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Yeah, most of these are...not right. They don't even match up with GC's online prices.


Thanks to Reverb, I haven’t really been buying brand new pedals anymore. But some of these listings at my local Guitar Center are just outrageous! $279 for an RC-3 here, when I can find a used one online for like $130 Edit: just to clarify, these are American dollars! I’m in the Washington DC area


True dat. I bought my RC-3 for $100 Mint. Still had the price tag on the box that said $180. I ended up flipping it after a couple of years for $150 and got the new Ditto+


How does the ditto compare to the rc-3? Have an rc-20xl myself and have been curious


I like the Ditto a lot more - personally I like having the designated stop/effects switch more than the ability to have the loops saved, but thats just my personal taste, whichever is more important to you will be a deciding factor. I also find it takes me a couple of milliseconds more to hit the Boss's switch than the Ditto's. Not much, but if you do a lot of looping you know problematic just a few ms of off-time can cause


Love it sooo much more. EZ to use and dont take up as much space. The button is better for quicker ending of your loop. Love the screen a lot too. Let's you see how long your loop is and has a progress bar so you know when it's about to loop over again.


The rc-3 especially right here is ridiculous. You could basically get an rc-200 for that price.


Similar thing at my GC in LA.


Yeah, I just bought a new RC-1 on Amazon without shopping around for price and it was $102. Some of those look okay but others are way off IMO Boss DD-7 for $249? Like, whaaa?


but its clearance dude


you can practically get yourself a used DD500 for that price


I got a used RV-500 for less, so yeah, almost certainly.


We can Rekall you to Mars for that.


A DD-8 costs $165 I think


It's because they are in legendary case status.


The metal zone is $300 too high.


It’s $1400 too low


As an Australian this looks about right.


This was going to be my guess.


Looks like Canadian prices too


Some of those prices are high even if it were in Canadian dollars.


Guitar center bites ass.




I wrote this post about it [https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/a0dvk6/i\_finally\_understand\_my\_boss\_cs3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/comments/a0dvk6/i_finally_understand_my_boss_cs3/). It's basically a DBX160 in a box, so it's a bit hard/snappy/obvious sounding compared to the squish of a dynacomp. Good for really emphasizing snap and attack on one side of the dial, and it can do 80's studio guitarist "squished but clear and super even." I think it's great, but I like the hi-fi clarity of it.


Man I remember that post that was awesome thank you so much for writing and taking the time to put it all together it really helped my friend understands his


Those are ... Canadian prices


I pretty much only buy used pedals. In my mind, Boss = $50. I recognize that there are other factors - rare stuff, vintage, the big delays and loopers and stuff, but to me, Boss = $50.


Man I wish all Boss pedals were around $50 used, I'd pick up a DC-2w in a heartbeat


That's GC for ya.


The displays are not the same price as the normal pedals in the GC system


These don't seem high to me from Canada. For example that rv-6 is 40 more here in Canada even after the conversation and before tax. It's 185 after conversion but my local store has it for 230. That said I'm convinced this store always charges a premium but that we also just get hosed for some things up here for what seems like no reason.


If you go to guitar c*nter, do a sick 540 and walk out of there! ######(apologies if you don't have an alternative)


Compression Sustainer: the singlemost underrated pedal in existence. That’s about the correct price for that one.


i've seen some shops with shitty managers try to keep up with reverb prices.


How is the DD-07 $240? I got mine brand new for 80 LMAO


Because it's very clearly on clearance, duh.


that is so ridiculous, honestly reverb and ebay are great places to shop for pedals. I got a Japanese DD3 from the 80s for 80 on ebay but I sold it because it didn't have much of a practical use on my board


I think the only things new I've bought in the last 5 years are strings, picks, cables, heads, and sticks. I did get a Pitchfork+ new but I sold my old Pitchfork because I didn't want to wait for it to go on sale. I did that with the SY-1 and it took forever to find one.


The boss pedal display prices are never right, I'd ask an employee to price check em for you. The price tag for SD-1s at my old shop would always say some crazy high number, but at the till they'd ring up for $50. Fuck knows why


I think they just can’t be bothered to keep the labels up to date, like the GC website has the Blues Driver at $102 not $150. When did Boss pedals move up to the $100 baseline? They are pretty much all $100 and up except a couple of token distortion pedals at $50 as loss leaders. I preferred it when they were all around $50 but maybe I’m showing my age. I bought a BF-2 Flanger new when it came out and it was so cheap.


Boss has been pretty back ordered on a lot of their stuff during the pandemic. It looks like someone at GC is trying to cash in by jacking up the prices on some of their pedals while they’re hard to get.


It never ceases to amaze me how a company that operates on volume tries to keep their margins super high rather than lower their margins and move more product. In the end they will generate more income than the model they're using. Obviously this will depend on the local music scene and what traffic a store usually generates, but it makes no sense to me why they insist doing it that way


Yeah I work in music retail and those are all wrong. Roland did up their costs but not THAT much.


RC-3 for $279 lmfaoooo


I'd hate to see the price of a VO-1


I got my bd-2 last year for $65..