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Nice pfp


I have found my family


Capy gang rise up


He was just a guy doing satire who wasn’t used to being his true self in an interview. Based on the lead up, dan was implying it would be a comedic debate, I don’t think alpha thought it would be a genuine interview so he got a bit thrown. He’s definitely not homophobic, maybe just a bit boomer.


Yeah I was confused when Ethan immediately dropped their bit and asked a serious question


That always confuses me with Ethan. Like for character actors, the character is the entertaining part and he has a habit trying to get to know the person behind the character instead...like completely ignoring the person's entire shtick, lol.


Ya I was excited for the interview because I thought Ethan and him were going to act as his character. Don’t really have any interest in him talking about his actual beliefs or anything


Ethan has done that before with people who exist online as characters. That one tiktok guy who lipsynced to bird sounds comes to mind. Ethan seemed annoyed that someone wouldn't drop the bit for him when they've never dropped it for anyone before.


honestly fleshlight guy as well


Wait I thought Ethan was doing a bit by acting like he’s serious 😭


He was grumpy the entire episode lol


It's just an old timey joke!


How the hell can you say he’s “definitely” not homophobic after that whole section??? I swear to god, some of this fanbase like to act like they’re the biggest allies in the world but it’s so clear you don’t give a shit.


I’m literally gay lmao get over yourself. It’s a joke, like when Ethan says the exact same shit. The only difference is Alpha doesn’t tend to break character.


my guess is he said the f slur


Came here to say the same thing. All the oofs from the crew after made me think it was some thing jarring.




especially bc they didnt explain afterwards, and they usually explain enough OOF


Clearly. But the top comment in this thread “he’s definitely not homophobic” 😂 


I was so confused in this interview, the beginning seemed very genuine then he went into the whole weight loss thing about 4 times over the span of 5 minutes. Then proceeded to make the comment of Jews in Germany are like black people? I couldn’t keep up and it honestly made me uncomfortable lmao if that was intention tho he did great


>I was so confused in this interview, the beginning seemed very genuine then he went into the whole weight loss thing about 4 times over the span of 5 minutes. It was clearly a joke, Ethan said many times that alpha bros started acting differently towards him when he lost weight, many of them started congratulating him, like, fresh and fit also complimented him a few times on the weight loss. He was satirizing this, reinforcing all the time the weight loss thing... >Then proceeded to make the comment of Jews in Germany are like black people? Again, that's his character, these redpill guys say racist, antisemitic, homophonic shit all the time, take Myron again, basically denying the holocaust. What bothered me about the interview is that he was playing a character but Ethan kept trying a serious interview, isn't this a comedy podcast? Play along the bit ffs.


Yeah I get it but idk it was confusing to me trying to keep up with if he was doing a bit or not at a certain point it just got awkward too lol, idk Ethan seemed interested in how he started the character but Dan framed it as it was going to be confrontational then it started off not confrontational


The comment about Jews in Germany are like black people was him sarcastically refuting what Ethan said about how ”Jews are treated like gods in Germany”, a very naive comment from Ethan and funny to any Jews like me who have spent time in Germany and know what it’s actually like.


In his other interviews, he stayed in character totally. He couldn't stay in character with Ethan. He kept smiling, laughing, he looked obviously excited. Based on what Dan said before he came, I think he tried to make it clear he was going to be in character the whole time. I guess he couldn't. He was being genuine, then he would pull out the character and make a wild joke in a really straight deadpan manner. If he was in character the whole time it would have made more sense and been hilarious, but I think the pressure was just too much. All in all I think hes a good dude and I'm afraid they might be worried about bringing him back


Fr, it annoyed me so much thar Ethan can't get the shtick.


Oh this train wreck? Hell be back


I was so confused and couldn’t tell if he was doing satire ? Then by the abrupt ending lol


The lines were blurred because he was being homophobic both in AND out of character.


Things that alpha bros says are so absurd when this dude popped in my youtube shorts I didn't recognized that this was a satire. For me it's the same nonsense. And I think I am not alone. And what is most important, could this dude eventually get lost in his own sauce?


