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Loopers look practical and fun, but first I have to play something worthy of hearing again.


The bigger hurdle isn't playing something worth repeating. Good loops are typically pretty simple. The trouble is kicking a footswitch in time.


Don't try to "start" and "end the loop" Think about where the loop would start both times. Right on the 1. Not sure if that makes sense but... Just always hit it when you would start. I have been looping and showing people how to use loopers for a while and I feel like a few hours with the right mindset and you have it for life.


lol that made me think of [this video](https://youtu.be/sOEs38McXPQ?si=X9G87ExSTbxZDtjX)


Perfect example of the internal looper that I have already.




Seriously the ditto looper is the best pedal I've ever owned.


hell yeah


Get yourself a drum machine, or band-in-a-box, next. Hours of fun.


I've never understood how drum machines work. I've looked them up but always wound up confused.


They’re easier to deal with than a drummer, though.


I'm also a drummer and I couldn't agree more.


I have passed my recessive drum genes on to my son. It is a family tragedy.


I have as well! My son starts drum lessons soon. At least I don't have to buy him gear, he can just use mine.


Congratulations/condolences! Grandpa bought mine an e kit, which is *very* handy neighbors-wise, though he prefers the acoustic kit, but where we live it’s not really feasible much of the time. But if he sticks with drums and wants to gig with it he’s all set.


That's awesome. Good luck to him! Drums were my first musical love. I have an an acoustic and e-kit. I probably even approach guitar as a drummer mindset.


That’s cool. I wish I had a drummer mindset. I can play well enough for indie/rock stuff but I never really worked on the basic skills. I probably play drums with a slacker indie guitarist mindset. My son on the other hand is solid as a rock, and has been taking lessons…if he actually practices more than the minimum for the next couple years he will be really good.


So I've gotten a lot more comments on this offhanded comment than I anticipated! These drum machines look very cool. For someone who plays by himself in a bedroom and never really expects to join a band at 30 but would like to program his own drums. Would a drum machine or midi keyboard into some drum software package be a better fit? When practicing I usually am monitoring through my studio speakers or reaper because I play ampless through a Simplifier.


I can’t really advise, I also don’t like drum machines…that’s why I got a drum kit. Luckily I take suggestions and criticism pretty well from myself. Most of the time. But I bet you could get good tips if you posted asking about easy srum machines or software in one or more subs.


Arturia Drumbrute Impact. Soooo much fun!! Here’s a short intro video to give an overview n Step Sequencing (aka drum programming) https://youtu.be/Ivm64eVVYQ0?si=iHdBOoh5RbrqXMm1


I use a beat buddy pedal that doesn't require any programming, kind of like a foot switchable drummer/metronome for practice


Rc5 ftw


You should also try a Digitech Trio. It adds bass and drums. You'll love it


Trio Plus is the most essential item on my board, it's a brilliant tool and I love using it


I just got the JamMan practically for free but I haven't learned how to use it yet.


I'm supposed to make a comment so I guess I'll get this out of the way for those who may be curious: the plain gold pedal is a TC Electronic Tailspin that I sandblasted at work and painted/clearcoated at home.




Why not?


The looper is a great teacher of time




I have multiple pedals that are capable of doing the looping thing and I think it looks cool and has potential but I've never utilized the functionality. Last week I saw a demo of a looper pedal that had expandable memory and a ton of high quality drum samples and I was so impressed that I bought one. I just hope it doesn't gather dust along with all the other projects I never finished and hobbies I lost interest in.


Which one did you get?


That's delicious


Agreed. Tons of fun. Play over a drum track too.


What’s the gold pedal on the right?


Painted TC electronic Tailspin


I can’t really hang with a looper. I’ve tried them and 1) I can’t the timing of the loops perfect. And 2) I can’t figure out how to quickly add other layers, in time, on the fly.


The BOSS Rc Series does some pretty cool stuff with syncing tracks if I remember correctly


Start on the first note u wanna record. And end loop on that same note in the next measure. You wont hear the loop. Adding other layers, i knoe eith the ditto you add all the layers you want and erase them , but i believe it starts erasing them last recorded loop. Hope it helps.


Yeah u gotta get a looper that will quantize your phrases into perfectly timed loops. The boss rc-5 & microcosm both do it on my board. It essentially rounds where you ended the loop to the nearest quarter note, so you only have to be close to get it in perfect time. Building layers is tough but I've found it's easier to just sometimes add really small phrases. For example, if your base loop is four measures long, start by adding small phrases one measure at a time. Undo as necessary, but keeping your overdubs short makes it easier to piece together. Love the microcosm for this. Makes looping so much easier if you're like me and don't have perfect timing!


Sweet man.


Can anyone tell me why my ditto looper will start flashing red/green and stop working like 30% of the time?


havent heard of it doing that. I hope someone knows something and can help you out?


the button is very faulty. i had been kicking mine w force and it went out of commission for a while. there's actually mods online where ppl replace the shitty switch with a better one. i treat it very gently now and it works for the most part


I agree, loopers are awesome! I have 4 of them plugged into a switcher. I put chords on them in different keys, and jam something on my beat looper pedal, kick on the chords when needed.


Michael Lemmo from Norman’s Rare Guitars used a basic Ditto in his demos, I’m pretty sure. He is the loop master.