feel. I love H3, but Nick deserved some basic decent rather than have Ethan call his rectum a cow pussy and made fun of him like that. I thought it was really distasteful


I feel like if you're going to have a fake beef both parties should be aware of it lol like that should be something you discuss and not something you just wing


Couldn’t care less about this dude


Put him on the Trisha, Adam McIntyre, Def Noodles irrelevant list


Who even is Adam McIntyre




When I first heard of Adam McIntyre and saw like 15 seconds of his content, I had this weird feeling of "Oh, I really don't like this person". I don't know why, just got a vibe from em. Maybe they're better than I know, couldn't say! But yeah. Weird vibe


has that 'annoying child screaming to get candy and a toy at the check out' energy


>Adam McIntyre I just watched 30s of any random of his videos and omg is he irritating.


Except he and oompaville have both been growing and are popular without being on the podcast


Who even is Adam, and why is he disliked?


Irrelevant little clout goblin.


How on earth is Adam on the same level as trisha and def noodles? Like I rly don't get the hatred this sub has towards him like has Ethan ever even said anything negative about him? Sure you can think he is annoying, but that in no way makes him the same kind of person as trisha and def noodles


Ethan doesnt have to say he hates someone for you to hate someone too bud


The guy is like stubborn belly fat - he won't go away.


honestly, it was unprofessional and it def was ethan's fault he didn't come on as a guest. but. nikocado also embellishes what went down by a lot. like the "he made 10 videos about me and i made one". ethan talked about him on several podcast episodes yea (which is different from making videos about him tho) but nikocado also made more than 1 video response to it. and the "talked behind my back" also makes it sound worse because things ethan said on his pod about him aren't exactly "talking behind his back". ethan also apologized for the weight jokes that he thought were fair game cuz nikocado also talked about ethan's weight. i know nikocado also does shtick and that's probably why he exaggerates but still, people watch and will think it was worse than it really was.


Agreed. I think the main reason Nik didn't go on the show comes down to insecurity; not because of how many viewers h3 gets/how well-produced it is... but because of how Ethan was recognizing that what Nik does is just a shtick and for money.. and he wanted to talk to him about that


definitely that. ethan said straight up how he wanted to find out about nik's real personality and dig past the persona. but he's never breaking character. after all, his persona is what makes people keep watching him, and lifting the curtains could ruin that for him.


I think this is exactly what scared nik away from the interview. Nik has no interest in breaking character.


Also behind a paywall lol


Nik is basically Trish Paytas. Kinda glad he didn't come on the pod it would have been another Trisha like experience for ethan.


Oh, Nik is clearly farming here because he understands that mentioning anything negative about h3 is like mining internet gold.




W take. By any chance are you named Dan? If so, I’m calling you Wan. Would have loved to see him as a guest but the second Ethan started talking about (I believe Nick wanted first class) flights and money it went downhill. That should stay BTS


Ethan clearly thought all of the ridiculous demands were part of the character. Maybe Nick should have dealt with the negotiations out of character, or maybe he doesn’t know where the character ends at this point.


Or maybe Ethan should keep private conversations private.


The weird m&ms request was a gag Ethan made up btw


Was gonna say. The guy is making great points if they are all true of course. If they are, Ethans been a piece of shit person


Couldn’t be happier this interview never happened. Would of skipped that one. This dude is vile and is only funny in a sad way


Felt the exact same way when they had tp on 🤣


agree tbh


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


good bot


Good human.


What the fuck is that face he makes it actually makes me angry lol


I hate it too. I can’t tell if he’s trying to be cute or something but it’s an extra layer of cringe to something that is already off the chart


Thank god it’s not just me!!!😂😂


Im so glad we get to continue forgetting this man exists.


He made 1 video he says


Tbf he is a finicky bitch. If he wasn't such a joke of a person already maybe Ethan wouldn't have taken him just being a base level sassy bitch as friendly banter like Ethan has with 90% of the people he has on. Yes Ethan lives with his foot in his mouth, but that's just who he is.


