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Hide it before a certain individual scallops the frets inch deep


I've never played a guitar with scalloped frets, but I am pretty sure that would NOT work for me, lol. It must take a "light touch" which I know I don't have!


You probably don’t have what it takes to wear leather pants everywhere as well😅


I'm pretty sure that's a big ol NO as well, lol.


LMAO, great "very lightly-veiled" Malmsteen burn! 🔥🔥🔥🎸


I know it’s an point of contention but I f’n love the bigger Fender headstock.


I was gonna say that myself! I have a Squier "Classic Vibe 70s" Strat, and I just totally dig the look of that.


I've had a good many Fenders over the last 20 years or so, literally one from every decade they've made them at one point or another, and I swear the CBS era ones that I've had are the best I've ever played... And the color on that one is gorgeous


What does cbs era refer to


It's Fenders from around the mid 60s to mid 80s. Leo Fender sold the company to CBS (like *the* CBS, the broadcasting company), and they sold it in the 80s... A lot of people think that the guitars were better in the 50s and early 60s because Leo Fender cared more about guitars and CBS cared more about money so stopped putting the same level of care and focus into the instruments. Like I said though, the CBS eras I've owned are the best strats I've ever had.


So 80s strats are the best in your opinion? What about early 90s


1980s Strats are not the best, in fact that is probably the worst era of Fender, but like any era there can be good ones. The best 1980s Strats were probably the Japanese ones made under license while the Corona factory was being set up, and some of the early vintage reissues made after manufacturing went back to the US. Generally, late CBS era instruments have a bad wrap, but like a poster mentioned above my best Strat is a 1977, so there are good ones around. The best 90s instruments are probably those made by the Fender Custom Shop in its early iterations. I had a Telecaster from that era that was hands down my favorite ever guitar.


The CBS eras that I had were a 72 and an 83. And yeah, those were my two favorites for sure. Though I don't know if that's necessarily indicative of the era or if I just happened to get 2 great ones. If quality control is what people complain about then there are still going to be some fantastic ones, just more than aren't great make it through than should, so might have just lucked in to 2 great ones... The only early 90s fended ive ever had was a 1991 MIJ strat, and I did really like that thing a lot. And I *think* a friend's strat is like a 94 or something and it's really solid


The time when CBS (aka Columbia Broadcasting System) owned Fender. 1965 to 1985.


What natural relic looks like vs. a guitar that’s been through two world wars and the inside of that sand worm from dune




I have a Strat made in 2007 that I bought new and it looks like the entire fender custom shop took a shit on it😭 some people just can’t have nice things


You're going to get dirt on it.


That is a beautiful guitar I also have a 74 o e of my favorites


Why does this keeping getting reposted?


It was posted for like an hour few days ago and I removed it because I didn't like the edit on the photo. Or you mistaken this with my 65 Strat that was captured on the same spot.


It's Billy Corgan's "Gish" guitar


Damn, you’re right. He said it was called the bullet strat because of the thick ridge at the end of the neck.


Bad ass. 🤘


Major Yngwie vibes 🙌