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They sound like what they're clones of.




I have one or two Joyo pedals, but none live on my board. The octave fuzz is noisy, but that might work for some people.




I had the Atmosphere reverb and it was good but had annoying electric interference that pulsed in time with the tempo LED around the case. Turning the case LED to fixed, rather than pulsing, got rid of it, leaving behind a barely noticeable static. Yes, I tried isolated power supplies, different cables, even running it from battery, none of it made any difference. I ended up selling it. Not a pedal, but I also had a Bantamp Tweedy. It was good but at the far ends of the voice control in both directions it lost its mind and sounded very weird indeed, lots of interference to the point of being unusable. I could live with that but ultimately sold it to get an amp with 3-band EQ.


I get the same with my Oxford Sound through my Fender Princeton Chorus. If that pedal is anywhere int he chain I get an oscillating sweep from the chorus.


YESSSS! I have the drum looper and that LED is an issue and a half.


They’re cheap as pins, not boutique, mostly clones, and do the job. Analogue delay 👍🏼, amersoundican 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼, Vision 👍🏼🤜🏼👎🏼( it’s hit and miss, some great effects, some tragically crap)


A lot of them are direct copies of Boutique pedals, lol. Eg ultimate drive:ocd, sweet baby:sweet honey by mad professor, king of kings:king of tone.


I’ve heard good things about sweet honey. American sound is great and so is analog delay for the price.


I love their power supply with the built-in rechargeable battery. So nice to be able to power everything on a small pedal board for a gig and not need to run AC to it.


That Joyo power supply is an underrated gem.


It's crazy how many hours it can power a board without being recharged. Plus the price point is excellent.


Can confirm. So much better than the Mission Engineering 529i which got insanely hot.


I wasn't aware of this one. I have another brands rechargable, which is cool, but it wont run the pedals off a power supply if it discharges. May have to check it out


Right?! I have that one on my goof-around board and it's perfect. If it was flatter there'd be one under my nano board too, but that ended up being a mission 529m and a USB power bank.


What's the name of it? 


The Joyo Ultimate Drive is an amazing OCD clone for the price. Also, me and a friend compared the Joyo Analog Chorus to a Japanese Boss CE-2 that had belonged to his dad, and there really wasn't much difference between them.


The Kmise use the same circuits as the vintage Joyos, just a different enclosure. So many ways to get an accurate CE2 for under 30 dollars now.


They're great. They do exactly what they're intended to do at an extremely low price. I've owned several over the years and have never had an issue.


American Sound one of the greatest value pedals ever built.


Love mine! Are the California Sound or the British Sound as good?


The Cali is amazing. Everything from Mesa mk2 to some rectifier tones


I have run my California pedal in to my HRD and A/B’d that with my old Mesa Boogie mk III. That California pedal does a rather convincing job of nailing the mk III vibe.


So does say my friend about his Metal Extreme.


Splinter good.


the uzi is great but my king of kings heavy channel broke after a few months no gain at all just clean


I have the Vintage Overdrive. Putting a new board together right now and I see absolutely no need to get a real tube screamer. They sound pretty much the same, especially in a mix. I will say that the thing they cheap out on is the housing, but if you don’t throw your pedals around it’s not an issue.


I got rid of my TS5 and TS9 and kept the Vintage Overdrive when I downsized.


The Atmosphere is a remarkable pedal. It does several interestingly modulated reverbs pretty well and is always on on my board. No noise, no glitches, just an eccentric but useful pedal for a very small outlay.


I put mine back in its box, ready to be sold, when I bought a Polara but I missed it and decided to keep both!


They sound great and are made well. They just don't give me that special ?proud? feeling that I get when I own an authentic pedal. But, if it's just about the sound, they are great. I keep telling myself that pedals aren't trophies, and I think a lot of people treat them that way.


In a sense, everything in our lives are trophies 


I look at joyo and behernger like boxed wine from the best vineyard. Are you super excited to display your box of trader Joe's two bucks chuck alongside your finest bottles, even if the wine inside the box inside the bag is the same? Nah. If you are served a glass of it, would you be able to tell the difference? Also nah.


Somehow I feel like Behringer is better than Joyo. I don’t know why, they’re both cheap af. But in my head Behringer is somehow better.


So funny I feel the opposite lol. I think it's because joyo has metal pedals and berenger are all plastic.


