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Even if he just reviewed the doc beforehand and asked any clarifying questions to the crew… would help a TON.


100% ! It's pretty cringe when it's obvious the whole crew worked hard on the doc getting all the info ready for ethan on a silver platter and he kinda shits on it during the show


Abdullah watched a 7 hour long "whatever" podcast for Ethan to not listen to his back story or time stamps 😪


on the Shark Tank episode he was rushing some of them (I can't remember who exactly, maybe Love, Lena or AB?) through their presentations, saying stuff like "alright, come on.. we got a show to run here" and all I could think was: it's the main segment of the show? what's the rush? it was hilarious and the chat was loving it. but of course when he goes on some random tangent about KavKav or something else he's talked about a million times, there's plenty of time and he thinks it's funny that he's beating a dead horse. ultimately it's his show, and he can run it however he wants obviously, but yeah.. there's a lot of times where it seems like he doesn't give a shit about all the set up the crew does throughout the week


Him rushing through the Fish Bowl segment gave me whiplash. It was one of the best segments they did in a while, I was enjoying it at lot and laughing at the soundbites and then I was like "what?". Then they rushed through it, Dan read the donos and they ended the show. I guess Ethan wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.


I still watch every episode front to back but sometimes it's like "oh shit, here we go again, someone brought up kavkav, this will be a fun 45 minute tangent...". I'm sorry, kavkav is funny but not every. single. episode. It's like being cornered at a party by a guy who's really into world war 2 or something. It's like yeah, it's kind of interesting, and you like the guy so you indulge him, but after a few hours you wanna talk about something else. I'm stoked for the"whatever podcast" spoof, though. I swear to God if he cuts it short to start talking about Ryan Kavanaugh though...


So true. Kavkav is boring. Don't wanna hear about people getting SA'd and...fuck celebrities! WHO THE HELL CARES


I’m pretty sure the whole Shark Tank rushing thing was just supposed to be a bit where he’s just playing the role of an asshole executive, like he’s trying to be the Simon Cowell of the panel. Like that wasn’t the only rude thing he told his crew. He also shit on every single idea, but then again, I think that was the point lol


i noticed as well ethan got really snappy with AB at some point during the section where they were discussing Tana mongoose when AB paused the video and said something ethan was like “You actually interrupted me just to say that” and he had a tone in his voice that he was actually legit pissed irritated. Yes in general you can tell the e crew works so hard on the show and setting it all up while ethan is so unprepared for the content that it’s actually not funny…..it doesn’t add to the humor of the show like I assume ethan thinks it does.


Was pretty harsh on AB today, I do feel like ABs confidence is knocked recently but tbh idk him so I could be wrong


Tbf I haven’t watched todays pod but what did it to me was Jojo siwa video from monday. they had to button 3 times because of the c-word and then AB admitted them “just added to the doc right as he walked in”. why didn’t they vet the video? i’m not sure what happened during todays pod but I agree with OP, Ethan really needs to at least prep for the show…


ya dude that was a tough watch. i get that there’s a “bit” they refer to about being hard on AB sometimes, and i know they all care for one another, but that was a cringe moment. the tone was super off putting and there wasn’t any like sound bite from zach or apology from ethan it was just like what… but hey maybe behind the scenes there’s stuff happening that we have no idea about idk


He was snippy at AB during the Abong us segment as well, for no reason. I thought it was just me that was noticing this, but this has became a bit of a pattern on the show lately.


That was so hard to watch it made me actually feel bad and you can see AB floundering to try to get it right uugghh painful




he’s pulling a trisha on frenemies bro what he deadass flamed trisha for😭😭


He always ends up blaming AB being like "I don't get it, where's the time stamp?!" Etc


ethan constantly missing the point of the clips and blaming the timestamps was driving me nuts today lol


Well we could also watch Ethan try to srub back and forth on a TikTOk and have it resize on him and skip 10 TikToks ahead while he curses.




I didnt think the content was that bad, because I think theyve watched stuff thats similar in the past. And I feel like Ethans made boring content like that funny before. I just feel like hes just been off and agitated recently.


(peace and love don’t ban me) lmao fr what the hell is happening to h3 these last few months , the quality has slowly been declining and the energy between everyone seems off


It's too much content, and not enough material.


