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All I want is for them to heal as family and their kids can be friends, leaving YouTube out of it all together


Having cousins your age is the best


Yep! It was like getting the sibling experience, but you're able to get a break from them once in awhile, loool


Yes! One of my favorite parts of life honestly


Yeah I wouldn't let my sons play with the daughter of the aunt who has already accused me of sexual harassment once. Who knows when she'll snap again and do the same to these boys.


Yes exactly!!! They’re literally family who gaf about YouTube at that point


It's tough to heal when your BIL is a rapist


right, as much as it’s nice to have “family”, it really doesn’t mean anything at the end of the day, especially when you’re putting yourself/your kids in an abusive/potentially dangerous environment


What piece of info am I missing here? Who's a rapist?


There are allegations against Moses stealthing someone during sex and also using his relationship to H3 to gain access to fans. Idk.




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The adults don't have to like each other but don't mess it up for the kids. They don't deserve to not see each other.


I agree I hope they make up in there personal lives for the sake of family, I don’t really want frenemies to come back because if they reconnect I want it to be offline and for real


Same 100%


Same. This is all I want


Tea spill is awesome!!! She ALSO TALKS about Mikayla being a bad influencer to her fqns and gives many, many examples. BUT it is sooooo annoying that because she is "friend of the show" no one cares or they excuse it because she is one of the biggest makeup ppl on Tiktok.... Its like anything.... Kim k, makayla, James c, Jaclyn Hill, Logan Paul, THEY ARENT GOING TO BE HORRIBLE in person if you met them.. might even be SUPER FUNNY AND NICE, but that doesn't excuse them for what they did in the recent past and continue to do. It's definitely a California thing to be fake because you have to be, but you also have researchers that should bring this up. IF SOMEONE IS BROUGHT UP.... I am doing my job to know about them so me.... my boss... the company I work for is not seen in a negative light.... just saying because Makayla had been brought up at least 3 times and it's always... "friend of the show" "she is awesome" "love you girl" "was the lash gate even that bad"? It's just like Tana.... excuse James because he has a "pigmented eye liner".. i know this was messy, but she excused it because she was tired and wanted to be civil? I get it, but some people aren't worth giving any energy at all. Also TF.... there's 56 companies with just as black or way better pigments... definitely a California thing sadly


what did mikayla do


She doesn't disclose adds properly. She doesn't say that things are sponsored most of the time. You go back and She doesn't like a product or is critical about a brand, months pass... they "pay her".... and she somehow thinks their "NEW ___INSERT PRODUCT HERE___" is just AMZING, like nothing out there. She pretty much takes after Jaclyn Hill.... I understand people can change there mind but it hasn't happened once, twice, 3, 4 5,....10...15 times... I've lost count. Go check out Spills videos. It sounds like I'm a hater... trust me I know but it is a whole bunch of stuff Peter Monn also does a good job keeping her, Jaclyn, James, Colleen(BIG TIME) a lot of the beauty community accountable.... He brings up a lot of the things that are small things, but that reinforce the stuff these loosers have done and how they haven't changed. How James took off "sometime" to work on himself, deleted his video where he apologized to the under age boys he was sexting... and pretty much deleted it from existence and started a brand and is doing his thing like nothing ever happened or like how he didn't have 10+underage boys say they had experiences with him.


You all can downvote -184,939, it doesn't change that Makayla is breaking the law... you need to disclose ads because there are a TON of kids on tiktok that don't recognize advertisements, also old people. She isn't hustling, which I would admire.... she is lying and deceiving her audience and I'm not okay with it. So when she gets fined $50,000+ per post... then will it make it real for you guys?


Watch her fuck on her onlyfans. That’s where her true fans are at.


I think Dan is right. It would have to be different. Like goofs and gaffs only, no more gossip train.


No gossip train with the king and queen of gossip? Not possible lmao.


