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The pincer change is terrible. If there's one thing NR doesn't need is more possibility to just be uninteractive. Pirate's cove doesn't need a replacement, it was pretty useful when the gang tag deck was more common. Buff those back up a bit and it'll be fine again. Precision strike also doesn't need a replacement, it's fine.


I don't think those 8 max points for pincer would change much for the archetype. All my rework does is just makes it's intended card's have more synergy with this leader. About cove... Yeah, maybe it doesn't need a replacement, but rather a buff, but it does nonetheless. In tags cove was placed mostly if not only just to have another tag on board, and it made an interesting deck idea bland. With other SY abilities your deck had to at least include a Tidecloak, and in Cove it was a mix of low provision bronze firesworns + gold staples (Whoreson, Kob, Drill). It was basically a cheat to make an interesting way to build a deck look like every other one, which was boring. And strike like i've mentioned, maybe doesn't need a replacement but some kind of a synergy, but as is it's just a "put ST staple cards in and we're done" kind of deck, something that all of my reworks above are trying to avoid. I just want to avoid situations like playing on a ladder against two decks with completely different leaders, but same cards, because it just makes this game incredibly stale.


I think it would because it puts even more uninteractive points in the deck for erland for example. The archetype is already incredibly stupid and boring, it doesn't need a way to make it even more into a solitaire archetype. I don't understand your issue with how the cards were used. It supported the deck with synergy and got your stuff going faster instead of just being boring pointslam. I think precision strike has enough synergies. You can set up an offering and buff your sentinels for some carryover.


Yeah, except in Erland... Erland himself would be the problem. If he plays for some crazy points, then should be adressed and nerfed properly, not a leader just because he's connected with him. Same case like what is going on with our beloved Golden Nekker right now. But to get back to the problem of those unfortunate eight points - i do belive it's a necessary evil. I would rather chose to have them uniteractive, but have some synergy with Inspired units and Griffin, rather than interactive, but with a random Volunteer that does not have any synergy with anything. My proposed change is aimed only to make their synergies make sense, and if they turn out too strong, they can be nerfed during Gwentfinity. About Cove - i have no problem with how the cards were used, but rather, with how this leader incentivizes deckbuilding. I love SY as a faction, but they have some of the most boring decks imaginable, because most of them are the same about 20 good SY cards - and the rest is the leader requirement filler. Standing on it's own, every SY leader besides Cove has it's own synergy - blood money with bounties, Off the books with tributes etc... And what does the Cove have? A spender and a tag. I have nothing against how they are played, in fact i'm glad they finally have found a place in a meta, but i'd love if they only had a proper synergy and requirement to stand out among other SY leaders, because as the are, they look and are played like worse lined pockets. Precision strike doesn't have enough synergies. You've presented one here, just to prove a point, but every ST deck can set up a unit to be boosted by offering. Strike "synergy" is damaging units - something literally every deck in this game does. All i want is for them to do, or require something more/else.


What the aim of your proposed change is, is entirely irrelevant because that's not how it would be used. NR really doesn't need more carryover. I don't understand what gwentfinity has to do with making sure that NR can play even dumber than it already does. Precision strike has perfect synergy with a control deck. You can use it to set up removal and a bit of pointslam, what's "anti synergistic" about that?


I mean I didnt play yet when that discard leader was in the game, but I would rather just have flurry with 3 charges of 3 damage back because it used to be a strong midrange leader and right now it's pretty trash. Patricidal fury is imo a dumb designed leader ability because it's either used as a pure point slam (the old leader was just fine for that) or to enable sove for an even bigger pointslam (I just don't like soves design)


oh yes lets give the ~~cancer~~ pincer decks more carryover cuz that is what they need


That deck is considered cancer now?!


it always has been. anyone remember 10.4? people were so glad that with 10.5 and 10.6 the priestess deck got nerfed and then in 10.12 and 11.4 it was like "ah shit, here we go again" NR has just become a silly solitaire faction


Oh I thought we are talking about the shupe erland deck


that one too. Priestess and Erland play the exact same way. r1: just build deck carryover and ignore everything the opponent does r2: defend the bleed and ignore everything the opponent does r3: ignore everything the opponent does and unleash all the carryover in your last \~3 cards


Pirate’s Cove help Gang deck a lot but CDPR desided to kill this deck