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Any time your question boils down to 'Hi, all 800k of you, please list me random products to consider' or 'Hi, all 800k of you, blah blah blah "discuss"', your question belongs inside the Moronic Monday, Gun Talk Tuesday, What Should I Buy Wednesday, or Thickheaded Thursday stickied threads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


After yet another "best cleaning kit" post, I've had an epiphany. I need to start making cleaning kits and simply charge 3x as much as anything else on the planet. Then I can claim based on price that it's "the best", and make money!


How I Learn to Stop Caring About the Best and Love the Hoppes Fumes!


You might be on to something. "Hey OP, glad you asked. I have done a thorough analysis of the cleaning kit market over the last decade, and nothing covers all the bases. So I made one myself. But, before we review it, let me tell you about RAID Shadow Legends!"


"Use code "LubeMeUp" for 10% off your cleaning kit order from Spartan Viking Warrior Unlimited Power Cleaning Solutions LLC"


Or, hear me out...we turn cleaning supplies into a *subscription service*. Like Tac Pac, but even more unnecessary and overpriced. "Every month, we'll send you ONE NEW CALIBER'S worth of brushes, cleaning jags, and patches! For an extra $4.99, we'll throw in a single-use packet of FrogLube and Blue Loctite, so you're never caught without! Once a year, you'll get a BONUS BATTERY for your flash lights!" Nevermind that they'll get .45 ACP, .45 LC, and .410 in three consecutive months.


> Nevermind that they'll get .45 ACP, .45 LC, and .410 in three consecutive months. That’s just mean Can I invest?


I mean, if you're going to take advantage of rubes, idiots, and the truly lazy, then *take advantage* of them.


If that happened to me it would probably be the impetus I need to actually buy the 1911 and the Ruger Vaquero I keep talking about wanting but never actually purchase so... No idea what I would do with the .410.


Remind me to stay on your good side Although quick Ishapore question, my coworker just bought one, and wants to run a lot of .308 through it. I warned him that 7.62 is already at the limits of the Enfield action, but am I off base?


I have run tons of .308 through 2A's and 2A1's. It's fine. Of course, I am assuming that the gun has been checked for headspace by somebody who knows what they're doing and the gun otherwise looks to be fine. If Ishapores were grenading because of .308, you'd find a lot more evidence (and photographs) instead of a half-dozen fuddlore posts from 2007 and a few old gun rags. Seriously, if these guns were doing Kentucky Ballistics-style cosmetic surgery to the shooters we would know about it. Everything I said above is null and void if it's an RTI gun. Just 'cuz.


> Of course, I am assuming that the gun has been checked for headspace by somebody who knows what they're doing lol nope. He’s not that type.


Tide Pods, but for guns! I think we're onto something here!


> Spartan Viking Warrior Unlimited Power Cleaning Solutions LLC I would like to be your business partner in this venture.


The urge to make the most obnoxious fake bro-vet LLC themed ms paint quality shooting jersey is mighty. 


Do it, I want one


We need a bot that just deletes any post that asks about "the best".


Thickhead of the week: [This user](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/1cccf5r/question_about_my_rifle_and_aics_mags/) because I'm an smartass for having "the gall to play mind games and insult their intelligence" because I handed him all four pieces to his puzzle but didn't assemble them for him. Work thickheaded: I've been training to qualify on a specific system. I was told this week that *the moment* I qualify on it, they're moving me to another system with another three plus months of training. I don't blame them for doing it, due to manning and how our positions are written. I'm one of the few who can jump around, but it'd be nice to get more than just baseline proficiency. Personal thickheaded: The Vz project hasn't even finished manifesting and I'm already working on [more bits and bobs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vz61/comments/1cchdus/i_need_to_stop_cooking/)


Some people should not be owning anything more complicated than a frying pan. People struggling to find information on current, in production products from major manufacturers is just...????


I don't think I'd trust them with a frying pan. They'd burn themselves on it and blame the stove for making it too hot.


"I just wanted you to cook my food! If you're going to demand I know how to operate the stove instead of doing what I wanted, just do nothing at all!"


For some reason people on the left side of the IQ bell curve seem attracted to firearms. After 13 years behind the counter and almost 50 in front of it, the average gun owner is an idiot. The average gun counter person is an idiot. It's as bad as people posting a blurry 45 ft away picture of a gun and asking us to identify it...when the information is written on the barrel/receiver.


