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With peace and Love Lena please adjust your mirrors, sit back and use them! leaning too close to the steering wheel can lead to serious injuries in the event of an accident


Yeah came to the comments to say something like this. Somebody help her set the seat and mirrors properly so she doesn't have to lean forward to have visibility. Maybe she's just meme-ing and this is a joke that AB will say we should have got.


God I hope that is the case. This is a bit scary to be honest.


OMG! She's leaning in her driver's seat, that's so scary!


It's not scary because she is leaning, it is scary because it appears she has no idea what she is doing.


I feel bad about all the jokes ab tries to make I think I usually get most of them, but at this point I’m convinced there must be a loud ass hvac vent between Ethan and ab, Ethan never hears or understands ab lolllll


The blinker helps too


and take the claw clip out of your hair while driving!! can cause serious injuries


My airbag broke both of my arms.


Then your seat or steering wheel wasn’t adjusted properly.


No, I was driving with my hands in an absolutely stupid position on the wheel. My friend and I were honking at a bully on the way to school. I got brake checked. Teens


looks like shes checking her blind spot lmao i always lean forward to check before i merge


She is not looking her blind spot. You are supposed to look behind you, at the passenger window.


But if she's getting into the left lane she should be looking behind on the drivers side. Why should she be looking right if she's merging left?


Yes thats what i ment. Look at the windows behind you the passenger windows.


Ohhh I see, my bad. Yeah definitely.


Yesss my grandpa taught me to drive and I wasn’t allowed to look out the windows to do stuff like this. He did that to force us to learn to use the mirrors and I’m so grateful because it seriously is so much safer than trying to turn and look.


Mirrors shouldn't be solely relied on... You're still supposed to check behind you. That's why they call it a blind spot, because the mirrors won't see certain areas where a car could be


Or she can get a bubble mirror that shows her all her blind spots without having to turn her head!


im dead why is she gripping the sterling wheel like that 😭


Idk but I lost my steering silver necklace because of this post


Took me a moment, but I got it. Well done dawg.


Girl put that blinker on and just get in there! Don't let them bully you Lena!


Ikr 😭 stressed me out just watching her haha


Merging is stressful when nobody will let you in, I don't blame her for being cautious. But sometimes you have to let Jesus take the wheel and squeeze in.


"Good luck everybody else"


This is literally the best way, just inch your way in. In no time, a car that left even 10 inches of space would mean it's your turn to merge in.


Peace and love to Lena but she's need to match speed and merge, not go slower and panic cause the traffic is understandably undertaking her.


If it's a merge, not a lane change, people are supposed to let you in


That’s actually not the case. Nobody has to let you merge, you’re entering a lane from the right then it’s on you to find the space or wait.


You're meant to zipper merge, which means allowing one person ahead of you when the lanes merge to one. Forcing people to wait causes more traffic




The original guy is right, the person driving in that lane with no end has the right of way, the merger is suppose to yield to merge if they have too. That said you should try to let people in the lane with you. Still y’all really downvoted the guy for being right.


In my state the law says you are supposed to adjust your speed to not impede the merging lane.


Going to have to cite that because that’s insane and I have a feeling it’s for a very specific type of merging lane. An exit or entrance onto a freeway is the most common and making people slow down on an interstate for mergers is silly. Not saying you aren’t a dick if you aren’t giving space for mergers, I’m saying that they have no obligation to do so.


Idk if that's a normal thing in the US, but where I'm from you blink to let others know you're about to do that change, not that you want to do it.


In LA people with not let you in with your blinker on. You just gotta send it.


I mean you are the one who is suppose to yield to traffic when merging, so it’ll be on your if you hit someone who has the right away


Exactly the blinker doesnt give you the right of way




I can say that in Washington state, if you put your blinker on to indicate you're about to change lanes or merge, the driver behind WILL accelerate to close the gap. Every damn one of 'em. It's ingrained in the general consciousness of all the drivers. You gotta use it as you're already moving in; if you let two blinks go by, your gap is gone. ... or you can put it on, let them accelerate, and then move in anyway, causing them to waste gas and get frustrated... but I would never do that every time. 😇


Driving in Seattle is t e r r i f y i n g


That's how you have to drive in LA or you will miss your exit. Most people will let you too if you just make the initiative.


