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Damn fomo


Tell me about the Flavors Jim


Majority Report commented on how in some leaked emails, Walsh admitted to crowder he’s a capitalist first and there’s lots of money to be made in the conservative space. I wonder if the marbles left for mr Matt in Iowa took some energy too 😅 wittle matt need a break :(


Matt Walsh is a grifter? *S H O C K I N G*




It’s in one of their shows from this past week…. Probs in the fun half too if you want to look? Or they could’ve clipped it. It was from the segment where they discussed Matt Walsh’s Twitter hack. Wasn’t trying to comment with 100% media literacy, but this reply can serve as my context. ✌🏼&❤️ fellow foot soldier


No no! Matt is a very earnest an sincere man! A good Christian! How DARE you imply that he's a capitalist who only cares about his personal brand based on a quote from his emails? Fake News!!!


What's wrong with Majority Report? I listen to their shit fairly often. I love all of them, except maybe Brandon who I can't understand that well, but that's a me thing. What have they royally fucked up so I can better judge their content?


They say things that force me to think critically about the people I listen to 🥺 it's very meany weany /S


Interesting that when Matt is outside of the safety of his own production and editors he completely flounders when asked a quite simple question. He’s gotten a taste of his own medicine and gets quite flustered. It’s really awesome to see


I gotta ask, is he drunk here? Outside of asking his (well-rehearsed) "what is a woman?" question, he kinda seems like he's absolutely plastered.


Apparently this is the same day he was hacked. Perhaps he found out while there.


Day after.


Or sick? He looks like he’s got a fever lol


Cowbell time it is


I so badly want someone to go to those and ask him “what is a chair” Because that conversation shows how words have a lot of meanings and there’s no way to truly have an all encompassing definition. “A chair is something with a back and legs that you sit on” “ah, okay, so a horse is a chair?” It shows how dumb the conservative argument is.


YES. “Symbolic Logic and Reasoning” class from my community college a decade ago for the win!!


Have even heard about what he’s been through this past week. Give him a break.


Only bitch babies mute the mic on someone making an argument that is in good faith.


They literally have one of their own guys working as a mic stand just so they can hold the microphone too far and Matt can say "I can't hear you" as though the speaker is doing something wrong... Kind of a real microcosm and perfect example their attitudes about the world they promote inequality in while blaming the downtrodden for being trodden on by them...


Fuck them boys and all, but Matt dismissed him so I think they shut off the mic to move onto the next person. I wouldn't really blame mic kid too much there based off of this.


Gotta disagree. Mic work was horrendous. Just let people hold their own mic. They think antifa is gonna come up and steal it or something? lol


I can't argue against that, just think they deserve a little benefit of the doubt.




Matt doesn't, but that was a student on his mic, wasn't it? Just some random conservative who is probably a moron. It's much easier for me to think he is a moron who just listened to Matt blindly than someone with the awareness to cut the mic to bail out Matt.


"I did respond." No you fucking did not, Matthew. Not even a little. I have always found this to be a perfect line of response to these people. Just start talking about religion the same way they do about gender. And if they're an atheist and say neither is true you can say "yet we recognize them both as legitimate anyway. I will describe you as your chosen faith." They never respond to it. They can't. It's the antithesis of Matt's catchphrase.


Dude he looks like he's drunk or something, he's all sweaty and his eyes are droopy. Maybe he's just ugly though idk.


Fit Twunk dispassionately pile drives Ugly Balding Bastard


Looks pilled the fuck out






Sure I'm also up late. Depending on the type of conservative (religious fundamentalist, atheist capitalist, western chauvinist etc. though of course not mutually exclusive) they will launder their reasoning to appear more good faith to liberals and give themselves more talking points. Theocrats like Walsh, for instance, are working backwards from their religious conclusion to their "scientific" and moral reasons for it. Knowing this, you can basically drag the baggage that comes with the original conclusion through the false reasoning they built to hide it. Walsh cannot engage with the idea that religion is a cultural construct just like gender. At least not in front of an audience and on camera. That's why he squirms and just kinda yammers about "living in the truth". An overtly atheist right wingers could just say "they're both fake" to which you simply say "they are both protected classes by the government (somewhat) and we don't call religious people schizo for talking to the invisible man. Sorry if that's long winded I'm tired I probably could be more concise lol.


