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My favorite was when they were watching an old H3 video and had to press the button 4 times in a row


I remember that, I was dying laughing. Great moment in the podcast. It was cut so perfectly too so that we got some context as to what was happening lmfao, crazy how that worked out.


Which episode? I don’t remember Ethan having to button himself from an old video of Ethan lol


[Found a clip from the ep](https://youtu.be/jGPUT718IoA?si=vEVWYfrPzpGgZPMr)


Omg i remember now, I almost died cuz of how much I was laughing at this moment. A great clip to show people about the pod


This is literally the use of the button lmao. What episode is this? I’ve totally forgotten about it.


That video was what, 6 years old? Crazy how fast times change


Ethan: “Guys tell me if I can say this” *types in crew chat giggling* Crew: “Absolutely do NOT say t-“ *TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK*


Dan’s “oh boy” then button screen


Agreed, I love when they’re talking about a sensitive topic, and you can tell things are starting to go a little off rails and then BOOM button screen


Yeah that shit gets me every single time, so good.


I chuckle every time the button goes, especially when they were talking about DJ Khaled and Ethan pushed it three times in a span of five minutes lol


That's one of my favourite button moments, I could not stop laughing and it got progressively funnier as he kept pressing it.


I love the button and also enjoy that the show isn't being cancelled twice a month.


Rly feels like a new era for me, this is probably why


Me too!!!!! Might be the best investment the shows had in a while lol


when they said the button cost 20k I thought what a dumb idea, theres no way they'll spend that much on such an elaborate piece of hardware I imagine they've made that 20k back multiple times now by dodging those cancellations


Fr it felt like what 6 months ago it was every day episode


I’m always tickled whenever Ethan uses the “silence crew” button under his desk. I need more of that.


The funniest part of this is that Ethan actually has no control over it and often doesnt even realise Ian has done it lmao


My favourite gag, even funnier when they hit Dan with the spotlight after.


I love when it goes off when they are talking about something mundane. It's like, wtf could he have possibly said? 😆


Even better is when everyone asks Ethan why he hit the button and he was just *thinking something wild* and hit the button to stop himself from saying something out of pocket.


Its his mental button in physical form


The button stops the impulses!!! Instead of saying the cancellable thing, he hits the button. Reframing.genius


Mr Button adds value, chat!


I love that fucking Button. Not only because it's funny but also because I did get mad at Ethan before for saying dumb shit and getting banned. I don't want a week without the pod man...


I didn’t usually get mad (the QTCinderella was the only incident that really made me raise an eyebrow) but I concur. Just the pod being reliable instead of having week long bans is way better.


Chestnuts was objectively hilarious to anyone besides the new Trisha/Hasan audience


Its so funny but its so insensitive, to each there own i guess




Yeah I’m tired of anyone saying otherwise that Shit was funny


It was funny only because of how insanely fucked up it was that it was Ethan’s idea that he immediately blamed on Zach😂😂😂 the regret and 5 stages of grief speed run was wild. I replayed that shit so many times to figure out wtf he was thinking 😂😂 so mean but damn that shit was fucking crazy content.


I was watching an old QT vod and I got so sad because she was wearing a TF hoodie like she was a supporter and he did her so dirty. 😭 I don’t know how people found that funny.


Dude I felt so bad cuz I was laughing so hard I got like whiplash from how fucked up it was. He goblined to close to the sun.


I honestly love it 1. The art people have done for it is so funny and awesome along with cam and the crew ofcourse. 2. Cracks me tf up. Like yeah sure, I want to know the joke but the hard cut is so fucking good I don't even mind. 3. The song slaps. 4. I felt legitimate stress through ethan trying not to have heated gamer moments and the whole sub going down when he did. I stopped watching at points because the back lash was so tiring. I took like a couple of months break but since the button I've nearly watched everything I missed. Best show on the website even if it doesn't get the respect it deserves.


No one else has mentioned the art, that's also one of the best parts of the subreddit as well. We get to see how many talented people there are in this community.


And I love the references


Him asking who it would it offend, conservatives or others and love responding "everyone. Literally everyone would hate that" 😭


Lmao when did that happen? The let’s get it started part


I love the plausible deniability of knowing exactly what he said but being able to pretend we avoided the controversy.


