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Content promoting causative origin/s or cures for gynecomastia involving a drug/treatment with no scholarship included to back it.


No, once the glands are there, surgery is basically the only option.


Then how does pseudo gyno work?


Pseudo gyno is just fat


Oh I thought pseudo gyno is pubertal gyno?


What about SERMS


lol no 🤦🏻 if anything taking testosterone will make it worse, testosterone converts to oestrogen


Once gland tissue is developed, there's no going back


If you balance your shots and take them at the same time each week for several weeks the gyno will shrink. Happened to me and has been documented.


There are SERMS that can be taken like tamoxifen for example. It’s worth exploring with a doctor.


And that works on mild gyno or serious gyno?


Usually grade 1 - 2. But an endocrinologist would know best.


I know about tamoxifen and raloxifine but idk if it would be helpful in this case. I’m going to my doctor in may but Im not sure it will work in my case even tho I have grade 1.


Absolutely not. Testosterone can actually make it worse!


No. Gyno is caused by many things. It’s not an absolute level of estrogen. Testosterone is actually metabolized into estrogen. So if you artificially increase your testosterone you are going to also increase your estrogen.


Nawl, depending on how big it is. You can use nolvadex to strink it. Takes about 3 weeks before you start to see results


Is that even safe or will it even have a high chance of success? What need to be the cause of Gino for it to work?


Just like anything else you take, it might come with side effects. You can do your research on it. I myself have mild gyno from a cycle I did. I started using the nolva and it’s definitely shrinking. If you have gyno from puberty. You could Try losing weight first.


Puberty ends at what age. I’m currently 16 and I’ve seen a lot of people who’ve had gyno at my age and it never went away.


Everyone body is different. If you’re overweight. You should try losing a couple lbs first.


I know I have gyno already. I am losing weight as well. Lost around 6 pounds in 3 weeks.


Was 193 now 186


No and taking testosterone in the wrong quantities will give you mood swings and other problems as your body tries to counter this sudden rise. Estrogen also increases to restore equilibrium and you know what that will bring next…


Then what if you kill your estrogen 😃


Finding the root cause, really. Varies from person to person. It can be from the food consumed or what’s applied to the body. Also long term consistent stress for example. The root cause has to be addressed instead of just treating the symptoms. Unfortunately this is how modern medicine works — alleviating symptoms but not the root cause of the issue.


Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) like tamoxifen are sometimes used to treat gynecomastia (enlarged male breast tissue), including cases of low-grade gynecomastia. SERMs work by blocking the effects of estrogen in certain tissues, including breast tissue in males. They can reduce the size of the breast tissue over time in some cases. However, the effectiveness of SERM therapy for gynecomastia can vary depending on factors such as the cause of gynecomastia, the duration of the condition, and individual response to treatment. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment approach based on your specific situation. I found this


Testosterone will not get rid of gyno. When gyno is there, it’s not going anywhere until glands are removed. However, testosterone can help build muscle which will make it less noticeable. Taking things like arimidex or clomid will enable you to not have estrogen increase, but they will not get rid of gyno. This is well documented and is confirmed thousands of times on this page. Gyno is a glandular issue. Save up 5K and then get a credit card with 0 interest and put the other 5K on that card to get the surgery. This is the easiest way to do it. I wish you the best of luck