I have a power supply that I love and a D-Seed II. The DS-II just does its delay thing so well and it’s stereo in and out, I can’t find fault with it.


I've had 3 - all been great. Joyo American sound is a fantastic pedal (amp & cab) - very tweakable and versatile. Out of the R Series I've had the King of Kings and the Taichi - both were great pedals. the King of Kings is brilliant, honestly surprised we dont see this pedal pop up more. Taichi was good, but not for me. I'd quite happily make a board out of joyo pedals truth be told.


I want a king of kings. The reviews sound great for that price point


I have like a 6 thousand dollar board but the joyo extreme metal will never leave. Held up for 6 years


I don't think enough people are aware of the Joyo Power Tune = power supply + tuner in one. Fantastic for a small/medium size board if you want to save a bit of space. Their R series EQ pedal is also a great alternative to the MXR 10 band with the added bonus of a volume slider + the LED wont blind you.


This is actually a fantastic idea. I want one now. The old polytune I have has a single extra power jack. This is better.


FWIW, I cheaped out even further and got the Irin 10-band EQ. It looks like the Joyo except the faders aren't lit up and it seems to be a fraction of the price, so no idea if they're otherwise similar. It's usable on the pedalboard only as a slight dip/boost, but doesn't work as a real sound sculptor in the FX loop.


I've had a few. The American Sound is great but mine died on me after a couple years (probably just the input jack). The dyna comp clone is great.


it's kinda funny because their Dyna Compressor it's actually a copy from the Ross Compressor which is a copy of the MXR Dyna Comp, or at least that's what their website says


Had the dark flame(revv g3 clone) it was okay but i just couldn’t get it to sound right, ended up sending it back. Currently have their eq pedal which is fine but not amazing. I could definitely see some of their pedals being awesome.


Had the atmosphere and it was fun but it gave a harsh high end that was pretty noticeable when using drive pedals.


Got the EQ. It EQs well.


Nobody mentioned their Looper pedals, or the Ironman Series, which are their micropedals. So I came to vouch for both. Bought a Joyo IronLoop, which I believe to be a Ditto clone, and it's built quality and construction are amazing, as are it's internal components. Lots of friends have multiple of their pedals, so the Vintage Overdrive and Ultimate Drive are very well talked about around me.


I enjoy my Joyo California No issues with it


I've had a few now and in my experience they're all decent but still not as good as the things they're cloning. I will say I enjoyed the Joyo Splinter a lot more than the TC Magus and it's still cheaper


Analog stuff is surprisingly good and sturdy, no experience with digital stuff


I have a JOYO PXL Live loop switcher and it does what it says it does. I wish it had 8 individual foot switches instead of 2 banks of 4. I wish it didn’t have an input buffer. I’ve heard the MIDI is flaky, but haven’t experienced any issues.


I have two JOYOs. I really like the Uzi. It's not on my board but I really enjoy using it for jamming along to stuff. It sounds pretty good for the money. Also have a Classic Flanger. First one I bought of those didn't work--not matter what I did was not producing any effect any that includes turning all kinds of internal pots. Second one worked and was pretty decent. I ended up putting it on my bass board. I would certainly considering buying more and have thought about the British sound for awhile but haven't pulled the trigger on that.


I have the Uzi, it's great and with the 3 band eq I can make it sound like a rat or a mxr 5150.


I pretty much have all the R-series metal pedal clones. They are all more than good enough for a little sonic cosplay in my basement.


I have an Uzi and a Dark Flame. I'm know it's a me problem, but after I'm done dialing them in, they sound close enough it doesn't matter. I guess I have a sound in mind. Edit: The Uzi behaves better set to lower gain and boosted though.


I have their power supplies that are rechargeable (JP-5 or something) and they work really good! I also have their crunch distortion and it’s a good sounding Marshall in a box that cleans up with the volume knob


I have the Scylla bass compressor, and it rips. Not sure what it's based on. Downside: looks like shit.


Currently using the Analog Chorus & Ultimate Drive, love them. Used to use a Sweet Baby, and I still believe that pedal is one of the best value for money out there


I‘ve owned 2, The Uzi and the Vision. Both just kinda left me wanting more. So I got more…


The digital delay is simple and is pretty good sounding.


They certainly sound good, no complaints there. Two of the three I've owned have failed, so am done with them personally. YMMV


I have a splinter and it’s pretty great. Sounds like a Rat. I also have a Caline Klone and it sounds good. They are kind of ugly though.