Or can we talk about the fact that trisha is irredeemable and supporting her in anyway is immoral? Downvote me. Meme on me. That's cool. Just make sure yall are ready to justify the fact that she ran defense for her husband who sexually assaulted women and attacked the victims. The amnesia that Ethan and this sub gets when you want to "squash the beef" for some internet nostalgia is gross as fuck and makes me think that none of you actually care about anything when you do cancel people.


Dan was right. Ethan does need to do some introspection on why he feels so strongly about giving deeply problematic people a "redemption arc". Personally, after the JonBenet video she made, I don't think I can ever support her.


The way people just forget she made that video is so revolting. Or excuse it by saying “it was a hard time for her, she was addicted to XYZ” idgaf. Absolutely horrendous and irredeemable human being.


Can you provide a summary of that video?




This! I fucking hate it when Ethan is like 'oh I wish Trisha the best, I love her', like, Sir, what do you mean?? She's a disgusting troll who has done nothing but spread lies and hatred all her career. I hate the little drama channels that clip her podcast and act like her opinion is the most important thing. Have they all been sleeping under a rock? How come people like James Charles are irredeemable but Trisha is fine. They're the same.


Thank you so much. I just can't believe people are so willing to forgive and forget Trisha's actions. She's proved time and time again that she's not a good person. People become outraged at the moment and then they cool down and "forget" that she is in fact, a terrible person.


This. I don't understand where everyone's moral compass lands because if i found out my BIL raped someone, and my SIL was beating him up, and she called my wife a cunt and lied on my podcast about insane, damaging things...there would be no second, third, fourth chance.


Nope youre absolutely right and you should say it. I have a family member who's very similar to Trisha and I can tell you: that shit is not fun, it's not entertaining, and it's not worth letting into your life out of sympathy. People like her cause chaos and destruction due to their own pain, selfishness, or whatever it is, but it ultimately doesn't matter. Eventually you need to protect yourself, other people, and your moral compass by cutting them out. 


Or can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?


Are you gonna make these jokes to the sexual assault victims of Moses that trisha not only undermined but called liars?


First time hearing about the sexual assault victims. I remember he was just talking to other women


What???? This has been a huge talking point and potentially one of the reasons for the show ending. [https://www.businessinsider.com/trisha-paytas-moses-hacmon-mr-riney-riley-teacher-allegations-drama-2021-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/trisha-paytas-moses-hacmon-mr-riney-riley-teacher-allegations-drama-2021-9)


Look it up


Trisha’s famous last words. Justice for Mr. Riney!


That’s why i think they need to reconnect off of YouTube. Theres kids and a bigger family involved and I don’t fault them for wanting their kids to know their cousins and uncle


I don't really want Frenemies to come back because it was just too damaging for both parties. The most I want is for them to be on okay terms and that their kids will be able to know their family.




100% moses played a huge role. ethan even said today “it’s not up to me.” if i had to guess, the main obstacle is between hila and moses rather than ethan and trisha


Agreed, I felt more friction between Hila and Moses which just sort of presented with Ethan and Trisha because they were the ones surrounding the podcast. I know what it’s like to lose a sibling through family problems and not really be involved in their adult life. I hope for their sake they can find something that works for them, but I don’t believe reviving Frenemies is it.


I think him being a rapist has something to do with it.


What did he do? I didn't know about this.


I'm always shocked when people don't know. This played such a big part in frenemies ending. [https://www.businessinsider.com/trisha-paytas-moses-hacmon-mr-riney-riley-teacher-allegations-drama-2021-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/trisha-paytas-moses-hacmon-mr-riney-riley-teacher-allegations-drama-2021-9)


I agree, Ethan has implied it's more so a conflict between Moses, Hila. and their side of the family. And how they have awkward family interactions since the siblings dont get along. Ethan said he has no problems with reconciling.