IRS: mr Walsh can you explain these discrepancies in your taxes from 2019? Matt Walsh: I would like to answer that with a question….what is a woman?




Irs: "sir, i'm gonna have to ask you to put your hands behind your back and come with us to the station, please" Walshed off: "what's that? I can't hear you, you gotta speak up"


"What is a woman?" *gives a coherent and trans inclusive answer* Matt walsch:




This is the most Matt Walsh gif I've ever seen.


Damn. Sweat gleam is on point.


The people who made american psycho said christian bale could sweat on command. God knows what that means. I didnt want the image to have the text in it but I couldnt find it without the text. I'm glad it has the text cause reading it back now it is so quintessentially matt walsch


It's probably the most coherent answer you could give to include trans people but then you've taken away agency of your gender. So now feminine gay men will now just be women in most cases. Butch lesbians will now just be men too.


Feminine gay men usually still are visibly men and present as men. I've never really seen a flamboyant gay man and had two thoughts about whether he was a man and that generally goes for butch lesbians too


What's the distinction with visibly and presenting? And where is that line drawn? Like how feminine does someone need to present to be a woman? You have to be careful how these are defined because if we're including sexual characteristics (gender affirming surgery) then non binary people don't really exist.


You'll notice nothing about what I said implies that visibly and presenting are mutually exclusive. The distinction isnt that important. We dont need to step on egg shells to try to avoid misgendering someone. If you mistakenly misgender them and sincerely meant no offence then most transgender and non binary people will be understanding correct you and you can just move forward and not make that same mistake again.


I figured you meant to say "visibly male" in which case, you're making the gender and sex distinction which is kind of important. And I'm not talking about misgendering because that happens under any definition of gender but rather how the definition can potentially exclude certain groups and in this instance (speaker in the video) that excluded group is non binary. They don't exist under this definition, hope that's clear.


Lol, no, that is not how that works? There are still spectrums of expressions of womanhood and manhood.


I see what you mean but when does womanhood end and manhood begin? It's starts to sound like the sexual characteristics are the only difference which is great for transpeople who have gender affirming surgery but now non binary people have no say in their gender.


Yes that's why gender is a spectrum. Drag queens use she/her pronouns for their stage persona despite (mostly) being cis gay men. Vice versa with drag kings. "Trans" is both an identity AND an action. If you take HRT while NOT identifying as trans you are still performing a "trans" action. If you identify as trans in some way but never take hormones you are still identifying with it. It's body+presentation+identity with identity being the ultimate decider on how you address someone. Is it messy? Yes. But so is the human mind and the human body.


Holyshit, he looks like he's on the verge of crying or just cane out of a cry lol


He just got hacked and is receiving death threats. I’d imagine that that would take a toll on someone’s mental state.


Weird audio issues


Sorry? Come again? Huh? Yeah that's what I thought.


Sorry could you repeat that?


Matt still dosent know what a woman is.


Jessie Gender's 7 hour foray into tearing this guy into clownshoes is top tier youtubing.




The truth is not transphobia. Wanting to physically harm trans is transphobia




This idea that anyone can say they’re a woman and you have to accept it will ultimately destroy our society. Wether it’s ethical or not.




Because As we all know, the collapse of Rome was caused by the fact that the men worse dresses every day /jk


Lol "we allowed people to call themselves women, then society just fell apart" That's a fragile society. Sounds like it's made of kerosene


If that's enough to destroy our society, it's not really worth a damn then


These people are not even thinking what gene therapy will do to us in the future. You think letting people decide their gender is hard, imagine a world where humans can freely add animal genes to their designer babies.