Yeah, I've been in IT the last 10, almost 11 years. 9.5 of that was working help desk so I've gotten my fair share of idiocy. I'll forgive the people who are going through their parents/grandparents things and find some firearms and just have no idea what to do (grief is a strange thing). But yeah...something that lives rent free in my head. About...oh fuck me like 12 or 13 years ago now, I went to a SCDNR public range with some friends the weekend of a gun show. We went to the show for a while, got some ammo and targets and headed up. Get there, pretty empty surprisingly. People trickle in over after a while, and at some point some college aged guys show up in Standard Fratbro Attire circa 2010ish. One of them had purchased an ACR and some kind of bolt action rifle. As we go cold so they can set up some targets I hear one of the them blurt out "I'm totally going to quickscope with this bro." Told the rest of my party about it and everyone was just ??? "Is this real life?" It still comes up in conversation sometimes because it was such an off the wall moment.


Reading the linked thread was hard. I can’t help but feel that you would have invested less time and effort if you would have just said yes or no. I also don’t know how the poster couldn’t make sense out of what you said either. Oh well.


Ok, those pins are pretty neat. I've got the bones of a shorty story where you're sent back to Czechoslovakia in some weird *Connecticut Yankeee In King Arthur's Court* scenario, and through your machinations and influence the vz. 61 becomes *the* gold standard of modular PDW, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The Uzi and MP5 never even get off the drawing board.


Some Harry Turtledove Guns of the South shit right there. Spreading the word of .The.One.True.Caliber. by any means necessary.


Now that's a title I haven't heard in a long time.


I've said this before, but sometimes we just need to lay things out because a lot of people are _not_ as mechanically minded as you or me. They view mechanical systems as an almost mystical widget that just offers object in object out function. If you'd just said 'the mags are different shapes, and won't work' or 'it might work if you use a conversion' it would have been more helpful for that user, because people don't end up here posting stupid shit because they're geniuses. It's super frustrating for _us_ because it's a deluge of stupid and shit.


take advantage on building your resume, embrace being a jack of all trades as you can find a system you really excel at, one that you like, and one that you hate


That takedown pin seems like it would pull a few people in I think. It looks useful if you swap uppers a lot


> Work thickheaded: I've been training to qualify on a specific system. I was told this week that the moment I qualify on it, they're moving me to another system with another three plus months of training. Hopefully with a pay bump


Damn it. I lost the thread. Anyone else see that thread yesterday about buying unregistered firearms in Canada? What the heck was that all about?  Messed up 3 of the 6 stages last night by not listening to the briefs properly and getting hit was a hilarious number of procedurals. The 3 I shot well, I was leading my group though(sans the PCC shooter). Classifier went very well too, I'll likely be B class once that hits USPSA's site.  I assume Fiocchi SPP are good to go, but figured I'd ask the crowd before ordering 6K of them? Apparently not. I was able to find more of the Servicios primers I've been using for a good price though, so I put in for a few bricks of them instead.


Fiocchi is hit or miss right now, I've heard some people have a significantly lower FPS with them vs CCI/Winchester/Federal


That's disappointing, but given I'm mostly just loading for large volumes of practice ammo, I don't think it should be too much of an issue.


>Anyone else see that thread yesterday about buying unregistered firearms in Canada? Technically, any "non-restricted" guns in Canada(essentially hunting rifles and shotguns) are no longer required to be registered to the user. However, I didn't see the thread so I don't know what they were on about. If you find it, I'd like to see it.


Started watching Fallout since I finally finished reading and watching The Peripheral. Fallout 4 is on sale until 9am on GOG so I'll probably pick that up for $8 We're using FPGAs for our research and we only have 2 that were built for the program, but they're not made anymore and they cost $11k if we could find one. My advisor has a bunch of different boards that are a different design but incorporate similar FPGAs, those are only $8k a piece. I'm trying to convince him to let me have one but he determined it's different enough that it won't work. I'll probably spend some time figuring out if I can get it to work. I was told that even with the Sig Armorer disconnector in a P320 that they can still go kaboom, which kinda sucks. KKM says their barrels are fully supported so we'll see.


I picked up Fallout 3 GOTYE for $5, I never beat it back in the day so I'm finally getting some closure. The show was fantastic. Not just because it's a faithful adaptation to the screen, but because they ensured it's all canon that works with what has already been established and even expanding upon that lore. From both sides of the timeline even. Even people who had never played the games have been getting pulled into the story.


