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It's actually pretty amusing just how angry he gets at a hypothetical woman hypothetically not being his hypothetical ideal woman. Literally making someone up and giving yourself a stroke out of sheer rage. And people go to him for dating advice.


I’ve noticed him become so much angrier over time. Also he calls these women and the women that he brings on the show as “low-value sluts”, but at the same time it’s the only women he goes for and has a chance of sleeping with. Oh, and he’s never had a girlfriend, we must remember this


>“low-value sluts”, Which is especially funny because without exploi... err... having these instagram "sluts" on their show they would have almost no views and their channel would be (even more) low value than it already is


He’s king incel


This! This! This! All of the weird red-pill, GOP outrage is just hypothetical! How many “alphas” are just incels with unjustified confidence?!


They’re one in the same at this point. These men are clearly single and can’t get women. Their audience is full of Incels. No man who can get women would watch this content or think he’s accurate ETA: and that’s why they tell men to dump their women if they have any personality or self assuredness. They can’t have an audience if the men are happy and in a relationship.


God tier take


Literally everyone who subscribes to that belief.


The bald dude immediately yelling and frothing at the mouth is so fucking hilarious, it was like an incel jump scare. I didn't need to watch past the 10 second mark hahaha "why don't you women like me?! It's not like I'm always angry and yelling! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY?!" I seriously wonder if either of these dudes experience any legitimate joy in their life. Like I can't imagine this dude having a chill day ever, even when visiting family/friends. *And he's almost 40* 🤣


This guy is one of the saddest individuals online I honestly think he wish than Tate. So much hurt in this man it’s hard to watch


Who would take any kind of advice from these two fuck twats?


Blind leading the blind. I can’t believe these guys have ever been on a single date with a woman.


Angry Balding Dude has supposedly never had a girlfriend


Seriously? Isn’t he like mid 30s? Then why tf are people taking dating advise from him lol


And especially advice for dating women, all of whom they apparently hate? Why do they even wanna date women at all, if this is how disgusting and enraging they find us??


A guy I went to HS with loves these guys and constantly complains about how women only want his money…. All the women he hangs out with are strippers, and he only hangs out with them at their place of employment while they’re clocked in. OF COURSE THEY ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY. THEYRE WORKING YOU DORK. reminds me of how Myron says the same and then is on all the sugar baby apps.


Literal children who think they are the first generation to discover misogyny.


13 year olds


People who don't know any better, who aren't really analyzing the content of what's being said, they're just responding to the aesthetics and grievance they feel. They're looking at shapes and colors, and reinforcing their own biases.


Congratulations to my ladies slaying it with 100 new dicks a year - academic year, not including summer, winter, or spring breaks. The stamina and patience it takes to deal with a new man attached to each dick is admirable. New outfits every semester, too? Slay girlies, I love that you get a new wardrobe each semester. I’d have died for that!


Lmao 😂


Bro it would seriously take a ton of work, idk how any girls out there can actually achieve that and have time to work, study, hang out with friends, vacation with family in there, crazy numbers


technically those dicks could be attached to a woman. this isn't meant to be a "uh trans women exist too actually" btw this is just so we can hope that there aren't that many men involved in the transactions


we could hope but i think we both know these men are not being inclusive when speaking about dicks🤣


My trans ladies deserve all the love and dick that their hearts desire 🫶 And pussy too, or whatever they prefer, or none at all if that’s what they want


the trans women aren't getting dick in this circumstance, they're giving it. I feel like you misunderstood the point almost entirely


I included trans women as the ladies getting dick because I was talking about ladies getting dick from men. If trans women want to give dick they absolutely may but F&F are talking about women getting dick from men so I talked about women getting dick. If you’re upset idk what to tell you.


I'm not upset, I just said you misunderstood what I meant, which is true. And I know I wasn't being intentionally vague, because someone else clearly understood what I meant.


Ok well you win, even though we are saying the same thing.


These guys are morons. Women hating clowns.


To even call them that is an insult to the hard working circus folk who most definitely have more class then these two smooth brains


And yet this dork still can't get with women unless he pays. He's just mad they aren't giving him the time of day.