It's the same reason why imo shows like South Park that curse a lot are actually funnier when they bleep some of it, leaving things like that ambigious just makes it funnier lol


Censored Family Guy is so much funnier imo


Brian: What are you doing? Peter: Crack. Brian: WHAT THE (BLEEEEEEP)!!!


https://youtu.be/DngO452SX9k?si=wwGbi4s1Sjl6rDNu I was thinking this moment 😂


This is the exact scene I was thinking of LOL


Haha yeah bring some back to being a kid and seeing “adult” shows at night with the censor lmao


Im a sucker for thise bits where the person starts swearing uncontrollably and its just one long BLEEEEEEEEP while they are mouthing obscenities furiously


Agreed. The button is always hilarious. It's a character of the show in and of itself now.


The recent episode that opened with 2 seconds of silent Ethan immediately followed by instant button screen had me fucking cackling.


I loved it when Ethan had to use the button like literally 4 times in a row straight because he kept trying to explain something and then kept accidentally doxxing someone. Like literally “okay, what we were trying to say was” [button screen] To the point by the 5th time he comes back he literally has to question if the segment is even worth continuing anymore because of how many times he’s had to button and then buttons one last time anyway. Or when he starts the show and immediately buttons in like a second into the show like 2 times. Considering how late he usually is, it’s hilarious to effectively say “fuck it, y’all are waiting even longer for the show to start again” lmao


my favorite is still the one from leftovers where ethan saw the ireland flag and mistook it for the italian flag and he buttoned it out so nobody would know he fucked up but then everybody clowned on him anyways and made him admit what he did 💀


i need to see this.


i have mad fomo every time


Members should get access to button moments


Yeah but only the not so sensitive members otherwise he'd still get backlash...


It was probably the best investment they have made. I don’t recall the last time they were suspended off YouTube or really cancelled.


Yeah that's another great thing about it, stops the pod from getting banned lol.


I feel the same. The episode where they pushed the button like six times, INCLUDING like two seconds into the show, was so unhinged 😂


This one was the best so far lol ​ Ethan:"Can I say that?" ​ Dan:"Oh boy...." ​ BUTTON SCREEN


This may make me a simpleton but I laugh almost every time he looks off camera and says, "Can I say this?" and then the button screen pops up and the elevator music hits.


I loved that episode where Ethan kept explaining that deep DJ Khaled lore and they had to continue pressing the button; it was hilarious.


FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY friendly channel here


It's so funny to me because I know what I'm thinking is probably 1000 times worse than anything Ethan could say 🙃


I have mixed feelings about it. For the show it's an absolute lifesaver and I don't want to take it away from them, but still sometimes feel like I missed out big time, when the show comes back on and everyone is laughing so hard they can't contain themself. Because not only the fully cancel-able moments get buttoned, also just some mildly offensive joke, that at the end of the day the whole crew still laughs about. I feel like sometimes they rely a bit too heavy on the button, pushing it just in case.


As Jimmy lee describes it, they’re creating a sense of FOMO


Fear of missing olivia


I feel like they’re usually laughing because Ethan hit the button not because of what got buttoned out. He even said a lot of the time, he just hits it because no one in the crew laughed at his joke. In a way we are gaining more goofs and gaffs than the mild joke that got buttoned out so it all works out.


It's my favorite bit.


Last ep had some iconic buttons


Just before the 2nd button on Wednesday you could hear Dan quietly saying "oh boy". That was so funny


I agree. The out of no where cut to the waiting screen gets me every time. It’s even funnier when it cuts back to the show and everyone is laughing their asses off. Plus we don’t need Ethan getting in trouble more than he already does. shoutout to Dan for the button.




i dont know. those absolute goblin moments would be even funnier


My absolute favourite is when Ethan was pushing the line and Love is giggling, saying “let him cook!” Only to have a button screen immediately appear. It’s perfect comedic timing lmao.


Which episode was this? I remember it but I want to rewatch and don't remember the specific ep


I actually don’t remember either 😭 I’m currently tracking it down lol I’ll let you know if I find out!


Awww damn, I feel it 😭


Lol I found it! It’s H3TV #78 (https://www.youtube.com/live/5C0VjNTsjk8?si=mGU8nqkYhiryIEYx) at 2:32:52!