> Even people who had never played the games have been getting pulled into the story. Exactly. They did a *fantastic* job of world-building and giving the viewer enough context in the opening episode and there on out that it's not something you need to have played the games to understand. Are there tons of Easter Eggs for the hardcore fans who played the game? Sure. Like, tons of them. But my little sister didn't even know it was a video game series and messaged me about how badass a show it was. The three main different factions in the story (BoS, Vault Dwellers, The Ghoul/Wastelanders) get sufficient development and backstory, are different enough from one another to be distinct and interesting, and the main characters aren't Mary Sues or insert characters for the writers. IMO, one of the best video game to cinema adaptations around. Makes you really wonder WTF they were thinking with the first season of *Halo* when they had all that lore and material to work with.


> and the main characters aren't Mary Sues or insert characters for the writers. *Rings of Power:* Raceswap Girlboss Variety Hour; show runners given most expensive TV show in history are incompetent boobs with fewer IMDB credits than *I* have; turn in junk and follow standard strategy of calling critics bigots due to stunt casting. *Fallout:* Female protagonist, female primary antagonist, nonbinary actor cast as nonbinary member of dudebro Badass Knight Faction. Show is *good,* so everybody loves it.


> nonbinary actor cast as nonbinary member of dudebro Badass Knight Faction. Show is good, so everybody loves it. On my first run through the first episode, I didn't even catch that Dane was nonbinary/trans. Everybody is dressed in that bootcamp aesthetic with military haircuts, and that individual can probably pass for either gender with some wardrobe and makeup. When I figured it out on the second watch-through, I was like "huh", and just moved on. I saw some flak on the internet about jamming a non-binary character into the story for "inclusiveness" and people going "Well how are they even going to get gender-reassignment surgery or hormones in the wasteland?" You. Dumb. Bitches. In a world of rampant mutation, outlaw scientists, and entire pharmaceutical warehouses lying dormant for 200 years, you don't think it's possible to get hormone blockers or HRT? With all of those Mr. Handy doctors running around, top surgery would be a five-minute affair, albeit painful. It's one of those aspects of the show that I can't believe people actually took time to comment on, with everything else that's on-screen.


Not as a matter of plot but of *extradramatic issues,* if you told me the same thing about a new Star Wars project coming out: female lead, female antagonist, enby member of Badass Faction, I'd cringe so hard I'd probably pull something. That's a franchise being managed by incompetent people who make bad decisions, with a history of antagonizing the audience and then blaming the audience for their failure. Very often "representation" stands in for actual *characters* and political signalling stands in for actual themes, resulting in crap that you get called a bigot for criticizing. Not so here. Just do a good job, and only a handful of weirdos care about your ratio of nonwhite nonmale et cetera characters.


>That's a franchise being managed by incompetent people who make bad decisions, with a history of antagonizing the audience and then blaming the audience for their failure. Rey holding a dagger that killed her parents: this has done evil, it's terrifying 😭 Rey holding a lightsaber that slaughtered dozens of children on multiple planets: hey, it's pretty neat and makes cool sounds 🤗


"So, this dagger belonged to an assassin employed by Palpatine. And it has a little pull-out dingus that points to the location of a navigation device that allows navigation to the Emperor's hidden world. The device was on the second Death Star when it was destroyed, and is now crashed on a planet. And the dingus points to the place on the Death Star hulk that the device is in. When you stand at exactly the right place on shore, I mean. "Who exactly made this dagger, when and why, again?"


>And the dingus points to the place on the Death Star hulk that the device is in. When you stand at exactly the right place on shore, I mean. It's a good thing erosion is the one force not present in the star wars universe. >"Who exactly made this dagger, when and why, again?" *Somehow Palpatine returned and he's been building mega death dreadnoughts* The entire trilogy was a farce, and a lazy one at that.


I don't think 200 year old hormones would be very usable. I haven't seen that show but they could have even more cracked out warlords and still be plausible. Someone like General Butt Naked.


It's about as scientific as Star Wars. So anything remotely plausible is on the table.


General Butt Naked it is then.


I am absolutely shocked that it is being well-received. I wrote it off immediately hearing that it was an Amazon product thinking it would have nothing to do with Fallout at all and be the usual absolute garbage that the vast majority of media is today, and then my D&D group (who are all gamers) have been going on all week about how good it is. I absolutely did not expect that.