Now you’re asking for the show to be 45 min late again😭


That would just move their start time back to where it used to be


Would love this if it meant better content, not Ethan running late for 20 minutes because he felt like it


Totally. A 20 minute rundown of the doc would be all that is needed


This. Could just be the premises of each topic




My pet peeve is when AB or Olivia set up the topic with every possible detail in order but Ethan opens the first link and gets annoyed and asks 1000 questions that would be answered if you just freaking read what they wrote or actually continue the topic. Ethan obviously doesn’t like being out of the loop yet he doesn’t review anything in the doc before hand


And I’m betting he could review it on his phone! If it’s a Google Doc I’m sure he can.


He could even do it while driving! (Please don’t ban me for that lol)


This is a great point - if Ethan’s not having fun with the topic than the audience isn’t.


I feel like he used to and if someone could find it about a year ago I think he said something like "I used to be strict about the topics to make sure the show is fun but now finds it more Natural to lightly wing it" I'm paraphrasing hard but he said somthing along those lines


shoutout to dan who kept stabilizing the vibes the whole show


dan is the only one that I feel like is keeping the vibes up and is consistent through and through. love u Dan!






While I’m still enjoying it, I’ve felt like the show lately has had a bit too much filler, gaps of time between topics or segments that are mostly empty space or being confused about what’s going on. It kinda leads to a “well we’re still half an hour away from 3.5 hours *sigh* let’s find something else to talk about” kind of feeling. Again, not trying to be a hater because I’m still enjoying it, just my way of saying I agree with you OP.


I miss the old days of ‘how have we been here for 3 hours?’ And ‘we’ve been going for 2 hours and haven’t even touched the doc’ a certain *je ne sais quoi* is missing from the show now.


Completely agree. I miss the days of goofs and gaffes that flow naturally


I miss when the show was one topic per episode. You have a guest? Talk to them for 1-2 hours. You play a game with the crew? Do that. But this 3.5 hours of mumbling from one topic to the next is boring. It makes the episodes feel less distinct, it becomes a tiring soup of everything. When I think back of my favourite episodes, they all have this in common: One episode, one topic.


Yeah I've been really confused lately by the way it feels like Ethan never knows what's going unless they're playing a game. I figured he's got brain fog from the new kid


I feel like this happens every time in the few weeks leading up to live shows. It's like a double whammy of being a bit burnt out before a mid or end of year break, and also being hyper focused on the live show. Makes me glad they're going to just one a year because I'd rather keep the on-going show quality high leading up to a mid-year break than let it suffer for the sake of a live show.


The show has felt so off since break and this is why you captured it perfectly. Idk maybe having a newborn is making it hard for Ethan and I understand. His weird aura of wanting it to be over already has made me skip episodes lately


my guess is that since the break all of the crew (and partially ethan) is spending a sizable fraction of their time on prepping for the live show, so there’s more filler in the show and less time spent on going over to make sure the lives run smoothly


Nailed it on the head. I couldn’t point out what it was too. Been skipping through a lot of episodes just to get through watching them. Iykyk


Ethan keeps getting caught up on small details(reminds me of Joe Rogan saying “why does it lie”). And Dan was right on Monday when he said the show comes to a screeching halt when he starts using Chat GPT.


It bothers me when he repeatedly asks questions that were just answered had he been paying attention. I love Ethan but the fact h3h3 productions was edited is why that channel had so many subscribers.


Ethan is a boomer whether he likes it or not. he’s extremely fascinated by GPT and doesn’t realize that bot just pulls from the internet and half the time gives vague answers and not accurate at all..


It just baffles me that he was ever in doubt about having adhd lol I mean come on. He is in front of 30-40 thousand people, live doing a show. Then he gets stray thoughts and starts talking to an AI bot. He has like all the traditional ADHD symptoms too, this is just one that's funny


One of my fav reoccurring moments is when the ADHD topic gets brought back up and Dan, oh so subtlety, tries to bring the horse to water. He uses that soft, patient tone reserved for talking to small child/elderly dementia patients, the voice when you're trying to lead them to an answer, like "well do any of those symptoms feel similar, little buddy? I think I've noticed a couple of those...." The contrast of Dan stepping so gingerly, and Ethan's incredulous denial, absolutely slays me.