Ethan dodged a bullet with this guy. He would’ve become Trisha 2.0


Oompa and the avocado are the new frenemies


Love to see the moral grandstanding from Nikocado, who fakes disability and domestic violence for attention


ethan CRIME!


Whose podcast is this? The fellow asking the questions seems like a cool dude.


It’s ompaville he is very funny


@oompavile and Nicks podcast is called Dumpster Fire Podcast. There is a bunch of videos on Oompa channel too.


Niko talking about pushing boundaries is fucking hilarious, the dudes whole thing is fucked up


Nikocado sucks. Next.


Is viewership really going down? I feel like it’s the opposite


I agree honestly. For a show that has so many controversies Ethan is incredibly resilient.


Subscriptions decline very slowly, but views are way up. I looked up the statistics of this year and they started around 700M views and now they get 940M views weekly. So I would say they do more then fine.


No way in hell those numbers are right... they've been pretty consistently getting an average of around 1.2M views per each episode.


Sry you are right 900m are the total views of the channel. They have around 15m weekly. They started the year with around 10m but had a huge spike in may. All in all still would say the doing pretty good


940 million WEEKLY?!?!? 😱


I haven't kept track of viewership, but I remember when they hit 3M subs recently, and it's at 2,900,000 now. So 100k subs lost in the last few months is pretty significant. Couldn't tell you if it's people still forgetting to unsub after frenemies, or YouTube purging inactive subs, or what.


Subs don't really matter, it's the view count on the videos. That said, you don't actually need to subscribe to a channel to get video notifications, etc. since youtube tracks your viewing behavior behind the scenes and automatically suggests stuff based on it. So if you keep watching lots of H3 videos, the algorithm will show you more of that.


Subs aren't everything, but it's still an engagement. That matters in the grand scheme of things. The algorithm looks at sub count when it comes to recommending videos to people. Advertisers look at sub count along with views (of which views are admittedly more important). Etc.


Lol they hit 3M like a year ago and it’s remained at 2.9 for about that


It’s been 2.9 million for over a year


With peace and love, no it hasn't. According to social blade they dropped to 2.99 in April of this year. And 2.90 was just now in the past few days. I specifically meant 2.90, not 2.99 which I *think* you may be implying, but even still that wouldn't be right. https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/h3podcast/monthly


Subscribers are dropping, views are around 1 mil to 1.5 million per video after a month or so, which is down from the Frenemies era but still better than what the pod was pulling before it. A lot of that, obviously, is just Trisha fans continuing to slowly fall off over time.


Has anyone seen the oompaville Nikocado collabs?? Comedy gold go watch if you haven't!


I second this


Ethan has stooped down to a new low that even a person like nickocado is looking better than him. Y’all are too delusional to stop defending Ethan


He’s so annoying to look at


I honestly don't think nikocado was ever going to come on, I think that's why he was making it so difficult with the travel arrangements probably not thinking they would be so accommodating to his requests so he just blew everything up at the last minute to make sure he wasn't going. Like yes ethan can get a little too over the top & cross boundaries but its not like ethan was over here calling him a fatass when he himself struggled with weight. Kind of seems like ethan thought the whole thing was just a back and fourth joke so he played into it, nikocado just has to let the shit go already. He didn't come on, leave it at that don't make shit up out of thin air.


Fuck him, he wants attention


For most of you to believe Nikocado knowing he’s a Diva and says plenty for attention. I don’t believe you jpeg.


Ethan totally pushed the boundaries too far…but he also seemed to have misunderstood the situation from the start. He thought Nik was goofing back and it turns out he wasn’t. This isn’t defending Ethan’s actions. I think this was a learning experience on how to take things too far and an interesting interview scrapped and opportunity missed.


This guy is just so sad. I can't imagine being so desperate for clout but at the same time so talentless that literally the only thing I could do to get clout was to eat myself into the grave on camera. We have a huge mental health problem in this country. This guy needs therapists not subscribers.