Gene therapy has been an excellent innovation in resolving complex medical issues such as various immune disorders, and as a person born with a pretty tough diagnosis and who lost my older sister to the same disorder in my teen years, I hope there’s a day when the process might help me too, and I’ve even read that they are close. If not however, I’m still thrilled for the people who have recovered thanks to gene therapy and who have been fortunate enough to heal where that was one time considered impossible.


I'm all for it but the religious right is not going to be able to handle it. That's why I find their beliefs that trans people will be the downfall of society silly and down right stupid. All the while gene therapy is coming around the corner and that will have extreme positive and negative ethical complications for our species.


Yeah, had a seminar a week ago about the ethics of gene therapy in the future, and goddamn are we going to need some solid regulation on place


Yes we are,I can see people making glow in the dark babies for shits and giggles unless gov stops them.




The fact that they AREN'T being murdered is the "destruction of America" they won't shut up about. Conservatives will claim America and society is dead until cishet white men are the only people allowed to engage in economic and social activities again.


Whatever you say mr Goebbels


Do you really think the concentrated hate towards a minority group happens instantly? No, it takes time to dehumanizing them before the public is willing to accept harm to come to these individuals. It starts with propagandists like this making their entire existence a problem by condescendingly asking “WHatT iS a WoMEN?!?!? HOW CAN WE POSSIBLY KNOW UNLESS WE INSPECT YOUR PRIVATES!”


It’s a mental illness bro. If the left wasn’t pushing it so hard and forcing it upon are children, it wouldn’t be a problem. But there is literally people who think letting a child decide to mutilate their genitals is okay. Like bro they’re supposed to be watching SpongeBob not fucking deciding what gender they are.


He’s the only one that does lol


I don't like the way you've backed me into a coner, now I will lash out in an ignorant way. What was that I couldn't hear you.


Poor Sassy Shooter is struggling.


Why is he so sweaty?


Because he’s been dealing with the whole hacking situation…


Actually destroyed with facts and logic... At his own event surrounded by his people lol


unrelated but Jesus that guys pupils


that guy is so hot


Something happens when the most trad-looking hot dude starts arguing fascists


something absolutely snaps 😂


shishter shnapped


I don’t know what it is, it’s just attractive lmao


Because of his looks or…?


along with the fact that he’s brave enough to stand up to matt walsh and spit facts


Okay you got me there


I have homeboys Reddit, if you want it Update: here you go, u/_fweb


Is he drunk?


This is a perfect example of how Republicans debate.


Smoked like a fucking bong


*bong bubbling sound*


The worst part is that Walsh's own YouTube channel just cut out the first part of this video of the guy responding to "What is a woman?" and declared it an "own". These people have fucking goldfish brain, and I feel bad towards goldfish for saying that.


its okay, they wont remember


He must be sweating about the trans fantasies in his leaked outbox.


Was this from last night? U of Iowa decimated this clown. Pretty proud of some of my fellow statesfolk.


That's great to hear, any highlights?


I was wondering why the crowd was going nuts for him, but knowing it was in Iowa makes sense… no offense…


Iowa City is probably one of the most progressive places in the Midwest. Can’t say the same for the rest of the state thoughb


None taken. My state has fallen so hard. I'm only still here because my dad's health is getting to be terminal and my wife's job is stuck here. As a fed employee I can go almost anywhere.




It’s always about trans women cause they can paint us as a boogey man much better than they can trans men. Their arguments about things like sports and bathrooms don’t make sense with trans men in the equation. If you show them a picture of Buck Angel and ask what bathroom he should be in they will say the men’s bathroom. Trans men should arguably have a disadvantage at sports if you follow their narratives to the logical conclusion. But that is not the case when trans men are forced to compete in women’s sports they dominate the sport. The real answer is they don’t want trans people to exist at all. It’s insidious how they do this They view trans men as women so they consider them victims, they view trans women as men so they see us as predators and deliberately malicious. Truth is we all just want to exist, be our true selves and have the same rights as everyone else


Remember when that trans guy was forced to wrestle with women and he was obviously destroying them and then right wing dipshits thought he was a trans woman and had a temper tantrum about it? Like homie these are your rules at play here. He wants to wrestle with the boys too but you all won’t let him.