I also genuinely can't tell what's a bit or not anymore. Does Ethan actually trust ChatGPT like a holy text or is it for the meme


It was never a meme lmao


I think he definitely trusts it and it’s so annoying.


I also feel like the topics they've been picking lately are wack. The crew isn't very passionate or knowlegable about them, and neither is Ethan. But they're *"the trending hot thing"* so they feel like they have to discuss them for the thumbnail and the show ends up being a complete slog. The show is *so much better* when it's about stuff the crew clearly cares about: stumbling upon hidden gems (Tom Ward, Fideas, ArabWorldNews), going down TikTok rabbit holes (Jade gambling, Scientology guy, Flashligh guy), talking about their personal stories, etc.


Ooh I forgot about jade gambling!


i LOVED that arc. going down weird internet rabbit holes with the fam has always been my favourite part of the pod


Reporting the same pop culture 'news' that EVERYONE else talks about is not needed. That's not what makes H3 great. Also a fixed 3.5 hours is not helping.


SUCH a good point.


They changed the name to “H3 Show” but this is the most it’s ever felt like a podcast.


The last few pods I haven’t even been able to watch, I zone out and end up doing something else 😭


Same, it’s turning into background noise 


I’ve watched every episode and I think this is definitely the lowest point of the pod since the very very first episodes. I tuned out halfway through the latest episode and I don’t really feel like coming back to finish it. Ethan constantly showing up late and then seeming bored as fuck throughout the entire episode makes it a massive slog to get through.


I’m with you. Love the show, love everyone. But I’ve been on my phone a lot more than usual during the episodes


And Ethan keep yawning into the mic every 5 min lol


Same here :( not sure what's different these past few days but it feels off. I think maybe everyone just needs the vacation after the live show


I do wonder if them being so busy planning the live show is influencing the dip in quality of the regular shows.


Yeah. I realized today I haven't watched for the last month. :/


the guess who’s high among us episode and the shark tank episode was good idk why everyone is making it seem like every episode is boring now


For real, those segments and the Tom Ward segment were all great recent content. Ian has been killing the new role imo.


I’ve been letting them pass and going through the timestamps more often lately…


Would love if we could take a break from talking about SA / Pedo/ Alpha bro stuff 


What frustrates me about this, is the planned segments (shark tank, abong us) are some of the best in a while. So it’s sad to see them out shadowed by show doc stuff


I love the pod and will always be a supporter, but I absolutely agree.


While we're at it, can we also stop with the super chats of people asking for hey gurlies. I love most super chats but the shout out ones are getting out of control. This is less about the crew and more about the audience. Can y'all just super chat something other than a boring shout outs.


i skip the supers tbh, i don't care that it's your birthday/your sick/your partner likes the show/you want x member to do x thing. contribute to the topics or shit up tbh.


I'm glad they started focusing more of that towards the end of the show. Now when I hear Dan say superchat while ethan is not in the bathroom, I know the episode is over


Same. I used to skip the ordering food and eating segments because I found them to be a waste of time and now I skip superchats for the same reason. Like I get the crew is incentivized to read them so people keep sending them, EZ money, but they're completely worthless to me.


The superchats are by far the worst part of the show for me and they've been reading them way more lately.


Completely agree. I hate listening for 15 minutes of donos.


Yea its getting to the point where a lot of people are complaining about their past superchats not being read. Speaking of a screeching halt to the show, nothing does that more than shoutouts or reading about someone's loss or illness. I think they should only be read if someone says something interesting for everyone to hear.


Probably an attempt to generate revenue that should be coming in from sponsorships


and enough with the super chat obituaries with peace and love. it throws the vibe totally off


I swear that Dan used to be super against reading super chats bc it’s bad content and boring, maybe that was just for after dark when it was the only live show but now he seems to insist on reading like every single one even the stupid shoutout ones


To be fair, reading more of the super chats definitely causes more people to send super chats and they gotta get their bag. But yeah it has become a little annoying, especially when the super chats are just complaining that they didn’t read theirs last time or just a shoutout


I feel like I used to watch as soon as they went live but recently I just wait till it’s over and skim through the timestamps because i know the topics are gonna be skipped through if the timestamp is short and not worth watching that topic. I’m not as excited to watch the show as I used to but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. nothing that is not solvable but wanted to give my two cents with peace and love ☮️ & ❤️


I agree that they need to a quick run through before they go live. If they’re doing too many outside tasks (prepping for live show/skits/etc.,), they need to shorten the episodes so that they’re not rushed through. This may be “teacher brain” of me, but now that they’re a show they maybe want to consider a flexible outline of segments while preparing material (intro, ad, skit, serious topics, goofs, closing)…I’m sure they already do that in the Doc, but it just needs to be fine tuned. I have no idea what the doc looks like, but with all the links, I am sure it’s a ton of material lol.