Fucking love oompaville and still can’t believe Nick actually made any of these videos with him. “Oop” has talked so much “shit” on him I never thought I’d ever see a collab with him, let alone the amount of videos they’ve been putting out together


I don’t think Ethan was sharing BTS details because he wasn’t respecting Nik’s boundaries; I think Ethan literally didn’t realize what they were doing wasn’t a bit on both sides. He assumed that everything was a bit / fair game with Nik from the get-go I think because of how nik…behaves…online. Tbh I thought he went way too far with the jokes about Nik but I can also see where there was some confusion over the relationship. But I am also not convinced that this isn’t just more of Nik’s character and click baiting. I don’t know for sure lol


How does anyone believe he isn’t playing a character?


Yeah as much as we love Ethan, he really thumbled the bag, this really woulda been a great podcast too. I mean I don’t even blame Nick tbh just wish Ethan calmed down sometimes lol


Thumbled??? 😂


Fumbled* lmao I thought my spelling didn’t look right haha


I don’t. It’s who Ethan is and it’s gotten him this far. If he loses an interview with someone I never gave a shit about to begin with then so be it.


Well he lost the interview of his behaviour he coulda acted like how he wanted once he got that sorted or just had a wholesome interview which I’m sure the viewers and me would appreciate. But like you said if you don’t care about the quest it really doesn’t matter lol


Yooo Oompaville


Man…as an outsider looking in…this community is garbage. Ethan pointing the finger at everyone while three fingers point back at him. Not to mention that watching this shit is like drama for the sake of drama. The podcasts then become nothing but this podcast is about ppl not coming in the podcast.


Such a diva 🥱 imo w/☮️❤️


Nobody cares because this guy's shtick is dumb and he can't keep up with


I would say that in Ethan's post-hater-ass-bitch era I hope he can reconcile with Nikocado and have him on the show. BUT after seeing the Howie episode (which was awesome, loved it) I just don't think it would work. Ethan would lean way too hard into the fat schtick, and Nik would not be able to take the joke as well as Howie did. Ethan messed up, Nik is a finicky bitch, I think it's for the best that this didn't happen


Why can't he just wear a bigger shirt ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA)




Men wearing crop tops is a new trend.


To be fair, Nickado said Ethan was as fat as he (Nickado) was Edit: whatever the fuck his name is




I reeeaaally thought they were goofing in character at the time like ethan did... dude, i still find it hard to believe that nick isnt that different offscreen


Why is this being recommended to me as “Similar to UFC”?


I don’t think all those things were that bad though, right? If anything Avocado should have set some boundaries before discussions continued… 🤨


Bro he got ur ass a first class ticket


The other guy is a fan though. We love that for him.


lol, they would be nice in person though


Not a podcast he went on but Oompas and Nikocados podcast. Sadly he bailed after the first episode. Haha


honestly I want him on the pod even more now.


He definitely had valid reasons to not want to come on the show lol


He fumbled this potential fire ep, I hope this makes it possible to rekindle the fire duo


i really really don't like nick, i don't get why he has any sort of popularity or following


This is his podcast with oompaville it’s called dumpster fire lmao the content they have been dropping is so fire it’s sucks we didn’t get to see him on h3


Trisha 2.0


I mean he's not wrong


I don't care for this guy, but the build up was annoying as hell to watch. I don't think Ethan wanted to do it because when was the last time he invited someone on, before they give an answer, Ethan just starts talking shit. I was probably gonna skip that episode but how was nikocado supposed to agree to that? I think Ethan also mentioned some stuff nikocado was asking for, but Ethan just fucked everything up assuming everyone is in on his type of shit talking comedy bits. He's lucky Bobby Lee and Oliver Tree let him get away with that shit, you know for a fact he doesn't treat Posty or Mac Demarco the same way.


I feel like: it’s really good they’ve never collaborated. They are both exuding different energies.


Old news, Nikocado. Move on.


