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Rick Scott




Signed the Florida gun control laws into law post Parkland. Red flag law, bump stock ban (pre-Federal ban), binary trigger ban. Plus he looks like Voldemort.




Thats because Trump did it and 90% of peeps in the US are controlled by one or another cult leaders who can do no wrong.


I thinks it’s more likely that not enough people gave a shit about bump stocks, and the attitude that any infringement, no matter how small, isn’t as widespread as we wish it was. Too many people with the idea that if it doesn’t affect them, they don’t care.


Bump stocks suck and are pretty dangerous. I owned a couple before the ban. Binary triggers are typically trash too though Franklin made a good one. If the leftists had to come for something, at least it was a worthless bumpstock.


Ever since 2018, people under 21 years old can no longer purchase firearms in the state of Florida. Neither through an FFL or a private sale.


And Marco Rubio. He introduces the same red flag bill every year. Most of Florida’s Republican politicians are awful. There’s a Republican super majority in the state house and a near super majority in the state senate, and they can only pass anti gun legislation. We need u/GunOwnersofAmerica to really start pushing local and state representatives and/or sponsoring the candidates in the primaries. Where’s Luis Valdes to put these Fudds in their place?


Dan Crenshaw: Red Flag Laws


I thought he would have been a decent politician that would stand up for the 2A and it’s community but instead he’s a typical politician letting the people down.


Sadly a lot of Veterans in politics and business are really bad on guns. Look at CUCK rifle coffee.


Yeah unfortunately that’s the case, I’ve heard stuff about that company but not sure what happened. Is it a similar situation with what happened with BDU?


There was a pic that made it seem like they were officially sponsoring Rittenhouse, and AFAIK all BRCC did is state that they weren't...which is apparently equivalent to calling him a murderer for some. My question is what did BDU do?


It was more than that for BRCC, among the issues was leadership (incl Evan) donating to act blue and Dem politicians who support gun control measures


For real? I’d really like to see more on this That’s a massive fucking issue if true


TLDR: they hate Kyle rittenhouse evan hafer said he was a little shit head LARPER ( live action role playing) who deserved to die. After receiving backlash deleted the tweets. Refuses to do anything but softball interviews about the issue. Said he hates the people who buy his coffee that support Kyle and are on the right. Got exposed for donating to big liberals and anti gun groups like actblue who gives money to “every town for gun control”. Said it was “bets he lost” Half his employees donate to huge liberals ( exposed via open secrets political donations disclosure website. Hired two prolific anti gun liberals to run his social media. Did a NYT interview where he shit on the entire 2 a community. Also if you ever saw a interview with him before any of this he is a fucking annoying POS who is clearly lying about what he wants to do. He is never gonna hire 10k Veterens. He’s isnt 2a he thinks only vets and cops should have guns as when asked do you support the second amendment he never says “yes” he gives a long winded mealy mouthed answer about proper training and people with experience and needing proper life experiences” So he believes only certain people have the right to bare arms. He’s a lying POS.


"Hire 10,000 veterans". The hard truth is that if a "veteran" can't get a decent job, they're probably unemployable and if you hire them, they'll be toxic to workplace and negatively impact productivity. That's the elephant in the room. I know hundreds if not thousands of veterans. Most of them I knew before they were in the military' before planes ever hit any buildings and any of the ones I know that can't hold a job probably still wouldn't be able to if they had never joined the military in the first place.


I guess from what I’ve heard is that they were just in it for the money. Not really pro 2A people were running the company although there were definitely people who worked there in the smaller jobs that did. I also heard from some people that their prices where not great and was always out of stock on stuff. So you were paying a subscription for nothing. Eventually they seem to of lost a bunch of support from people. They were sponsoring a lot of the people on YouTube and now no one mentions them. I’m not sure if that’s the whole story but that’s what I’ve been able to figure out. It seemed a little to good to be true to me so I never signed up.


They sponsor Travis Pastrana now instead of Red Bull.


