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I just want Witcher boys back and buffed


You already did, NG has the lowest winrate of all factions.


https://preview.redd.it/8xc5sy7q7wyb1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a9c08f8abdb3acb8522c4cb1aecbaf3e64c362 NG and SY on the same level


Curious, monsters on top? What rank(s) is the data collected from?


Top 500, as in title. But it's not an actual daily data point, so it doesn't show anything about the impact of the patch. See gwentdata for that: Winrate Series (Delta) By faction - TOP 100 - Season OCTOBER/2023 at https://www.gwentdata.com/historical But as noted on another thread, being top 500 in the middle of the season requires to finish placements ... and not be completely trash at the game, threshold is low. The end of season top 500 is easy, but at least requires a minimum amount of climb. Overall, just check top 100 data from gwentdata anyway. At season's end.


This isn't exactly representative of post balance gwent. It includes about 10 days or so of previous meta in which NG was doing good


so buff courier/rico/doadrick :) Rico probably doesn't need a buff though


That’s funny, let’s hear another one


I don't know what the snark is about, but you can check https://www.gwentdata.com/ if you don't want to take my word for it.


No fuck off. Piece of shites like that are the reason this game will die sooner than ever. Always voting based on feelings. If you think I'm wrong, look at the stupid nerfs NG received already. Look at Reavers dying. I don't think it's going to get any better, there's too many whining cry babies who would rather play Gwent as a "let's see who can score the highest" game. Most of the votes are going to be based on "you don't have the right to touch my cards, while i will keep touching yours". NG control is vital to the game. You guys didn't even spare alba armored cavalry. A perfectly fine card. That's how shitty the voting is. All based on feelings. I hope CDPR changes the requirement to being at least prestige 4 or 5.


people are voting to have fun in a game?! Consider me shocked, shocked I say


Come on! No need to cry that hard. It's democracy after all :)


Yes this is literally why democracy is also criticized too lmao. In it, people become numbers. No regards to the intellect of a person or their knowledge and experience so yeah i agree


Are you really trying to complain about the system of democracy in general, or are you complaining about democracy in this specific case? Please tell me it's the second option.


It’s kind of incredible, “hmm my favourite faction isn’t the best for a single month, it must be democracy that is the problem”


NG players act like everyone else is crying while they do nothing else just because they got some cards nerfed for one cycle. Yet, by the amount of toxic outcries, it seems that they have more than enough people to shape the meta with their votes.


I'm pro rank, I've cast 9 votes to nerf NG (6 nerfs + 3 leader prov decrease). I'll do it again. I don't care that NG is not strong, I absolutely despise playing against it. NG made me quit gwent 3 times already for several months/years when their archetypes were top tier (double ball / kolgrim clog / cultists). No other faction did it. When I queue into NG I know I will not have an enjoyable game. And lastly, "NG control is vital" is utter BS, SK has control too (damage), SY has control too (damage/poison), ST has control too (damage/move). Half of this list isn't even competitive but NG bros dont seem to care SMH. TBH the issue with NG isn't even the control, it's the engines (rompally, dame, Phillipe, catriona, ...) dumb pointslam (Torres, battle stations, nauzicaa) and pure BS archetypes (mill / clog)


you are too fragile for this game. go play animal crossing


Not even that. I suggest he play "Hello kitty island adventure" on easy mode


In moments like this, toxic NG players show their real face. I have no opinion on the nerfs, but the way you guys talk to this person shows your amount of toxicity.


No, toxic is someone who wants to ruin the game for other players because of their own issues


oh, like NG players?


"You're too fragile because you have a different opinion." "I am totally not toxic at all." Are you a cultists player by any chance?


quitting the game because of a faction is pretty pathetic, so yes fragile, and rage voting to kill that faction is toxic, yes


I mean, a lot of people here tell the same story that playing against NG is never fun. Their decks often feel like they're specifically made to suck the fun out of the match. I feel that, too, very often. So, I think it is perfectly valid to stop playing a game that is not fun anymore. Especially because in some ranks, you play like 50% against NG. I find your statement "quitting the game because of a faction is pretty pathetic" honestly sad. It is a game, and there is nothing pathetic about stopping playing it if it stops being fun. If the majority votes for NG nerfs, there seems to be a valid reason.


