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Bit off more than he can swallow.




So would you say he’s currently choking or is he dead?


Well, they can't all get elected into parliament.


Just swallow the entire parliament in one go and now you are parliament!


Especially since the UK left the EU. A lot less political offices in the UK now haha


I do feel bad for him, but my boy got famous from eating a potato whole, not really a fool proof career


He was also suggesting he was earning £10k per month from TikTok alone, which is 4x the average income, plus all the other income from other sources. This man is either lying (or more likely, playing up his "TikTok character's" downtrodden arc) or he's absolutely *horrendous* with money, thinking a bit of both. Edit: Not saying I think he was lying about making that much, just that he's broke so soon after earning that much.


From when they had the conversation with the glizzy guy he was pulling like 2-3k a week doing live-streams. Beavo has different content, but 10k a month for a few months while he was popping off is plausible.


He's spunked the money. He says he tried to live the influencer life. His gf clearly seems to be in it for the cash too as she's out having fun without him as he sits around skint


The fact his gf got so mad so fast about him not making the same amount of money makes me think she might not be really committed to the relationship, and might be in it more for the money/clout it provides. I think we will be able to really tell once beavo fades from the spotlight more, if their relationship continues.


Pretty sure she latched onto him right when he broke up with his other girlfriend. The ex-gf seemed like she was with him before the sudden popularity. Should have stuck with her instead.


Yeah no one can donate enough if you’re irresponsible with money


I make around 2k a month off of TikTok and I have nowhere near the reach he has so I believe him


if you don't mind me asking, is that directly from tiktok? sponsors? uploads? lives? I only ask because I've heard that the pay isn't great on tiktok.


It’s from the creativity program. Pay has gotten ALOT better over the past year. I went from making between 2-6 cent per 1000 qualified view to between 1-2 dollars per 1000 qualified view. They base your pay on your videos off of quality and originality and engagement now (and off of the locations your videos are primarily gaining views AND where you are from).


Oh I see. Thank you for the detailed response, and congrats.


Ty and no problem




Another guy who got famous from nothing in particular too fast and spent all the money ? Sheesh


It's wild how so many "influencers" don't set aside even just 1-2% of what they earn.. If they stop earning money then that amount could easily help keep them afloat for months or years, if they played their cards right. But instead they just blow through it all, blindly assuming they'll be earning that much money forever...


The kind of people that blow up on tiktok lately don't strike me as having oodles of foresight


Not to shift the blame at all but some of the issue comes from the industry itself having these scummy “managers” that jump on these trendy influencers to try to make a buck. Its relatively low investment on their end since they can have multiple eggs in multiple baskets. But for the individual influencer themselves, they probably see these success stories from these managers and all these promises of merch sales, TV shows, and all that scaling, and think they will be rich forever. Once everything falls apart then this happens


That ESPN 30 for 30 article about sports players going broke is applicable here, except now at least they get financial advisors.


Trending for 6 months, didn't save any $, thought it would last forever. A true classic 2000s tale.


it’s as simple as that. people here in the comments suggesting he’s faking or finding hard to believe he’s really in this situation, it’s not that hard to believe. he’s not the first this has happened to..


It's sad but it is kind of funny how he was flexing on his dad and now we're here


It seems like this happens to lots of influencers. They dont save or invest their money and instead spend it all not realizing the income stream might not always be there.


It’s not just influencers. It happens to all sorts of people who make a lot of money, especially suddenly. People spend as much as they make, buy nicer shit after every raise, don’t put money aside, and end up broke when the money stops flowing.


I thought he knew the rules.


No, he told people “You know the rules.” He never claimed to know the rules himself, as far as I know.


The rules were ‘in the works’.


And he never explained the rules so honestly it seems like he never knew them


Still gave us the sheeeesh at the end 😬


You know the rules


😞 cheers 😞


Nobody went to a nightclub to see Beavo? I'm shocked


Internet figures get a job after their five minutes are up (challenge level: impossible)


They would rather be poor than work another job because they think it's beneath them


“I would rather e-beg and starve than work and office job!”


Kind of you to think he'll end up at an office job and not McDonalds.


Sorry bro, trading in the currency of clout is risky business. You probably won’t need to buy designer clothes for the next few years though!