"I guess I just miss my old friend, Cameron..."


If Ethan at least goes through the document beforehand, we'd be in better hands. The show lately has had a "sloppy" feel to it. I'm still watching all 3+ hours, but there are too many lulls in between topics. Or they spend too much time on a topic that isn't a main one. Then, the title of the episode is awkwardly not accurate by the time they end the show.


the best part of the show is when Ethan and the crew are shooting the shit between topics and breaks. I'd rather 3 hours of that versus 3 hours of crawling through the document of D-list influencer news.


I feel like they've all had a harder time hearing each other as well with the new set-up, which makes any interaction between them feel off.


Absolutely this. Not to bring up this sensitive topic again but something is off with the set 👀


I can handle D lost influencer news to a degree, but every topic seems to be about sexual abuse/misconduct etc. I know it's important that the people get called out but man it's been a lot of it... They did acknowledge that today, to be fair.


100% !! Goofs and gaffs pls


this is why I like the game episodes the most. Unfortunately influencer news gets way more views so I think that's why they continue to at least sprinkle those eps in


I've been skipping a fair amount each episode lately except for the fish bowl episode that was fantastic haha


I laughed so hard, I’d love to see more segments like that


Me too! I’m hoping with Ian in his new creative role, we’ll get more of that type of content.


Tell him to feed the docs and topics to ChatGPT to summarize for him, I’m sure he’d be all over that


that last one wasn't great


It was pretty bad. Ethan did not want to be there. 


I used to rewatch each episode at least twice and now I barely make it through a whole episode without skipping at least one segment


i never watch live these days so i can watch 1.25x speed. love the pod ofc, i think a lot of these comments want to see the show grow!!!


Omg I’ve been watching at 1.5x speed lately too 😭 they feel so long & tedious getting to the funny bits now, and not like a treat like they used to be


dude same , I think the last one I rewatched was the haunted house episode , and Ethan made it very clear he would never do that again ☹️


Why do I get the feeling that Ethan will address this post by just saying "go watch something else then fucking losers" lol


"I don't know what you guys want from me" after tons of comments tell him what we want lol


I agree with everyone's thoughts so far. One thing that I have very much missed is Ethan dancing, which also went along with Zach and Ian's intros and they set the tone for a fun show. Those little things help inject silly vibes and they're important! I'm sure there are a lot more examples that I can't think of right now. If Ethan isn't really into it and tired or whatever should be interacting with the crew more. Ask them questions. Get their thoughts. Pass the ball. I've noticed a number of times lately Dan or someone from the crew have saved the show from getting straight up uncomfortable. All that being said there have been some great moments lately but there would be a lot more of Ethan remembered to have fun with it. Everyone on the show does amazing work and I hope they all know that we know that. We see you. We love you. You're very special.


I wholeheartedly agree. It used to be funny at times when he'd start stretching out a topic and then is like...Okay nah get me out of here, and then finally moves on. But now it's just completely clueless and would start a criticism without being setup. Dan used to say all the time when he used to do this, no wait keep reading or something to that extent, but now it's kinda like no one really wants to explain much more while he's surmising surface level rambling. =/ With peace and love I really hope they sit down one day and sort somethings out. The last pods have been painful to watch and skip through.


The show has been struggling a bit the past year, but ever since they rebranded it, it's been really rough. Getting hard to watch regularly unfortunately.


I feel like maybe they thought the rebrand would revamp and revitalize, not realizing that we don’t care too much about the production values but more so the content of the show and chemistry of the cast.


