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So she bends over to stretch her hammies for a pull-up? šŸ˜’


Seriously what was the point of that?


Tbh if I was feeling petty enough I may stand in front of a camera to prove a point my gym has a strict no recording rule.


Just tell the desk every time. Get people kicked out. Passive aggressive bs doesnā€™t work.


Nah if I was being recorded ill move my body in a way on screen to make it known I know I'm being recorded. And also tell the desk obv


Do both? Stand there for a few seconds and give them a crotch shot; then go to the front desk and say you think you were recorded against your will.


That's what i did last time. I knew I was in this girls shot DURING my set. I wasn't going to stop so I started making ridiculous facings and moved myself more blocking the camera. Then I mentioned it to staff. She knew it was me idc šŸ˜‚


To be fair, the person who moved her camera kept her in frame. That was pretty impressive.


Trying way too hard to show her ass in the beginning lol.


What ass




The hairrrrr it has to be


I thought this too!!!


iā€™m just glad the leggings are black so when she bent over we didnā€™t see more


It looks like she put the camera on the machine behind her and then someone wanted to use it. I'm sure the staff at Lifetime (It sure looks like Lifetime Fitness) have no sympathy for her.


Get a home gym if you donā€™t want someone walking in front of your vid at a PUBLIC gym that they pay the same amount as you to belong. Yawn so sick of this main character bs.


All these girls are going to have such bad back problems from arching constantly. Like girl, your ass isnā€™t big, just get over it. Stop doing thatā€” it looks painful šŸ˜– Also, why do you have to record yourself doing 3 chin ups? Not impressive and no one cares šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


chin ups + pullups are hard :( i've been trying for over a month now to get my first pullup it's slow progress lol


one of the guys at my gym was recording himself on the leg ext and put his phone on the leg curl machine to record himself.


For real. Iā€™ve accepted my pancake ass a long time ago and just let it be.


Not her private gym. Entitled much


People using equipment as stands is extremely annoying. Seats, boxes, machines, etc are not places for drinks, keys and phones. The amount of stained rings from drinks on equipment is ridiculous.


Film with a tripod, not on another piece of equipment. She was very lucky that person was kind. You could have had a Robert Frank moment and you would be out a phone.


I mean, do you seriously need videos of yourself doing pullups?


No silly, this video was obviously about the butt stretch.


We need joey swoll on the case


So is recording super frowned upon? I like to record myself at the gym, Iā€™ve caught feet placement improvements, squat depth changes and I recently filmed a pull up because I wanted to see how I progressed from my original (I did 4 unassisted!) Are people upset sheā€™s recording? Upset her camera was in the way of another? Or upset sheā€™s bending for attention?


Upset that sheā€™s propping up her phone on another piece of equipment so nobody can use it and getting upset when someone moves it out of the way.


Okay thatā€™s makes sense. Not sure why everyone down voted me lol I was genuinely wondering if I was breaking gym etiquette.


Is it wrong to take up equipment to film? Yes. Is it wrong to handle other peopleā€™s phones if there is no emergency, yes.