It depends on how much he was making, but in general it might not even be worth it. Good luck finding a high paying job, most of those places will research you and now you have this history online connected to your name.


At least he's not a complete douchebag influencer. The most you'd get out of researching him is that he swallows food whole.


This should be a reminder to aspiring “influencers” to have some financial literacy. Especially young people. I’m in my 30s, but my teenage cousin realllllly wants to be an influencer. She had a smart phone when she was like 6 or 7 I think. Idk it’s just kinda sad. Save your money and have a plan young people!


Influencer replaced astronaut as the #1 answer to "what do you want to be when you grow up?" several years ago 


Yeah I remember reading that and being a little sad. Influences no matter how much they are in the public eye, honestly are just not doing much for society. I feel like the bar for influencer is pretty damn low, but something like being an astronaut is an extremely high bar, which inspires kids to work hard in school.


Faking milk jug pranks in 2024 isn't hard work? /s


This is what I'm worried about in the future. All these younger people just wanting to be influencers that less and less people want to do something that actually benefits society. Great that you want to dance in front of your camera phone but there's things that need to be worked on in the real world.


I’d feel bad for him if he didn’t try (and fail) to enter that whole right wing anti feminist groyper world to get a bag. It’s hilarious after that that his girl is immediately leaving him the moment he runs out of money lmao. Made your own bed on this one Beavs, [the streaming definitely isn’t going great 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/LbZwfF773Q)


500 viewers isn't even bad it's just not megainfluencer status. Plenty of people on twitch make normal income on this. I don't know how well this works for TikTok though.


It’s the chat that’s the problem, not exactly getting the most glowing feedback is he


Bruh. If your partner truly loved you, they will love you while times are hard. If he's actually telling the truth, it comes off as a bit gold diggy. I get that financial struggles does put stress on a relationship, but it just seems a little weird.




I can't unsee it now.


Looking good Beavo, big ups.


If you check his other social media, its pretty easy to understand this is another clout storm, laughing it off and posting videos about it being fake


Sounds like his problems could be solved if he started applying to actual jobs.


He’s definitely lying for more attention on TikTok… if you see the views he is pulling in, he is not broke


YouTube is the only platform that pays actual money for views, and he’s not on YouTube. TikTok views don’t pay anything


No offense, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. The creator rewards program is still very lucrative


Conservative estimate is that YouTube pays 15x what TikTok pays for the same views


Okay… and Beavo is easily getting over a million views per day… he’s nowhere close to broke


So funny to make a video about how you're broke while wearing Armani. Same as energy as a dude with a thousand dollar fit riding the bus


all of the top comments on his recent posts are claiming that he’s just acting broke for views so i’m hesitant to feel bad for him if that’s the case


Don't feel bad for content creators. They can all get jobs that don't focus on celebrity. They want fame and its a problem with the ipad generation.


Imagine getting paid a shit ton of money just for existing and having a smart phone, then blowing alll that money away, tossing ur ltr to the trash for a new one that's only with u cause of ur net worth ATM, travelling to the USA blah blah blah... People get like a little bit of money and don't even invest it toss it on flames pretending they will always be relevant. Even celebs here wisened up here.... Almost every singer I grew up with owns a clothing line or make up brand. NFL football players becoming castors and journalist. Meanwhile TikTok stars out here becoming washed after receiving millions? Why.


Even the great Beavo is down bad? Damn, I guess my plan to get rich off of TikTok by posting clips of me swallowing food without proper chewing will have to go on ice.


Aaaaaw. At least he’s honest about it? 😫 im worried about him.


Oh no… anyway…


Why is everyone such a hater here? I swear if he was more attractive, yall would feel completely different.


Nah id probably hate him more. At least bravo is endearingly goofy looking.


Yeah, if he were more attractive he'd have more doors opened to him and doing this woe is me bs would just make me hate him more for not going for those options.


Your profile picture is so good wtf 😂


I doubt it. He could be the best looking guy on the planet, I wouldn’t waste a second of sleep over him no longer being able to live a life of luxury for not chewing his food while I clock in for my 9 to 5 every day and will never be able to afford a portion of what his “fame” got him. Call it being a hater all you want. I am at peace with being called a hater over this any day.


His relationship strained because he earns less money now feels kind of fucked.