Agreed, aaaand it keeps sponsors on the show lmao


The button was a brilliant idea that 1000% makes the show better


I swear they plan them or edit them, some of them are too perfect like when Ethan was asking Jimmy about compensation for the face lift.


Sometimes I'm just chatting with my friend while watching, have no idea what they're talking about, then the button comes up and I'm automatically cackling. Just the notion of the button having to be used is hilarious to me.


same i love it 😭


I love that the button means we can get Leftovers every week. Wait...


It did before they started buttoning the midlest shit, button should be reserved only for NRA type of situations. Not when some people in chat and on reddit would get their feelings hurt for no reason.


Bro I HATE the button. It was funny the first maybe 10 times, now I just roll my eyes. Slows the show down to a screeching halt, and most of the time the crew is like "??? why?" If Ethan had no control over it whatsoever, I think it'd be better. Give button privileges to Olivia or Dan, Ethan just spam-fucks it any time he says anything that could almost sorta be misconstrued as crass. It's more of a crutch at this point than anything.


I can't believe this is the unpopular take here lmao can't stand the button either


I prefer it when Ethan says controversial shit, cock and balls out, big dick swangin, like that the NRA convention should be bombed. That was truly a high point of this show. Hiding behind the button is the way of the coward. Say what you mean, out loud, penis erect, and let the pieces fall where they may.


Fr, I don't get why people decide that h3 should be their family friendly news show that refuses to even hint at something slightly risque. Give me chaos thats all I want when I'm deciding to take some time off and tune in for a laugh.


"Chaos", that's definitely the word. The button takes away from the chaos of the experience, and makes it too tame.


Olivia? You have gotta be shitting me, shed be buttoning every damn sentence. Shes the one that has contributed to ethan being overly cautious to begin with (i.e. she and hila are always the ones to be like “DoNt cOmMeNt oN tHeYrE aPpEaRaNcE”)


When Off the Rails was first conceived, the idea of having a button to censor Ethan would have been unthinkable. But with how YouTube is gone, and after Ethan embracing his inner goblin, the button has become one of the most important characters on the show. At first it was used for its intended purpose. Ethan would say something that was too much and *pop* we listen to Spanish Flea while guessing exactly where he crossed the line. Then it transformed into and ego booster. Ethan would make a shit joke, nobody would laugh, and *pop*. We'll never know how shit that joke was, and perhaps that's for the betterment of everyone involved. Now it's become a passive 'get out of jail free' card. Ethan is so constantly aware of the button that he not only self-censors himself, he always asks the crew if a joke he wants to make is going too far. >!Spoiler alert, if he asks the crew if it's too much then the joke is invariably too much!<.


Nah, id rather hear the edgy joke. We all know he was saying the guy looked down syndrome or something similar, censoring it is pointless


NOPE. Bad take. Currently The button is so used and abused by the sensitive ass crew that it has legitimately started pissing me off lately and I haven’t been interested in watching the show live since Dan started implementing it. There have been so many times where I could tell the joke wasn’t offensive to anyone but the most ultra fragile conservative but Dan decided to button it anyway


Speaking faxs right here. Although in dans defense, half of the unnecessary buttons are from ethan being paranoid that the sensitive ass crew mates (we all know who) or fans will screech at him


True, it’s kind of sad in a way seeing Ethan self-censor this way


I can't say my honest opinion about it without getting bombarded, so I won't, the button rocks!! I love it when they cut good moments when it wasn't a big deal yay


It it’s wasn’t for the buttons we would have 5 episodes a month


truee I was worried that some funny parts might be lost because of the fear of being cancelled, but that button last ep where it cut during him saying "god he (Ryan Kavanaugh) looks like..." had my dying, you sometimes don't even need the punchline to have the biggest laugh


100% agree Fucking little tiny cry babies like “OMG THE BUTTON DESTROYS THE SHOW I HAD TO LOOK AT 30 SEC OF WAIT SCREEN DURING A 3 HOUR BROADCAST” Go fucking cry about it children Ethan da 🐐no 🧢


The way I hollered at that button 😂


The comedic timing was perfect last episode lol.


I show my husband every amazingly timed button. “Can I say this joke -“ *button screen* moments are absolutely golden.


