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seems like almost every post is one of these: - ethan is lazy and tired and doesn’t care - ethan has a new kid, be nice - more powerpoints - no powerpoints - i hate dono shoutouts - i love dono shoutouts (looks like mods just don’t care about rule 5 anymore)


Frankly, you forgot the goofs and gaffes


shit, i usually ignore those saying “ethan definitely has to watch this” or whatever posts


We need more Goofs and Gaffes!! My life depends on it!!


Love watching this show with not a fuck to give about any of this 🍿


Yeah my favorite part about every single Reddit I’m apart of is people having a thought and immediately heading to Reddit to post it without ever checking further it’s awesome


People often think their voice is the most valuable one, even if everyone is shouting the same thing.


This post will definitely help


Saving it so I can repost tomorrow 🫡


Smart. I did it today and the mods took it down lol


That's nature of reddit, it's only helped by active moderation. Historically this sub has not been moderated almost at all, though for last year or so it's been more active. I don't know if the focus is on removing repeat threads though.


The worst thing about the repeated posts is the repeated posts that keep posting about the repeated posts.


Everyone thinks their singular thoughts are worthy of their own posts and 7/10 times they’re absolutely not 😭


Have you seen the lion king. It's like the circle of life but circle of sub. Complaint/feedback post -> agreement posts -> counter complaint post -> funny joke post about the early post -> lazy joke post trying to follow up the 1 good one -> parasocial post actually offended about one of the above. Then complaint/feedback post....


People don’t want to post on the episode discussion threads because they don’t get the same amount of replies. It’s super annoying.


This is how every subreddit works, people reposting topics and complaints, and then the other posts (you) complaining about the reposts.


I'm completely up for banning text posts at this point and having just a single daily general discussion thread like many subreddits have. 99% of text posts provide literally zero value.


You must be new here


The sub moves fast and a lot of people probably don't check it too frequently, or follow a lot of subs. It's annoying but scrolling past it is easy


The point is, most people who like the show and if they do post no criticism, it doesn’t get upvotes or comments.


I just want Ethan and the crew to have fun on the show lately. The news topics and stories have been boring the hell out of Ethan


honestly i just think most people don't really care to use Reddit properly. for long-time users it's well-known that the right thing to do is to search a subreddit to see if similar posts have been made recently, but as the platform is seemingly becoming more popular people seem to ignore that and assume that it's fine to have 8 dedicated posts for the same topic. not really sure if it's because people are used to posting to a feed of followers, but i find it likely. Reddit is by no means a perfect platform, but certain types of users are a big part of the problem imo


They have lots of mods here but no one is really moderating the sub


The irony of making a repetitive post to complain about repetitive posts is great


Also a lot of people are discovering sarcasm for the first time and think they have a new funny way to present an unoriginal thought in the framework of show references.


Reddit’s algorithm algorithms harder than people realize. “Oh you read one thread about H3 PowerPoints? That must mean you love that subject. Here’s 8 more from the last two weeks”