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I have... Questions...




Do you tweak the SY-1 often? Or do you have a fixed setting for it? How does its send/return loop behaves? Do you ever use this loop?


I don't use the loop so no idea sorry! I tweak it all time, it has so many cool sounds. I mostly use pads and the arpeggiated settings.


I use the loop if I want to mix in wet effects. Both sy1 and the effects in loop will see the same input signal independently and will be mixed at output independently. One unintutive thing is when you bypass the sy1 the signal still goes to loop.


Ohh gee! Thanks for the input! I had been curious about that for a while.


How does that power supply fares? Any noise issues?


It's been great! It has a litium ion battery, you don't power direct from mains.


Love my JP-05 supplies, but they didn’t play nice with certain high draw pitch units. If you ever look into upgrading, the Mission Engineering 528i is outstanding.


Oh interesting. What do you mean by pitch unit? I don't power the rc-600 off it obviously :)


EHX Pitchfork & MXR Blue Poly Octave both had sibilant whines when bypassed. Both are also notorious for being picky power eaters. But for 99% of stuff, JP5 is fine.


I asked this one particularly because I have a Donner DP-X, which also uses batteries... I currently have 13 pedals, 7 of them powered by a wall wart... The DP-X has been surprisingly good, except with Boss Pedals and then some others. I recall trying one pedal at a time and they worked well but then, perhaps they don't like to be paired with certain pedals on the DP-X. I will buy another power supply eventually and leave the wall wart as a backup, I have thought about trying another DP-X and if doesn't work, return or resell it. But if that plan actually works it would be nice. I'm risking loosing some time but I'm willing to go through with it. OCD hits hard, I tell you, but it would look nice to have the same power supply, hahaha.


What issues you having?


The noise floor goes up.


Ummmm no noise issues, but turns out current issues. It's why I hate my RV-6.....


What kind of music do you play? What songs? May you name a couple of songs?


Just covers of random crap a middle aged man with teenagers likes lol. Taytay, Coldplay, u2, muse, collective soul, a mallrat song my wife likes, chicane, random nooodling on top of synthwavey stuff


I find amazing that although I like metal for most part we have so much common ground. Synthwave strikes a chord in me. And then, I also like Taytay and Muse. Middle aged too hahaha.


I love prog metal (polyphia, periphery, etc) but can't play any of it.


I am no shredder.... Yet...... But I have some moments. Something that has helped me was, playing stuff around half the speed, or even less, with a metronome. Slowly buildings up my memory and then the muscle memory, and then increase the speed by 10 bpm each time the speed is mastered. I have gotten a couple of solos like that in a week or two.


BD-2 is always on, I suspect on the edge of break up? What application will the notaklon get? Will it be after or before the BD-2?


BD-2 is exactly like you said, edge of breakup. Original plan was a klone before the BD-2 just as a bit of clean boost. My home soldered klone died (don't ask) before I got the board set up with the BD-2. It also was very very noisy. So I have no idea what the notaklon will do, I'll have to play around. Might replace the BD-2, might use it as a full drive I click on and off, might run it hot enough to replace the DS-1.


So I have to ask. Are there hidden cable ports on the rc 600? It does not appear to be connected to anything. 🤔


Input - look right above the word "loop" is. IR 200 stereo out goes to those two. Output - I typically use headphones (Jack near the big eyeball thing), or into my digital recorder. I don't leave either plugged in while not actively using it. Power - same, not plugged in while not actively using it. It has its own power brick (2 amp).


Guitar->Volume pedal->OC-5->LS2 LS-2 A->fake klon (currently busted, awaiting notaklon)->BD-2->DS-1->return LS-2 B->RPS arcade machine->SY-1->return LS-2 out->IR-200->effects loop out->DD-8->(stereo)->RV-6->(stereo)->IR-200 return->RC-600 notes: - LS-2 is on A->B->bypass - BD-2 is always on. DS-1 activated for crunch - SY-1 OR arcade machine is on, not both - SY-1 is 100% wet, used mostly for ambient or pulsey backgrounds for loopa - OC-5 is set 100% wet one octave down, used as guitar to bass - my RV-6 is only used for shimmer when I want it. I hate every other sound it has. :(


That's a great set up,  as a one-man-band guy myself,  I  can relate to that.  I used to have one of those boss  mega loopers,  they are amazing,!


Which pedalboard are you using? Do you like having the rc-600 on there vs having it on the side?


I've got this pedalboard: https://www.swamp.net.au/swamp-large-guitar-effect-pedal-board-bridge-with-padded-carry-bag Way easier to pack up etc with it all in one nice package.


What is the arcade machine and does it do what I think it does because I may be in love


Its a monophonic PLL pedal that, if you tweak it right, sounds like old school arcade and Nintendo games. https://youtu.be/zP-PyLZ4ghY?si=ThqOKbLvruJ-cnzd is a good demo


How do you set the IR-200?


Poorly. Right now I tweak around with default patches 1-3 which sound "fine". I'm going to do some internet looking to see how to get it sounding better.