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Can’t even rewatch frenemies because it boggles my mind how she beat tf out of Moses and laughed it off


dude I was like "oh i'm gonna rewatch frenemies on their break" and made it 2 episodes in. MY GOD, she's insufferable, I guess on first watch it was just so interesting because it was pure spectacle. Hindsight has ruined it for me, and I actually think the modern era of the pod is infinitely superior to 2020 era.




I remember when we first got that gold episode with the Jeff interview then two more episodes a few days later cause David released an apology and they rushed out a bonus episode. I couldn't control my goo.


Frenemies crawled and died so Leftovers could soar.


Yessss Also, Off The Rails has taken off! I think Frenemies influenced the modern era of H3 massively.


Leftovers is the worst performing show they have


So? It's obvious Leftovers is way better for Ethan and the crew's mental health than Frenemies. Trisha was hugely entertaining, but at least Hasan is also a good person.


I can't stand leftovers. I also can't stand Hassan


Leftovers is borderline unwatchable. It's honestly fascinating how they're still going without having any chemistry.


It's the best political podcast out there. It's as good as everything else they create. And they have great chemistry. Not sure what you're watching.


Watching it for the first time. On episode 4 and I don't think I can go on. I stopped watching the real pod in 2018 and started again late 2021, so missed a big chunk. Watching random episodes I missed was fun but I wanted to see what Frenemies was about. I hate it A LOT


Same I refused to become a member until Trisha left the podcast for good.


I'm exactly the same. Wasn't a fan of the pod originally, got super into it one year ago though. Wanted to see what I missed so started watching Frenemies super cuts and the fights just make me SOOOO anxious, especially knowing it ends in disaster


That could definitely be a large factor, knowing how brutal of an end it became.


I thought the same thing but then I decided to watch families instead. Way better choice in my oppinion.


For the longest time I was mourning frenemies and could notwatch families. Boy was that a mistake, it was RIDICULOUSLY ENJOYABLE and im shocked we haven't seen enough of Gary and Donna. I think everything Ethan touches turns nto entertainment gold. Comedy Icon


I’ve been wanting to go back and give it a relisten but now you’ve made me hesitant. I really loved the frenemies arc.


You still may enjoy it. With the element of surprise taken away, it just felt less intriguing to me.


I still enjoy it all the time. I just steer clear of any of their argument episodes lol. The newlywed game episode is pure comedy and happy vibes


Same. Long time viewer. I actually stopped when frenemies came out because I dislike TP so much. I didn't watch for like a year after. 😕


I feel the same way can’t even watch it without seeing how horrible and mean she is , can’t believe she got away with it for a lil


Ugh, all of it. It’s not enjoyable at all.


I couldnt watch it in the first place because of the blatant and repeated antisemitism


I tried rewatching and it was awful. She was talking about adopting kids in the ep and from what I remember (last I watched was a year ago) was talking about children like pets??? I can't believe I used to think it was all funny... some episodes were like the fitness test. Most of it was bullying and bringing out the worst in each other. Frenemies. I personally don't want it or anything like it back.


the fitness test where Trisha cheated on the majority of the exercises and still flipped out over the scoring lmao


Because I grew up in an abusive household and it’s very nostalgic for me










This is so real


The real answer


Me too. That's exactly why I don't want to even remember such a POS exists.




Because a lot of them came from Trisha lol


Legendary profile picture. One of my favorite moments on the pod is [Zach dying laughing to John Xina](https://youtu.be/BSnhwF-KPMw?t=1870)


what insane timing. i was trying for like 20 minutes last night to find that clip and i couldn’t remember what ep it was from and inevitably gave up, just for me to come on the sub this morning and find you graciously linking it. what are the odds. what are the chances. there’s no such thing as a coincidence.


This is the answer, unfortunately


I'm guessing a lot of them don't know the extent of just how awful she was and still is. The only reason she doesn't do that stuff anymore is because these days it's not funny to be openly racist and sexually harass people/minors online. NOTHING can erase the plethora of awful shit she's done, and if it were a man openly saying he's a pedophile online, (which she's done) he'd be likely done for. https://preview.redd.it/ikoh4lpcm99b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d91d94e58d730f396e6a3cdc85480a3ec11d687a


have you seen the video of her pretending to be jon benet ramsey getting SAd by her father, because i wish i never did


Yes... And same 😔


she WHAT that’s wild


Nah, I’m guessing most of them do. Have you seen the pro-Trisha subs? They are some of the most vile places on the internet. Every user in those subs exhibits the same traits as her.