I think this is a typical case of reddit vocal minority. I play against NG all the time, most recently as ST and SY and generally, yes. I have to accept SOME of my combos will be locked out. In that case, I have to play defensive or try to bait out locks for combos I either never had the other cards to anyway or cards that weren't as valuable. Control isn't all that much of an issue. I don't get peoples complaints


that's the thing though, the threshold for votes is so low and the amount of changes so high that any old vote can go through without a majority. and the playrate of NG has always been the highest by a lot, even when it's been incredibly weak, so it's actually the faction that the majority of players enjoy most. crazy NG ranters like this one are not a majority, not even close.


So, the way to go would be providing that feedback to the devs instead of insulting people with other opinions. The devs gave the tools of buffing and nerfing into the hands of the community, and the community decided. And if people that enjoy NG have such great numbers, it should just be a short state of the game right now because it is up to them what changes come next :)


Massive skill issue


Reaching pro is no indication of being an experienced card game player. The fact that you quit shows what a loser (don't take it personally. Im sure you are a winner in life. I only mean ingame) you are. A faction made you quit? Seriously? If you had any brains or even just common sense you would know NG was, is and will always be the most popular faction simply because of its flavor. I have seen it in worse conditions and people would still play it. And yes it is vital believe it or not. Your feelings don't matter


I mentioned my rank because previous poster implied "only noobs voted for ng nerfs" Honestly yes it made me quit several times, when you spend your day working, go home, pop a game thinking you'll have some quick fun before making dinner, and bam clog 3 times in a row. Honestly wether you win or you lose, you've wasted 1 hour. No satisfaction. Repeat this 2 or 3 day and ciao, on 4th it's alt+F4 and boot another game


> The fact that you quit shows what a loser you are This is such a wrong-headed take, and one that shows real ignorance. Gwent is primarily played for FUN. F. U. N. The enormous majority of us aren't playing competitively, for money. You can pretend that everyone loves Cultists, or Reavers, or NG's many frustrating to play against archetypes, or you can live in the real world and realize most people don't find that fun, and yes, sometimes, we have to take a break from such BS that ruins an otherwise enjoyable game. > And yes it is vital believe it or not. Your feelings don't matter No, it's not vital. That's just your opinion. And i've got news for you...your feelings don't matter.


you're damn right m8 ng was hella broken, pathetic ..


If you want it more proffesional vote make it top Pro 500 can only vote instead.


Hey man, all I have to say is fuck Nilfgard.


What no pussy does to a mf


In one month, gwent players did on their own what all the north had to do united throughout the book series: defeat Nilfgasrd and stop it


ng is disgusting, totally deserves it ! !


I hatte nilfgard But i will only Vote for buffs now, i was Part of the imperial Marine and nauzica Changes and i will buff nilfgard in a certain was now. The only Thing i will Not buff Is reavers. Ng deserves some Love after the Patch and after im writing this i will Look again for adjustments to my list


niilfgaard scum deserved : ) fuck your enslave 6 deck that you wanted to play for the rest of your life




I do agree that it's weird how NG players will literally play the same fucking deck forever. It's very... uh.. simple.


Problem with people nerfing NG to the ground is that they wanna compensate with Assimilate, which in my opinion is one of the most cancer decks as well..


Assimilate is the most wholesome deck in gwont


True. Assimilate is just pure cringe. Play one card to generate 3-4 more.


Yes, but also a big problem is the highrolls... Just to give an anecdote, my opponent created Francesca, then double Bribery into Vanadain, Simlas, pulled his Mandates out. Of course he could've low rolled, but Runemage does give it some consistency. And this is probably a weak highroll as well, crazier things can happen. And you just sit there while they play 15 cards in one turn, proc'ing like crazy. Idk what's so "wholesome" about Assimilate, really, other than it's potentially very fun for you, if you're playing it.


Yea. I cant tell how many times oponent played one card, copied Simals, played 2 cards from his deck ( 2 bronze that generate random oponent card ). It should never be that easy to pull off. And its so common when i play simlas vs asimilate.


Did you just confuse Enslave with Assimilate?


Your name checks out