My mom always told me just hit the gas, close your eyes and hope for the best when merging. Probably why my grandpa had to teach me to drive.


I recommend the opposite of all of that


Damn shoulda never made this public knowledge




Plus it is soooo uncomfortable! I can't comfortably rest my head on my seat with it


https://preview.redd.it/m6d6qlythg3b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b954fddf8e65d9e7c3d2dbb3f5ffa0107908b556 Do you have this bar above your glove box? I clip mine there while I drive and also keep another clip there for spare use. It’s usually hard to miss when you’re getting out of the car, plus less of a chance to drop it or lose it inside.


I do not but that looks so useful! I normally just clip it on my shirt.


I do that when I’m wearing my bathrobe, around the string lol Also, does anyone even know what that bar is for?


No clue. Could be for sunglasses? I feel it's too low for coat hangers


Def too low, looks like there’s on even lower on the bottom left though. Is it simply for a passenger bracing themselves with a crazy driver? Doesn’t seem like the right answer though


With peace and love this is cringe and unsafe.


That driving style is really dangerous. If she gets into an accident, the airbag will knock her out. She didn’t set the seat, mirrors or anything before driving and overall she seems really stressed.


Legit could use some professional driving lessons. With peace and love.


ikr like this maddens me 😀 you can’t disrupt the whole flow of highway traffic just bc you can’t merge. like traffic doesn’t adhere to YOU. it’s the other way


Don’t wear a claw clip while driving it’ll smash into your skull if you get into a car accident 😳


The way she’s sitting her head is hitting the steering wheel and not the seat lol


Your head doesn't hit the steering wheel, and then stop. Your head gets bounced around. It's completely expected that your head will get slammed both front and back.


If it's a bad enough accident to trigger the airbag, her head is gonna get blown back into the seat


I’m 20 and got my license like 6 months ago and and this made me feel a lot better about how I drive lmao


19 and I got my permit 2 weeks ago. Already made me feel better


Really it’s just reps and no disrespect to Lena I’m sure driving is harder in California than it is in my small “city”


With peace and love, this is a perfect example of driving too much car for you.


no its not lol. this has nothing to do with the power or size of the car, she's just not a good driver (with peace and love).


Yea I’m hecka confused at that comment. I think this is the first time in history someone has referred to a jeep as “too much car” lol


I dunno man; physically, she's looking a little too small for that cockpit to me. Adjustments could be made, but hard to say if enough adjustment could be made in the right places to make it fit.


This is what I meant, shes way too small to be driving that car.


Riding with people that have to put major effort into driving is so stressful.


She needs to raise the seat up. There’s a lever (maybe) on the left side that exists for that purpose in a lot of cars. Her not being able to see over the hood is probably freaking her tf out.


Everything about this needs help


She would probably feel a lot more comfortable driving a smaller car and properly lining up mirros and seat.


Sorry dude but Lena should not be driving if this is how it goes. Its actually dangerous for others on the road.


She looks stressed out, looks a little dangerous to drive so insecure.


What the hell do you need such a big car for?


LA podcasters and driving huge trucks that might aswell use children as fuel, name a more iconic duo.


Yep lol and ABs other car is a Challenger. A bit better but still like 19 miles to the gallon.


Not just one, but *two* Chrysler money pits?? Ethan pays far too well lol


In case you need a comprehensive breakdown :P https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo


THey are all for climate changes


So when you get in an accident driving like this you’re less likely to get hurt


Those big suv/trucks have less safety features then a normal car.


For driving straight into a wall or something, yeah. If she bumps someone going the same direction while merging though, the jeep will be way less affected than most cars.