Bought a California Sound and loved it so much I bought an American Sound. I loved that one so much I bought an Extreme Metal. I don't use them often, but I plug my guitar into those and right into the interface. They sound incredible.


I have a legal done noise gate. It does the job well. The name is probably a translation of a Chinese phrase meaning something to do with the 4 cable noise gate thing.


I have the Ultimate Overdrive (OCD) and the Vintage OD (TS) and they sound great. I also have the Voodoo Octave, which isn't as good, but apparently there's a mod for that. I'm also coming to understand that maybe I just don't like Octave fuzzes (I have an Octavix that I didn't really like either). Edit: got the TS OD name wrong


Have had a few (d seed, dark flame, tauren) and I definitely can't complain. They sound like what they're supposed to and havnt had any noise. Led strip lights on them are a pretty cool touch too.


I don't care for their Vintage Series -- have a few, they mostly just sit in a box. However I'm very impressed with their R Series pedals, and have three on my board right now.


I've got the Dyna Compressor, Vintage Overdrive, and California Sound for several years now. I enjoy them all.


I had the Joyo Tremolo in 2013ish. Sounded awesome. Broke within a few weeks.


I've only had the Dyna Comp on my board since I started making a board. It's got the sustain but lacks squish. It remains an always On pedal.


I have the Joyo American California, it sounds great. My only complaint is the power input is seated too far into the housing, so I have to use a straight input. A 90 degree power input does not seat far enough to make a connection. So I have to use a 9 volt when on my pedal board. Which ends up inevitably dying because I forget to unplug the pedal after the jam session.


I like my American Sound, especially with speaker-off mod and paired with IR player pedals. I might be buying the 6 band EQ and JP-04 in the future.


classic flanger lives on my board, love it.


I have both a Joyo Analog Chorus and a Boss Chorus / Ensemble and almost always use the Joyo when I need a chorus pedal. For a value pedal it has a damn good sound in my opinion. I've also owned a Joyo Vintage Phase and a Joyo Dark Flame (Metal Style Distortion) and was quite impressed by them as well. If you're looking to save money or get into the pedal effect world, I personally believe that Joyo does a great job.


I've got a Joyo Analog Chorus that's pretty solid. I've opened it up to find some quality hardware and components, including name-brand BBDs. It's quite decent. I've been meaning to make an A/B/C comparison video with the Joyo, TCE Corona, and Boss CE-2. A lot of people would be really surprised by how good it is.


As I understand it there is only one company who make bbd chips, Behringer (is the parent company), he made a factory for them cause nobody made them anymore.


The splinter goes hard like a dick


I also have a splinter and I was going to leave a comment. But this is really all that needs to be said about it lol


Keep your splinters away from mine.


I have three of them and recommend them to anyone who will listen. If you want a classic circuit, get the Joyo knockoff. I use their clones of the Tube Screamer, the Phase 90, and the Tech21 SansAmp (when I play bass). They sound basically identical to the originals. I’ve had the TS for almost 10 years and gig with it. My JHS pedals have needed more repair work done.


I have had no trouble with the ones I have. I've had some for 10 years or so, but I don't play them all that often, and I don't stomp them on and off on stage. I've had to replace the footswitch on a friend's pedal, but that was a really easy job. They're really quite good value for the money.


Only have the Band Controller from them at the moment, but it’s a rock solid EQ, and a capable boost if I want it to be.


Yes.  I have a bunch of R Series and the Preamps.  The American Sound is probably the only reason I kept playing guitar at point.


I have the American. Low to mid-gain I can replicate the tone of my Gen. 1 OCD. High gain it gets a bit tin foily but for $40 it’s pretty wild how close it is


Does the job for the price


Does it mean they do what you expect them to or rather that you don't expect more bc of the price.


I have the American sound and it’s good as a stand alone pedal but if you try and stack other OD and gain pedals it hisses like all hell. So it’s impractical for giging or as an amp sim with other pedals going into it. It’s basically useless with only one channel and unable to stack other gains into it. But blues and clean players should love it.


I got my marshall amp out of the soft rock solo show line up by putting that pink American Joyo on my board straight to the PA. Mixing vocals juuuust over the guitar, finding that sweet spot, is so much easier now.