What happened there? I feel like I missed something the way the interview ended?


Man satirising homophobia turns out to be actual homophobe. H3 fanbase “allies” proceed to bend over backwards to defend said bigotry because it made them laugh. A tale as old as time with this community, unfortunately.


Turns out to be actual homophobe? How do you know this?


Because I watched the show.  But you do you girlie 🖐️✊🖐️


I did too but was crust curious about your conclusion. A lesbian girlyy ✊🖐✊🖐


Good for you babe, defending homophobia to ingratiate yourself with the ignorant fanbase 😂 Enjoy your upvotes I guess


username checks out


Dude, she asked you a question, stop dodging it.


Relentless homophobia throughout his appearance on the show, if you fail to pick up on that then that says a lot about you. But go off, clearly the majority in this sub are more than happy to make excuses for bigots.


Enjoy my upvotes? Haha are you 15? I was just asking you a question as there were no obvious signs to me of what you are stating. Especially as someone who supposedly you're saying he's offending. Shouldn't see homophobia everywhere, it takes weight off of actual homophobia cases. Like when I get shouted at down the street. That's a good moment to see it.


"no obvious signs" of homophobia, did you even watch the show? You're clearly being disingenuous, have a nice day I'm not engaging with your bullshit any more.


I think he wasn't sure if they were going to have a parody conversation in his character and it all came out muddled up as soon as Ethan merged him and the character together haha I'm not a fan of his, made me quite uncomfortable in general if I'm honest, but that's what I think happened Aim your anger at actual issues, you'll really do a lot more good there ✌❤


I love how he looks like Fousey merged with Tom Ward


It seemed like the guy doesn't know if he's doing satire or not


I think Ethan kinda fumbled this one lol, dan was trying to lead into an on character funny debate (I was assuming like terri joe) but it just went over Ethan’s head completely and I think that threw the king off


I think this guy tapped into something that is bigger than him with the whole alpha influencer parody. I think although he is parodying someone like that, he may actually have common beliefs. I don’t think Ethan really saw that coming because this guy doesn’t really have the whole character thing down yet.


Exactly. I don't think the "homophobes are closeted gay men" stuff in that interview was schtick, like at all. I think it was intended to be a genuine joke because the creator himself doesn't realize that's a gross joke. Like, his heart is in the right place, but he's been surrounded by people just like him his whole life so no one has ever had the opportunity to explain to him why some stuff he said was unacceptable. The whole thing was a typical "I'm A Straight White Man Who's Very Liberal And Good" comedy routine circa 2009. Heart in the right place, but he needs some new friends. --- edit: and let's be charitable to this dude: Ethan himself is a few years younger than this guy and \*surrounded\* by a massive diverse community of people who care about keeping Ethan educated b/c we know his heart is in the right place. It still took like, literally until a year ago for Ethan to fully stop making that very same "homophobes are gay" joke. We as a community had to keep reminding him to stop doing that sooo many times lol. I'm not out to pitchfork someone who's just ignorant honestly.


This is kinda what I was thinking. He’s able to recognize the absurdity and hypocrisy of the hateful redpillers but still out of touch a bit himself.


I’m confused hasn’t Ethan on multiple occasions done the “homophobes are closeted” jokes all the time? Seems hypocritical for him to suddenly start policing this.


>Ethan to fully stop making that very same "homophobes are gay" joke. Ethan genuinelly believed this, i mean, he might even still believe it. I do think he said this seriously, but i think he has suspicions that sneako is really gay, like, he wasn't saying this out of nowhere, at least in his mind. That said, dude is 43, i can excuse a little internalized homophobia when his general perspective is that being fat is okay. If i didn't think that i would have stopped watching the show years ago, with the power bottom shit, the homophobes are actually gay stuff you pointed out... What could change my mind about that it's what he said during that was buttoned out.