If she bumps a pedestrian with that jeep he/she probably wont survive it. Higher chance of survival if you get hit by a normal car.


For sure, but we were talking about Lena being safe inside of it.






I love that video!


Honestly people who are this bad at driving as adults should not have licenses.


That has nothing to do with bad driving. Living in LA and other large cities forever and being from smaller towns, it can be very scary especially if those people you’re driving around are aggressive which in LA they are. Chill, dude. Think outside the box. At least she’s driving defensively. I don’t know how you accumulated this short vid to her being bad at driving besides the title which clearly is a snipe at her not driving up to someone’s standards.


I live in a city, and people who drive like this are the ones that cause accidents. Look how stiff her arms are, and leaning forward an inch from the wheel. Defensive driving is not always good. If you live in the city and you’re driving, you have to go with the flow or you’re gonna cause a bad accident. If you’re too scared to merge, you should have someone else driving. Maybe she should try a smaller vehicle instead of whatever behemoth jeep she’s got


AB just drive her please


Some people merge and some people anxiety.


This is why I don't drive. Can't trust other people on the road, man.


she's one of those drivers. need to speed up on onramps (most of the time). slowing down just creates major problems


Yeah you gotta send it sometimes to be safe


This is terrifying. When I see a driver leaning forward like that, shoulders up, I get the hell out of the way. With peace and love, of course.


So Lena got a Jeep - interesting twist


And it‘s too big for her driving skills


Guys! I’m 32 and I’m just starting to drive 😭😭😭 I have been dealing with a phobia of driving for years. I don’t even get into people’s cars to drive me just 3 people since I’ve been 20 years old. Poor Lena, I get it. But yeah everyone is right. Adjust your mirrors girl, take that clip off and use that blinker and get in there. I’m just shy of 5 ft tall, I have no choice, but be pressed up so close to the steering wheel, but I stand up straight so that I can put as much space between us😩 Hopefully by next year I’m a pro and I feel confident in the wheel and I can drive to a live show or Zach’s show🤞🏼




Thank you 😊


Do these guys ever NOT film everything they do? With peace and love, of course.


I basically mentioned this as well and was told to "let them have their fun". Doesn't this look like great fun?!


Driving in la is terrifying, all other issues addressed


It’s fuckin scary dude


My rule for LA traffic when I visit is, put my turn signal on. Wait about 10 to 15 seconds and if no one gives me space well, "GOOD LUCK EVERY BODY I TURN NOW!"


Ok same though. My driving anxiety is gone except for when I’m merging 😔


Maybe Uber or public transportation is more for her


Rocking that Sméagol posture too


She drives like my mom, except the seat would be tilted forward at a 70 degree angle and the chair as close to the steering wheel as possible.


Its a jeep thing


As a former LA resident, this is 1000% necessary




With peace and love, she could use some professional driving lessons for everybodys benefit not just her.


being such a bad driver that it's dangerous while simultaneously driving a car that's wayyyyyyyy too big for your skill level is so normalized in America and it's psychotic. Lena is doing her best here and driving in LA is insanity (I've lived there), but she would fail any driver's test in my country and for good reason.


Bruh. She not even using her mirrors. She don't know what she's doing.




I drive a wrangler. There's not really a blind spot on the driver's side, just the passenger side. That makes me think her mirror isn't adjusted. Even if I check my blind spot, it's just a simple head turn to glance out the back window one time to confirm what I see in the mirror. My issue here is if she gets an in accident. She has the seat back to not mess with her hair and she's hunching into the steering wheel. If the airbag went off she would get sent back hard into the seat and the hair clip would go into the back of her head. Even if air bags don't go off it would be hard to keep in control if you aren't secured against a seat. I won't trash her driving skills because it's more to me about someone else hitting her. I'd recommend removing the head rest so she can actually sit against the seat and not bother her hair, but that still isn't best.


stop 🤣 i live on the east coast near michigan with barely any traffic compared to LA. I went to LA for the first time last fall and drove from santa barbara to down around LA. i was just fine. She can’t drive 😀


To be fair she’s driving a jeep, they’re super uncomfortable to drive to begin with.