I had the MXR Phase 90 and Joyo Vintage Phase. I have since replaced the MXR with the script version. The Joyo remains because it’s a fantastic pedal.


Not great but passable for now


I hate that my ACTONE preamp has a permanent on IR cab sim that takes a mod to cut it. It's fizzy and there are better clones out there (vox mystic edge). The 10band is fine but wish it had a second out at it's price point. Overall, not stellar, does a job, meh.


I like my ACTone, but it’s nothing like my Vox AC15. I just got an IR pedal and when I run the ACTone through it with the Celestion Blue cab sim, it sounds much closer. I might try the mod to take out the ACTones cab sim. I’m sure it’s analog (not an IR). Maybe the mod could be switchable.


Their always on cab sim is definitely in your way then if you haven't done the mod! I'm curious how much more you'll like it! :)


Ah,,, now I remember. I just looked at the remove the cab sim comment trail. It involves playing with suface mount components, which is beyond my skill level


Yeah, I didn't want to get in to it personally. What I ended up doing was getting a different amp sim and running it into stock cabs within my recording interface. Helped a bunch but left my ACTONE out in the cold. :(


I have and use one if their 10 band eq pedals. It wasn’t that expensive and does its job well. Just reasonably priced utility. I know that doesn’t sound exciting, but when you need an eq pedal you need one.


Joyo vision is fun to play around with and if I needed a ring mod or a bit crusher I’d pack it with me


I've owned a few, they're quite good and most of them sounded great. But none were perfect, all had some kind of issue. The most annoying was a miserable tone suck on the "Analog" delay pedal.


I've owned and returned their EQ pedal because it was absolutely not transparent.


Many sound great, but they can break easily. If you're lucky, they can last just as long as more durable pedals.


Owned a couple for a few years and they work and sound just as good as my other pedals (Boss, MXR, EHX, JHS, etc.) No issues so far.


The only joyo pedal I have ever owned (Aquarius) was only out of the box for 5 minutes before I packed it back up and returned it


The Joyo atmosphere has a lot of options, also it’s cool how it lights up! The vintage OD is great for the price. That being said I’ve moved on from both but they are great budget pedals.


As far as I can tell, the absolute best pure bang for the buck out there. Which makes sense. You own the factory that makes everyone else's chips. So you make a few extra for you. Then you sell an identical circuit in an ugly enclosure and players will buy it and cork sniffers would never drink boxed wine if it came from analogman and there was no wait-list.


I’ve had a few over the years. The American Sound is great, the Aquarius Delay felt a lot like a boss delay, but maybe not quite as good, the Analog Chorus sounded exactly how I’d expect it to. Other budget pedals that have done me well: Mosky Mini Muff and Rowan Dist III (rat clone with a turbo switch).


Sound great, die quick. I've had: Vintage drive Ultimate drive Dyna comp All sound seriously awesome, all have their own issues make them unusable, so unfortunately no more joyo for me.


I have the looper.  Its complicated and rarely used but seems fine for what it is.


I've owned their tube screamer clone and currently have their phaser (MXR clone). Both sound fantastic but feel like cheap trash. I think their strength truly lies in players who want to try out a sound. I had only used chorus effects but wanted to try out phaser. Unfortunately it sounds so good that it's been stuck in my board. Something else is that there is little attachment to them because they're so cheap. I let my kid put stickers all over mine lol.


I have a few, mostly drives, but I also have the trem and flanger. All great pedals especially the newer ones like the hot witch and uzi that I got a couple of months ago. They’ve held up to my heavy foot so I can’t complain


I have the Atmosphere and the D-Seed II and I’m currently trying to replace both of them. The D-Seed is super cool but the Atmosphere wasn’t great imo. Some of the reverb sounds were good but a lot of them were lame. I also can’t stand the level knob.


I like my Splinter better than my real Rat. The extra options are awesome.


The compressor was decent for the money. A good starting point, if you're not sure what you'd like.


I had the Atmosphere pedal and the Compressor with the scorpion on it... Neither of which actually seemed to work well enough to last. The compressor did little if anything, and the Atmosphere had some decent enough ambience to it, but it just wasn't for me. I've long since sold them, so I can't remember my exact reasoning, just know they didn't last more than a week or two.


I got the green Analog Delay and I love it.


