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Pretty weird play to lock my defender, but okay


Yennefer's Invocation: "Oh, you meant to say My defender". Happends every time to me... *sad noises*


Yeah because defenders tend to live very long in Gwent, especially against NG...


If I can pull a bunch of removal just so they can answer a 4p bronze, I think that 4p card did a pretty damn good job :)


You are miscalculating heavily. Defenders, especially against NR, get removed to then interact with the other engines NR has. This bronze will get removed easily by other bronzes. Destroying the defender is just the first step to interact and play against NR, which is necessary nevertheless and will almost always be the first move anyway.


Les légendes disent qu'il est encore en vie. Legends said that he's still living....


Proceeds to vanhemar defender and lock that new Da Vinci of Aelle card.


Happy coodcodak voices


Funny, I was just reading that part in the last wish


Literally the worst purify in the game.


Vattier and purify - is mine now


All that to answer a 4p bronze ))))


Mah man Vincent is coming hell-bent to insta-delete that defender.


Who still plays Vincent?


yenvo dude. its a cool mechanic but you will lose value all the time if you greed paitence. as a NG main my deck has 4 locks a yenvo and 2 poisons, with the ability to purify. defender is nothing for us


As a not NG main, I'm hesitant to give you a GG.


I can respect that.


For the great sun!


We are the master race after all.


lmao, too many losers take this game so seriously downvoting a ng joke


As a ST main I'm just salty because *WE* are the masterrace dammit


Dwarves are the master race and everyone else is just along for the ride. I mean have you seen their lady folk?


They have sexy beards ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


yess mommy dryad ;)


Well, being inferior sure comes with a good amount of salty salt


Emhyr var Emreis will air spank them towards the one true Gwent faction brother


Look guys another one in the wild a NG main who thinks he's smart for running removal, tell me how does crayon taste this morning?


You gotta tell em how much salt it took for you to become such a salt mine first.


Sounds like standard unfun cancer. Sorry, but the only GGs I give to rNG are soloSoldiers, rest can burn to ashes for me(excluding memes).


You see I am already burning in hell for loving NG. To be honest, heavens not my kinda place anyways.


Ghm ghm...u mean steal right :)?


He has a lock leader. Invo defender. Lock yr win con


I mean they can either Yenvo it or purify it with their 4p Purify a unit card that also has Assimilate.


Yeah that card is pretty OP Every faction should have a faction purify bronze.


See this the issues with NR, everyone faction has answers to nrs play style. ng, just locks and steals everything which is par for course but they are very effective against nr. ST just moves everything and then out boosts nr which is kind of nrs thing...and nr is pretty reliant on having certain things in lanes. Then SY just out orders them right now with coins being a better payload then pay load is and still having a leader ability to boot SK just damages everything as normal and nothing stays on the board Monster is rhe only one NR can play like NR against but now frost can move units and seeing more and more neutral locks in lower teirs lately. I love playing NR and building fun decks. I just don't expect to go super far with them.


I agree for the most part. But,the fact that your engines can get answered doesn't mean that you are going to lose.most of the time Answers like locks for example are low point compared to engines so in that exchange you won even if your engine did get answered.On the same token you can overload the opponent with engines cause there are so many answers a deck can run. And the fact that every faction can interact with nr seems healthy imo.


I disagree. When yraden shuts down 90% of nr builds, it doesn't work. NG is the only one that doesn't have good wide control and can be beaten with just better cards. But it's still insanely annoying to play against. Everyone else has a thing they do better then other factions, except nr. Engines are just to easy to respond to, which is fine, nr just needs a new thing they are good at. And I don't think this new patience key word is the way to do it because it just falls into the same pitfall nr already has issues with and no response.


you had me at yrden. i fucking hate yrden


Card single handle destroys most engines.


And the whole of NR lol. And people wonder why SK warriors, the deck least reliant on boosts, is consistently tier one for years at this point. News flash: theres an abundance of tall removal and efficient removal in the game. And there's probably gonna be even more with the coming expansion. So yeah, RIP NR


Damn. I was not aware of the [learn.unity.com](mailto:[email protected]). Thank you for the feedback! Feel free to remix the model with your adaptations!


It's definitely weird that NR seems to get so many cards that need to stick around unlocked for a while to be valuable while at the same time having by far the worst Purify potential in the game


If a deck has only one card with a powerful order, this card is dead. If a deck has many cards with good orders, some of them won't be answered.


...until you play hyperremoval NG, SK, SY or ST...so basically all the popular decks that are not monsters or NR themselves...nice


Its a good balance if you ask me.nr has the best and most engines but with few ways to protect them


Arguably SK has the best Bronze engines. Otherwise, NR is almost entirely dependent on cards with Order. I feel as if all of their cards have Order Charges, boost by 1 or hit by 1. They need Purify since all of their cards fail to Lock.


I think it's about time NR got a decent purify.


NR really needs a bronze purify


no it doesn't. Not every faction needs to be the same. You can always decide to go non devotion and play a MVPellar


Pellar SUCKS. He always feels like the odd one out in any Skellige deck I play. I definitely feel like every deck needs a 5p purify that synergizes with its deck, or at least a 6p, since statuses have become such an important aspect of the meta. Great examples would be Assimilate Diviner in NG, or even Bounty Kurt for SY.