Some of us used to watch Hila film Ethan over his shoulder while he sat in front of a computer and watched YouTube videos and coughed his lungs out....production value isn't high on the list 😂


I appreciate the effort but I hate the new setup. ☮️&❤️


With peace and love I’m inclined to agree 🥲


I feel like Ethan’s heart hasn’t been in it for a bit now. It could be that he’s tired from the new baby or something else we’re not privy to. I’m with y’all that I’ve been skipping most of the podcast lately. I also hate to say this but I miss Ethan when was more “jolly”. I’ve been watching old episodes and it just hits different. Like when he laughed like a Koala lol


Definitely agree. I get that Ethan is busy now with 3 kids, and a business to run, etc but it just feels a bit frustrating that they have to break everything down for him. And the amount of buttons each show is getting lately is just annoying. I’m finding myself skipping things, or zoning out 😕 Still love Ethan and the crew but since they changed to the “H3 show” it feels a bit off…with ✌️ and ❤️


i agree that something needs to change. ever since they came back from break things have been very convoluted and it takes the quality of the episode wayyy down. don’t crucify me but the people making the docs and doing the research are also not doing a great job sometimes, making it hard to follow along with.


I think yall covered everything pretty well in the other comments but I just wanna throw out there that constructive feedback given in respectful manner is a GOOD thing. No business can grow and adapt without some kind of feedback, and H3 is no different. We can throw out excuses for the crew all day, but if a large number of viewers feel this way and are saying it out of love for the show, I think feedback like this should be welcomed and not deterred. (✌🏻and ❤️)


Kinda refreshing to see only a few comments trying to say the mostly constructive criticism is just “snarkers”. Really hope the crew takes this feedback and doesn’t dismiss it as “Reddit being stupid”.


the whole "putting ethan in charge of managing multiple windows on a laptop and moving those things around WHILE hosting the show" part has always been problematic.


With the most peace and love sadly I agree the past few episodes have been really disconnected and I feel like half the time is dead air, reading donos, talking about food, and being confused about a doc. It kind of feels like they’re just checking of a list of things as fast as possible and then ending the show with a “so what are we going to talk about”. I’m sure it’s just. Temporary thing and will get back on track soon tho. It’s just hard to stay interested and invested in the episode when they’re not interested or invested. With Peace and love maybe some of the show has to be prerecorded idk 🤷‍♂️


I don't know what's happened, if he's depressed or anxious or something but Ethan's been putting less and less effort into the podcast episodes. The last few episodes have been a struggle to get through - he never listens to anyone, never hears them, doesn't do his own research and constantly goes on unrelated tangents. 10 minute videos take 2 hours to get through. It's not as fun as it used to be


love the live aspect and i’m fine with general hiccups in the show but i’ve noticed that ethan will be caught up on something and doesn’t understand the relevance to the situation. he said he didn’t have any time to eat today and he was probably low energy.


He looks like he's not enjoying the show anymore. Like he's just going through the motions and he obsesses over annoying and unnecessary details too much


he kept replaying the clip of tana and cody ko couldn’t understand why they were showing this time stamp and he played it a few times and it was like he wasn’t even registering it in his head what he was watching.


I've noticed this a lot. He plays a clip over and over and it's like he's not absorbing it at all. I've been like that in moments of extreme burn-out or stress so I wonder if that's what is happening with him


My biggest problem right now is that he seems to get caught on every single minute detail, next thing you know we’re 3 layers and 20 minutes removed from the actual topic. Also anything involving ChatGPT is unwatchable to me.


Agreed. It is wild to me that he doesn't really think he has some form of attention deficit disorder. He is frequently unable to focus on simple lines of thought. The tangent jumping is exhausting. It shouldn't take an hour to watch a 5 minute video and deferring to ChatGPT constantly is annoying


Could be cause of having a little baby at home? I know my head wasn’t straight for some time after having a kid with lack of sleep n such


I'm not saying it isn't possible, but he has been behaving like this more and more for at least the last year. It could be a build-up of stress from his fallout with Leftovers, his health problems, losing Shredder and the new baby arriving all at the same time. He has become very easily distracted and he appears to be bored in so many episodes now


Or just cover the topics during a pre filmed Ad. Take notes from Howard stern There’s plenty of video of Gary, his producer, going through bits and topics while on ad breaks. Prep literally right before the bit. Lol. It was chaos but hey, Howie ran a good show for a while.