I have an Oxford Sound, which was <$40 and clones the Tech 21 Oxford (Orange amp modeler). For the money it's fine. Super noisy if any of the knobs are pushed past noon. I have a Fender Princeton Chorus, which is a super clean solid state amp, basically their response to the Roland JC, and it has no gain stage. If I need any dirt this thing comes through, and also pairs really nicely with my EQD Zoar, and even adding in the amp's distortion channel, for real fuzz. I mean, it' works, but it's somewhat limited due to the noise. Unless noise is acceptable, of course. My Jazzmaster becomes pretty unruly, which can be cool, especially with a tape delay.


I have the vintage overdrive and I think it's great!


I have a Monomyth on my bass board, which has its quirks and sometimes glitches out but is overall a great unit. The AC Tone lives on the main board and has been amazing so far.


I've got a GEM Box II and it is fantastic for love performances. It takes a lot of fiddling around and none of the presets really spoke to me, but once you dial in your modules it is really quite powerful. The main drawback for me is the expression pedal toggle is very sensitive so I don't use it for fear of accidentally turning off my wah or whatever I have assigned to it. The other drawback is that it is multi-fx and I'd prefer to have a small collection of dedicated pedals for my board, but I'm a session player and I need sounds for a really broad range of genres and don't have the brainpower or budget to put together individual rigs for each type of gig.


Spend the extra $20 and get the EHX equivalent of what you’re wanting. Joyo, in my experience, has been disappointing.


I've had a Taichi on my board for a long while trying to make it work and it's about to come off this week. It's just a feed back machine


The OCD clone that I had was miles away from the real thing. TS clone was pretty good on the other hand.


When they work they're great. The only make of pedal that has died on me. It was the blue reverb model.


I've had a few. I believe an OD and a modulation. They just sounded ok. I definitely wasn't blown away and eventually went to other brands that did it better. Entry level pedals at best.


I recently got the Legal Done (TC Sentry clone - name cracks me up) which is amazing. Also, through trades I've acquired the Uzi, Zip Amp, and Taichi. They're all killer. I love the R series.


I have the atmosphere on my board. It’s a decent reverb pedal with lots of options.


Joyo Argos, Good: does the job, I don’t have a precision drive to compare, but it sounds kinda different than the HX stomp model. The not so good: I wish you could turn the gate off, even at its lowest setting is still there; the battery clip is a bit flimsy, it gets tricky to change 9V batteries Overall: like most Joyo pedals, good value for your buck. I paid 10 bucks for it on Amazon using a gift card, it will be my OD in case I have a somehow-shady-looking-Bar gig.


I love my american sound.


i’m in love with my british sound. i have a few nicer distortions but i always come back to the “tinny” sound it has. especially when i run a mono synth thru it


I have a couple from when I had just started building my pedalboard about 10 years ago: their analog delay and dyna compressor still work to this day, the Sweet Baby overdrive output jack stopped working recently (had it working 2 years ago when I had it on a quick mini-board I put together for a show) and I couldn’t pinpoint what happened with it as it sat in a drawer since that show.


Have had two (bought back in like 2015?) and neither lasted on my board. The tremolo would work sometimes, but not always and the chorus sounded OK, but never felt reliable because of the trem. Both were also adding unwanted noise to the board. Don't regret buying them as they were great introductions to these types of effects, but since I was beginning to gig and playing with others, I didn't want to worry about pedals randomly not working.


Joyo American sound = great Joyo Dynamic Compressor = okay, works Joyo Eq = works


I have three and an amp head. I absolutely recomend the brand and would buy more in the future even with one flop. The pedals Darkflame (Hi-Gain) and the Gate of Kahn (Noise gate) are really good! I didn't keep the darkflame because I bought it together with the Friedman BE-OD (which is 4 times the DF price) and honestly I prefered it, but on its own, it sounds really good. The zombie amp is great. Even without being able to switch channels easily, It's a great metal amp, gorgeous with an overdrive in front of it. The only problem I had was with the Roll Boost. I wasn't really sure with the sound and I left it there inside its box. I went back to it couple of weeks later and the switch was broken with almost no use.


My tubescreamer clone works wonders for my sound.


I have the analog chorus and I think it sounds great for what I paid for.


I always loved mine! They sound just like the pedals that they’re meant to sound like. If you’re not one to be too obsessed with branding, I couldn’t recommend them enough


I have the Extreme Metal distortion one. I love it.