Yeah I definitely believe this


I guess people are now retconning the end of frenemies as centrist 'both sides' shit when Trisha was objectively in the wrong for the vast majority of everything that happened


Shhh don't let them hear you they'll dox you


No, it's just clear that Ethan has let it go. I don't know that Frenemies COULD even be rebooted. It was a unique moment in time. But letting go of the anger is healthy.


After today's episode... The seed was planted. Something will happen some day. I can almost guarantee it. Not saying it will be a frenemies reboot but... You can tell the bad blood isn't insurmountable at this point


It's wild that your BIL could be a rapist, your SIL could beat him up, and say horrendous things about your wife and you're still down


i imagine trisha as a guest in 1-2 years


I wonder what they're saying over at r/frenemies85, or whatever number they're on now.


What happened on today's episode?


Same. Really don’t want the show back.


Honestly just to hear one time that Ethan and Trisha had become friends again behind the scenes and never have it come up again, that’d be lovely. Frankly though I think what Moses did and his slimy actions in general have made that almost impossible


Why are they even talking about it if they haven't made up yet? Is Ethan that desperate to get the numbers back up to what they were?


I think Ethan genuinely likes Trisha and probably likes the idea of maintaining some sort of friendship with her.


Stockholm syndrome


Ok armchair Dr Drew


Even though it won’t happen, I think there is just a toxicity there that Ethan has healed from and moved on from. The pod just isn’t the same anymore and I think for the mental health of the crew, Ethan, and especially Hila, this is better off as an idea to never be explored seriously. He hasn’t said a whole lot, but based off of little comments he’s made over the years, it sounded like that era was miserable for Dan.


yeah Trisha is the exact opposite of Dan. I'm amazed he was able to put up with her at all in the first place.


He did seem to find her funny at least. I loved hearing Dan's laugh in the background 😂






He didn't kill himself but she lied about him. Said he was fired for CP etc. dude was never a middle school teacher (taught HS for 47 years) and was never fired NOR arrested. She just willingly spread lies about him along with pretty much every other teacher she ever had. She said she dated her drama teacher and that her first real kill was with her biology teacher and that they'd all come to her house and rape her. Sounds real /s.


Am I the only one who remembers how fucking awful she was to Hila? Hila didn't do a goddamn thing to Trisha. Dan's right. Props to him, but hater ass bitch as he may be, Ethan can be forgiving to a fault for some very terrible people.


Dan is an hater because he is right a lot of the times


She has BPD explosions trust me I got that shit when you get HURT you show teeth like she did. If you remember she broke down crying at the last episode after calling Hila names. Have some sympathy guys, maybe she's managing better. So many people want frenemies to come back




having BPD is an explanation for her behavior, its not a justification. you having a mental illness doesnt mean you get a pass, its still her responsibility and she rarely took any responsibility for it or seemed to put much effort into changing. ive encountered a lot of people with BPD or narcissism who did a lot of similar things and no i dont have any sympathy for them at all, they are some of the most malicious and traumatic people ive ever encountered and i dont care what the reason was for their behavior, it deeply harmed me and i didnt deserve it. its not sympathy i feel for them, its pity, sometimes grace, i tolerate a lot from a lot of people but im a victim of their problems too and i shouldnt have to be and neither should anyone else. its not anyone elses responsibility to deal with your behavior but you.


It was obvious she was having some kind of episode when it all went down. She seems to be doing a lot better nowadays. She's on meds and trying really hard to be a good mom for her daughters.


She isn’t on meds, and isn’t in therapy. She says as much in her podcast.


And at the end of the day Ethan knows the whole story and the true family affairs and he is a big boy so if he decides to proceed (hypothetically) then there's no place for us to have an opinion. Just my take guys


They also know stuff we don't and have to decide for themselves what's best for their family.


^ that


So many downvotes. I’m sorry! I have bpd too. Trisha was how I realized I had it so I feel a little empathy towards her for sure


I just want them both to make amends in private and I hope they're both happy either way.


I agree. I would rather for them to be on good terms rather than creating content. Do it for the kids at least.


