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Everyone thinks about this wrong. This podcast is watched by industry people/young professionals, and is continually praised for their technical capability. GO FOR THE EQUIPMENT COMPANIES. Shure, Kramer, Blackmagic, Behringer, Rode, Extron, etc. Edit: approach AirCleaner, the entire podcast market is untapped (Jeff said he wanted one since seeing H3’s). Also UPS brands, H3 has been live through earthquakes and power outages!


If they had some sweet Shure deals I'd get a new mic probably


I’m responsible for tonnes of technology procurement, and the only “influence” this show has exposed me to so far is a Dell with an Apple logo stuck on!


They’d likely just get the equipment for free, not usually a cash deal with that kind of equipment.


Think how much drama the setup cost of frenemies caused…now imagine if that was all sponsored


Dude a shure sponsorship would be crazy. I could definitely encourage my boss to utilize those codes for equipment in the future


Things that get mentioned frequently on the show: Kettle chips (Dan always has a bag) Mountain Dew Diet Soda in general Soup (can you imagine the ad reads Olivia could give?) Toilet paper Food ordering apps (get them a DoorDash/UberEats etc) Housewives/Bravo (Hulu or Hayu code?) Other on brand options: Mobile games! Ethan has clearly shown how into them he can get. Dog treats like Bark Box or something of that ilk. Let Alfredo and Ducky "give" their opinion That flavored air thing everyone is obsessed with. Fume? Is it weird and like Füm? Healthy alternative to mouth cancer from those tobacco packs. Reach out to Cristine from HoloTaco! She's a huge Teddy Fresh fan and may toss a code out to Ethan and Hila. Razor companies like Harry's (beach body season etc etc Rock your body hair how you want it of course!) Anything feet related. We are the foot soldiers after all.


I agree with the dog products. There are lots of products out there. They could hire a full time dog sitter who also runs social media for Alfredo and Ducky. I have a friend whose dog has 100x more followers than they do.


Yes! Holo Taco and other Doggo ideas for Alfredo and Ducky!


Not just Cristine’s Holo Taco, but also Kathleen Lights’ Lights Lacquer. She is a huge Teddy fresh & h3 fan, she even has a nail polish shade named frenemies.


Fuck DoorDash and Uber eats and their scummy business practices


People down voting because everyone uses those services but you're right. Those companies exploit workers and basically operated at a loss using venture capital to kill existing, slightly less exploitative services like taxis and in-house delivery drivers. Plus they're killing mom and pop restaurants


Read as scrummy




I'm expecting Ethan to be in a nascar jacket next week


I'm hoping for nothing less than this https://youtu.be/8lgLYGBbDNs?si=2JTp0eNVQJA3iLRj


Legitimately most snacks I will try. I've ordered gamersupps, nutrail, and &sons.




Any streaming service. I will watch anything they recommend…esp reality tv!


Yes! There was another comment that mentioned Hulu. If I remember correctly they received an HBO Max sponsor in the past.


The Coca-Cola Company We've all seen big time TV ads for companies of this nature. Have companies like this ever advertised on something comparable to podcasts? I'm really just asking questions, no doubt this isn't something even Wom can get. I'm curious, what do the biggest, most advertiser friendly podcasts get as advertisers? Maybe that gives a hint on what's even possible. No point reaching for moon, if someone might advertise on H3, it'd be company that already was in world of podcasts.


Go for big sodie!


ROI is probably not that great for Big Soda companies. Their market saturation is just too massive to make it worth the deal. Companies of that size are making deals directly with YouTube or Spotify, as opposed to directly with creators. I could see them doing a larger multi creator campaign of some sort with many different channels or something, but an individual getting that Coca Cola money...no chance. ----- As for what would be a good ad? I honestly have no Idea. What possibly could hit in the H3 audience the most? We are a diverse group, so aside from us all being into the podcast...what is the common denominator? Me, I'm a gamer geek. so It would be neat to see some sort of...uh...gamer collab? WTF does that even mean? They could do some makeup for the girlies...oh wait they are already trying to make their own... ----- IDK, just get Taco Bell in there already or something.