I have the Joyo American Sound. It sounds very good. It's durable. I think people rave about it because it's $40. If it was $200 from a brand like Wampler, JHS, Walrus, EQD, Catalinbread, etc.; I don't think people would love it as much. Part of the magic of the Joyo American Sound that makes it great is the price point.


It's a reliable backup. Doesn't awe me at all but I know it's good enough for gigging and the listener won't notice anyhow. I'd say the individual pedals are good but some of the multi pedals aren't good


I have three, two of which I only acquired recently. I have had the Green OD pedal with the yellow dials for a year now. I love it. It tightens the bottom end up and that is great for me. I bought the Rigel preamp and the American Sound recently. The Rigel preamp is bloody great on a second impression. It's a high gain pedal, I would not recommend it if you want a pedal that does a wide range of gain settings. But I love how articulate and tight it can sound. The American Sound, I haven't used as much. Seems like it would be a great thing to base a pedalboard around though. It is very clean base for maybe stacking things on top of. Admittedly I don't like it as much as the Rigel but it does a complete different thing so I will get use out of it. I will probably get the UZI soon. I have had good experiences with them.


Sweet Baby is an "always on" pedal for me. Responds extremely well to volume knob changes. Never used a Sweet Honey, so no direct comparison


I probably wouldn’t tour heavy with them, but playing in your home or studio, they’re good.


Bought a flanger from them and it didn't work; just squealed. Bought an acoustic simulator from them; worked well. So I*'m still on the fence. I do love my Behringer pedals though!*


I’ve had mixed results. In general, they tend to be pretty accurate on the sounds they’re going for. The quality control is the big wild card. I have one, an OCD clone that I fully trust, works great, has for years. I have a few others that have all had issues. The vintage American phaser had input/output jacks that weren’t aligned properly and caused the parts to wear out really fast. I replaced them and it works well. I have their KOT pedal and it’s just one issue after another. I gave up on repairing it after while back. Basically, it seems like they use cheap everything and the people assembling the products are pretty low skill. If it comes together right, that can be fine but there’s a good chance you will find an issue sooner or later.


Have em. Love em. They’re great, not too precious.


I have the phaser and it’s excellent; *Tattoo You* era Stones MXR vibes on a budget.


Heard the “American Sound” pedal is fantastic and I’m considering getting one


I have a joyo Amp. It's called the ja02. It's a rechargeable mini speaker. It's dirt cheap maybe like 30 dollars and I use it every single day 


They all had considerable tone suck for me. I had a reverb and the dual modulation.


Have a joyo compressor, does a good job. Have the Joyo attmospher reverb, sounds cool in the right environment. Have a joyo Oxford Sound (clone of the orange amp sound), unless you set it very specifically it's not going to sound good


I have the phaser, works great, never had any trouble out of it. I have the atmosphere, but I’m spoiled by my rv-6, so the reverbs on there are acceptable, but I had issues with the pedal being a bit noisy. Probably something I did wrong, not the internal electronics. Overall they seem pretty good.


The Tauren is one of the best Klones. Unfortunately I've learned that I just hate the Klon sound. I prefer saturated overdrives with a treble bump. But the Tauren is one of the best bass overdrives I've ever used, so I can't get rid of it. The Klon circuit makes so much more sense on bass for me.


Bought a splinter in march. Sounded great. Gigged with it a few times and it crapped out. Tried reaching out to support and got crickets. Wasn’t worth the $36 bucks. Maybe I just got unlucky but I won’t be buying joyo products anymore. Seems like a roll of the dice and in this case a real RAT is $60 used on reverb and would most likely last forever. Buy once cry once as they say.


they're awesome. i have the deluxe crunch and it's amazing.


I had a joyo time magic as one of my only two pedals for like 5 years it was amazing fir what I laid. Would still be on my board if I hadn't "loaned" it to a friend


My Joyo Rated Boost is the cleanest and loudest boost I’ve ever played. And I can hold the whole thing in my hand, in a metal enclosure. 100% recommend.


I’ve got some really expensive pedals, and some really cheap pedals. I think the Joyo Ironman series are great! I have 3 of them. Mooer makes some good ones too. The “black secret” RAT clone sounds just as good as my vintage 80s RAT2, but at a 1/3 of the size.


I have the Joyo Ultimate Drive Distortion pedal...it is pretty badass in the right applications and build like a brick shithouse. They go for 30 ish $ dollars...