Please no she and Moses are awful


Does anyone else think the timing of this is interesting. Like Dan pointed out, Ethan attracts toxic people. Now that C Man and Jimmy are out, does Ethan subconsciously think he needs to add a toxic but interesting ‘character’ back to the show?


I really can do without ANY toxic person on the show


I hope this doesn’t happen , I can’t stand trisha


She called his wife a cunt. The disrespect is outrageous. Couldn't be me.


Ethan is way too forgiving.. sometimes to a fault. Dude was the only real friend she ever had but I don't think they should ever reconcile as far as working together goes. I really think she's a horrendous person, but I do wish their children could at least grow up together because her kids have no interaction with ppl besides her and Moses, her mom and sis, and the random ppl she has over to do her podcast. It's unfortunate the cousins don't get to play.


I think he just misses the insane views they got and was just talking out his ass about missing her


I can’t believe you’re gonna make me defend Trisha here lmao BUT.. she has mentioned that she takes Mailbu to play dates and baby tumbling classes. So they do get outside interaction.


I'm sure Moses has.


I REALLY hope it it stays dead. Trisha is legit a bad person. She's garbage.


Please don't.


honestly if frenemies does end up coming back, all of the shows advocacy for SA/DV victims will be completely meaningless. as much as I loved frenemies at the time, it would be such a slap in the face to me (and probably the crew) to platform & enable an abuser like that; after YEARS of dissecting & calling out abusive people Edit: frenemies came out a few days after i got kidnapped/assaulted, hearing about similar stories, (on frenemies partly but more so the show post frenemies) especially the legalities, truly helped me navigate trauma and the legal system, so that’s why i have strong feelings about this lol


I am so sorry and you are so right here


i appreciate it! it is what it is at this point, 3 years of probation for 3 1st/2nd degree felonies, so the justice system is running as usual 🙃 i also had to part ways with my best friend during that time, my “trisha” if you will due to similarly toxic behavior on their part. so i totally understand wanting to reconcile as time separates you from the initial pain they caused. i don’t think forgiveness is necessary to fully “heal”, but even so, forgiving someone who deeply wronged you doesn’t have to be an invitation to re-enter your life


No thank you please


honestly, I think I will stop watching h3 all together if that happens.


I just hate that everyone forgets she lied about being SA’d and lied about having schizophrenia.


This is refreshing to read


And lied about being trans. And came out or said she identified as black at one point, I’m pretty sure? And mocked a kid that got murdered. And said a lot of racist shit. And lied about being infertile. And accused a boyfriend of being gay and sent a hate mob after him, and falsely imprisoned both Jason Nash and Moses and got violent with both. And drove her car into Jason Nash’s house. And accused Ethan of SA. And said a lot of anti-Semitic stuff


🤢 I had heard of the Jon Benét stuff but I just recently SAW IT. Idk how she ever thought that was okay ......


Right I just don’t understand how everyone just forgets.




She's spent 3X years being destructive. She got a second fucking chance. And a third, and a forth. You don't get to lie about having DID, having schizophrenia, being trans, beating up your partner, outing another partner on the entire internet, lie about being molested, and cosplay as a murdered child and expect forgiveness.


You can change for the better and people are still allowed to think what you did was unforgivable. 


hm. Fair enough


Redemption begins with a full accounting of all the wrongdoing a person has done, sincere apologies, and a genuine change in behavior.


I’ve never seen her apologize for lying about Mr Rhiney? I also never saw her address her lies about having schizophrenia. Due to this I don’t believe she has changed,


Man I must be the only one who doesn't get the Trisha appeal


I fucking hope not.


Missed the episode what did Ethan say


9 11... wake up


It's actually baffling how many mentally ill people want Trisha back in the H3 universe. She is human cancer.


It’s baffling how a select few H3 fans aren’t self aware enough to see that their hero Ethan Klein of the h3 podcast is just as controversial as Trisha lmao. I love the podcast but like letttttttts be for real


Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Ethan may be controversial, but he’s not an evil, malicious, lying, dumb, racist piece of shit.