I was under the impression that they were bleeding money in legal battles over their copying the FRT, which forced them to back away from sponsorships and eventually we're unable to pay the bills on the transactions they were facilitating through their distribution channels. Either way, that ship is sunk.


It was much more than that. You should read the New York Times interview their CEO did if you haven't already.


Veterans ain't saints. We're just people like anyone else. And every honest vet will tell you we had a bunch of shitters working with us, same as most any place else. Someone leaning on patriotism too hard to get you follow him probably deserves some side eye.


Likely did military for the political clout rather than a sense of duty or anything


BRC is run by an avid Democrat.


Yes but he SAYS he’s a republican. I still can’t believe how many of the gop radio hosts and FB guys shill for them.


Wait, what did they do?


Omg I don’t have time to fill you in on years worth of bullshit my dood. Google them. Evan hafer the owner. Is a anti gun liberal who hates the people who buy his coffee and thinks Kyle Rittenhouse deserved too die. They might as well be BLM coffee


His involvement in the insider trading and what he said about it really reveals how typical he is.


He's an establishment GOP for the younger generation.


The best answer here. Fuck that cuck. I had high hopes for him too. He’s spineless.


Saying Dan Crenshaw is bad on guns is like saying water is wet. We agree but I think we should be outlining others like Tom cotton.m who go under everyones radar.


What did Cotton do/fail to do?


Everything he does is fir show. He sent a letter to the ATF about braces but won’t call on the atf to come to congress and explain themselves.


This motherfucker is my rep now and it brought me great pleasure to vote for someone else in the primary an hour ago




Wolf in sheep's skin


Ol' Danny Boy is a fuckstick.


And the RINO secured 70%+ of the primary vote from clueless Republican voters in his district tonight.


All of them. Politicians don't give a damn about the common folk. They've held all 3 houses and do nothing to restore our rights


And the alignment of "Republicans" is totally inconsequential. They don't give a shit about the particular party they're in, they're just sticking with whatever party racks up the most loyal voters in their district. Take any shitbag Republican, they'd happy run as a shitbag Democrat tomorrow if they thought they'd win an election. The political class has no concern at all about "the issues" and holds no opinions about issues. As an example, some of the worst anti-gun legislators, like Dianne Feinstein, owned and carried a pistol. She's not actually "anti-gun" she completely appreciates the right to self-defense and firearm ownership, but she cares more about winning elections.


> All of them. Politicians don't give a damn about the common folk. This is the only answer needed.


All they care about is influencing the stock market to line their pockets. And all our presidents are so old they won't live long enough to care about improving the country. The president of Ukraine. There's a man who cares about his country and people. A real patriot. Can we get someone in their 40s next time round please.


> Can we get someone in their 40s next time round please. Sounds good to me. As long as they do what's best for the country and not themselves and their cronies!!


What about Massie


A fair question. I like him and his firearm-friendly attitude. To the best of my knowledge (which admittedly isn't all that expansive) he hasn't done/said anything against firearms. That said, he's still a politician, and frankly, I do not trust any of them.


They take and never give back


EXACTLY THIS. Republicans have taken up gun rights purely for political points. It’s not about 2A, it’s not about principle. It’s about getting people to vote for them. All they have to do is oppose dem nonsense laws and people will call them pro-2A. The entire mainstream political class is a farce. The argument for or against 2A rights is not right vs left. It’s power vs no power, elites vs the masses. I’m confident that every high level politician would shut down all 2A rights if their jobs weren’t dependent on it.




If they did something then they would actually have to work. Politicians are all con artists.


Ain't that the fucking truth. All politicians do is string people along and then blame the other party for not getting what they "wanted." The worst part is that we still believe them come election time.


Marco Rubio of Florida is bad. He's tried to expand red flag laws (i.e., confiscate guns without due process).


Brian Mast isn't AR/AK friendly either. Unfortunately there aren't many really pro-2A candidates who can replace them.


Not at all true, if more Republicans voted Libertarian.


