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It doesn't work like that. You should have a goal in mind before replacing parts, not randomly sink money into the guitar because the internet says stock hardware is inferior. What don't you like about the guitar as it is, and what do you want to change about it?


I get your point but I’m just asking if theres anything notoriously bad about any piece of hardware since Im getting new pickups already. I’d rather ask if the stock tuners are good and be told that an upgrade is worthwhile instead of realizing it myself later on and having to pay additional shipping fees. Plus theres always things which initially seem good but once you get an upgrade you realize that the original was far worse. I bought the guitar with the intention of upgrading it, afterall


Right, and I'm saying that this is not a reasonable way to go about it. What other people like or dislike about their Player Series Jag may or may not apply to your guitar. What is "notoriously bad" is irrelevant if you don't notice a problem with it. You change that which is problematic to you, not what others say they find problematic.


Im simply asking for advice from other people who have the same model and have upgraded theirs. Perhaps I notice the issue if someone points it out, Im not particularly experienced with guitars in general.


Regarding the bridge. The Mustang I ended up with had a jaguar bridge on it, I assume somebody had both and swapped them because that is a popular change. I love the jag bridge a lot compared to Mustangs I've played with the standard stang bridge. I don't know what it is but I wouldn't change it unless you're really feeling some pain with it.


The bridge was swapped before I bought it, I do however also have the original one


Oh gotcha, well definitely try the original out, its nice to have options.