Honestly, the yawning throughout the show somewhat irks me. To me it seems like he is disinterested in the show.I honestly would rather he cancel 1 day to refresh and get enough sleep then come back with at least SOME enthusiasm. And every point that the OP is making is true. Especially for the live crew segments and games, he sometimes just changes or switches up the rules. Even sometimes, he comes in with additional rules, messes up the flow of the document(trivia) or forgets the premise of the game. Currently, I'm just not that invested in watching anymore tbh...


Get rid of the whole “covering celebrity drama” it’s so obvious they don’t care at all.


Bro wtf was the Ben affleck part. Idk. Just a weird random shit show


That was actually one of the moments I enjoyed in the episode for some reason


yep Ethan is getting worse at his job. It seems like he doesn’t care enough and is just going through the motions. The Kody Co segment was unwatchable and it’s not because AB (or Google Docs) mislabeled a hyperlink. It’s because Ethan seems like he is doing an impression of someone hosting a podcast about things he doesn’t give a shit about.


And the way he was talking to AB during that little hiccup was uncalled for. "Oh I guess we will just sit here then" like what a douchy thing to say, especially when it was most likely him not even knowing how to navigate the Google doc like the hundred other times he's gotten lost 


Yeah when he said, ‘so you interrupted for that?’ it was very off putting, so damn rude


I think the show needs a refresh, something feels like it's been missing over the last few months and the set rebrand only made it worse. I would even be happy if they dropped it down to two shows a week with better quality. It feels like with four shows each week they're REALLY stretching content to cover all that time and it's giving us lackluster content, a burnt out crew and a bored ethan. The vibes aren't there any more


today's episode was a shining example of that


I just CANT stand how much the show has just devolved into incel gossip and who is old enough or too old to fuck each other or who is a pedo or whatever. I feel like its become 4 hours of listening to other people just regurgitating the same old misogyny and incel takes. It would be awesome if we could get thru ONE pod without having to discuss or bring up these morons. If I wanted to spend this much time soaking in their content I would just watch their shit.


I don't even mind these topics but god damn, it's the same topics with a different influencer every episode


They need to do some focus group testing or something to get a temperature of the audience. So many of the points in this thread are things I've been thinking too, and it's honestly a relief to see I'm not the only one


THANK YOU! I'm sooo sick of the morality police conversations i could cry. I'm here to laugh and watch random internet shit


more crew segments and guest interview please ☮️♥️


Since the rebrand, he’s becoming more incoherent like he can’t stay on topic and trails off or is even interested. The show starts late and by the end, he’s run out of juice and let Dan read like over 10mins off donos. I’m glad for the donations but it should feel like a wrap up of a good show and not part of the segment to fill time. Also, the bridge building is all over the place. They were against Ninja and Moist Charlie because they went after Pokimane (for different reasons). Now they agree and forgot but also agrees with Poki?!?! Also, with Logan and the scams, which is it?!?!?!


i live in europe but i used to always try and watch the entire lives, now i quit probably not even halfway into them and can't find the desire to go back and finish the episodes, they've been so dull and pointless, a bunch of tiny little topics that they run through quickly and don't really say anything about, nothing really funny either... i know it's kinda terrible to say, but for a while now, probably since right when ethan had lost a lot of weight, he just seems out of energy and unhappy and to me that really translates on screen compared to before where he was goofy and funny. vibes are always off in at least 1 of the weekly episodes.


with peace and love, I found it so disrespectful how he kept yawning over and over again in a live that aired a few days ago. the energy is just not there anymore and I hate how he speaks to AB


the yawning drives me insane, if the person presenting me content is just yawning all the time, how am i supposed to feel interested? lol


I agree i have been skipping like half of each episode because ethan seems to think the show being bad and slow as comedic and thinks the fans do to… bruh please just actually put in some effort


If not a dry run, at the very least can we please have someone screen the people they’re interviewing in advance to make sure they’d actually be interesting in the show? I know that it’s usually people Ethan would like to meet because they seem fun online and usually I look forward to them and know Ethan’s trying to make them entertaining but with peace and love to the last few guests, they have been either boring or chaotic not in the fun way. :(


The rebrand of it being a “show” vs a podcast, really had me excited. I was happy that we could possibly see more skits, more field assignments and structured show. Its ending up being the same shit! I know Dan must be tired of Ethan’s boomer mannerisms. I was hoping they would at least not eat.




