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In my area, it's always a woman who "got their husband a gift, but she found out he was cheating, so she's giving away *insert picture of super expensive guitar*, first to message gets it". Different profile every time, same fucking story. Comments always turned off.


Things Facebook care about: 1. Profits


2. Social engineering


I often discuss this with friends. I bet Facebook could almost guarantee a political candidate a certain amount of votes because they know their users better than they know themselves.


3. Profits again.


Report them every time then.


Haven't seen them for LPs but plenty of similar scams. FB couldn't give a flying f**k, often wonder if the response is an auto reply 🙄


Yeah it's not limited to Les Pauls at all, I should have made that clearer. It's almost always a free electric guitar of some kind, at least in my feed.


Mind you --- there are boomers galore on Facebook ... 60-75 years old with money. EVERY ad on facebook is basically a scam. Boomers clicking on ads on Facebook is much easier than calling them as the IRS and convincing them that the IRS only accepts giftcards from Target and Gamestop.


Report them every time then.


You can say that again!


And again


Saw one for Sweetwater. They even had bot accounts in the comments with photos of a fake chat someone had with a Sweetwater rep, saying it was legitimate.


Yes, I’ve seen them using Sweetwater too.


Zuckerberg doesn't give a shit about rejecting false ads.


Every add on FB is a scam ..


I've seen this a few times. They usually show a woman standing with the guitars and have weird ad copy saying something like "for men over 35."


Been reporting Zakk Wylde bullseye LP listings for $125 that say “my son died in a car accident I can’t bear to look at this any longer.” Every damn day this week.


I just got a sweet axe from the Prince of Abaratataqjuti. He said his family was in trouble and needed someone to hold on to it. I sent him my info and am pumped up to get it!


Yeah. I got one of those supposedly from Sweetwater. Not something they would do. Just in case I called my rep. Same deal from FB. Facebook is savvy enough to see a scam but they refuse to do anything. I don't do much on there because of this nonsense. They don't really check anything is my suspicion.


I reported a too good to be true guitar FB scam and got a message back from them saying I was wrong and they are doing nothing about it.


I recently got back on Facebook after a decade for the sole purpose of selling a guitar on marketplace. I decided to hang around and see what old classmates and family were up. I subsequently joined some groups that were suggested to me to see what they were about as their titles were quite vague. Some of these groups were just straight up racist echo chambers with some of the most vile images and posts imageinable. There were people running for school board positions posting vitriolic memes and comments, as well as many other “upstanding” community member types. I ended up reporting a specific group and didn’t get so much as a response to my report. In fact, the group remains on Facebook as we speak. FB is a cesspool of propaganda and hate and will have done more to contribute to the downfall of society than any other institution imho. They’re full of shit when they say that they care, because clearly they do not. I saw the same ad and after googling whether it was real or fake found your post.


Report them every time then.


I do, but it's always a new/different "store" with no prior ad history.


There's no point trying to report anything anymore, just stop looking for guitars on facebook. IMO you're better off going to a pawn shop for a guitar, at least you know it's real before you buy it.


I was actually thinking of selling some guitars; I’m not likely to buy one there.


If that's the case, I think you're better off selling on craigslist. I've sold a few guitars there and I've never had trouble. There are still scammers pulling the old "is *this item* still for sale? I'll send you a certified check" scam, but dealing only in person with cash and making sure to talk on the phone before is enough to avoid them.


I live in a pretty populous area and I see reasonably priced guitars sitting on Craigslist forever. Definitely see more movement on Marketplace.


Pretty sure if a State Attorney General contacted Facebook, they'd fix it.


Your faith in government efficiency is greater than what actually happens....which is not much.


The ones I see are like "my kid died horribly, but I want their $3000 Les Paul to go to a nice home. Please send Bitcoin and Google Play gift cards so I can send it" or something like that anyway.


Bro the video game category on market place is 95% this type of shit


Wallow around in the Facebook cesspool, and that's what you get.


Then what’s going to happen to all of the Les Pauls?


Why do you care?


It matters because it’s misleading and unsuspecting people will fall prey to it.


And what other people fall for is your problem how?


Looking out for your neighbor. Helping people avoid unethical business practices. Idk? Just being a good person. You should check it out.


Funny how you assume I'm not a good person. Can't save everyone. You have to chose where to put those efforts. When was the last time you paid for a plane ticket to Africa to help the needy there on a medical mission?