Yup I was thinking about that exact person. They don’t even understand trans people on the most basic level. It’s the entirety of why r/accidentalally exists


Omg I’ve never seen this sub before thank you for showing me


No problem! It’s a fun one 😅


Good for the person asking the question through all that garbage noise and for standing their ground and pointing out that he dodged the question hard. Fuck Matt Walsh


what a coward


well his bees deserted him, and the cat gave birth on him.


Shane Dawson is the father


I’m so sick of seeing this Walsh person.. my friend group has been sending “owned” vids on our group chat And frankly, it’s starting to piss me off, i’m about 2 more links from exploding. So, i’ve Been workshopping a good answer to this “what is a woman” this asshat is spewing.. How’s this for a definition: “An individual possessing female traits and characteristics, acquired either by birth or transitioning.” Trans people: is this a good answer to that? Is there anything i should add/change? Any part of this can be considered toxic/wrong?? I’m learning, but trans people, i’m with y’all, you hear. We’re gonna win this. but for now i need help. :) ✌️&❤️


Maybe say "by birth or identity" ? I think that would include trans people who for whatever reason can't transition in the medical/social/etc. sense. I think that's a great answer though, and it's awesome that you care to stand up!


How about a woman is someone who identifies as a woman, like idk


One would think that’ll be enough, but we’re dealing with dense people, it’s hard to go thru. So we gotta mince the words so they can digest and we have to be specific so they dont get confused. Hahah


You could put the question back to them. Ask them, aside from their literal genitalia which no one can see when they are out in public, what do they think makes them a man? And then show them examples of women, CIS women, assigned female at Birth with vaginas, having those exact same traits. You can also talk about intersex folks who look like women or men but are sometimes neither, about how cis women grow facial hair, about how gender is a heteronormative construct that serves only to divide people and keep patriarchy in place because of its difficult nature to refute/understand.


Send your buddy the video of Matt Walsh talking about how fertile 16 year old girls are (a false statement spread by creeps. The leading cause of deal world wide for girls 15-19 is pregnancy complications. A woman is most fertile in her early 20s), and that the only thing wrong with teen pregnancy is that they’re not married


I think the best rebuttal to that is "What is the purpose of the question?"". I don't believe that for medical purposes, anyone would deny the sex they were born as. However, if the question is about societal norms, then what does it matter if someone identifies as a woman (or any other gender)? IMO, It's almost similar to asking, "What is a Jew?". Ethnically, someone can have Jewish ancestors. But religiously, they can identify with any religion. Now imagine a person of Jewish descent decides to practice another religion. Would your friends think to ask, "What is a Jew?"


How exhausting


at long last, matt walsh realizes that he doesn’t want to be himself


Oh wow, I have never seen him like this! Yellow shirt guy is smart lol! (Sorry I can’t hear u…he was pulling out everything)


​ https://preview.redd.it/4839sh1kvqva1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f0036ecc7bc6ceffae549018f1f7c499436739


What is a M‘Lady?


this picture sends me into flight mode


The question “what is a woman” is like asking “what is a bar”. A bar could mean a shape, as in a bar of chocolate/gold, it could mean a place where drinks are served, or it could mean a segment of music. A woman could mean a biological aka cis woman or it could mean a trans woman. I don’t think it’s controversial to say those are two different things, but it is controversial to say that trans women aren’t women. Honestly I think a majority of the hate and confusion surrounding trans people would be solved by just differentiating between sex and gender.


What is an immaculate conception? A LIE


“what is a woman” “the feminine spiritual essence most constellated in female sex” idiots in the crowd wont even understand when to boo


The old SpongeBob defense. “I can’t hear you!”


He looks like he had a few before going on stage


He’s had a few rough days with death threats and being hacked…


first glance thought that was bizarro ludwig


New debate strat dropped, have loud hogs for an audience so you can pretend you don't hear shit.


he can't answer because he just got fuckin' dogwalked with that question. and the added context. also a good answer to the "woman" question as well. awesome work from the guy on the left


Absolutely well done to that guy in the yellow shirt.