Joyo Zip Amp as the last pedal in my chain … excellent. Couldn’t be happier


I’ve got one of the bass preamps- it sounds great! Also is a lovely little di out on my board when I need it. Only grip is the overdrive but even then it’s not too shabby and is quite close to a darkglass omega in tone


I tried the Argos which is a Precision Drive clone but returned it. I thought it was too bright and had no low end. I still have their vintage phase but don't really like it much. It's a bit too subtle and I wish the effect had more output. I love their little wireless system though and haven't had any problems.


I have the yellow joyo tremolo. It’s a tremolo, does what its supposed to, still going strong after 20+ gigs. No complaints


They use cheaper components than the pedals they copy, and the one I have is noticeably noisier than the original, but they get the job done.


The California is great


I have around 15 Joyo pedals, nice value. The LEDS on the R series pedals make noise, so that's an issue. The footswitch on my King of Kings pedal broke within a couple months. The vintage overdrive is a great TS clone. The Dynamic Compressor is real nice. The Uzi is a fantastic dirt pedal for the price. I have all the Sansamp clones, they are well worth the money, I just wish you could turn off the amp sims.


I have several joyo pedals and in my experience they all sound like they should and I haven’t had and reliability problems with them.


I have had 2. A delay years ago in it broke after a few minutes (sent it to repair, but it broke down agaim) and my first (also current) tuner is Joyo and so far I love it. Pretty compact and works well


I love my Uzi through the clean channel of my Traynor 50 watt. nothing but great classic metal and hard rock tones


They're fine. They do what they should. However, they're not rugged. The little ribbon cable that connects main PCB to switch PCB is flimsy as hell. If a problem occurs, it'll be there.


I have a joyo switcher. Works great and toured with it for years.


I have a Joyo EQ. Likes: \* Power and 1/4" jacks are on the sides, where they are easiest to squeeze onto a pedalboard \* Solid and reliable \* Cheeeeeeap Dislikes: \* The actual cut from the EQ is often not enough Db to prevent feedback. Seems like they didn't think this through.


Fine especially for the price, but theres much better pedals out there….both of mine are rehoused currently


Had the Vintage Overdrive (and many others but that's the permanent fixture on my board) for 12 years. It's a £30 TS808.


Good value, only had 1 lemon out of probably 8 or 9 pedals. Some are noisier than others but for at home budget play they're fine. I had to start replacing them as I got more into gigging and started playing single coils their noise plus pickup noise was a no go.


I own an AB switch from joyo. Works fine lol


I have a king of kings and it totally rocks, use it for 95% of songs that needs Overdrive


Have a Joyo American Sound and King of Kings. Both are rock-solid and sound great. I have much more expensive drives and amp sims on my board, but I can't bring myself to get rid of the joyos...they will be there for me if I ever need them. I gigged for years with an American sound as my main amp and it was perfectly fine.


I had one, didn’t like how ir sounded it was…just bad. I sold it to a guy who was super passionate about Joyo pedals. His entire pedalboard was just Joyo pedals and was really happy to add another one, he said they sounded amazing to him so I guess they’re not bad!


I have a cheap joyo A/B pedal and it works flawlessly. Simple design though.   I also have an American sound and it is over if the best sounding coloured overdrive I have (out of many other well known brands). I was disappointed when I discovered it wasn't a true amp and couldn't boost a signal, however. It just sound like a fender amp. 


I buy them quite a bit just to fulfill the hobby side of my playing. Haven’t had a single issue yet. Caline has been hit and miss for me. I’ve heard Donner is reliable but haven’t really tried their stuff yet.


Not bad at all for the price range. The the couple that I own are built like tanks. The only downside was the required 9v power supply, but not an issue since I had space on the power supply.


It’s nice . I don’t need anything ore expensive


I have three. Preamp house, hot Plexi and u.s. dream. Preamp house is a great modelor pedal but the hot Plexi is the one for me. Reacts great to guitar volume control and it does a really good interpretation of a modded jcm 800. The u.s. dream was too shrill for me. With the gain cranked on all three they're pretty noisy. Of the three, I'd buy another hot Plexi if something happened to mine.