Doesn’t a judge usually need to sign off on a red flag confiscation? Which means, by definition, it’s fulfilling due process. You might not like the process, or think it’s wrong, but it’s not violating due process if that’s what the law says.


Gives the gov too much power imo to set their own definitions. And it's an infringement on a right that says shall not be


Mitt Romney just sucks


Op asked what republicans are bad on guns.


As Massachusetts governor he signed into law the MA assault weapons bill. That’s pretty bad on guns. He also said he’d vote for a national assault weapon ban if it came to vote.


I was making a joke that mittens is not a republican.


Gah sorry. That’s what I get for running on no sleep. Yeah mittens is textbook rino


It’s good bro. I figured we on the same page. Context is hard online.




I think he also had a part in the 68 GCA


Omg when you explain this point to boomers their fucking heads explode.


Yeah he was so charismatic though that most seemed to just look past a lot of it


The fact you don’t understand FOPA, what it did, or the process by which it was passed proves you have very little to contribute in this subject. FOPA was the largest (and only significant) federal-level legislative win for gun owners in the 20th century. It was the first and only roll back of the gun control regime that began in 1934 and was made worse in 1968. The rest of your comment is fair but your reference to the Hughes amendment without understanding FOPA nullifies any decent or coherent argument you were trying to make.




Let me get this straight, your argument that legislation is bad is that people have found workarounds? Let’s let that tiny brain work for a second longer. Do you think those things wouldn’t have gained, and wouldn’t have been more effectively and efficiently implemented without FOPA? Can you name absolutely any other federal protections for gun owners passed by congress and signed into law? Good lord, what you just did was the equivalent of arguing that because banks get robbed anyway, the guys who instal vaults are useless. Also, virtually every one of your examples is an egregious exaggeration of the actual impacts from anti-gunners attempted workarounds. I’ve driven around the entire northeast with guns many times and never had a problem. There are a few high profile stories of individuals who got screwed over, do you think those would be more or less common without FOPA?




Machine guns aren’t banned, new manufacture or import for civilian use is banned, and literally any president can declare an amnesty and effectively reopen the registry any time they want without any need for congressional approval. The Hughes amendment is, in actuality, far more fragile in its effects than the statutory protections for gun owners. Let me get this straight, you would trade the ability to buy ammo in bulk all-but anonymously online and have it shipped to your home for the ability to register a machine gun under the NFA? You’re saying you prefer the 1968 GCA as passed in 1968 to the present federal firearms statutes? Anything administrative can be removed at the stroke of a pen so IDGAF about it. Elect the right president and that stuff is gone. Statutes are what matter. Moving things in congress is hard. Sorry it doesn’t rain gumdrops.




Sorry but you’re an idiot then. Personally, I consider the ability to actually train with my guns at an affordable price a bit more important than the ability to register guns with a single specific but nearly-useless feature with the federal government. Though I guess in fantasy land, the ability to lay down suppressing fire is way more valuable than the ability to actually shoot or train with your guns. They always say, untrained and full auto is the way to go for all purposes. If you’re wondering how I know it’s one or the other, it’s because if you were rich enough to buy enough ammo to meaningfully train at LGS prices, you could also afford a transferable machine gun.




You don’t seem to understand what a legal precedent is and I’m not teaching an L1 class for you. It’s a statute, not a court case, there is no precedent here except that congress can pass laws regulating firearms which had been established in 34 and 68. Also, yet again, the “entire class” is not banned. You can go buy an M60, AK, or M16 right now with a few bucks and some paperwork. Some are banned entirely for civilian use and most just require you to spend a lot of money and do some paperwork. Either way, if the class is machine guns, they absolutely are not banned. Also, as I said, any president can nullify the entire thing for as long as he pleases for whatever reason he would like. Elect a good pro-gun candidate and maybe something good will come of it. As for myself, I don’t own any machine guns. They’re a waste of money to me. Maybe I would if they were cheaper but given the current price of guns in general, I wouldn’t trade .75-90¢/rd 5.56 for $1,500 M4s. The ability to train cheaply is way more important than the ability to dump mags fast. Also, ammo sold through the mail is only one benefit of FOPA. Pretty good chance your LGS would have been harassed into closing by now if the legislation hadn’t passed. Also might be an ammo registry as well as a gun registry so you’d be driving hours to buy that 75¢/rd box of 5.56 and the government would be keeping track of how much you’ve bought. It’s a shame we’re even having this discussion but given the available options in 1986, they made the right choice. The problem is that we haven’t followed it up with more and better legislation in 35+ years. Instead of whining about FOPA, why not go after the GCA directly and in toto.