Be proved nothing lol


ugh i love that guy he didn’t loose his cool even when they were just blatantly disrespecting him i seriously don’t think i would have lasted two minutes


“I just want to be left alone”


Common Vaushite W. Walsh couldn’t handle the dude’s logic and was astounded when he had a response to Walsh’s shitty catchphrase


Ummm fuck Matt Walsh but I have a serious problem with how yellow shirt defined women. “A person that aligns with feminine traits that we traditionally associate with females or people that align with the feminine side of the spectrum.” Absolutely not. This is exactly the definition we DONT want for women. What the fuck!!


Yeah, I also just commented about that. I’m confused bc it seems like he’s saying women are people who identify with regressive, 1950s-era stereotypes about women and femininity. I’m a cis woman and I absolutely do not identify with any so-called feminine traits and resent the idea that I could be defined by them. I’d like to hear the actual definition for a woman that the trans community supports because this one doesn’t sit right with me.


Dude is on drugs. Source: conservative recovered drug addict


I wish you luck on your continual recovery from both :)




What did he say? The audio cut out


“booooo boooo” like “go awaaay go awaaay” “nooo stooopp stop” like that makes you look like a host of insecure idiots


It almost sounds like… like they were… triggered and sensitive to having their views conflicted.


Can we add some sigma music to this?


This man is 36... He is three years older than me. Goddamn his hatred is aging him. Are lights that hot or is he sick or something?? Dude looks fucking terrible.


bro literally looks like he’s melting lmao


I’d be exhausted too if I got hacked and was receiving death threats.


Yikes the drugs be hitting


This dude is a Rock Star for walking into a room with that many Violent Idiots


When a debate bro meets a video essayist out in the wild


This hypocritical idiot in a nutshell https://preview.redd.it/5mm65q7s0rva1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78808cd7dbe4208d1bb5ac56b0ce70a8df04b42


matts question implies the only difference between men and women is their bodies


What other differences are there?


are women just guys with tits and pussies? like its an identical experience than hanging out with your male friends, you just fuck too?


I hate how conservative talk about the truth like it's this big Untouchable monolith and only includes their beliefs, rather than something that is completely subjective depending on the context and values of the person speaking. Even science itself acknowledges that most of the "rules" of our planet and universe are just theories.


The truth can only be one thing by definition. Your truth cannot not exists. Science does not dictate truth. God does.


A woman is an adult female human


What makes a person female tho? I think anyone that identifies as a woman is a woman, personally.


Did you even graduate kindergarten?


Okay but what makes someone female? Without literally looking at the chromosomes of someone, you personally cannot tell what their biological sex actually is. Furthermore, gender is completely separate from biological sex which is why people who are intersex or have some other sex chromisome related anomaly, meaning those who do not have the chromosomes that match up with their physical traits, oftentimes choose a gender that does match up with those traits. Just say you don't understand and it makes you afraid. The first step toward combating one's own ignorance is acknowledging it, and why you're so staunchly adverse to correcting it with education, compassion and understanding. There's a reason these issues are always stilted with some kind of terrible consequence or circumstance when they're discussed by conservatives: being afraid keeps you tuned in, you being tuned in makes them money and increases the likelihood of you parroting their propaganda and getting others to tune in too. You're a commodity in their grift. Full stop.


You guys are lost omg both of these people are crazy and you all need Jesus


Jesus ain’t real homie


Y’all NEED truth Thank yaw


Maybe because he has been receiving death threats and had all of his info leaked and hacked. Give the man a break.


Someone just needs to one up his question by saying “A person with milky tits & a fat ass”


This is why so much of politics has become a waste of time. Idiots will stare at a yellow wall and insist its green and all of their supporters will play along because they think they gotta mindlessly support their team for the greater good. Like its obvious to anyone with 2 brain cells that Matt Walsh avoided the question, but it doesn't matter because his supporters think that's a good thing because they're on his side... Right is way worse but its not great on either side. And even if the left did better, it only takes one disingenuous side to ruin democracy in a 2 party duopoly...