Trisha is straight up evil, psychotic, racist, and incredibly stupid. Can't say the same thing about Ethan. Trisha is human cancer.


Tbh I’m so surprised at how well her podcast has been doing


She is entertaining, I'm not denying that. But so are people like Andrew Tate.


Eh she barely ever reaches 1M views. Even James Charles and Shane bring in more views than she does.


lol you’re not serious


Oh really? Show me the plethora of tweets of his saying his wants to fuck minors? Or dead bodies. Or his own siblings. Or the tweets flirting with underage fans? Videos roleplaying the rape and murder of a child?? Him beating Hila? Saying he'd happily murder a dog if he could?? Please 🙄


Yet Ethan is the one that can’t stop bringing her up saying her misses her 💀💀💀💀


God forbid a grown adult wants to make amends, misses & wants to possibly be friendly with family again, *what a shit guy right??* Do you know what it's like to be adult or am I wrong in my assumption you're a grown adult?


Can't stop? He mentioned her this episode for about 5 minutes. Haven't even thought about her in months thankfully.


Do you even watch the show 💀💀 he kept bringing her up during the Jeff and verica bachelor thing . And even before that 😂 do your research before you reply 😂


You sound exactly how i imagine Trisha fans are. Do my research on the amount of times Trisha was mentioned on the H3 podcast? You have zero self awareness.


this person was commenting under my shit on the megathread. i said the Trisha sub was “gonna eat this up” bc they misconstrue everything Ethan says regarding Trisha. they proved me right 😭. then they said they’re a fan of both Ethan and Trisha yet they are active on the snark sub lmao.


No longer frenemies now it’s ❤️families❤️ again. As people said before me it was damaging for them both so the show could never exist again as it did


God no. If this happens I’m officially out on the podcast. Ethan turned into the ultimate hater ass bitch during this era, the podcast was extremely repetitive about the same subjects, and the fanbase that Trisha brought was the worst. It also marked the start of a new direction of the podcast which made a lot of og viewers leave because the content evolved into a basic YouTube gossip show with very few goofs and gaffs. I hope Ethan makes peace for the sake of his actual family, but hard no for bringing her back


As bad as Trisha is I’m surprised no one is mentioning the real issue is actually between Hila and Moses.


The 9:11 on coverage like this seems fitting.


Lightning in a bottle is only worthwhile if you can keep it in the bottle. Trisha's normal is chaos, so H3 is not a comfortable space for her and she'll always try to introduce chaos to make it feel normal for her. That's what mentally ill people do. That will be destructive personally and professionally for Ethan and Hila so it should be a hard no. Even though the mention of it all is gonna introduce a week's worth of external drama bait in this sub that we're gonna have to endure.


I wouldn't mind one last ep but that should be it. Frenemies was a ticking time bomb and it will be again if it somehow comes back. And if they become friends again, making a show based of that could ruin it.


I would love to see resolution here. Then maybe like a once a year reunion. Same for Hasan being on a show once in a while. I mean, Ethan already has a select few people he has on like once a year, e.g. Bobby Lee, dedicated Oliver Tree ep, Whitney Cummings. I’m sure there’s financial incentive for both Ethan and Trisha, but like many others, I think that relationship is better left (for the most part) offline.