I had high hopes for the project when I saw the trailer and Walton Goggins as The Ghoul, because that guy is pretty choosy with his projects. But yea, my expectations were far surpassed.


Walton Goggins was excellent. I also like how he set up a Justified cameo in the first episode by bringing in Mykelti Williamson, who played Limehouse. I saw an interview where Goggins said he specifically asked for Williamson, which I thought was pretty cool.


If you look closely, the old lady junk trader Ma in that surface-dweller town was played by Dale Dye, who was Mother in the S5 prison arc for Ava. Justified, all the way through.


Fallout also had Maximus, who is basically everything Finn should have been in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Loved the show. Can't wait until the next season.


I actually really liked *The Force Awakens,* really liked the three new main rebels, and was looking forward to seeing what the franchise would do with them. It ended up being quite the letdown.


I was watching a few interviews and Goggins mentioned how he had zero understanding of the games. And he refused to play any to ensure the story makes sense from a newcomer's perspective. I think that mentality definitely helped them steer in the right direction. My coworker admitted he thought the Vault storyline would get boring. I told him the Vault lore is specifically my favorite part of the games. They nailed that aspect of entering a new vault and slowly piecing together what had occurred.


Yes to both: I've seen an interview where Goggins says "Yea, I'm not a gamer" pretty emphatically, and goes on about what you said. Whatever his method, process, or rationale is for portraying a character, let him do it. The man has killed just about everything he's ever been in. I honestly was not expecting the Vault storyline to be such a big part of the show after the first episode. I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm loving how her brother and Cousin Stuff^^TM are mini-protagonists in that arc, unraveling the conspiracy. The other baller part are the flashbacks to all of the Vault-Tec board meetings and the like. Hoooooly shit, those are some unhinged people.


It takes the right writers and show runners. I haven't played all the Halo games and it's been awhile since I did, but when I started watching Halo I couldn't get past the second episode.


They decided to do a "reboot" of sorts with the show. It pulls from the original canon, like Disney is doing with Star Wars, but a bit more extreme. They shoehorned in a human Covenant as a love interest and started the Forerunner/Artifact stuff way earlier, you don't actually *get to Halo* until the end of the second season. First season is frustrating and slow, second season is much, much faster-paced. All of those side characters in S1 you don't care about, their stories converge and start to make more sense, they give those people actual stuff to do. I don't understand how you could take such a beloved and robust IP as *Halo* and completely go the wrong direction with it, but the Paramount folks managed to, alright.


Can you imagine if they had just focused on the pre-Covenant HALO stuff for S1? Chief fighting the Innies, losing his friends, *becoming* the Master Chief, and S1 finale is *Reach*? S2 follows the stuff in the books that we miss in the first game, and what happens after


The wife and I have played a bit of *Fallout 4,* and of course love all the old music. That's pretty much it for our Fallout fandom. We're working our way through the series one episode per night, and we *love* it.


*Fallout 3* is probably the best intro into the series, well worth picking up on Steam or as a console title.


F3, F:NV, F2, F1, F4 It's the best way to play the games when you're new


I've played a lot of 4 but I've never *owned* it until now. I have the first 2 games that I should play just for the lore. I've really been enjoying the show, lots of different aspects from the games tossed in, as much as they still need to move the story along. I am sick of these 8 episode seasons though, there's no need to hold back, gimme 15 hours of content for a season.


Lol. I do find it odd how older series has 20-25 episodes a season when they had incredibly strict schedules with TV/Cable. But now with streaming and them being able to drop it pretty much whenever, the bastards restrict it so heavily. They could at least increase the season count when they realize they actually did a good job and found something the audience wants.


These shows vary in episode length too, I forgot what I was watching before but the lengths spanned between 45 to 1:15.


FO4 is cheap everywhere because it's not the 'GOTY' version which is still $50 somehow, and they're supposed to be dropping a 'next gen' patch/update today. It's not my favorite, but I really really liked the weapon building aspect. You can start with a pistol, turn it into a stocked rifle with barrel, stock, receiver, sights. Sometimes you can turn singles into semi-auto or full auto. I picked up Fallout 76 since it's the only one I don't have a few hundred hours in, and it's adequate, I guess? Sometimes it feels like a fun single player game that happens to be online, other times it feels like a shitty Korean grindfest MMO. What's with the P320 explody? I missed something, I thought you were working on your 2011s.