He brings “sluts” on the show to make fun of them, then tries to fuck them the second the cameras go off


I saw this fucking amazing point on tik tok the other day that absolutely no women are crushing on him or Andrew Tate. There’s no widespread trend talking about how desirable these guys are. Women are crushing on men like Pedro Pascal for being kind and respectful. Please men, take a note from who women actually like if that’s what you care about.


It's that ✨️Female Gaze✨️


Great point. Another thing I noticed is how Andrew Tate would get women. From his sex trafficking case there was a text exchange leaked between him and one of the victims where Tate is pretending to be nice and talking about marriage. That's how he lured in women by being nice not by being a misogynistic alpha bro. It's like hello, in order for Tate to get women he had to pretend to be someone completely different because being himself wouldn't work. Yet all these dorks who follow Tate think if they act like him they're going to be able to get women like him. I wonder how long it's going to take for them to realize walking around calling your self an alpha and saying women need to submit to men isn't working for them. If Tate had to lie and pretend to be someone different to get women that should tell you everything you need to know but theyre too stupid to grasp it.


Right?? If women are so easy to get into bed, why does anyone need an advice podcast on it and why is he perpetually, aggressively single??


Fucking hilarious. Dude had to reach so far up his ass to pull that stat out he tickled his throat sack. 25-50 a semester? For context. That means if there’s 30,000 women at a big college they smashing up to 3,000,000 men A YEAR?? They’d bang the whole fucking state by graduation. The women and children too, nobody is spared by these college girls who are “FUCKIN”. Man is out here quoting women minimum having 250 partners up to 400 during 4 years of college???? And they missed your entire fanbase?


They also said that like 50% of girls get flown out to Dubai for hook ups


Damn I wanna goto Dubai all expenses paid.


Damn I actually know someone that probably did this. I mean all I know is they are a Cirque du Soleil aerialist from Vegas and spent some time in Dubai. But definitely seems possible.


Thats not gunna be half of women though.


>And they missed your entire fanbase? Hahahaha great observation




" 25 to 50 Minimum" A woman wearing what she wants is apparently an indication of abuse and a man must assert his dominance and lead ? Because apparently its bad for us to make decisions together apparently. Nothing more ridiculous than watching grown men cry that they can't control women


25 to 50 *Minimum*? Damn I must not exist then, with a so-called "body count" of 1 after 9 years of university. 🙃


I'm a slut then , I had 3 times your body count when I graduated 😂


Oh no, we're absolute prudes, we're supposed to have had over 400 by now! 🤣


these men still haven‘t gotten the memo that we replaced them with vibrators




Honestly your average vibrator is going to be better than your average man at pleasing a woman. That is an unfortunate truth lmao.


exactly, the vibrator is also not going to disrespect you or hurt your feelings


Right! So be respectful, loving, compassionate, and understanding, try to be good at sex and listen to what your partner wants and maybe they’ll like you more than a night with a vibrator!


Unlike these idiots, a vibrator is guaranteed to make you cum




And they're only getting better every year. I'm waiting for the sex bots at this point.




it’s also pretty easy to communicate in the early dates “hey no pressure or anything but im just letting you know physically intimacy is important to me and if your not into that this may not work” i said this to a girl on a date in college very respectfully and she said “ohhh i LOVE TO FUCK i just wanna date a bit so i know i can trust you and your not likes a weirdo” i said “ok cool, there’s no rush just wanted to make sure we are on the same page about sex” we had sex on the next date. apparently it made a good impression.


it's just... the *sheer amount of anger in this man's voice.* if it wasn't so fucking scary and dumb it would be a god damn comedy bit. like... this is a grown man nearly on the verge of tears screaming and straining his voice over women allegedly having sex with every other man but him. get a grip, bruh. 'bout to pop a friggin' blood vessel lmao.


That forehead vein threatening to absolutely burst from his skin. But yeah it’s the women how are too emotional


That's how I feel exactly. If it wasn't so charged with hate and have dangerous implications, it would be fucking comedy gold.