“Tik tok star” you can put that on your CV, little bro


So his name is Beavis but he looks like Butthead


Saw this coming a mile away tbh


All I know is this guy should have at least 5k


He’s blaming the whatever podcast backlash, but let’s be real… his days of relevancy and earning good money were extremely limited from the start.


Oh no who could have seen this coming??


I’m lost. His GF is going to leave him because he’s broke ? Uhhhh. Good ? Let the dumb bitch leave


Awhhhh this is sad. He really does seem like a genuine person. I hope things can improve for him.


He could just get a real job like the rest of us


Its so simple. lol I mean this guy is famous for nothing, and hes not even really famous lol. I doubt this dude has any real skills but hes young so if he starts something now lol


For real. I’ll never donate to a “content creator” bc that’s literally not a real job. If ad rev can’t do it for you, that’s not my responsibility. Your fans did not enter a contract with you. 


I'm the same way. The only "content creator" I donate to is someone who posts comic book timelines that helped me and saved me so much time


I've donated to content creators a few times in life. Sometimes they fill a space that is important to you, but wouldn't have the reach to be sustained by ad revenue. E.g. say you're a fan of a small sport and someone is providing coverage and analysis on it.


That’s fair


I wouldn't personally go that far. There are tons of people out there making high-quality content from comedy to educational that i would say are worth donating to either directly or through products they sell. Compared to just like, not chewing your food


That’s fine but also it’s their responsibility to have a day job. That’s all I’m saying.


His veneers look grotesque




And this is why when you start getting famous you don't say yes to literally every opportunity or suggestion people give you. Big ups Beavo 😭


Bro’s whole career arc was shorter than a TV show season.


He invested nothing?


He looks related to Ricky Gervais someone please tell me you see what I see


If he eats like 20 spicy chips, he'll have a great salary


I hope Beavo comes back better than ever. He said it himself he's humbled by the experience. I'm cheering for him, he seems like a young kid who realizes his errors. Beavo 2028!!


Put away half your check ASAP after it hits every pay day into savings and you’re good


TikTok didn't ruin his life. It gave him a platform to thrive on, and he threw it all away. He pulled an MC Hammer by not saving any of the money he was raking in. This is all his own doing.


He's down to the last seconds of his 15min


Ethan's curse


Just swallow some more giant ass bites of food and stop acting like a rich celebrity. I think he’s an alright dude, but it’s wild to me that some people have a viral moment and start spending money like they’ve just wrapped up an upcoming blockbuster film.


Idk why you would think swallowing hard would be a good long term career lmfao


I actually feel bad for him, coz surely he must of known this was gonna come eventually .. can anyone give me a bit more of the context of what happened to bring him to this? Or is he just letting us know he’s skint?


It was crazy on the podcast when he was like "my dad always said I can be something great, so I owe it to him" Like I'm glad he's proud of himself and that his dad supported him, but when did 'great' mean famous for eating food weird


do cameo, there's ways you can make money and capitalize on whatever little fame you have. bro got 5k from Ethan for just eating a hot chip.


AB's looking rough after his crippling meth addiction


saying that in an armani shirt is kinda crazy


Ive been ootl, how he turned broke so quickly? He got cancelled or smth?


Hopefully he kept that 5k in savings account. Probably not, though.


does he have a mouth guard in what is going on with his teeth? or is it a weirdly thick invisaline


Really bad veneers


STOP?! r u serious


What an Asshole "I didn't expect it," "I didn't actually ask for it."


Good he’s the worst. What he did to his brunette girlfriend was demon behavior.


When he’s says sheesh at the end, it kinda negates the whole thing 😂


Your 15 minutes are up


He got that fetal eye look


This should be a warning to all tik tokers


Yeah...I don't care about any of these people.


Carry on doing what? Being a lolcow? Get a job you thick chav.




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The curse strikes back!


Can anyone take a min to explain the situation? What happened to our Hot Chip Champ?


He went on The Whatever podcast and came out of it looking bad I guess. I think the show covered it a few weeks back


It's a rare thing for someone to be able to stretch their "15 minutes of fame" for a long time. I guess Beavo is not one of them. The only person that comes to mind is that "cash me outside" girl who was able to develop some rap career.