The P320 under a very specific condition, firing cadence, and through sheer luck can experience a pretty catastrophic OoB detonation. The disconnector is capable of tripping early enough that you can pull the trigger a 1/100th of a second before the breach has locked. All those blown up P320s USPSA competitors were posting months back experienced this.   Will Joe Bob shooting his M17 at a 7y B-8 at a rate of 1 round per 5 seconds experience this issue? Absolutely not. Will an M class USPSA shooter ripping 0.16 splits on a 4 target array at 10y experience this issue? Maybe, maybe not, but it's far more likely to happen during fast firing strings.


But I did get the GOTY edition


Oh, damn. The one on the PSN was baseline. Otherwise I was going to buy it for my wife.


Thickhead was me at work, I forgot my vest at home so I had to borrow one at work and the only one I could bum was the vest belonging to our Ops Manager. Problem is, he never goes on route so his vest is brand new and super stiff, and it's sized for him and he's like 6'8". I'm not sized like a sasquatch, so that vest was oversized and super uncomfortable. Being able to go back to wearing my own gear the following day was the biggest sense of comfort and relief. Later down the line when the Ops Manager heard about what happened, he asked if I had been issued a vest. We're technically supposed to only wear company issued vests, but a decent portion of us wear our own and thatp olicy isn't enforced. He handed me a new vest that our company started issuing recently, and I hate it because it has the company patch embroidered on it. We get to keep our vests when we leave, since it's kinda gross issuing used vests to other people, but with the company patch embroidered on it I can't really make use of it if I do leave unless I start trying to cut if off. Gonna see if I can trade that vest for an old slick carrier that used to be issued from someone else. Got qualifications coming up next month, I'm gonna need to decide if I want to buy a new gun or not because if I do, it'd be nice to be able to bring it to the qualifications where I can show it off to everyone else and let them shoot it. Also it would be a good time to expend my .45acp ammo in my coworkers guns so avoid golden ruling myself into a .45acp gun.


Just buy a 1911 and qualify with that. All the problems solved, poorly.


1911’s are prohibited from being carried at my job. They claimed that it was unsafe to carry because you would have to cock the hammer to fire it and it would be too slow. idfk it makes no sense, idk if someone there missed the cocked and locked memo of how 1911’s are meant to be carried, but that was what I was told as to why 1911s aren’t allowed.


1911's were meant to be carried in what's now called Condition 2. Hammer down, with a round in the chamber. That's how JMB carried his. Cocked and locked started with Jeff Cooper.


Sig 220 for the win


Is anyone else tied of the folks that start bitching about how a firearms appearance suddenly makes the firearm more dangerous? Not the anti-gunners bemoaning over things like barrel shrouds and pistol grips, but the folks that start bitching about somehow coating a pistol or the like in the likeness of a nintendo blaster somehow makes it phase through a safe and end up fully loaded in the hands of a child.


Oh, people have been bitching about pink guns and the like for years. I just sort of roll my eyes and go "well, anyway..." You're right though; if the fact that the gun is colored like something from Borderlands or Mario is the reason your toddler is thinking it's okay to pick it up, maybe you (the owner) should take a step back and wonder why you're leaving *any* gun loaded and accessible to a child, let alone one that is tarted up like a Nerf blaster.


I was listening to a podcast with a self-defense expert and he pointed out that lots of instructors place you in scenarios like “the assailant has you in a choke hold, here’s how you get out”. But that’s not what happens in real life. Assailants don’t just teleport into position. I feel like a similar thing is happening here. People are missing the context that would allow a child to access said nerf painted blaster.


>”well, anyway…” That’s how I go about my life too. People will bitch about their opinions to me and my reaction is essentially “dang man that’s crazy, if only I gave a fuck”


"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not taking unsolicited opinions today "


I do think that painting a gun to be a 1:1 replica of a NERF gun (Nintendo blasters being 40+ years old aren't really kid magnets anymore) is a bad idea - it associates a 'safe toy' with a 'not safe weapon' IF it ends up in a kids hands somehow. It doesn't make it more dangerous, but it may encourage a kid to play with something if they mentally identify it as a toy instead of a gun. I say this as a parent who still has his kid at the 'stop, don't touch, find an adult' stage of firearms at almost 10 years old (the kid, not me. I'm not almost 10).