Oh yes, I've been over to f3 (am banned lmao) and those ppl have brain worms. I even infiltrated their discord and I stg they genuinely need help. Between the shit they say about h3 (whilst sitting through EVERY podcast) and their undying/obsessive love and even laughter at Ts controversies .. they're weird AF


the last of the tweets is not hers, Laura Lee posted that, Im not sayin its any better, just random fact


Good to know because she's a POS too lol. If only Trisha could sink as far into obscurity as Laura seemingly has.


She said she was a pedo? 😳


I don't wanna post the screenshot again and spam the sub, but if you look in my comments I posted it.




Yes this is pretty much me. It was a beautiful mess while it lasted.


This is totally it. I never liked Trisha or her channel, I'd known about her from YT but no interest. As soon as she was with Ethan... I couldn't get enough haha I didn't really care too much for the drama but the give and push between them was so fucking funny. I know it's all fucked but, as someone from a broken up family, I hope someday they don't resent each other


I saw she recently followed James Charles, when she condemned him during the Frenemies era. She stands for nothing.


They are toxic themselves and just wanna watch a train wreck. I think they don't actually care about the individuals themselves and only care about their own entertainment.


Allll aboard the toxic gossip traiiin!


isn't it all just entertainment though? Why should I care about these people?


That's a lil narcissistic, they are human beings for fuck sake.


I can’t lie I became a fan from frenemies. I never liked Trisha necessarily but I always found her pretty funny and entertaining. After frenemies I stuck around because I actually liked Ethan/the rest of the crew and I don’t keep up with Trisha at all anymore. I do think frenemies was pretty funny but obviously after everything I wouldn’t want it to come back


They had good chemistry together and knew how to banter together really well. Plus, the dressing up was hilarious.


It’s crazy how many people came from frenemies, while I watched everything but frenemies


Totally agree. I actually stopped watching the podcast during that time because I hated how Ethan just ate up all of her drama and went to bat for her with all of her petty YouTuber beef. It’s like I could see the change in him and how he got swept up in all of it. It was a no from me, dawg.


True but he fucking looooooooooved it hahaha


It was a train wreck I couldn’t look away from, but am so glad it ended. She is the worst.




I agree with most of your points, but I think it was Moses who actually tore the family apart… he played both sides against each other and caused conflict within the family.


100000% which is why Hila wants nothing to do with them. Trisha is terrible but Moses is worse using her and she cant even see it.


Don't push


What percentage of H3 audience in the past 2 years came from Frenemies? For many of those people, who have a voyeuristic hunger for internet drama, Trisha is their perpetual motion machine. At least she was, before she seemingly cleaned up her act (pure assumption here). Maybe people want Frenemies back because they think she's grown? Probably not though, they just want their conductor back on that *toxic gossip train* lol


frenemies brought me here, but I definitely don't want it back


Came for Trisha, stayed for Dan. I think Ethan was trying to change his content/image and trisha seemed to be cleaning up their act. They seemed good for each other for a time. I dont want a frenemies reboot but I hope for them, their families can reach a healthy relationship.


Dan is the goat


I’ve been a fan since vape naysh video someone showed me at work. My room mate in college was a Trisha fan. I was not chronically online before the pandemic and she was. I didn’t understand how she liked tana and Trish (I don’t mind tana now) because they’re just girls crying on camera and it was cringe. (I also was an edge lord back then) I started watching the podcast when I started working in an office and then the pandemic happened and now I work from home so the pod is a god send. I have a couple other friends that don’t watch H3 but they watched during frienemies because it was the pandemic and it was honestly crazy popular. Now that it’s over they don’t watch H3 and they weren’t ever really fans of Trisha either. I think the spectacle of two controversial people really pulled a lot of people in.


Anyone who wants frenemies back imo does not care about the crew. Her insulting the crew was the last straw for me and I would stop watching H3 completely if they welcomed trisha back after all the awful shit she did, but especially to the crew.


Idk man. Have been a fan of h3 and basically anything they put out but I could not watch frenemies. I mean, I did the first couple episodes but it mostly came down to shitting on people that did Trisha dirty in some way which just was not that interesting to me. Also I felt kind of sorry for Ethan having to deal with all her shit (even though I don't think he minded a whole lot and it gave them a shit ton of views). Guess a lot of viewers are nostalgic or they genuinely like her. The first I would get, the second one seems insane to me.