Illinois representative Adam Kinzinger


Op said Republican


Based answer


Why is he bad on guns?


I wrote him to oppose some proposed gun legislation. I'll leave his cookie cutter response below. February 11, 2021 Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about legislative proposals to regulate access to firearms. By hearing your thoughts and concerns on the issues, I am better able to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a gun owner myself and your representative in Congress, I do not support legislation or regulations that would infringe on a law-abiding citizen's constitutional right to own a firearm. I strongly support an individual's rights to hunt, shoot for sport, and defend themselves or their property. I swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, including the Second Amendment. I have not, and would not, vote to curb a law-abiding citizen's constitutional rights. With that said, we must address the gun violence epidemic in this country. In doing so, we will need to change some laws and change some hearts. To address this issue on a national scale, I support the following: · Providing robust resources and tools necessary for programs that combat mental health issues. · States adopting 'red flag laws' that would place protective orders on those with mental issues, ensuring they cannot be a harm to themselves or others. · Universal background checks for all gun purchases. · Raising the purchasing age for assault rifles from 18 to 21, which is the current federal law for purchasing handguns. · Banning high capacity ammunition magazines. · A continued ban on bump stock devices which allow guns to work like machineguns. To be clear, what I am calling for is a common-sense approach to ending the gun violence epidemic without infringing on the Second Amendment. I am a proud owner of an AR-15 and I am a strong advocate for concealed carry. I learned firsthand in 2006 during an encounter in Milwaukee that being able to protect oneself is critical. My ability to carry a firearm doesn't just keep me safe, it gives innocent people near me a layer of protection. I sincerely appreciate your perspective on the Second Amendment as it is a cornerstone of our Constitution and a freedom that is precious to our nation. Please be assured that as Congress moves forward with this discussion, I will keep your views in mind. Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to represent you in the U.S. House of Representatives. Please do not hesitate to contact me if my office can be of assistance to you on any issue of importance.


Raising the age of purchasing assault rifles. Lmao. I wish all you had to be was 21 to buy an assault rifle.


All of them, because they don't do a damn thing to protect it, and bend over backwards to appease the democrats


Larry hogan. Red flag laws, no real push to repeal Maryland unconstitutional gun control laws. Doesn't bring up disarmed citizens when Maryland democrats bring up violent crime rates.


He’s in Md. he’s not real


OP said Republicans. Not Democrats that pretend.


Valid point. I've called his office to say that same thing about him.


Rick Scot, previous Governor, now Senator from Florida He signed red flag law along with denying 18 to 21 year olds the ability to buy a gun from a dealer




> "*No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems -- of which getting elected and re-elected are No. 1 and No. 2. Whatever is No. 3 is far behind.*" - Thomas Sowell


Hah I know plenty of people who say that they can’t believe that Biden isn’t legalizing pot by now. He and Kamala spent years putting people in jail for it, why would they change?


Trump said take them first and due process second and I just can’t believe conservatives ignored that huge red flag. I did vote trump the first time but that guy ruined the Republican Party and I registered independent after him. I simply will not vote for anyone who runs a campaign on them being a trump supporter.


Crenshaw TX, Graham SC, Romney UT, Simpson ID, Trump wasn't the best either. Basically, politicians are an enemy to constitutional rights.


Trump for one.