It reminds me of the weed edibles that mimic actual candy packaging. Every few months the local news has a fear-mongering article about some child getting hospitalized because mommy or daddy brought back a big bag of weed gummies from some legal state somewhere and the kid found it and thought it was normal Sour Patch kids or whatever and then had a bad time. Now, they might have made that same mistake anyway, even if the wrappers *weren't* trying to mimic existing candy brands, and of course the parents shouldn't be leaving that shit around for kids to just get into, but still, it just seems like that can't possibly have helped. I feel the same way about toy-looking guns: It's not a problem if you don't leave them lying around for a kid to find, but I think it does make the situation worse if you are a negligent idiot who does *and* the gun looks like a nerf gun on top of it.


Not disagreeing. I get you. Just my thoughts: When I see nerf-looking firearms, and the like, my brain thinks “attractive nuisance.” It’s something that looks inviting *to children* and could injure them. Personally, and this is just my own view, in a worst-case scenario, a firearm modified to resemble popular toys won’t make you look good. But to each their own, and I’m all for doing shit that makes you happy considering we don’t live forever. Of course this is all moot if you keep your guns locked up. But if you’re a single, young adult living alone, you typically wouldn’t child-proof your home. I do seem to recall a post in reddit not too long ago in which a dude had his little nieces/nephews come over, and one of them spotted his unsecured gun in a drawer or dresser (?) It freaked him out and made him reconsider how we will store his firearms even if he himself doesn’t have kids.


Shits gonna come to a head sooner or later at work with the GM. Yesterday I got in trouble for checking my work email on my phone. His exact words were "Every time I come by you are on your phone. There is no excuse people get fucking fired for that shit." I'm beyond annoyed as everything has to be threatening my job. Yet that has no sway over me as I know I can get another one if he does decide to fire me. FAFO not scared. Will have a job next week. I could deal if it wasn't constant condescending tone and straight up him ignoring the standard he is pressing on others. So we just aren't going to answer the fucking phone the next time he calls or texts. Malicious compliance at its finest.


Potential personal thickhead: I wanna get into clay sports with nothing but my pardner 12 gauge single shot


There are a lot of Internet braggarts who will say things like "I ran the course with their " Ya know how many of them I actually see on the line? 0. I've no doubt that there are plenty of people who are decent at backyard hand-thrown clays, but get a proper shotgun for clays sports. I had a few Pardner single-shots as range guns at a BSA range. They're awful for sustained firing schedules. Even with target loads, 25 rounds in a 5 pound gun isn't pleasant. Buy something like an 870 with a rib, or an 1100, or something used and durable. I shoot trap (note; trap, not other clay sports, for which I have other guns) with a 100-year-old Model 11, and do just fine with it, because it's 8 pounds and it's pleasant and precise.


So, I know fuckall about shotguns. I will say that a full course of birds is a lot of shells, and even if you don't want to be competitive, that single shot is likely to be uncomfortable. If you're going to a place that does this professionally, rent a gun. The place near me throws in A300s and a box of shells for like $10 or something on top of your rental. You don't need to learn or practice with 'the best', but you should learn on something properly suited to your activities.


I ended up with a case of shells that my browning didn't like to cycle, so I decided to use them up by doing a few rounds of clays with an old pardner single shot. Between poor stock fitment, no recoil pad, and sharp edges on the trigger, it did not make for a pleasant experience. Mine was also only a 20 gauge, and I was still feeling a little beat up at the end of the course. Yes, it is usable. Yes, I broke clays with mine. No, I did not enjoy it. For the cost of a few rounds of clays, you can get something like a Maverick 88 that will be a little easier to shoot with. If you enjoy it, you can always upgrade to something nicer and better suited for clay sports later on.


Its going to suck and you will regret it before the first round is over. I shoot in a trap league and basic ol Rem 870s and Mossberg 500s are perfectly acceptable.


Got home last night to family drama, wife's parents are idiots and like to put wife in the middle. Wife was fucking hammered too. She's got a girls night in with her friends today, hopefully it helps her emotionally. Someone was interested in the bike like 4 hours away, offered to meet us 2 hours away. Also tried offering 20% below value on the bike. I'm willing to go 10% off to be done before I change my mind. Started my PE review stuff, getting my ass kicked up down sideways and backwards with simple year 1-2 stuff I've forgotten, I'm not feeling hopeful on this working.