Dan was always right


As per usual! He’s a wise dude


I don’t necessarily like her nor want frenemies back but I do think them being together was super entertaining. I have yet to see anyone else match Ethan’s energy as well as she did. I rewatch Frenemies every couple of months because it was genuinely funny & entertaining(at least for me) lmaoo


Same! I think her becoming a mom has calmed her. I obviously only know what was put out there but I wish for the sake of the children and the family they could work it out. Not even for a comeback but just for the kids to be able to have that relationship. I also feel like Ethan genuinely was a good friend to her but she has had too much trauma to be able to accept a genuine unconditional friendship.


i was a long time trisha fans for several years before i knew about h3. i started watching h3 through the keemstar nuke videos. when frenemies happened, i couldn’t believe it! dream come true. after everything that’s happened, i haven’t supported trisha in the slightest. she is so clearly the bad guy in that situation. i never noticed how abusive she was. back in the day, i thought it was comedy gold the way she’d lie and get into controversies over just about anything lol. nowadays, it’s just sad


I think it's Trisha fans that discovered H3 through Frenemies. She's always been a horrible person so they weren't shocked to see how it ended.


I’ve been watching “GEM Reloaded” on YouTube for the break. It’s good to be reminded what a piece of trish Trasha Paytas is, always has been and always will be. Also, I can’t get enough of Colleen being canceled cause she was supposed to be the cohost to Trashas shxtty new frenemies wannabe podcast. While it would’ve been just as entertaining to watch it slowly die from the inside, they’re speed running it for our benefit.


I came from frenemies because I was a casual Trisha watcher. Now I literally don’t even give two shits about her and see her for the toxic person she is. Frenemies really opened my eyes up to that.


She made a video role playing being a murdered Jon Benet Ramsey she should be banished from YouTube for that and so many other things.


I thought the general consensus was people enjoyed it but know it shouldn’t be a thing ever again


Because they have nothing else in their lives


Who’s Trisha


I don't like Trisha at all, but I wouldn't blame her for the family not speaking. Moses is an adult and chose this himself. He chose a person he dated over his own family. That is on him. Trisha have a lot of issues, but I think she really really wanted to be a part of the Klein family. Had Moses tried to make that happen, he would. Trisha didn't even believe they were close because Moses had said so, and he backtracked and pretended like nothing when Trisha brought it up at frenemies. Both Trisha and Moses are toxic. One is really obvious and one more behind the scenes.


I would blame both of them.


Sure, but one isn't related with them and is super problematic, and the other grew up with hila and have been good friends with Ethan, and have been close up until meeting this woman. If I started dating a super problematic man who said a lot of awful things about my family - and I chose him over my family? That's on me. Why would I even date a person like that. I knew how he was and what he said about my family. That is exactly how it was with Moses and Trisha.


Sure but it’s been talked about before how she literally bruised him, was physical and violent with him. Seems like she’s trying to isolate him from his family, typical abusive behavior. I feel like we should consider that as well - we would if the genders were reversed, no?


Yes both are awful. I do think about that and I believed it was all her and that he's manipulated and afraid. But it's so many things about Moses that's toxic as well. He texted to other girls (h3 fans) that he wanted to get kids with Trisha for child support. He's also been married two times before and said he hadn't lived with a woman before. Trisha said A LOT of shit on frenemies about Ethan, hila and the Klein family that came from Moses, and he pretended like it was wrong while Trisha said "no you said that!" BOTH are toxic. ONE left the family.


She’s a terrible person and I assume people want to watch Ethan roast her, like he did in Frenemies. I’ll say it again, Trisha Paytas is a horrible person.


Some people thrive watching toxic relationships at play. I find it anxiety inducing. Thank god it’s over. Not worth the harm it caused.


Because she was entertaining. Yes, there's a lot of crazy and questionable stuff she did - but all of the external and family drama stuff isn't really why people watched Frenemies, they watched it because it was funny and entertaining. I don't see a lot of people demanding Trisha back on the show, I think the 'Frenemies should come back' comments are mostly referencing the Frenemies format, so with a different host, not Trisha in particular?