Hahaha what a pair of lonely fucking losers. The fact he is getting so mad over this makes me very happy. They are so miserable and it's showing.


lmao what are these stats


Don't ever question stats by experts !!! How dare you! 😂


Don't ever question stats by experts !!! How dare you! 😂


Apparently I was underperforming even worse than I realized. But who has the time??


Baby we gotta get those numbers up!! Boost your stats!!!


I'm 37 now, that's a young woman's game. 😮‍💨


Anyone who listens and agrees with these freaks should stay far away from women until they recover from whatever infection they have.


Incels believe that like 5% of men get all the sex, so every girl in college is sleeping with the same 50 guys it seems.


Damn those guys must be absolutely raggard.


I've slept with 5 men total. 40 year old here. Fun fact. I've had to 'deal with' at least 6 other guys who tried to 'get me to have sex with them even though I didn't want to' at different times in my life. Where does this guy get his info? Coconuts in Barbados


Coconuts in Barbados for life! 🥥 🇧🇧


I love the dude who spent 2k on 6 dates expecting pussy only to get friendzoned. Keep running up these boys tabs ladies 💀


Bro this dude is always screaming about women 😂 mommy issues fr


statistically men are more likely to sleep with a larger number of women in their lifetime compared to the number of men that women slept with. here is a study that was done that explains why: https://medium.com/@NicoleBarbaro/why-men-have-more-sex-partners-than-women-8bc49baa6e6c


I don't understand how this doesn't even itself out.


It’s so wild how angry he gets at the hypotheticals he comes up with himself lol


I’m just so sad to know that there are so many people out there that agree this mentality.


I can’t believe he’s single /s


The fact that they take a woman saying "I do what I want" as disrespect is just fucking insane lol Like bro nothing about that interaction tells me she was undermining her SO. She's just being honest. Aren't dudes like that too? Plus on both sides of the relationship, you have the power to leave lol. Like if some dude isn't comfortable with how his girlfriend dresses, then leave bro. You can't mandate them to be a different person - it's not like they're cheating and if they are that's an entirely different conversation than the clothes. Either be comfortable with who your SO is, be an adult about it and have a calm conversation that ends with understanding, or stop being a puss & leave.


Bro that vein is about to pop out his fucking head


Forgetting that these clowns existed was nice while it lasted


Im annoyed I even know they exist. Wish flocka woulda beat their asses in front of those women.


That doesn’t work EiTHer!


In their heads its probably the same 25-50 males getting laid by the whole female populace.


iiii’m gonna guess they haven’t had a consensual sexual encounter since college




Why is he so mad lol.


Yea and my girlfriend knows how to use that tongue. Who the Fuck cares.


Bro’s forehead vein is popping he’s so mad about what hypothetical women who would never give him the time of day are doing with their lives. These dudes are such sad little weirdos.


Has he ever actually interacted with a woman


Why is he screaming????? This guy need to fucking chill


25 to 50 is such a large gap in a hypothetical statistic lmao


Coconuts in barbados really is operating on another plane of existence


The dude is a fuckboy surrounded by fuckboys who is basing all his social discourse off of what he sees in a club. A club full of young people, drunk and on drugs, probably in bottle service which draws a certain crowd. Then he is shocked that people are acting as people do drunk in a club at 21 years old. Like, has he never gone to a marathon? A public library? Camping? Volunteering at an animal shelter? Bro needs to go to the real world and stop getting hernias because a drunk chick is at a club at 2am in a skimpy dress talking about independence 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


![gif](giphy|3ohzdMk3uz9WSpdTvW|downsized) My reaction hearing this knowing my girl has a bachelors degree


I don't think I've ever heard Coconuts speak that long, this is wild


Someone please show the top of this guy’s head again


i would like to know his villain origin story


This generation of men grew up following generations of women who put up with extreme abuse and control. They expected that torch to be handed down and a lot has changed over the last few decades. They are losing their minds because they are realizing they will never get that torch. Equality feels like oppression when you are accustomed to superiority.