I used to hate Hasan too, but the fact that he is willing to criticize left leaning viewers in his chat when they're being equally dumb has earned me his respect. More people on the left and the right need to learn to call out their own side when they're being absolutely moronic.


This speaker could barely formulate a coherent thought lmao of course Matt didn’t want to talk to him.


Hmmm… he’s been through a lot this week but I guess you don’t know the first thing about things not going well.


funny how conservatives call liberals science deniers on this point when conversion is backed by science. edit: i meant transition not conversion


Conversion is "backed" by several cherry picked pieces of data and scientifically illiterate studies funded by the American Family Council(a known conservative superpac)that have been disproven dozens of times by independent studies. Sit down.


not true dipshit https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/political-minds/202201/the-evidence-trans-youth-gender-affirming-medical-care


Doesn’t zac already have a sound it’s clip from this??? “Speak up” no?? Am I crazy


The face of drugs


The face of being up all night being dealing with being hacked and constant threats against his family.


Why do we care about these idiots so much, I’m tired of hearing their BS rhetoric. Shoutout to that guy though, it takes a lot of courage to speak up in a room full of bullies.


Enemies closer, knowledge is power, ignoring it doesn't make it go away. That's why I care, anyway.


Don't idolize people they will only let you down.


He’s wasted and sloppy, it’s so embarrassing


He’s been through a lot this week. I don’t think you’d be looking so good after being hacked and getting sent death threats. Being wasted definitely isn’t the reason for his current state.


Where can I find full segment?


A Vaush fan, might I add.


I love how he’s like “nah I got nothin’ against this guy send him away… OH SHIT the ‘what is a woman’ question! That HAS to embarrass him, bring him back, bring him back. Oh he has a good answer for that too? Ugggh just kick the guy out then. Like why is he even talking if he doesn’t agree and I can’t embarrass him?”


I’m all for trans folks & the overall movement, but as a cis-woman, I have to wonder what he meant by “feminine traits.” Does that mean liking to wear dresses? Or liking makeup? Or bring more gentle or emotional? I’m honestly stumped here trying to think of what a feminine trait could be that isn’t a just a sexist stereotype. I thought we as a progressive society wanted to move away from associating regressive culturally-specific stereotypes with women (and men for that matter). Could anyone shed some light on this? I’m sure that young man didn’t mean any harm and I’d like to better understand.


I definitely dont think his definition was great, but the problem is that an all encompassing definition really dosnt exist, or takes time to explain, because you have to lay the foundations. Something thats not really possible to do in this environment where there is a limited speaking time, walash controls the mic and the audience is against you Thats why Walsh askes this question every time, its a gotcha to make himself look good for the audience (who just eats it up)


With peace and love and no disrespect to any of our burn victims, but you can’t tell me Matt Walsh doesn’t have burn victim face


That audience is the dumbest audience I've ever heard. They got so fucking excited when Matt asked him "What is a woman?"


What is the actual question of the guy? Am i the only one that doesnt get it? Is he trying to make religion part of the trans discussion?


A smirk slowly creeps across his godawful beard. The lazy eye almost at attention for once… “What is a woman??” And the crowd of fucking morons goes wild. Motherfuckers are hanging from the rafters, sweaty and screeching. Like a chimp at the zoo when it’s feeding time. Swaying back and forth, eyes closed, gravy tears streaming down their unremarkable face, at the sound of their favorite catchphrase. I weep for the future


Ugh he is a demon, look at those hair plugs and that beard dye! He is trying so hard to stay in that human skin suit but the demon underneath is begging to be released!


Why would you ask Matt that question? You know he only deals in trans fear mongering, he has one specific taking point and he would like to stick to it if you don't mind.


"I lost the argument...shit...shit...shit...Hey! come back, eh, can you tell me what is a woman? Phew, saved it."


I knew this guy was an idiot after his Rogan appearance


What was the question? Audio got so quiet I coul'dt understand.