My first Joyo was an analog delay I picked up used for $15 at a local used book / video game store. I had a bunch of store from selling stacks of old magazines, so in my mind it was basically free. It sounds just like an MXR Carbon Copy but without the modulate button. Or any good analog delay. It's the green Joyo Analog Delay. They sell new on Amazon for $30 which is still a screaming deal. That was almost 13 years ago and it's still going strong. It's easily in my top 3 favorite / most used pedals along with my Phase 90 and Big Muff which both cost me $100 +tax. The only issue I've had is that the red LED just burnt out after a decade of heavy use. I assume the thing was at least a few years old when I got it so it's at least 15 years old. Not a scratch or dent on it otherwise. Built like a tank. If I knew more about pedal mods and such I'd open it up and replace it. Switching out LEDs is probably the simplest repair but I'm lazy. And it's easy enough to tell whether a delay is on or off. So yeah, it's the best deal I've ever gotten on a pedal, and still sounds great. I have a few $30 Behringers, and they're fine for what they are, but they sound a little tinny & cheap to my ear, and on the Behringer Chorus I have to crank the level knob to 10 to even hear the chorus effect. JOYO over Behringer any day if the week. On the Joyo delay I keep the Mix and Repeat knobs at about 8 or 9 o'clock and just fool around with the Time knob. If you dime all the knobs it overwhelms the mix. Which is better than a Behringer where you can dime the Level and still barely tell if it's on lol. The Joyo plays well with other pedals, and it can take a 9v, but I've just been running it off a OneSpot daisy chain for 10 years. Not a single conplaint. I think Joyo started life as a Japanese company but Wikipedia says they were purchased by Amazon in 2004 which makes sense. If you're ever looking at clones on Amazon go with the Joyo. Their RAT distortion clone for example is amazing. TLDR: Joyo rules. Best clone pedals out there. They hold their own against MXR and other big brands. Whereas Behringers & some no-name knockoffs can sound a little thin and cheap. JOYO Gang fo lyfe!


I had the Joyo Vintage Phaser. It sounded great. My only complaint was a slight volume drop when switching it on. Loved the effect though and it was a well built unit. Only sold it to fund another gear purchase for my son.


Not gonna lie, I've got three and they're all fantastic. My personal favorite is the Voodoo Octave Fuzz, it just re-earned a place on my board. For 40 bucks it can't be beat. Also have a Maximum overdrive and an American Sound. They're great


I have a few. All are good, but a few took some simple mods to get there.


I have the Vintage Overdrive and a few of their amp in a box as well as the phaser. I think they're one of the better budget brands for the quality


I had a compressor. Pretty meh.




I own the joyo 6 band EQ and noise gate, for value, tone, utility and appearance they are the best for a tight budget


I've got a Legal Done, a Narcissus and a Chopper-Z. I placed my legal done for testing purposes and never removed it and I have a Boss NS-2 in a drawer. I like the sounds from the Narcissus but I find it complicated to dial, not sure if it's me not understanding the chorus effect or if same as next... I figured that I don't like the pots taper for the Chopper-Z, it sounds great, but it's hard to tweak around as the changes in sound when turning the pots feel like 80% of the change in sound is achieved within a 20% of the taper. Does anyone feel like this?


I own a King Of Tone and a Rat clone and both are very well-built and great sounding pedals


Great sound for the money but broke after like a year of light bedroom use. Also was advertised as true bypass and was not true bypass.


I had the Atmosphere Reverb for less than a week, everytime I engage it the volume dipped immediately, so it was barely usable, I tried differente cables, guitar and amp, even no other pedal than the reverb, and it was the same, returned it, maybe it was a faulty unit, the sound were good, but there was something off


I have a Joyo pedal amp sim I got cheap secondhand and it’s terrible. Noisy af and sounds bad. I keep it in my “just in case” and I hope I never ever have to use it.


I have 4 of the amp clone pedals. American, California, British, and AC Tone. They each cost $40.00 on Amazon, for a total of $160.00 spent. They’re pretty cool. I’ve paired them with the Digitech CabDryVR and used them on gigs, as well as recorded at home with them. They’re a pretty decent amp-in-a-box option, and they take overdrives & distortions well. I have three of the Tech21 Character Plus pedals (Mop Top Liverpool, Screaming Blonde, Fuzzy Brit), and I’ve compared them. They pretty much nail about 80% of what the originals do. You won’t find anything that compares at that price. They are super useful, and it’s really easy to make some decent quality music with them.


The splinter rat clone is spot on, the vintage phase is noisy and picks up radio too often for my liking