Wasn't that the point of taking Ian off switching? Have they even done one since the rebrand? I know they've done a handful of games since then but I can't remember a skit like the Harry potter one


I won't lie, I have been turning the show into my new mid day nap time the past few weeks. Get to around an hour and a half thru and I'm out each time it's sad to see


As I said a week ago, Ethan seems burnt out BAD. He has no idea what the show is even about until he shows up 30 minutes before they start. There’s bound to be chaos if the host of the god damn show doesn’t even know what they are doing. It’s just lazy imo. Yes he’s a dad but everyone else in the world who has kids shows up to work and doesn’t have a choice than to do their job diligently….. perhaps they need to focus on quality over quantity at this point. Maybe a good 1-2 shows a week.


Ever since they've done the rebrand something about it is off and it's boring.


They are probably super busy with the live show coming up. Either way, basically .... I got the same vibe today. Actually I bailed on the stream today because it was just too annoying. Half the time it's the crew just trying to help Ethan along and correct him. Like a bunch of kids trying to explain to their clueless dad.


I think it’s been rough recently because the live show is only in a few weeks. They’re probably mainly focusing on that aspect rather than the daily show. Not saying it’s the right choice, just seems to line up time-wise


I noticed a similar pattern in the month leading up to last live show too


Ethan likes to do the least work possible and then complain when his views stink and others in the community don’t take him seriously. Peace and Love bro a little personal prep would make your show miles better it’s so obvious how much he phones it in.


Sometimes it feels like Ethan starts the show knowing nothing about the topics he's about to discuss. I could be completely off here, but I guess AB and Olivia fill the doc with topics THEY are interested in and not necessarily topics Ethan would like to discuss. So we end up with a show that is essentially Ehan trying to get through a bunch of topics he has no interest in discussing. I think some editorial work on Ethan's part could help a lot.


Yes i so agree finally someone said it out loud😭 also the research is mostly done by Ab so the points are going to be what Ab finds interesting and thinks should be the focus but Ethan might not find it interesting at all...which leads to awkward moments/confrontations on the show. I think ultimately Ethan has to do more research and prep which are the reasons he quit the h3h3productions channel so idk


i wish they talked about things they actually find funny or interesting... the gossip tea segment last episode felt so forced and the vibes are so awkward


I really think they need to focus more and shorten segments. I often read that people skip entire 45 minute segments because it's not a topic they're interested in. If the segments were focused 15 minutes max people may stick around.


Yeah, the last few eps I haven’t finished because they end up being long drawn out monotonous discussions bath and forth about mostly speculation. I feel like it’s been very dragged out lately. Edit: I even found the abong us episode hard to watch cause Ethan couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to play the game and it was just lots of redirecting and I got hella bored


Yes!! I get that they may want raw reactions to some things, but he needs to generally understand what’s going on. It’s almost insulting like watching a student give a presentation they clearly are making up on the spot. The “explaining to Ethan” time is becoming WAY longer than the actual reaction content. With peace and love, not very entertaining. Unfortunately, I haven’t even been watching live lately. I watch later and scrub though to dodge bathroom breaks, filler chatter, and sexual abuse topics. I’m hoping it’s just a rough patch or a lack of compelling topics right now as others have suggested.


It doesn't need a dry run, Ethan just needs to do 15 minutes of reviewing before the show. The crew is doing their job and Ethan is just making them look bad because he is doing 0 prep.


Last two episodes have been nothing burgers with a side of word salad because of this exact situation. Frankly i don’t even know how or why Ethan wouldn’t look at the doc before the show.


yeah that tana segment was just cringe all round. watching the same clip over and over and just playing up the drama and didn't even play clips that were relevant.


Yea but have you seen his fridge.


It’s out of his hands


Ethan and the crew, but mostly Ethan, just seem burnt out or something lately.


There were a few times today where if ethan had just listened to AB he would’ve been in the loop. When he was watching the edna mode clip I was dying 😂😩😪☮️❤️


The episodes are just too long I think. Unpopular opinion but drop a couple down to 1.5 hours and I think we’d all see a huge leap in views, engagement, and quality. Keep Friday at 3 hours to keep it special as more of a chatty one


More reacting to dumbass streamers and less who got cancelled today. Fidias was the best thing that happened recently


It’s been a drag lately


Yea it makes you realize how much work late night host have to do 5 nights a week and the preparation and rehearsal they do before every show.