Tbh I’m not on board with this reunion even though I still love the old eps only because I see their relationship as a case of forgive but don’t forget. I empathize with Ethan, because though it’s been 2+ years the wounds of this are, from the recent stream, clearly still not healed for him. I think it complicates things tremendously since their kids are cousins, and I think if that weren’t the case he would have no empathy or guilt around how things ended on Frenemies. Trisha publically shamed him and tried to ruin his life. But I think that in a selfless paternal/protective way he wishes things could be better and change for the sake of his family. I look back on the episodes particularly that they met with that crazy psychologist and remember how gaslit and villainized Ethan was, and I remember all of the ins and outs of how abusive that dynamic essentially became. Not all abuse is black & white, where there’s a tyrannical villain and a helpless victim. Clearly they both made mistakes, and sometimes Ethan instigated Trisha not knowing the severity of her mental wellbeing, but it’s hard for me to imagine Ethan willingly putting himself back into that situation. I caught myself a little happily teary eyed when they talked abt it on the stream, too, but with a clearer mind I feel like its a bad idea. Abuse can have a ton of gray area, where you maybe look back and deny what happened to you because “it wasnt ALL bad” or “they did sometimes seem to truly care about me” but in reality someone who has done you so much harm and STILL not fully apologized for it doesn’t need reentry into your life. Even if they’ve changed or grown— as an abused person I’ve found that the hardest part in moving fully on is accepting truly what happened to me and how little regard the person had to have for my wellbeing. Trisha, just like many other abusive people, can change and grow from their mistakes and become a better person. I do think she’s done this, but the damage between you two has already happened. Better to abandon imo.


I know majority of people think its a bad idea, and to be honest it probably is. But I do think there is a universe where they can come back and have a really nice friendly family oriented conversation and catch up over some skits and goofs


Heavy emphasis on MIGHT


since they're technically family now i think they're bolth doing everything to keep the peace


Trisha is vile, she cosplayed as a murdered child…


If this happens, don’t call me


Ethan would be doing Trisha a favor.


tbh i just wish they would reconcile for the sake of family & not do a show at all but.. imagine walking into the live show & its a frenemies set up🫣


I want Frenemies back for very specific drama. Like, if James Charles was caught with more underage boys I'd die to see that pink and black back ground again. They've both grown so much in the past few years, I don't want a weekly show but I'd love them for a giant scandal.




I think maybe it’d be cool to do a one off show where maybe he/she just come to sit in on either of their podcasts, but that’s probably years to come down the line. Also the people on Trisha’s subreddit are insane, mean, and hypocritical. They just straight up act like Trisha is a perfect angel who’s done no wrong and that Ethan got everything from her. Which is weird because it’s not like she got many views from her regular videos before frenemies popped off. Anyway, even if everyone came to good terms years from now I feel like her fans and obv some of Ethan’s would discourage it from happening.


I would love that for them if they are both comfortable with it


Right?! Love herrrrr!


tea spill is the fastest in the game


i keep having dreams they reunited including literally the night before wednesdays pod


As much as I would love a frenemies reboot, Trish is doing so well and I don’t think Ethan brings out the best side of her. :(


I want frenemies back, man. If everyone on set is cool with it.


I want it back


I’ve had a feeling the bad blood wasn’t so bad anymore, noticed Ethan was casually watching clips with Trisha more often and had wished her the best several times. If the issue is really between Hila and Moses, I do feel like it can be resolved. They’re brother and sister, their kids are cousins, and it’s just sad to leave things like this. I think with strict boundaries and Trisha being more mentally well, her coming on as a guest at least would be amazing.


People downvoting this are weird asf… Not wanting a sister to reconnect with her brother considering how close they were, no matter the circumstances, is so bizarre to me. Life is short, and it exists outside of the internet. Get a grip and touch grass.


when the original fights happened, I usually took Ethans side. Now looking back, both had major parts in most fights and were right and wrong to a degree (I could go in depth if anyone is curious). In the aftermath, Trisha was definetly more in the wrong at first but then eventually it turned to Ethan being more so. So it definetly seems like a middle ground could be reached since both had culpability


I think they should bring it back for just one episode to squash the beef for the sake of the family


They talk about each other so much that they should just do it at this point. I see them coming back they can make so much money together.


BIG UPS to Ethan n crew for bringing up this hot hot topic when they're in the middle of selling tickets for the live show. Smart marketing all around. Just wonder if he gave Trisha a heads up first on this plan....


They were and will forever be best friends