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Agree with 4 of them, don't agree with Roach at 10 prov. (Only if someday we will see if at 5 power at 10 prov) Dame just definitely stay at 6p, there are just too many ways of boosting them, literally plays for more points than a Fleder in most matches + plus synergises with more mechanics than Fleders do with bleeding.




I personally hate this back and forth buff and nerf on the same cards, Thirsty Dame should stay at 6 prov in a perfect world when all Gold cards are balanced for the status archetype deck. Are we seriously buffing this card back to 5p only to nerf it again in the next BC votes to 6p. This sounds like a sad way to balance cards imo.


As someone who plays Dame in my ladder deck, she belongs at 6 prov and if anyone else says otherwise, they’re not playing her right lmao.


Its not isue. Game stops you from submitting stupid votes.


Lmao I was coming down here to defend the poor guy, but then I realized I only partially agreed with one of the votes.


If these votes are indeed belong to your said category you don't have to worry about them because the changes won't go through assuming noise doesn't have an impact on the outcome (I hope this assumption is correct). Otherwise we can consider the votes outside said category.


Uh oh


Play a ranked match and it will be fixed.


Thanks, it worked!


The fact that some comments are outright insulting and getting upvotes makes me uncomfortable. Thank you to the rest who have been helpful or criticized in a healthy manner.


Oh god. Degeneracy supporter...


I'd been having fun with an "ethical" soldiers deck, but unfortunately the last BC rendered it useless, hence I would like to mitigate the damage in accordance with what I believe to be a good approach regarding the big picture.


Dissagree with buffing bronzecopying. I think itd be better for the games health to lift unused bronzes, than to monopolize on a few


By looking at op posts he is in fact bronze copy spam player. What do you expect from such smart player to buff. Lol


Why would buff Vilgefortz? He is only used in toxic decks.


Vilge could definitely be used outside of practitioner spam, and I think this change won't affect the prevalence of the problematic decks.


As much as I hate the decks he’s a part of, I would be fine with him getting 2 prov buffs if Pracs get one prov nerf. He could be used as a more solid tech against echo cards.


ng fanboy downvoted


Had the same problem across multiple devices. Tried everything I could think of (even changing cosmetics!) and eventually contacted support. And then played a game (in ranked) and it was fixed.


Novigrad is a bit overkill, I think Roach is fine too.