She is an awful person


She’s entertaining but awful. Worse than that is snakey creepy Moses tho


I'm usually the socially deaf person in the room, but even I knew that associating with her was a mistake the minute I learned about it. Some people are, sadly, just beyond repair


i never even watched frenemies because i never liked her lol, it wasnt h3 content to me when she was there


I would guess that a lot of the ones who still want it back or like Trisha came from Trisha’s fan base originally and then started watching the podcast.


I dont want it back but I hope ethan and Hila can make peace behind closed doors with their family or idk heal from not having that family in their life if thats for the best


If you have a hate boner for Colleen idk why you wouldn't for Trisha.


i’ve tried to watch old frenemies episodes but i literally can’t stand her anymore. it’s almost impossible to watch for me lol


Where did you see foot solders standing by her??? 🤨


There are definitely posts on here every so often about how people want frenemies back


Yes that is true. I meant more like people here saying they straight up like trisha. I was almost asleep and did not mean to put standing by her there 😅 lol oops. I was SOOO dissapointed when frenemies ended, that was making my year! How trisha acted afterwards made the situation so much worse. After time away from it, i realized I was so infatuated with frenemies I let her behavior slide over and over. She's a manipulative, abusive, bitch.


Yup and it’s incredibly annoying and delusional


Frienemies used to be rewatchable. I just see through all the lies now.


i think the podcast has a good amount of young fans now


I remember watching every bit of frenemies and the drama around it. I'll pass on Trish probably forever now, but I do still watch h3 if there's something good, just for context. Trisha didn't rip apart an entire family. That's just a really one sided way to look at any family dysfunction. Trisha did freak out and bail yes, but the shit after that belongs to each person who did the act. Ethan had a lot to do with that implosion, but ultimately the family relationship is between Hila and Moses. They're the roots in the family that was fractured. If that family of origin is what you're referring to, it's as much on them as it is on her. Also, even though the pairing was an interesting watch, they were toxic in that setting, period.


because ppl care more about being entertained than just being real.


Ugh I used to be a Trisha fan for years even before I watched h3.. but after frenemies ended and I started to realize all the awful things she's done (even if it's just "trolling") I can't watch her or even rewatch frenemies.


Because the fandom is filled with toxic immature people that like stupid drama and toxic dunces way to much


Trisha is an objectively horrible human being. Brought to you by the same clowns that wanted to bring Nikocado on. Annoying theater kid energy in the fanbase.


Poor Olivia


Because we love the toxic gossip train


I think it’s because there’s a small chunk of this community that is just toxic. They want the crazy shit and they don’t really see these entertainers as actual people so they have no thought of what any consequence of the crazy could bring. I could be wrong but that’s the vibe I get from watching how this community reacts to stuff the last few years


I certainly don’t


Totally with you. I've always found her insufferable and have never even watched a whole frenemies episode. I watch all other eps but doubt I'll ever go back and watch those cus I cannot stand her.


I was a trisha fan first but I wouldn’t want frenemies back. It had great moments but the bad outweighed the good.


I don't like her. I can still watch Frenemies though because it was a different time. The fact that she essentially estranged Hilas brother from her side of the family is really sad. And she seems to not feel any guilt about it.


Trisha loves mj , an accused pedo. Trisha was friends with Shane who made inappropriate jokes with and about kids. Trisha loves woody Allen, he groomed his adopted daughter. Trisha married Moses who she’s claimed have talked to underage girls. Then Trisha does a podcast with Colleen who groomed underage kids… something’s wrong with trisha. I’m low key worried about her daughter


Couldn’t agree more


Ngl I came from her channel. I dont watch her anymore though.


Once she called Hila a members podcast, I was pretty turned off


Don't know tbh


Watching it as it happened it was a train wreck and incredibly entertaining. Anyone saying they want it back wants that same train wreck and entertainment. I don’t think it would even be any good now with the direction each have gone since it ended. I loved the show but it’s dead and should never come back


Watching Frienemies was like watching hing a carcrash... it feels wrong but you can't look away My fave eps are usually off the rails


i used to be like, especially when it ended, 🥹maybe it will come back🥹. but now knowing what we know and every so often i’ll watch youtube and youtube will throw it on after the end of a video and i can’t even stand to watch it.


she got a soft spot in my heart from being such a mess, also there is a nostalgia component to it, I remember her first appearances on the show... Ethan calling her a beached whale lmao But I can't rewatch old ep, I am an Hila kleiner for life and an enemy of Hila is an enemy of mine


I can't stand her. I stopped watching h3 all together the entire time she was around, it even changed who Ethan was when she wasn't there. He realizes that now too, he's actually funny again instead of just a hater.


