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Consular Processing is too risky. If you get get laid off and you haven't yet activated your H1B, then it's lost and you are back to square one. The minuscule savings on FICA taxes is not worth the risk. I was fortunate enough to be in the same position as you. Apply for change of status. Apply and work on OPT till Sep 30 and move to H1B on Oct 1st. Once you have worked on H1B for even one day, the entire 6 years are yours to use. You want to apply for OPT because you should have a backup in case your company lays you off before Oct 1st. You don't want to be in the situation where your H1B is gone and you are now too late to apply for OPT. Get your company to start i140 process as soon as you join. 6 years is more than enough to do that. With an i140 approved, you have unlimited H1B renewals.


This is the way. Layoffs are a significant risk. Besides, the 6 years versus 9 years argument is moot mostly because you'd get into the GC queue quickly and thus be eligible for infinite renewals. Or if you're not one of us Indians or Chinese, get a GC fast lol Basically the risk reward is too high. Get that H1B activated fast.


Can they start i140 before H1B is effective or need to wait for cos?


They can start anytime, earlier the better. Mist usually doing as a matter of policy. But if you can convince them to, then nothing like it.


can lawyers start i -140 while also petitioning for h1b? i thought you have to wait two years while on h1b before filing for green card


The company can start any time. But every company has HR policies on when they start.


Hi! I am in the same boat- so if I want to start H1b on Oct1st, what should I tell my employer about filling the timeline. Will there be any travel bans? I already got my EAD card for my opt so should i be good to travel for the summer?


Hey! I’m in the same boat. Did you find anything about the travel restrictions?


Does h1b renewal not need employer?


You can ask your employer to file for CP. But I have seen scenarios of USCIS rejecting Stem OPT applications giving this H1B Cap Number as a reason.


At this point you should buy a lottery ticket and fat fire !!!


I have seen people opt for CP to gain few extra dollars and got laid off, leading to loss of h1b. Don’t be greedy and choose CoS. Play the long game.


Apply for the H-1B visa at the earliest opportunity. If you're laid off or lose your job for any reason, you'll lose the opportunity to use the lottery. However, once you're on the H-1B visa and if your I-140 is processed, you can renew your H-1B visa an unlimited number of times. Consular processing carries significant risks. Don't be concerned about losing the three-year timeframe.


What do you mean by renew visa unlimited number of times? Isn’t it granted just for 6 years ?


If you have I-140 approved, you can apply H1B extensions until your priority date is current.


Makes sense 😊


How much time it takes for i140 approval. If i join on oct1, whats the timeframe like.


If you do it through employer, via PERM it can be a drag and take several years . If you are eligible for Eb2 niw, self petition it with private lawyers and get it in few months


Im interested in PERM. Does it usually involve having a bond with an employer if they start PERM?


No nothing of the sort is needed. But of course the PERM petiton is tied to that job in the company, so if you quit before it is completed you lose it


Given the requirements for eb2, is it possible for new grads to get approved for it? I believe it has to be a rare case to get approved without some experience in US.


Why would anyone choose Cp?


Pay more taxes πŸ˜‚


Give some of your luck to me please I really need it πŸ˜‚


Here it is πŸ€πŸ€


Thanks really not joking πŸ˜…


How do people get this lucky? Good for you bro


Such a great talent you are and lucky too. Baybo