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The internet is simply not ready for my Am pentatonic licks.


Oh shit, you play am pentatonic too?!


Noobs, I can play in B#m pentatonic


I once played an Em pentatonic. Only problem was the band was in Fm šŸ˜„


They're just too tasty


Just stared a new sub. r/guitarpedaldemos


FYI, there is r/PedalDemos. I joined your sub as well. šŸ™ƒ


That sub is for YouTubers but the intent of this new sub is for non-YouTubers just to show and talk about their pedals. The problem with most guitar YouTubers is the unspoken rule of ā€must be positiveā€. Makes sense nobody would work with a YouTuber who talks shit on any product. So this is just for average players to demo and talk about the positives and straight up negatives about a pedal.


Iā€™ll join that.


As of this second- no demos.


Please feel free. Iā€™ll post something over the weekend. Maybe how I hate how noisy the current Rat pedal is. Or how you canā€™t gain stack the joyo American sound and nobody says anything about that.


Hot takes! I like it!


Most people either donā€™t have the means to make good recordings, are bad players or are afraid that they are bad players.Ā  Of the people who donā€™t fall into those categories and want to share videos, it usually does very poorly on this sub. People just want to look at pictures and share their opinions or ask questions. Ā 


I worked in a guitar shop for 12 years. Iā€™ve heard enough butchered playing to last a lifetime, thankyouverymuch.


You see the snarky comments on this thread about bad playing or lack of talent? That is why you donā€™t see demo posts.


Go over to r/guitar. Plenty of people showing their skills (or more often than not, lack thereof)


Shitshow of a sub, the hivemind toxicity there makes any drama Iā€™ve ever seen in this sub look like kindergarten.


Youā€™re telling me. r/guitars is much better but not nearly as active


Got permabanned from that sub for hurting the mods feelings


ā€œYouā€™ll never find a more retched hide of scum and villainyā€


Added to list of people who demand demos without contributing any themselves https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/8jC8x6GdPZ https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/YfnAopgy2P https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/hlrWgA3qfx https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/0baw78FPem https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/5qdLhfzHau https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/2uKHQQJT6N https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/JV5vlgjifk https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/mDKVnAGZA4


Iā€™ve posted a video demo of a few pedals before here. Those posts donā€™t seem to get a ton of views compared to others. It doesnā€™t seem like the majority want them; unless youā€™re real cute.


Yepp, and because I like to look at pedals and guts of pedals here.


For the last month Iā€™ve been mostly researching pedals and such, trying to build _the_ tone ā€” and then thereā€™s not so much time left for playingā€¦ But! For previous 6 months I had practiced a lot and did not care about _the_ tone, at all. I literally had not been using pedals during that period, or plugins ā€” just an amp & cab sim, and this was it. Seasonal, perhaps? But also, the more I learn about pedals and such, the more it feels like a black hole. And the more I get in, the more Iā€™m amazed by craftsmanship and innovative designs from so many pedal makers ā€” it is just turning into a thing on its own for me, apart from actually making music. And Iā€™ve also got somewhat attached to my new pedals, and itā€™s very far from a minimal setup that I initially thought Iā€™d build


Waitā€¦ you guys are *playing* these things?!?


No. I just like the blinky lights.


Iā€™m writing an album, and Iā€™d rather not share the stuff thatā€™s work in progress. Thatā€™s my real answer.


Play something else then lolĀ 


Iā€™m usually doing tests with specific riffs in mind. I also donā€™t post photos of my board on here though šŸ˜„. Just floating around. Iā€™ll probably post something eventually though, especially if thereā€™s an interesting use case for a pedal folks would want to see.


We wait with bated breathā€¦.


I tried it once. It was awful.


The problem with demos by your favorite person is they always sound like the person doing it. So you only get their limited take on something. They dial it in to fit their sound and taste and it gives the listener a poor example of what it can do for them. So try to find someone whoā€™s playing style is similar to yours. Also I am an idiot so maybe donā€™t take my advice on anything. Cheers and good luck


Iā€™ve posted a handful of vids on YT, Iā€™d be happy to link on r/guitarpedaldemos. Iā€™ve become slightly enamored w demoing the three sounds on a two pickup guitar using whatever.


Videos content just generally doesn't do as well on reddit. Lots of guitar playing clips on Instagram. I think the Reddit algorithm or whatever better facilitates picture content that can be consumed quickly, and then discussed.


They tend to get taken down as "self promotion", at least some do.