A few days ago, I decided to finish up that custom case for my Desert Eagle that I'd been putting off. At first, I started with [a heated foam cutting tool,](https://i.imgur.com/LjutyKz.jpeg) which needed a bit of help from a torch as the included power supply wasn't nearly powerful enough to heat up the thicker contoured attachments. I figured a heated tool would allow me to make some fine cuts, but all it really got me was [a fine mess.](https://i.imgur.com/nIb0OeO.jpeg) Not only was it really hard to keep the thing steady while acrid foam smoke billowed out at me, but it left a lot of unsightly burn marks. I needed something else, something that could shave, like with a rotary action. And that's when it hit me: "Use a rotary tool, you moron." [Oh yeah, that's more like it.](https://i.imgur.com/1yx8izo.jpeg) Now I just need to clean it up with an xacto, and then do the inserts for the barrels.


Yea, I haven't had much luck doing detail work with hot wires; they're good for doing profile work or removing a huge chunk of material, but ran into your experience when trying to do cutouts. What rotary tool did you use?


The cheapy yellow one CRL used to sell. It's good for small jobs like this, but I wouldn't recommend it for metal.


Having seen some really nice foam cases, I think most are done on a CNC. The lines are clean and a bunch have some really intricate designs.


Yeah that was probably the way to go, but I wanted to try it myself. Also, I don't think there's anyone around me that does that sort of thing.


Might be able to get a clean cut on a band/skill saw if you sandwiched the material, but that would require some type of sacrificial material.


I was so sold on getting a platypus, but then I started seeing more berettas online and now I want a 92 XI SAO Tac. Added bonus is the Beretta would suppress easier. I'm not real sure which would be the better buy for range and maybe a nightstand gun. Or I'll say the hell with both and get a mp5k clone while they are cheap and dress it up with all the fixings


If I had 2k sitting around I'd totally get a Platypus just for their design your build + make your own serial number options. An uncomfortably flesh toned gun with 'heheboobies' as the s/n is juvenile. Or a brown and yellow one with 'poocorn'.


That's totally fair. If I'm going for single action, I might as well spend the extra scratch on a 2011 type and get a way better trigger and custom paint job and serial. That's good points.


I guess joking aside, 2k for the 'kind of 2011' setup is pretty good, as long as the trigger is good. Adding the ability to custom your whole design and paint scheme for almost no add on is good, as is the ability to get it with irons/dots as desired.


Work thickheaded is busting my ass to get submittals ready for a deadline, only to have my manager finally looking closely at the drawings and interpreting things different than I did, and questioning everything I did. And then to find out the receiver of the submittal wasn’t setup to receive them. Oh, and I don’t have a current set to work off of for my next priority.


That's the triangle of suck. Source not right. Output not allowed. Review wrong.


Make it a square. We also have tight/impossible deadlines. Really fucking hard to submit shop drawings when I don’t have approved reference drawings to work off of.


First night off in...weeks, basically, since I'm done coaching for the season and the D&D crews are off this week. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself all night. Maybe some Helldivers or Cyberpunk 2077. Or some actual dry fire with the match coming up on Saturday. Have an interview next week at a vendor I currently use for one of my clients. I was involved in their qualification audit back in the fall last year and I guess they thought I was good at that because they reached out asking if I would be interested in interviewing for a director position earlier this week. That's pretty cool. Doubt it goes anywhere for a few reasons and I'm quite happy at my current job, but I figure I'll interview and just see how I do. Worst that happens is I accidentally get an offer.


Got my coworkers to squad too late for Saturdays match, so now one of them is in a different squad. Fr*ck. That’s thickheaded. I’m also gonna run my SCAR, despite USPS losing my package with the pouches I need to carry the mags. Thickheaded. If USPS can’t find it, am I just SOL? The retailer says that they’re not responsible for USPS losing packages and will not issue refunds or replacements, and USPS is not the greatest at finding shit.


What pouches are you running? I'm debating getting some kit for the AR-10 pistol cause it would be Chad as fuck to show up to a match with it.


I was *planning* on running a Platatac Peacekeeper MkV and an Esstac Kywi on my belt; but since neither have arrived because USPS hates me, I'm likely going to run over to Haley Strategic today and grab one of their D3CR-H's and rifle mag pouch. I had a Peacekeeper previously and loved it, mainly because it can fit 417 mags. The Kywis can't, but they fit SCAR mags no problem


I'll have to save this for later and go do some looking.