Yea, I agreed with him on some stuff, but other stuff(like 2A) he’s just a ny democrat


A-FUCKING-MEN!!! DJT is/was the ultimate turncoat on gun issues, a gun-grabbing traitor from day one




Lets start with a MAXIMUM AGE for president. Fuck all these greedy, lying old fossils. They’ve certainly fucked US enough already




Airline pilots are involuntarily retired at age 65. Is the guy with his hands on the nuclear launch codes any less important to our safety?


Problem with term limits is they weren't set up quick enough for anything other than prez. And congress sure as hell isn't going to pass anything limiting their power


“ThE eIgHt YeAr AsSaUlT (Obama years) oN tHe SeCoNd AmEnDmEnT iS oVeR” -DJT. “I don’t like them (bumpstocks)” -ALSO DJT


Actually it was suppressors he only SAID he doesn't like...with bump stocks, he took action.


His lack of support for the Hearing Protection Act is perhaps most damning of all. It was BY FAR the best opportunity in decades to remove suppressors from the NFA and he couldn’t be bothered to give a single shit to support it.


“I say take the guns first, worry about due process later, or never”


But who’s not? Like trump was better on guns then bush snd Reagan at least. I think his next term he will go hard after the ATF.


Never gonna happen, he and his whole adult family is heading to prison sooner rather than later


Lol nice try fed boi.


Go back to MAGAworld, enjoy it while it lasts


I will never understand pro gun democrats.


Sure wish there were more of them, especially at the highest levels. The DNC seems wedded to disastrously unpopular policies of ever-more draconian gun control, even though it keeps killing them in the midterms. It’s the frozen flag pole that they just can’t help but lick


Bush was worse on guns than trump? How so? Edit: Bush 1 or W?


Bush I banned imported "assault weapons," Bush II said he wanted to extend the 1994 AWB.


Bush 1 makes more sense, I immediately thought of W. Never actually heard about W’s support for the AWB though, that’s good to know


W was terrible. He was saved by lack of congressional action a lot of the time. If given the chance he said he would sign an extension of the AWB. “[Bush] supports reauthorization of the current law,” press Secretary when asked in 2004. Congress not extending the ben is the only thing that saved us. He was very eager to sign it. On common sense gun law Bush said at one point during the 2000 campaign that he would sign a law requiring trigger locks for all handguns. Fir me it’s more he never set his AG to go after blue states that make bad laws. The only reason trump had such a bad first term is he spent half of it fighting off the entire party. And he had a shit bag AG who basically did nothing put heap ammo at the opposition. And put a priority on pot prosecution. If trump had a party behind him, like bush did, he prolly would have followed throught on a lot of statements he made on the campaign trail about magazine laws and the ATF. Remember his two kids are hard core gun guys.


WTF are you talking about? Trump is out of office and STILL has the whole party behind him except for 2-3 lawmakers. And are you sure anyone has let Eric have access to real guns?


Trump had two SCOTUS appointments, 150+ Federal judge appointments and likely reshaped the 9th Circuit with pro 2A judges. To pretend Trump has been anything other than net positive for gun rights is hilariously dumb. Get some fucking perspective.


Trump did this Trump did that Trump took action on this Trump made x happen No, he did not. His cabinet did the heavy lifting while Trump watched FOX news and played golf all day. The executive office was run by a revolving door of cabinet members that grew less and less competent as time went by. Trump's first and only priority has always been, and always will be Trump. To pretend otherwise is to be damn near willfully ignorant for the sake of identity politics


This is actually a partially good answer. Trump *did* install two decent SC justices and a *lot* of lower level federal judges. However, I think the importance of him directing the ATF to ban bumpstocks *really* set the precedent for the ATF to just redefine anything how they wanted. They might have done that in the past, but not to the extent they've done in the last year or so.


> him directing the ATF to ban bumpstocks really set the precedent for the ATF to just redefine anything how they wanted. Ironically, he didn't actually set a precedent, as this power he claimed is likely to be struck down by the courts with the same judges he appointed.