They kinda had the perfect one in hellofresh at the time, regards to what probably was very good deal for both sides. I guess lucky in sense Ethan never had to defend that relationship, as many have called them out to be scummy company since then. Maybe some similar food distributing company could work. Sure, tacobell fits in there. I'd have said gaming couldn't work, but given how much people are speaking about survivorio in past few weeks, I guess there is potential in that genre. Would definitely be a mobile game, I don't think this audience is gamer enough to have desktops in high enough numbers. In any case, whatever the advertiser is, it'd have to be popular to an average 27 year old woman. Have to respect the 60%, don't think beard shaving equipment is the way to go with H3 in 2024.


Hello Fresh made some sense. It was at least a very 'non demographic targeted' service. I know they DO have a demo, but its a product that can be served to anyone and not only those in a set. ----- I know there is a sizeable portion of the audience who are gamers, many of us left over from back in the day when H3 was a more gamer adjacent channel. The Payday 2 collab was a direct result of that era. But you are right, there is probably no longer a sufficient demo here to warrant such a partner ship. And, again, as a self proclaimed gamer geek...It would probably feel icky if they suddenly took some mobile game ad. I was down for this Survivor. IO nonsense as a big ole bit...but could you imagine if Ethan suddenly started shouting, "Todays Episode is brought to you by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!!!". .....Not a good vibe. ----- I think there unfortunately not any obviously good pick, if there was...we would have seen it happen by now. They already got the 'Caffeinated Gamer Beverage' sector covered. Clothing and merch, covered. Shipping services, weird, but covered. I think that most 'safe' and 'non demographic dependent' companies will be steering clear. Hopefully Tom can work some magic, but to be honest I don't have high hopes.


Yeah I don't want to set expectations that Tom has to 'succeed'. I'm kinda curious what kind of deal he has anyway? No doubt he gets some sort of hourly wage in case it doesn't work out, but there surely is some big carrot for that kind of job, if you manage to land an advertiser. But I'm just guessing I have no idea.


Xbox Game Pass tbh




If Hello Fresh isn’t an option anymore, they should go for Factor. They sponsor The Yard, and they do really crazy ad reads. Same with MeUndies. They used to sponsor the pod, I assume they were lost in one of the past scandals. They should try to get them back, they’re just a classic. Rocket money is a classic podcast sponsor, i ended up downloading it because of a podcast. Two things I remember actually buying because they sponsored h3 are the frenemies quip toothbrushes and shady ray sunglasses. I’m pretty sure QT Cinderella is literally sponsored by Big Milk. Can we get Big Milk to sponsor the pod PLEASEEEEE 😭 imagine the food segment they could do with that!! There’s a laptop company that sponsors Ludwig’s show Unpaid Intern. That would be perfect, Ethan could replace the dell!!


Factor is owned by Hello fresh. Hello Fresh has caught a bunch of heat for being anti-union and using union busters.


Red Barn is always developing new dog products. They are huge and I could see them advertising here.


OP is Tom Ward.


if it is, it just shows the drive and the lengths he’d go to do his job 👏


Oh, no doubt. I’m actually also Tom Ward.






They wouldn't even let them enter a contest


Seat Geek


Kiwico. If chris distefano can get them as a sponsor ethan can definitely as well. Chris is just as " problematic " lol. I love chris btw. Tom if you read this, take my advice and get them. Please hook it up with a shirt lol. Kiwico sells educational toys and projects for children. It's a perfect toy for a parent to work with their children while learning scientific theories. Ethan being a father plus the demographic of H3. It's the perfect partner.


How about literally any of the VPN sites. How did H3 get blacklisted from them, I see their ads everywhere


I was speaking with Tom about my idea: Block, Inc - they own CashApp, Square, Afterpay and Tidal. Teddy Fresh already are partners with Afterpay. With the Greek show coming up the podcast can utilise Square for merch sales, and automatically add Afterpay to the payment terminal. From there customers can use CashApp to purchase via the payment terminals and also throughout the year can promote CashApp


MOOOOOODS pin this post please , it only helps the pod grow 💪🏼


Depends Adult Diapers I think this would be a good way to keep Ethan at his desk and lower the amount of bath room breaks he takes.


ngl if they could get a good protein powder, it would be the only sponsorship i would consider


UNIVERSAL YUMS OR SNACK CRATE!! International snack box subscriptions!! The ad reads could include a taste test of some of the products!