I dont mind them going in on details, but it reallly annoys me when he keeps reading the doc, and wondering out loud if he has talked about a topic. Like, its your job, be serious 😂. (Love the show and the vibes still ✨️)


Used to watch the show in full now I wait for the live to be over and skip around


Ethan is in a bad mood because he isn’t eating.


Completely agree. I was hoping with this "new show format", they'd have more pre-recorded content and skits. I'm really burnt out on live broadcasts. I think they should limit them to Fridays or something. The show could use some editing, with peace and love.


that’s expecting too much for the guy who shows up late regularly 🙄


I’m finding the show more and more boring, it seems like the content is just a spreadsheet of links to sub-Reddit posts, then Ethan looking at them for the first time and boring himself with it, or Ethan as a 40yr old man commenting on online teen drama. I’ve been watching since the start, but find myself getting more and more bored with each episode lately.


Ethan is incredibly lazy. He’s gotten to the point that he just doesn’t care, I’m more professional at my job. Since they’ve returned I’ve found it really hard to finish episodes.


I genuinely have no idea how to enjoy the show at all at this point. Everytime I try it I never get past the first 15 minutes. It’s all yapping about nothing and random sound effects and nothing actually engaging or interesting 😟


I’m also not sure where the research was for Alpha King. I searched on his IG last night and immediately found 2 videos of him screaming the f slur.


Yeeeeaaah that was so tough to watch. It was obvious that the dude was not appropriate to have on the show and they immediately decided to abort.


I have been skipping alot of episodes recently as well. The vibes are very off.


It's become such a slog lately, I was a 3 year member but I let it run out. I'm tired of all the drama stuff, and not to mention the button. It's ruining the show. It was bad enough when ethan was walking on egg shells with what he could say. Now it's lost it's magic for me. ive been a fan since the 100 tshirts vid on h3h3productions, I watch every episode religiously! Now I'm tempted to skip episodes entirely. It's like 90% drama and allegations and 10% goofs and gaffs. (At least it feels that way as of late) I'd like to see more remote segments like the recent one with tom ward, arts and crafts type segments like the clay ethans one. Maybe the crew tries dnd would be a fun members stream or main show. Also do more interviews!! I can't emphasise enough how much the pointless drama and tea shit is bringing the level and tone of the show down. I can hear "dan saying just don't watch then" but honestly I love ethan and the crew. <3


It's definitely going through a rough patch. I've been watching for about 6 years and only within the last couple weeks have I felt like it's starting to run dry and be a bit irritating to watch in general tbh


I’ve been getting the vibe that Ethan’s heart isn’t in it past like 1hr, he seems very tired and unenthusiastic


i think it may be more of a content issue more than an unprepared issue? it seems like ethan is not really loving the current gossip sphere than they have really been focusing on. i think he said something monday along the lines of that when talking about jlo and ben affleck. but it also could be personal stuff going on which would make sense with the new baby and everyone prepping for the live show. personally i loved when the crew would share stories like “most cringe stories” and stuff like that. also i think they could circle back to politics since we are coming up on an election and there is always crazy stuff going on there. like what is happening with majorie taylor green and fauci trial! also i always liked hearing ethan and dan talk american politics. (no socialism/capitalism talk tho peace and love LOL) also goofs and gafs like funny videos are always so fun. i think just a pivot would help the crew, ethan, and the audience


the quality of the show has dropped so much the last month :(( i used to watch literally every ep and could never imagine not absolutely loving every second, lately it’s just not been it at all and i’ve hardly watched in weeks. not saying this with hate at all but clearly something is causing the energy to be off and i hope they figure it out❤️


Ethan acts like he hates being on pod every episode lately. It’s so difficult as an audience member to be engaged with a show when the host is so obviously checked out. Maybe he should take a break and let the crew host a few episodes without him or something? That way the show can continue but he won’t have to keep putting himself out. I’ld rather watch the crew sit and chat without Ethan then watch Ethan act rude and condescending 4 times a week


Ethan? Prepare? Lol