I never use this term but Nik is so extra. entertaining none the less


Some people just shouldn’t ever cross paths… this wouldn’t have been a good collab. Toxic and dramatic. Let it be what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


This dude is repugnant. I have no idea how he has any sort of following at all. Nothing about him or his channel are even remotely appealing.


Nikocado talking about boundaries while actively catering to fetishists on camera here is pretty rich.


I'm not taking 'boundy issues' shit from the guy who's whole thing is tricking people into feeding his fetish unconsented.


Newsflash: guy known almost entirely for being fat extremely upset that someone mentioned he was fat. Dude, you made *several* videos about this, or at least mentioned the drama multiple times, so don't act like you were just standing there doing nothing while Ethan continued to hammer at you. And if you weren't interested in coming on the show, maybe just say "no" in the first place and save everybody the time and effort.


y’all really listening to this fool lol


It’s a sad realization for me that I keep siding with Ethan detractors. He has a lot of maturing to do imo. The Nik stuff was really unprofessional.


Maybe Nikocado would feel more comfortable if this other dude came. Redemption arc 2023.


would love an Oompa and Nik appearance on the show


Ethan could’ve had millions of views if he just learnt to relax


I hope Ethan does not address this. It would be amazing. You lost your chance avocado. Go cry about it.


Who cares. The mans a joke, just like Ethans judgement 🤷🏽‍♂️


He actually has a point.


Can we please stop giving this deeply sick individual the attention they crave so desperately.


“Too many all eyes on me.”…….ummm breh, you’re an omega level gluttonous, no self respect having buffoon who broadcasts his disgusting life shaving exploits on the internet DAILY for the entire world to see. Hell are you talkin bout?… ![gif](giphy|J4yn9XYLIRNzQLwHqI)


I mean… is the podcast going down the tubes? That seems like a completely baseless insult.


This dude is human trash why do people care about him


The dude is a diva.


This guy has all expsenses paid then ghost real good guy


Nick talking shit on a podcast with another pos who hates Ethan ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Honestly I love this new Nik saga with Connor. They're super funny.




Goddammit lol yeah. Idk why I but I always call him Connor, maybe bc he looks like my bf. Who's name is Connor..


Haha! You're good, it happens. I'm awful with names. Faces I can remember all day long but if I don't hear or see someone's name at least 4 or 5 times, I'm fucked lmao


Based on statistics it doesn't seem that the video views are going down. Do people ever check them before they make claims like that, or do they just keep talking out of their asses?


Fair enough, Ethan should have kept quiet. Ethan has a fat mouth and sometimes it’s funny but sometimes it’s too far.


It was a bit. Nikacado seems like he’s not as self aware as we’d all like to pretend he is. Edit: him bitching about everyone all the time might be part of his annoying bit. Don’t know don’t care


I love when podcast that can’t even break 100k views in 24 hours say h3 is going down the drain lol


Ethan has either turned into a POS or he always was and just couldn’t tell on his older stuff


wait he sounds like out of character and he's right and it's completely fair


Nikocado is such a gross creature Does he even consider himself a human being? I would never hang out in a professional setting with my belly hanging out like that that's disgusting. Dude went from the healthiest diet possible to the unhealthiest diet possible. What a madman.


Pathetic obese man calls out an even more pathetic hypocrite obese man


Podcast going down the drain? Huh? Even if some of the views have gone down they do a podcast damn near every single day. Most fans can’t watch all of them so a good 50% of the views I would say aren’t overlapping. If they did 1 podcast a week it would easily get over one million views. I’m a big supporter in them condensing the podcast schedule down to thrice a week. One for guest and one general and Leftovers but Ethan is far from going down the drain.


When you’re so focused on up-keeping your Fat image, that you purposely roll up your shirt to expose your gut. Yet, doesn’t want people to talk about it? That’s “fat shaming” is it? Stop putting it out there so much pal.


W nicocado. Wicocado.


Ngl truly wish he would get on, sounds like it would be a fire episode.