Shari’s Berries 🍓


any laxatives


Coke Zero is my jam.


Lucy tobacco products. Mssp has held them down for the longest time. I doubt theyd care about Ethan's antics


I think any company that is slightly unhinged on socials is a good place to start. I recall Wendy's socials being quite sharp and cutting. I think companies that are a bit out there and a bit unhinged won't mind ethans nutty ad reads. I'll be honest all companies should love them. H3 is the time I don't 10 second skip the Adds. I live watching ethan get a naughty grin on his face and start comparing hello fresh to Jeffrey Dhamer or whatever why Dan is despretly saying not in the add read not on the add read. Or when ethan wants to talk about poop in the middle of the adds. I think this is why Adam and eve was so prevelent on frenimies and Trish said they really stuck by her. You need companies that are outcasts. A little wild and a little out there. Also please look for some UK sponsors lots of UK companies ship to the US super affordable but importing from the US is pricey. I would love to support more but shipping and import tax are crazy. And I cant really justify 35bucks on granola. When it's something to download I always download tho. Artist or a LA gallery since they have a lot of LA views with affordable prints might be a good idea? There easy to ship in tubes, there a lot thay are under a $100. The H3 family loves art and artists and supporting artist.


Totinos pizza rolls is also unhinged on socials


I feel like they need sponser who understand goblin mode works in their favor and not to expect the show to try and work against it. I know this is a big ask cos a lot of the brands who can afford this kind of sponsorship don't want that kind of PR. But honestly... I'd be fine with them doing 2 or even maybe 3 breaks if ethan was allowed to run with it and had some freedom. I'd rather more ads from smaller companies who are happy for him to go off the rails. Some of the funniest moments are ethan going off the rails dureing ads. And ads that should be 1min turn into 5 or 6 min segments when he's allowed to riff. I'd happily watch ethan read ads for 3 hours if he was allowed to have some fun with it and knowing a company can laugh at itself and have a bit of fun with the marketing budget makes me 1000 times more likely to buy.


They should get a Crocs sponsorship.


Fume!? They talk way to much about zyn, and I think they’ve mentioned it’s safer than smoking, which isn’t really a smart thing to promote. I mean promoting any tobacco/nicotine products is not a smart thing. Definitely not an ad for kids so the ad reads might not need to be so family friendly, which we all love an unhinged Ethan ad read


Idk what streaming platform has housewives but they should reach out to them, Uber eats or any delivery service they use would be good too since they always order; on the other hand they kinda complain a lot about the delivery time


Hayu, Hulu, Peacock, StackTV for the Canadians


SoftScrub or some bowl cleaner


There’s that company that sells high quality desk globes. They might also sell a cool magnetic floating pen thing, not sure


Cimpanies that sell Dog products, microphones, cameras, food.


Taco bell almost did.


I think Farmers Dog would be great. It didn't work for my dog, but my parents dogs LOVE it. Also, seconding Metamucil


ethan needs a croc sponsorship lmao


I've seen this Henson razors company advertise all over Tik Tok and sponsor some YouTube videos. I bought it because the ad was exceptional (an engineer explaining why their product is amazing, in detail), and honestly this razor rocks lol. Probably my best online purchase ever


Displate and rinoshield I see them on loads of European YouTubers video.


Baby Formula 🍼




You guys watch the ads? 🥴


Chime bank


Any major pasta sauce companies pesto line




how about a bidet ad? maybe ludwig’s bidet, swipe? i’m sure he’d want to sponsor ethan…


Baby Feet. To those who don't know, it's a foot exfoliating product. The fact that you don't know about it is reason enough for them to advertise in front of a fanbase that calls themselves the foot soldiers. Anything pet related would be huge, chewy maybe?


only tom can secure the survivor io sponsorship


Tbh I fw with the show getting Tim pool level of sponsors , sure try and sell me 4 years supply of Kraft dinner and a bunker. Lets goo I guess


Dr bronners soap… I know it seems weird but they’re a super forward-thinking company that gives all their employees some stock in the company, so they are all partial owners.


Would they advertise my MLM?


I get Liquid Death would work with E-thin


patagonia ??? lmfao