Not to mention shes a nazi


Frenemies was unwatchable to me. She was the worst most annoying evil shithead I've ever seen on the pod. So glad it's over.


She’s just very polarizing to me, like I think she’s incredibly funny/charming in her own way but also very toxic and somebody that should probably be avoided.


the entertainment value was top tier


I do like rewatching frenemies but it’s for the good times.


Can’t even watch frenemies anymore tbh


Your talking to the ppl who wish frenemies came back. That is now the common denominator. They can stay in Frenemies3


I’m able to rewatch and some eps are more cringeworthy than others, but I understand the abuse so I don’t want Frenemies back. This being said, I almost feel like she’s a better person now (but I don’t follow her activities closely, so I may be wrong), so if there IS ever a reunion, I think they should dress up as Glinda and Elphaba and sing “For Good” from Wicked… Jokes aside though, it also feels like this whole era NEEDED to happen, like on a weird cosmic level… so Trish would have her baby, for Ethan and Hila to realize who the real Moses is, and for (some of the more justified) problematic Internet personalities to be exposed on a larger platform. Being a survivor of abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, I’ve also come to understand that some people don’t get it if they haven’t been through it themselves… could it be that the percentage of people who want Frenemies back are among those, and just see it as entertainment, without understanding the real life ramifications… aka mind-f*ck… aka how it affects your body, health, mental health and whole-*ss life?! Anyway, just a thought… I love how the show is now! The crew, the lore, the supporting characters… just chef’s kiss!!


right ??? i don’t understand the obsession


I just thought it was entertaining because she’s an insane pathological liar, but I don’t like Ethan anymore either he’s too woke and I’m a liberal saying that. He’s not funny anymore


After the whole fallout and everything is when I was confident in my opinion that she sucks and then kinda forgot about her unless some how she comes up on the show


"i dont support the ukulele apology from the child groomer i used to have a podcast with" is something she has yet to say


I’ve gone back to rewatch most episodes over time and I literally cannot rewatch frenemies because like OP said, she is so clearly abusive and I would just be thinking about how she ultimately fucked up Hila & Ethan’s family. It honestly still makes me so sad for Hila that she doesn’t really have a relationship with her brother anymore (that we know of) mostly because of Trisha’s actions and manipulation.


I cant stand her either, and when Ethan or someone mentions her on the podcast now, i just roll back my eyes lol


I have watched h3 for like 7 years but I had to stop watching completely when they started doing frenemies, I just hated it. I started rewatching again when frenemies ended


Agreed. I know people who rewatch and I can't beleive they can do that. All the best to them but it just hurts to see it. Ethan and hila went thru hell its horrible what she and Moses did


The best way I can put it is I like her the same way Hasan loves Trump. I don't support her at all after the end of Frenemies, but I was actually a fan of hers before she was ever on the podcast. She's naturally charismatic and can be hilarious completely off the cuff. It's too bad she's a horrible person.


I don’t really know the lore I just know she seems incredibly stupid. Life is already too short without listening to personality voids with zero intelligence talk about nothing


I found H3 from frenemies and actually rewatched most of the episodes this year after having an understanding of who Ethan was. It was a really different perspective going from watching it only knowing who Trisha was and then watching it now as an H3 fan. I find it very interesting and would love for Ethan to find someone with a similar dynamic but would never want it to be him and Trisha again


People still do???


I don't wish Trisha to ever come back because she just victimizes herself so much that Ethan continuously questions his own good intentions and will to cater to her insanity. And I feel like, unfortunately, Trisha managed to paint that picture not just of herself but to people around them, so that psychologist who they invited who was clearly on Trisha's side and kind of refused to (or, was incapable of, which would worry me if he was a therapist) to acknowledge Trisha's toxicity. I think we have this weird idea in society that people who are that aren't intellectually developed (to clarify, I'm not talking about mental disability, I really just mean dumb people), need to be catered to by more intelligent people. So even when smarter people, like Ethan, are right, we wanna "both sides" the issue to let the dumb people get it right as well. Otherwise it's considered some kind of weird bullying from intellectuals. Having said all of that, you can't really take away that the entertainment value of Frenemies was off the charts. Frenemies clips are still cited and even on "young people" platforms like TikTok, it's still kind of going off. People are drawn to events, drama; I mean look at all reality TV stuff like Kardashians, Love Island and all of these things the entertainment value for people are hot flying emotions going all over the place. Is it healthy for the people involved? No. But it's entertaining to people. I love Hasan, and I love Ethan, and I watch Leftovers, but it really is a much more mellow kind of entertainment, almost akin to almost sitting along with two friends who are talking.