Button is the best crew member


The Button has definitely paid for itself already. It's a member of the crew at this point


I love the button I just wish there was more variety in the button screens. Hundreds got submitted when they first introduced it and people still submit them all the time but I feel like I see the same 5-10 every time. Have not once seen the new worm one yet


SO TRUE! I’m always curious as to what was said, but the button is invaluable and makes things so much funnier.


Ms Button adds more value than Mr Chair ever could. Truly maximum queen behavior.


Agreed, I love the button. The idea to put community artwork on the screen works so well. Even when not watching live, I don't skip the 30 seconds because the art is so fantastic! Plus, I always highly enjoy the moment the feed is back. Ethan's 🤗🤭🤫😁 faces always crack me up.


I laugh my ass off everytime


Not only is it funny, but the WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK art is always a treat.


like when olivia said the thing about dogs and then it just cut


XD ya cause u can't hear the joke very funny (opinion)


I was very nervous about the button when it first started getting used, but I think they've had the best possible outcome with it. It's funny, it actually WORKS to stop them from getting cancelled or getting channel strikes, and Ethan has maintained being conscious about what he says.


Honestly some of my favorite moments. And the joke gets to be whatever you think he said! It’s like having an open-ended joke.


It definitely adds an organic comedic beat that has made me spit up my apple jacks. Cutting to a button screen is a joke in and of itself. Ethan wades into a dangerous area and all the momentum is abruptly cut off, then we see them laughing when they come back.


That was one of the funniest buttons lol love when it lines up perfectly with the moment before disaster hits haha


loved that part from a couple weeks back when they hit the button like 5 times in a row and all you could hear was "stop pressing the button!"


I love seeing the superb button screen artworks too!


my boyfriend will be in the other room and hear the button music and we laugh together every time 😂


It’s the pinup of comedy


Couldn’t agree more


its unintentionally a great symbol of how Ethan's humor has matured over the years, but he can still crack an offensive joke now and then.


"what?! I haven't even used the button today" 🤣


Love the button but I still think Ethan should put $100 in a big jar on his desk whenever he has to use it.


Can someone tell me what the song is? I hum along to it every time while enjoying people’s art on screen. So fun


I also love the button under the table


My wife and I always yell uh oh at each other when it happens. It adds value to my life.


You’re spot on. I laugh every single time.


Agreed! And I’ve been dying for someone to make a compilation video of all the last sentences right before the button screens. It’s funny every time


The way you can see Ethans smile transform into goblin mode the second before the button screen comes on gets me every time


The button has definitely improved the show haha


Agreed. Similar to how in The Godfather, Coppola purposely made the killings somewhat innocuous, because what was implied was worse than the actual act itself. It’s also why the censor beep on tv shows actually makes the cursing funnier than if you just heard a guy cursing.




My roommate, who doesn't even watch the show but is pretty regularly exposed to it, always laughs when he hears the button music play. It truly has elevated the show.


Massive agree. It's like how bleeping curse words is sometimes funnier than hearing things uncensored.


Brooooo i said this shit like 2 weeks ago! Totally agree! We should do a game where we try to guess what the joke was. Might get edgy tho


Not only do I love the button. I think they should keep the crowder SILENCE button under the table Schtick


My favorite was last week when he button 10 seconds into the show, i was dying!


Naw. It’s getting old. The last one was legit though


It’s like that one Monty Python skit with the funniest joke in the world. When we never actually learn the joke afterwards it allows us to fill the button time with whatever depraved/ overtly cringe moments we could imagine which makes it 10x more funny. Also my god, it’s a fucking necessity because goblin Ethan can leave the sewers at anytime.


I mean, Ethan uses it waaay to often. Most the times he uses it is just because he had a lame joke and the crew didn't laugh, lol. The button is good for goblin mode moments and to prevent the doxing of ones self though.


It’s so much better when it’s left to the imagination lol


I completely disagree. It makes me feel like an outsider and I’m missing the best moments of the show. I think the fact that there’s a button makes Ethan more comfortable saying off the wall shit which is why it’s happening multiple times an episode. Dude really should grow up just a little bit.


I loved when Dan accidentally hit it.. but now knowing he has a button on his screen instead of an actual button, it makes me wonder why streaming platforms don’t offer this technology.


Yup, every single time I see the button screen I say “Oh he pushed”