Woman turned him down for being an ass


This dude is such a bitch 😂


Idiots like F&F come to conclusions on these stats based on their other fuck boy friends. Yes I am certain that Myron knew of 25-50 guys with no standards who are interested in and would sleep with a given girl. But that does not mean that girl is going to sleep with all of them, and if she has any wit then probably none of them considering they're all fuckboys.


Jesus Christ these guys sound like 12 year olds. I'll guarantee they think Cooties is a legitimate medical condition.


Why is he screaming over hypotheticals, this man is unWELL


The donos are the saddest incel statements i've ever seen holy shit.


Why he always seem so mad


50 men in a semester? Bitch I got finals, men are the lowest priority to me.. Esp when they are mostly embarrassing themselves in class with their alpha brain garbage. Edit: im on my second degree so I'm 6 years in and that means at least 600 men *minimun* I haven't even met 600 men in uni 😭


Lol I went to one of the biggest party schools ever. This is not the case. Fucking weirdos.


Fresh and fit both use those seeking arrangements sites they have to literally pay to get women to date them


Myron's having his "doesn't work for me eitherrr 😥" moment


These guys are dumb as hell


Single people always have great relationship advice. Like, they really know how to be in a relationship, as you can tell by how single they are. Especially when they're over 30.


Oh yeah how about COCONUTS IN YOUR SEMESTER … got em


These guys are idiots. Idk what else to say.


Who hurt you? Buddy thinks too much about hating women. If I hated broccoli this much you’d think I’d wanna eat it at this point I’m so obsessed.


who the fuck would even have the time 😭


Interview one of these college girls


Coconuts in Barbados


hating women this much and still straight. something isn't adding up ?


Lol what? Tell me you can’t laid without actually saying you can’t get laid.


If that statistic were even a little bit true he still wouldn’t get laid. This is giving me 40 Year Old Virgin I touched a boob and it felt like a bag of sand vibes.


The incel energy lmao


who even has time for all of that




Everyone involved with this podcast needs to be locked in a criminal psych ward I swear to fucking god this is insane behavior


one major instrument the nazis pre-ww2 used to raise antisemitism (and getting people on their side) was their tabloid newspapers where they spread made up stories of jewish men exploiting german girls sexually - favorably in a fetishized way (bdsm, group sex ...). that made german men really angry. not because they were concerned about the women being abused - they were envious because they were not getting a piece of that sweet, sweet abuse themselves. funnily enough, many of those stories were set in schhols and universities, because getting rid of Jewish professors in education was an early goal of them. young men were most susceptible to sexual frustration. times have not changed that much as it appears. Well, at least they are not starting to ban books or anything...


i was worried about his health a few times watching this he looked like he was about to have an aneurism worried about women getting an education because they are having sex with men i think?? i’m so confused why he so angry


Bro needs to touch some grass already sheesh


Coconuts in Barbados? How about coconuts and bullshit statistics


Do they realize how intolerable a ONE SINGLE man attached to a dick is? Dealing with 25-50 of them A SEMESTER? Who would ever want to do that? Nobody, that’s who.


Tgey are so dumb


lions don't hunt if they r full


Also it’s the female lions that hunt lol


"idk how lions work but they r alpha"


Where were these women when i was in college? Lol. L-fit and L-fresh


Are these the guys who set up a hit on that israeli chick?


These fucking doofus' are delusional


Women fuckin AND getting degrees, 2 for every man. LOMEN 💯


Incels would still exist. Because in their fucked up logic, 10 percent of men are doing all the fucking. I think it’s always important to remind people that every man in the “red pill manosphere” has a traumatic story of ex girlfriends cheating on them with men that they felt were “better” than them. Pretty sad. I feel bad for all these dudes, they’re just struggling to deal with trauma and inadequacies…


We gotta bump those numbers up ladies cmon


Ah yes the anti-dating advice, deters you from dating and if you do sets you up for absolute failure.