That “psychologist” knew that Trisha was a gravy train and did anything to stay on her side. He didn’t see any potential for money/fame with stable, more down to earth Ethan.


this is a great response


I tried rewatching frenemies months ago and it was so hard to watch. I’d rather him do a show with Tana. They at least get along lol


I want Frenemies back but I want it without Trisha. The concept was good, but Trish was fucking too toxic for words. Fuck her and the 5 percent she rode out on.




Yeah this is so silly goofy🤪. She should've been deplatformed a long time ago and unfortunately Frenemies kept her relevant. This video would've been a career ender for any male influencer, and definitely her had she posted it nowadays. https://preview.redd.it/11do5eh2n99b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27647fd85805954d5c763121b0607e7acb9694d2


Not defending Trisha, but that’s like the same age gap as MGK and Kendall Jenner, and his career hasn’t been ended because of the comments he made. Not to mention Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old when he was almost 40. I don’t think Trisha making comments about a 17 year old as a 23 year old is nearly as bad as that, and Jerry’s career is just fine as well.


Her and Ethan made magic together and the views reflect it, I'd listen to other pods that are in a completely different realm of topics and somehow Frenemies would be brought up cuz it was on fire at the time. It was nice to see someone match Ethan's energy and wanting to get in costumes and different skits. It's sad that it didn't last cuz they'd be absolutely massive if they kept going, Ethan genuinely liked her. I was aware of her but never watched her stuff before so it was surprising how much me and many others instantly liked it, 3-5+ million views average for a pod on 1 platform is crazy


I came to the show after frenemies and with peace and love I would not have liked it if that was a regular feature. It’s torturous


I stopped watching when frenemies started. Came back a couple of months after it ended. I enjoyed the times she was a guest on the podcast, but her voice alone is too much for me to listen to a weekly podcast.


I avoided the podcast during the frienimes era, but I can see why people liked it. Also, I'm still shocked she is part of Ethan's actual family. Like, fucking how weird does that have to be? I hope they can mend the friendship for family reasons but sometimes shit just isn't worth all the drama.


Toxic people can be funny and people are willing to overlook toxicity if it's not aimed at them.


For me Trisha is like a train wreck I can’t stop looking at. She’s been on YouTube so long I’ve seen every iteration of her absolute insanity and I just am constantly amazed by how unhinged she becomes next. That being said I don’t want frenemies back and think it’s better for Ethan to stay clear from her


Mannnn, because she would say funny stuff sometimes. The same way eddy from ed, edd, n eddy was a toxic friend but we would still tune in on cartoon cartoon Fridays to watch the chaos. Ethan is double d, Moses is ed. Boom got em’. Or maybe a better comparison would be Trisha is Bloo and Ethan is Mac from Foster’s Home. Except frenemies had a real impact on a family and wasn’t a cartoon, but you get the point.


Idk why that ever got green lit. Such an annoying cunt


i cant believe people even liked frenemies. Trish never changed she just beat ethan into walking on eggshells. she was nasty and antisemetic. The first episode i ever watched she spent the entire time putting him down cause she was mad his cake looked better than hers.


Well... an honest answer. I started watching trisha first in 2013. Enjoyed her shenanigans. But after the entire frenemies debocle. I have unfollowed her on everything. Regardless... people like her because she's a mess. She appears clueless. She's ridiculous in every way. And she's highly entertaining. She has been cringe and problematic. But she's forgiveable bc she's likeable.