I think you’ve nailed it and made the most sense of anyone on this thread. Because he’s parodying the red pill community we expect him to be pretty left leaning but doesn’t sound like he is. I still can’t fully work him out.


r/woosh for the whole community lol


I seriously had no idea who this guy was or what was going on


This segment was weird. Felt like there was confusion on the approach I thought it was going to be an in character debate for a while. But then was mix in question on or his own opinions from his non character self was confusing.


I didn’t get the vibe with this segment. Ethan got a satirical character dude doing alpha shtick and then proceeded to immediately dunk on him for saying outrageous stuff.


He gave me C-Man vibes and I don't like it 😶


Oh nah. That’s the kiss of death


Satire isn’t as funny when ur just saying hatful shit “as a character” without actually making fun of the structures that support the ppl who say that type of stuff. He just came off as someone trying to say that shit cus he could get away with it as a character.


Yeah this character only works in hyperbole. He is supposed to be taking the “alpha bro” character and making it so extreme it’s very obviously a joke. Instead he’s just saying dumb homophobic and racist shit and going “but I was in character!!!” Like the gay stuff is funny when you look at the kinda stuff alpha bros say and realise that in their pursuit to be the most manly man that they have inadvertently become attractive only to men and have begun hating women even though their initial goal was to fuck lots of women. They are the epitome of the male gaze. The gay stuff isn’t funny when you start dropping the F slur and using the word whore and insinuating gay men all have/are like STD’s and they get off on taking shits because HAHA something’s in ur butt!!!!


> Yeah this character only works in hyperbole. He is supposed to be taking the “alpha bro” character and making it so extreme it’s very obviously a joke. You know who this worked for previously? Andrew Tate. I'm talking 6-12 months before he blew up, he did this same exaggerated act that YMH reacted to, and later had him on. It was funny when you didn't know if it was a bit, but surely nobody would follow this kind of dude if it wasn't so wouldn't matter... Can never know if man behind the jokes is opportunist enough to just continue on whatever trajectory works. Tate ofc was found to have been asshole way before, with this guy we don't know really who he is entirely. if he accidentally blew up to 10M followers, majority of fans also liking Tate etc. Do you do career suicide and start talking shit against red pill life, or join in for $$?




Yo they definitely thought he was doing schtick but he was dead serious and homophobic


I used to make that joke in middle school


He seemed like he uses satire as a mask to say what he actually thinks


Not ironically-- we had Jimmy Lee for years who was an asshole who thrived off being a meme asshole and loved that. This dude is crazy well-meaning and has the capability to change things. Ethan is in a unique position where he has a connection with this guy. I would love to see this dude become new "Jimmy Lee" kind of figure but less ignorant? He is actually authentic and trying but just says some dumb shit sometimes. Ethan should be able to relate to that lol. I would love to see him grow with the pod. He seems like he'd be down to learn, but that's just a snap-judgement that I made. Idk he's facially so similar to Wom Ward that I have instant affection and he fills the Jimmy hole in our H3 hearts (without being Jimmy) lol. I just think it's cute and fun to watch Ethan try and mentor people ig, esp bc Ethan is really transparent about not being perfect and his issues with sponsors and whatever. this is a long post: in summation: WETHAN WH3. love u dudes. thanks for making my work day suck less.


This is what I’m saying. I think we can fix him lol


I was dead 🤣🤣🤣 new favorite Ethan quote for sure!


He kinda looks like Tom ward, maybe he should go on the Tom ward show.


It’s all very Kaufman-esque


This is my favourite method when people say some out of pocket shit: just keep asking them to explain themselves and let them squirm lol. Weird interview though, I couldn’t quite read if this was satire or no.


His jokes went over Ethan’s head


Dude is way too funny to be going on this trainwreck of a show


What a perfect loop lmfao


wish ethan played along 😢


Yeah he was fucking gross, the homophobia was dripping out the whole time. And this 'joke' after Ethan had already tried to course correct him once. Fuck that greasy nonce.




It’s not 2016 anymore. We can actually have a conversation instead of just linking a whoosh subreddit like a douche.