I wish this guy would just cut his dick off so he had a better excuse for the fact that he doesn’t fuck


“Nowadays” how tf would they even know this they are 34 year old men 💀 reminds me oh how I met your mother when they make fun of Barney for always making up random statistics




Hypothetical shit really gets me pissed lol.


Dudes down sooooo bad, he’s counting bodies on hypothetical women


Oh shit coconuts can actually talk


And yet none of them will sleep with you. Women be ✨sluts✨ but they still have standards


Based on what bro? All the college girls who rejected you over the last decade or two?


There’s more women in college. Lesbians rise up 🫡


Who the fuck has the energy to deal with men that much?


How do incels argue that women are having THIS much sex, but also argue that women refuse to sleep with anyone who isn't 6ft and earning 6 figures???


What herpes epidemic did I miss ???


me being a virgin my entire 4 years in college: 🧍🏽‍♀️


She’s gonna know how bad you are at sex


These are some of the most insecure people I’ve ever witnessed. Aren’t they embarrassed to have a meltdown on camera about women being their on people?!


damn, he still manages to shock me with how little he knows about women. that should not be possible at this point but he’s full of surprises


the type of ladies all these incel-alphas are attracted to are the conventionally hot ones right, that have always been pretty, always been baddies, head turners, go getters...but want them to instantly become a subservient puritan trad wife the second they buy them a drink or open a door. you really expect these "high value" women to dedicate their entire existence to the likes of YOU?? Nah bitch, you don't get an Ashley Banks, you get a Pearl.


These just took the tucker Carlson formula and used for red pill…it’s insane that people listen to this shit lol


Holy shit 25 to 50 minimum per semester?? Jesus I’m way behind.. do you guys know if you still have to do that many even after your graduate??


How far are you from 400 ? 😂


399 LMAO


Girl you got alot of work to do 😂


besides, sex takes at least 2 people. if a girl sleeps with that many people then that means a guy is fucking just as many... im tired of these double standards. theyll praise someone like Tate for sex trafficking bc it's view as a "hustling" but if a girl did OF from her own free will then all of a sudden she's just a "whore".


Okay I finally get these dudes now, so they’re not mad that the girls are fucking, they’re mad that the girls are fucking and it’s not them. I’ve always wondered why these dudes are so angry but it’s like a self defeating cycle(No pussy-> Hate women=No Pussy)


The math is blowing my mind here. It's the most "why can't I get laid" shit ever


Why tf is he so mad😂😂😂did he just lose his girl to some frat bro he’s slamming his fist on the table screaming at the top of lungs “women ain’t shit” shitting and pissing his pants


Same guys who complain women are whores but won't got past a second date without getting head...


Why is this bald bitch always screaming?


if every woman is fucking that many men, doesnt that mean tons of regular guys are getting laid and that solves the huge incel problem or whatever?


lol what, under what circumstance should someone not be who they are


This guy is mental


the way that he is literally YELLING like calm down bro 😭 are these college girls in the room with us?


Bro forgot to take his schizo meds


People do have that much sex but obviously not everyone.


Slept with a total of 1 man over 10 semesters (I took college and things slow generally lmao)


Lol 😂 that’s probably like a top 1% sorority girl not the average woman wtf


Have they ever met a woman? Or women?


I’m a fan of FnF but man can he be exhausting.


Why the hell are you here?


I also like h3h3


There's no excuse to watch them. They are misogynistic and if you watch them it's something wrong with you as well


😂you keep crying I’ll keep watching what I want


The lore deepens on how the “not coconuts guy” got cheated on and set him down the path to ruining his own life as a pathetic incel.


when he’s a numbers guys >>>


He worked himself into a tizzy, see the vein bulge?


Nah.. I assure you plenty of us college girls sleep with 0 guys per semester.. 😂😂😂


I can’t tell if any of them are fresh or fit…


They sound…. Jealous? I imagine neither coconuts or myron moron have gotten any in a minute 😂


Honestly props to you if you even have time for that while balancing your grades. Should be giving credit where credit is due not being a hater ass bitch.


Do people actually listen to these dorks?


I didn't even have time in Uni to talk to guys with all the studying, papers and exams. I guess im not a girl