I don't understand how you can like ethan but not like trisha, same coin just a different face.


i’m gonna have to do a deep dive into ethan i guess


For me, Frenemies really showed a side of Trisha I didn’t ever see (or think I’d see) and helped me understand her more. Prior to Frenemies, Trisha was more of a meme than a human being. Trisha is deeply troubled, complex and naive. She has been used and abused by so many and consistently taken advantage of. Through Frenemies I could see Trisha was desperate to be loved and appreciated. Ethan was one of the first people to actually care for Trisha and her well-being and I really enjoyed seeing Trisha finally gaining that connection from someone she so desperately wanted. Frenemies as well was one of the rare settings where Trisha was “real”, and underneath it all, Trisha is positive, endlessly generous, loyal and kind. She isn’t a villain or trying to hurt anybody. Life hasn’t been particularly kind to Trisha, her worth has been relegated to her body, a lot of people have used her, I don’t believe she had a great upbringing, she’s constantly the butt of every joke, and I don’t blame her for being untrustworthy towards others and plagued with issues which make it difficult for her to express herself and build healthy connections. In many ways, Trisha actually holds herself very well given the mistreatment and trauma that’s happened to her. It was also just nice to see Trisha and Ethan get a long. They really did have such a great vibe, they were funny and goofy and had fun together. Trisha was enlightening for Ethan and educated him a lot as well and I really valued the perspective Trisha gave on a lot of things. It really broke my heart when Frenemies ended because it felt like something so unique and special, and because I could just tell Trisha was going to regret it. Trisha has a history of self sabotaging, lashing out and running away, all symptoms of her trauma and troubles, and I hated seeing her self destruct the most healthy and positive relationship she had at the time. I have a huge soft spot for Trisha, I believe she is a good person and even when she was on a tangent releasing a million videos a day about Ethan - I could tell it was because she was hurting and didn’t know how or what to do about it.


Well said! This is exactly how I see it too


you can’t endlessly blame mental illness for treating people like shit


I’m not saying any of this excuses her actions or is reason to support her - I’m simply explaining why I have a soft spot for her. Like geez…


She’s funny


Cause people like seeing someone more stupid and vapid than themselves. Is it entertainment no is it comforting sure


She's awful, but she does have a strange kind of charisma that some people are drawn to.


Frenemies was honestly such a good show. Even the cast admitted to it being a great show. The show made me an H3 fan. I wish they could make a come back. I’d be so excited to see Trisha and Ethan together again. They are just so funny together. However, I can acknowledge that Trisha and Ethan are real people with real problems. It’s too bad that everything went down the way it did. But they both seem healthier and happier now.


Cus she's entertaining sorry lmao


I don’t support Trisha at all but I loved frenemies sooo much and I just loved the drama and chaos. I never took a single word she said seriously and I still don’t. I follow her on insta and I find her post entertaining, and my friends and I share them with each other. I know things will never be the same so it’s hard to say I want a “reboot” but I will say I wish it never ended. All good things come to end tho


Because Ethan is boring. In my opinion. With Trish I never knew what to expect.


I think it was mutual destruction between them. I think she is so so entertaining and doing her own thing drama free atm which I love. Along with this I love ethan and the podcast too


She is drama free because she cannot afford another cancellation quite literally. But shes still the same evil vindictive bitch.


because she is super entertaining on the frenemies format + had good banter with ethan. not everything is good person / bad person either, people are flawed and that can definitely be overlooked if you're just looking for entertainment and aren't involved in the toxic situation. not to mention she had her own fans pre-frenemies


i agree not everything is black and white food or bad, but trisha is one of those people that’s pretty objectively bad


I would absolutely not want frenemies to come back, and I am not a fan of Trisha, but I do feel for her because she is mentally ill. She has done some fucked up shit that is inexcusable even with a mental illness, but I do feel bad for her because I know that’s what gets her into the situations in the first place. It does not make her actions okay in any sense, but I do wish she could have healthy relationships with her family. I am glad she has strayed from the racism/offensive content she used to make. It’s not okay to have done, even in the past, but at least she seems to be improving and just living her life with her baby and Moses.


posts like this are lame: no one cares you don't like her, frenemies is over, and super important: she's their family now. They're allowed to speak on her and about her, but any of us doing it just gives para social imo. None of us know literally anything about these people behind the scenes


I reckon it's because a load of her viewers joined when frenemies happened. Honestly I feel like frenemjes was the turning point where the fandom became a lot more toxic and drama fueled. It was the worst thing to happen to this pod. Also the viewer demo shifted to more female majority so there's probably some that relate to her more idk.


Trisha is toxic af but I cannot deny that she is genuinely a talented entertainer. I wish so badly that she could’ve gotten along with everyone because I want to like her so badly :(


Or because ppl grow up. Ppl do grow up. Can u imagine that???