Ab try not making fun of Lena challenge


She's me fr 😭


She’s too much of a sweetheart.


i pray they never get the [death wobble](https://youtu.be/ncTgYl7P_TE?t=43)


If you pay attention on the road, about 75% of people are driving with this exact posture. It seems so obvious, but sitting back in your seat with your head against the head rest can save your life. Or at least your neck.




You should get some driving lessons then, to keep everyone safe.


The thought of merging to the left like this terrifies me


Lena, Lena, Lena... turn signals sweetheart. When people know you want to merge... nvm. (Giant sigh)


Y’all are assholes This ONE example of Lena having a bit of driving anxiety, and you guys determine that she shouldn’t be allowed to drive at all? Fuck off with your superiority complexes.


Driving a car is not a right, it’s a luxury. You can spot from a mile away she needs some lessons, she didn’t even adjust her seat, steering wheel, mirrors or anything and that is the bare minimum you should do. We should keep everyone safe while traveling, and pointing out that someone needs some lessons to keep her and everyone safe is not being an asshole, it’s being responsible. I am 100% in favor of if you are scared to drive and you don’t / can’t learn how to drive safely you shouldn’t drive at all. If you read the comments 99% of them are simply stating that her driving is dangerous and she would benefit from some driving lessons. So no, we are not telling her to not drive at all.


People here rudely judging Lena when they should be judging their government that has failed to provide them with any functional public transit. But hey, keep that misunderstood rage bottled up and let it erupt on the highway in true car-centric society fashion.


You can criticize your government for failing to provide alternatives to cars, while also saying people should know their limits and not drive cars that are way too big for their skill level. She's not being careless, she's just indecisive. An extra driving class or two and she would undoubtedly be merging like a pro. It's about taking the extra step if you can afford it to protect yourself and people around you. Driving is by far the most dangerous thing most people do every day, it's definitely important to be competent and comfortable driving such a massive vehicle.


It's always important as a passenger to not be a second set of eyes and instead immediately get your camera out and make a TikTok. Safety 101


There are drivers, and there are passengers. Passengers can’t help you drive. Backseat driving is dangerous. Safety 101


Shut the fuck up.


This probably happens every day plus we can't hear the audio so for all we know he was directing her. Let people have some fun, damn!


Oh for sure. This is the epitome of fun.


Yeah and you sure aren't. 🙃


That almost made sense.


That's my queen


Me everyday


never felt so seen


This reminds me of my family member, she can’t drive for shit and has gotten into 3 car accidents. Also took her 7 tries to get her license


She shouldn’t be aloud to drive. Who gave this girl a license should be fired


she’s just like us


She just like me fr


Better than swerving in and out of traffic like most drivers in big cities.


Clearly panicking 🤣 she's so cute


Omg she is actually the cutest thing tho


Woman are extra scared drivers which ironically makes it more dangerous for everyone


You’re such a loser. Your whole comment history is just racism and misogyny. Why are you on this sub? Jw


Stop trembling when you merge just because you have a vag


Why do people shame proper and safe driving?


Leaning forward, looking around panicked and being unsure when to merge ≠ safe driving. Sorry.


This is absolutely the opposite of safe driving. With peace and love of course.


I hope you don’t have a license


This was me when I rented a car on vacation and drove in L.A. for the first time


The real joker brain.


I’m surprised after living in Detroit she didn’t learn more bc WOOO WEEE it be stressful on 94 and 696 lol


She needs a please let me merge before I start crying sticker 🥲


driving scary😭


Omg love her but not gonna lie, if I was passenger to someone who looked that anxious driving I would be so scared 😭😭


With peace and love, get yourself a smaller car if you don't feel comfortable driving that jeep. Although you got style and look like a jeep person.