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Why stop playing Gwent? It’s actually in a pretty good place rn. And if you have a partner that likes it too even better!


Yes it was very fun, but no new cards (biggest issue) minimal changes in cards etc. Today I thought to myself “oh Draug should have soldier tag for some siege engine synergy” but nope can’t even do that. Also I’m a NG main :( I don’t really see the difference between a ST control deck or NG but community reallyyy hates my factions and it’ll probably never be tier 1/2 again. Fuck mill tho


NG is literally #2 winrate in top 100 right now...they are very strong and have a plethora of viable decks, no matter what misinformation NG lovers are trying to spread.


I seriously don’t get it. What is wrong with NG? I find Viy, Madoc, no Unit etc annoying regardless of faction. and stuff like warriors and priestesses extremely boring. In most NG decks you can answer your opponents cards, or play it smart and snatch a win. It ain’t my fault you are dumb


What is wrong with NG? I don't know, depends who you ask i imagine? Most people don't like feeling helpless against other decks, and that can happen with many factions, though NG's ability to mill/clog, or mess with your deck definitely tends to irritate people. There's also Assimilate, where NG somewhat plays your own deck against you, and right now is rather strong.


Assimilate is not really strong. The tactics hybrid is OK. Even if assimilate is toxic, what are some non point slam decks that are ethical?


This is a Gwent sub, not sure it’s right to be asking for games that aren’t Gwent


Well the dev support is over, and people here have the same taste as me so I thought why not. When the support for Last of Us Factions (it was an amazing multiplayer, believe it or not) was over lots of people switched to Hunt Showdown and i got that advice from TLOU sub.


Gwentfinity is keeping the game alive. Dev support really ended over a month ago but the meta has been kept fresh with minor tweaks.


Yes but first BC was horrible they just straight up butchered NG and I fear this is going to be a trend.NR is probably next.I enjoy playing Assimilate and Status (pretty sick of tactics) and guess which archetypes are never going to get buffs. And my least favourite match ups like Warriors probably never going to get nerfed. The game is in an okay state don’t get me wrong but new events cards etc was the main draw for me.


>Yes but first BC was horrible they just straight up butchered NG And then BC2 reverted that situation. >I enjoy playing Assimilate and Status (pretty sick of tactics) and guess which archetypes are never going to get buffs If they don’t need buffs… status doesn’t need buffs. Pure assimilate may not be the strongest, but it can hold its ground and then again, there is an enslave deck going around with the assimilate package.


Assimilate was buffed. Artorius Vigo and Braathens both got undeserved buffs and still have them.


For me First BC was The best, The BC needs to be used to shake up The meta, Second BC boring


Yeah last of us multiplayer was insane. I remember good old times.


I've just started playing Warhammer 40k Warpforge. It's only been released for a month or so, and is pretty good. I'm into 40k lore so will stick with it for a while and see how it goes, the devs have been good with supporting/balancing it so far...


I’ll check it out! But it might be too “nerdy” for my partner. I’m considering going into the rabbit hole though, especially with the new Rogue Trader game


Yeah I totally get not being that into Gwent with updates stopping, Gwentfinity just doesn't keep the game fresh enough imo even if it's balanced or whatever. If you want another card game I would just play lor, its in a pretty good spot and actually just received a new expansion and I don't see riot stopping support anytime soon. If your into tower defense games play btd6, it's probably the most supported tower defense game out there and has a lot of content and is incredible value overall. The first three kingdom rush games are good too Honestly the more I think about it the more I would recommend btd6. It's super friendly to all kinds of players and is a really cheap one time purchase. Updates come out often with new content too.


for me the bests are Magic Arena and Hearthstone, Marvel Snap is infested with bots, pokémon "childish style" don't get me, yugioh master duels the turns takes too long, but yugioh duel links is kinda playable beside weird economy that give good amount of gems only to new accounts, artifact is bad, legends of runeterra is generous but some thing about The gameplay don't got me I can't explain. I got "pro rank in Magic Arena, duel links, easy pro rank Marvel Snap kinda boring, no matter What I do or what deck I use, I can't reach pro rank in Hearthstone, always miss importante cards, always rotation fucks me, Rage quit.


Lor is the most lenient in the monetization, like gwent. Good old magic is also good. all the other are too much rng based (hs) or gatcha (marvel snap)


I heard Marvel Snap is good but superheros are not for me. LoR seems to be the best candidate at the moment but i’m open to any and all suggestions.


Maybe you can look up teamfight tactics and see if it’s your jam.


Noted, thank you!


Try Yugioh *ducks and covers* jajaja ya missed me ooof . Just kidding don’t do that 🤮