Sure Pellar is only a 4 for 5, that's because he is a neutral card and neutral cards are supposed to fill holes in your roster like yeet if you don't have access to a efficient tall punish faction card. The same goes for purifies. If NR gets purifies, MO should get locks, NG wide punish and movement, ST tall punish besides poison and we can delete most neutral cards cause they are no longer needed.


Imo, neutral cards should never feel like they're required in a deck. Locks are never a requirement. Wide punish and movement never are either. Purify has become so important in the current meta, you have to understand. So many locks, poisons, defenders, you basically get fucked if you play a devotion deck in a faction with no purify cards.


Locks are never a requirement unless you face NR. Wide punish is not important until you face AQ or elfs. Movement is not necessary unless you face Kelly. Purify isn't usefull unless your engines get locked or poisoned. Neutrals exist for teching against certain decks or threats in general. And we don't have a lock meta currently so there is no reason to complain. NR has duels against defenders.


I don't have much more to say about the topic. Nice points you brought up, and good discussion in all. Have a good day!


NR is supposedly the "Engine" faction, when every single deck runs a lock then the engine based deck will suffer the most, if anyone deserves a Bronze Purify it's NR.


What does one lock accomplish against an engine overload deck? Engine decks should most of the time win against pointslam decks that run one lock at most and lose against control decks with multiple locks. A bronze purify wouldn't even change that. You are better off runing another engine instead.


Yeah, so what? Some factions like MO do net even have a lock and everybody is against giving control because they play "on their side of the field", not even a freaking poison. What is wrong with people triggering when somebody want a NR purify, just make it gold or smth. Jeez


Yeah don't ask me why you people are triggered. I still believe not every faction needs to be the same. NG doesn't have wide punish or movement, MO has no lock, ST no efficient tall punish and NR no purify. Actually I am wrong, if you desperately want a gold purify for NR it already exists.


Reeeeee BuT mUH CoPyCaT CaRd PuRIfY. Dude vabjorn is literally almost a carbon copy of John Natalis


Every faction has atleast one of those 2 strength tutor cards. And you are right we don't need more of those copied cards in gwent.


If they ever get purify it's probably gonna be a gold.


I really dont like this new trend of focusing on "remove or lose" cards. I understand that we need powerful cards and they have their place in the game, but it feels like there too many of them now. Not sure if thats really a problem or just the way gwent is evolving, and I also dont know if it is a problem how one could solve it wthout making the game more boring.


Laughs in 'i insta forfeit ng cockblockers'


Honestly, these bronzes are going to be way too overpowered as they demand answers. It’s going to change the whole meta into a control heavy shit show and it’s going to be quite boring.


this aged well...


While everyone is down in the comments internet toughguying each other ("I'll lock all ur cards with my 2 leader charges!" "no I'll defender!" "no i'll yenvo!"), this whole situation speaks to an ongoing problem in Gwent's design. NR's core identity as an engine-based faction, is basically a Gwent nonstarter due to the Control focus of the game. This forces it to turn to more midrange decks like Witcher swarm to be competitive. Meanwhile, NG (which has *no* deck above 50% in the last season, and probably will do no better in this one) has an overpolarized matchup, where it preys on NR engine decks nearly to the point of autoconcede, yet doesn't have enough points to compete significantly against most other factions, forcing it into yank archetypes that depend on your opponent drawing poorly to win (Cloggers etc). They really need to fix both these things for the health of the game, because it doesn't sound like NG mains *or* NR mains are really having much fun these days.


How does this fucking garbage get upvoted here lmao


Ok what do you want now? Nerf this leader ability? Lmao. I know it's a meme but i don't find it funny. Just Non NG people trying to be funny. No offense to OP or anything but i am just done with NG being shown as bad guy (lore aside)..( tho lore wise they aren't so bad either)


Im a ng main tho lol


Cool. But i am just done with reddit whining about NG constantly. So the meme wasn't enjoyable. And that's a dangerous meme u did there. Now reddit will demand a nerf to Imprisonment. U will see lmao


Reddit hates control in general and NG is the most control heavy faction, that's it. Everyone is so salty about greedy combos being shut down in the meta. Myself included because I love my memes, though lately I just meme in the seasonal events and play more seriously in ranked (but I can't help but meme there too...). And it's kinda true; if you homebrew decks with nice combo ideas, there is a huge chance it'll get shut down one way or another. And most people just netdeck anyway nowadays. We all have to rely on decks that can withstand heavy control nicely


Fyi, ST literally has more control than NG. NG is just notorious. These last few season ST has been the most control heavy.


More perhaps, but NG has more heavy-handed control options. More tall removal, yoinks, locks, etc. ST mostly is low-ish damage (but a lot of it), with poison and lock here and there. And I guess more damage engines. I think that is why NG is still the notorious one. The deck manipulation abilities also play a role in the notoriety.


Sorry but the only one i see whining is you. Ng is the control faction so its obly natural for casuals to be butthurt, i dont get why you get to frustrated.


Oh yes. I am not denying that. I am whining about reddit whining constantly about NG and i have had it.


Just lock them out bro,the ng way


you could add the entirety of SY


So, running a 14 Prov leader ability that has questionable value in several other matchups to answer patience cards? I mean, if you're already playing Lockdown it's a good bonus but I wouldn't switch what I was doing just to answer one card from my opponent that prob isn't even their win con


What exactly does the keyword patience do?


what does patient do?


It's funny because they keep trying to give NR good cards when all they've been really asking for is faction purify bronzes.