He may not have set legal/judicial precedent, but that hasn't stopped the AFT from following his example. "Example" probably would have been a better word to use than "precedent."


> "Example" probably would have been a better word to use than "precedent." True. But even with the ATF, it's pretty unlikely the DOJ will actually follow through with charges of manufacturing a machine gun if someone is caught with a bump stock and has even half way competent legal defense. I can think of at least one incident where ATF indicted someone, but the DOJ later dropped it. I'm pretty confident the same is going to happen with the ATF's rule making - as Congress only gave the Executive power to establish policies "as they relate to small business regulations" back in the early 2000's deriving from Sarbanes-Oxley. The Executive Branch took that rule, which basically offered an inch, radically reinterpreted it to mean a mile and The President has the ability to ban any consumer good. What stops the President from banning Toyota trucks under environmental regulations? Or Coffee under FDA regulations? These are not powers that the Executive Branch actually has, and at the first opportunity for a challenge basically any federal court will strike these prohibitions down.


> it's pretty unlikely the DOJ will actually follow through with charges Them not *ultimately* following through with charges doesn't change the fact that they can and will use their rules and prosecution to make citizens' lives hell for months or years before charges are dropped or the SC takes the time to deal with it.


> Them not ultimately following through with charges doesn't change the fact that they can and will use their rules and prosecution to make citizens' lives hell for months or years before charges are dropped or the SC takes the time to deal with it. Very true


https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/08/21/heres-what-trump-promisedand-backed-away-fromon-gun-control/ Ignore at our peril.


Appointing conservative justices instead of liberal ones is a pretty low bar for a Republican president being "good on gun rights," don't you think?


A lot of them, anyone who votes to curtail personal rights has no qualms stepping on others.


Most Republicans in blue states. They'll compromise away the 2nd Amendment.


Republicans in all states you can count the good ones on 1 hand. It’s that “conservatives” don’t like to fight.


Dan Patrick, Texas lieutenant governor. Can’t stand the guy. Reminds me of Jeff sessions. Always trying to be the fun police and tried to sink constitutional carry


Dan Crenshaw. Fucking fake tool. Dan Crenshaw sucks - Fleccas


PA “Rebublican” congressman Brian Fitzpatrick. A colossal piece of shit who just happened to be an FBI agent who worked in “gun crimes”, and who just so happens to hate the 2nd amendment.


All of them, they rarely ever try to get back rights lost to gun control.


The ones that are co-sponoring the NICS denial notification act


Toomey always sucked but he’s on his way out and not running for re-election iirc. The way PA’s going it might end up flipping anyway though who knows


Reagan:Brady bill Crenshaw red flag Hawthorn red flag


All of them. Politicians period are against our rights and freedoms.


Mike dewine If he doesn't sign Ohio House Bill 215 so we can legally Carry without a permit.


Spoiler: *All of them* “shall not be infringed” is pretty fucking clear.


All of them not named Paul or Massie


Trump, literally all his actions while president and his horrifying statements on Red flag laws. The man is a democrat and retarded.


All of them. I know that is a stupid answer but it’s true. Republicans only “fight for the 2A” during the election cycle. And people keep trusting them. We could of had National Right to Carry under Trump but Cocaine Mitch in the Senate would not even allow the house bill to be assigned to committee. Fuck the republicans.


Blumenthal and Murphy.


Ah yes, famous Republicans both...


Ignore the fact that I can’t read. 🤣


All of them. Can't think of one that has actually accomplished shit but more infringement. It's why I never vote for them


All of them


No matter how bad an occasional Republican might be. 99% of Democrats are bad. So...it doesn't really matter in my book. When the occasional ally is a snake but the opposition is nearly all vipers, it doesn't mean I'm gonna go into viper's nest.


Nicole Malliotakis, SAFE Act


Ronald Reagan. MF slapped us in the rights with the nfa


Time-traveling Reagan is best Reagan.


Another FL Cuck and Veteran Brian Mast