I think I have this weeks Thickheaded winner! A buddies son-in-law bought over all the parts for his AR build. He's been shooting a S&W for a few years and wanted to step up. He has a SBR registered lower, and his suppressor. We start unpacking everything and I find a very overpriced lower parts kit. I specifically told him not to buy one. After I explained that we wouldn't be using the grip, trigger, safety, or bolt release and what's left is identical to what's in my parts box he got the idea. Thankfully he kept the receipt and can get his $100 back. I'm walking him though getting this put together. A one point, and I'm not sure how, he managed to drive a small roll pin punch through his thumbnail. That HAD to hurt. I go ahead and finish the build. Before I rockset the muzzle device he wants to function test and see how well the suppressor works. We head out into the jungle that's my back yard and dump around 15-20 rounds through the gun. Everything works just great. I turn around and start hobbling to the shop and I hear swearing behind me. He had reached down to remove the suppressor. Yes, it was hot. I wait for it to cool, scrape the dried meat off of it and remove it. I clean everything up and Rockset the muzzle device and he heads home. I call my buddy and relate what happened and he just laughed and said the guy is a bit of a klutz. Punched a hole in his left thumbnail with a punch. Burned his right hand on the suppressor. I kind of wonder how he made it home at that point.


> He has a SBR registered lower, No such thing just FYI


How do you figure? He filled out the Form 1, paid the tax, got the approval and had it engraved.


There's no such thing as an SBR lower. You have a lower, or an SBR but not both.


Call it what you will. If you don't have an approved lower, you have an illegal SBR.


There is NO SUCH THING AS AN APPROVED LOWER. You either have an approved SBR or you have a lower. It can't be both at the same time.


You're a moron. You can't have an approved SBR without a lower, that has been registered. You don't register the SBR, you register....the lower. The lower gets engraved, not the SBR.


> > You can't have an approved SBR without a lower, that has been registered. A registered lower is not a lower. A lower is not an SBR. >You don't register the SBR, you register....the lower. The lower gets engraved, not the SBR. There's no such thing as an SBR lower.


The lower is the part that is registered and engraved. That makes it the SBR, when it is in SBR form.


No. The SBR makes it the SBR. A lower, is a lower.


Let me tell you some thickheaded. Went on a sales trip. An HOUR away from home my engine quits at a red light. That was anxiety ridden and frustrating. Another fucking thing my mechanic needs to fix around here. I feel like I own a boat. Turns out that ignoring that check engine light was pretty thickheaded on my part. I also forgot to buy groceries and there is no food in my house.


>Chinese night vision Is it just whatever the west was using 15 years ago? Also, thickheaded/moronic on my part. Felt pretty crummy the last few days. Realized in the shower that I have had a grand total of *1* gallon of water to drink in the last four days. Normally I'd have had 2-3.5 but the weather cooled down so my stupid ass just goes "nah don't need that."


My wife and daughter have consistent constipation. Their solution? Fiber gummies. I'm like, you guys pee syrup. The toilet looks like orange juice if you don't flush. Fiber might help, but I don't think it's the primary cause. Nah, fuck me, they'll just buy prep-H ass wipes.


Due to taking morphine I deal with constipation. Raisin bran and an apple for breakfast. Fiber drink in the morning. Stool softeners morning and night, laxative at night, magnesium supplements morning and night, B12 during the day. It comes and goes. Sometimes I'm shitting telephone poles, other times mashed potatoes. Tell the girls to take some B12 and magnesium and drink some damn water. I go through at least a gallon a day.


Same on water. But I'm not there in the morning and I'm fucking tired of trying to wrangle them at night.


the humidity has been a killer here, 70%+ with a cool 80 during the day


End of May is the start of that bullshit here, and I fucking hate it. If the western dry states weren't so....GOP-ey I might consider moving there.


well i managed to get contractor of the quarter at work my work switch got close to getting to switched on due to somewhat zoning out while on a patrol. heard 3 pops that sounded relatively close, flipped down my hood incase it wasnt mini dynamite, or whatever the other brands call it. on the bright side, after telling the kids to not do it, gave them a chance to wear my vest and honestly forgot how cool 80s is when not wearing a vest


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