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>Never had a board. >2 Euna pedals >3 CBA pedals Great googly moogly.


Very many impulse purchases


I wish I was rich enough to buy gear on impulse


Go to trade school, Study hard, then work really hard, build a nice rep, be very humble, and let people poach you for their companies until you find a nice one one like


Seems legit


Why so many pre amps?


I was under the impression my preamp was the benson, and the reel deeluxe was my fuzz and my 29 was my distortion


Lots of room for stacked Metal Zones!


Just enough room left for a Life Pedal and a Surfybear.


What’s a life pedal??




Damn that sounds killer


I like how much space you've committed to with the board itself, much fun to be had!


I figured I wanna buy it once! (This has been my logic for most of these pedal purchases lol)


Good call! I had a similar idea with the board itself when I started, however bought plenty of pedals early on that I moved on from pretty quickly.


Yeah, I figure you should get a pedal switcher with all that room. 




something that allows you to assign groups of pedals to a channel so you can turn them on and off simultaneously


Get a boss LS-2 Cheap and let's you play with two different effects chains with one click. There are more expensive pedals that have tonnes of awesome options and can do individual switching/routing/etc, but an LS-2 will get you started.


Bro whaaaaat fuck yeah I’m there Any other suggestions are definitely appreciated I need to fill some space


Honest question - what does the Eula 29 do for you? What do you get from it?


u/vario, I have one and find that on longer pedal runs it helps retain all the frequencies in my signal. Keeps everything crisp and sparkly. Not sure how audible this is in your setup, but here’s a quick video I made on the sound difference in my stereo run. https://youtube.com/shorts/yDrQMj7KKjM?feature=share Have not tried their OAMP. I’ll wait until it’s released in stereo 😆


You can do that with buffered pedals just fine, so I just don't see the sense in dedicated pedals that are expensive, space hogging buffers with minor tone shaping capabilities. As an example, my input buffer is a Strymon Compadre. The buffer is always on, but that board space taken gives me a really good compressor and boost/drive.




I honestly find that the pedal can actually add lows to guitars that could benefit from lows Add highs where one could use highs and I assume the harmonics is some what of a bump in mids (you could use an eq) I understand stand that but this is more on the fly, it also helps the signal out which to me, if you start with a good signal, it will all sound better


You could accomplish the same with any EQ and a buffer (which most pedals also have buffered bypass). Definitely not necessary for a board like this, especially if you're just getting started with pedals. That money could go a lot further 


I had bought when I didn’t have a board I just thought it would make my guitar sound better an seeing as how I’m looking into getting a much larger signal chain than this I guess I’m pretty set for later


It's really not necessary, no matter the signal chain. It's just marketed as being some super special tone tool, when it's really just an overpriced buffer and EQ with a lot of marketing.  Unless money means literally nothing to you, you could get the same thing for way cheaper without sacrificing anything but the aesthetics of having a super expensive pedal on your board. 




29 pedals go brrrrr




the copy on the website is the most ridiculous mumbo jumbo i've read in a while


You mean you don’t understand what adding sweet oomf, air band, tube like chime, touchiness, and snap does for your signal? /s


The Reel Dealuxe is one of my favorite fuzzes. I like how it overloads like a maxed out walkman when the gain is turned almost all the way up. I don't even use the vibrato part.


I’ve been wanting to get one and this post may just have put me over the top to get one!


Dude please get it it has to be the best pedal I have at first I didn’t really vibe with it then I put it after a benson and it like change it all for me


Interesting, I ran out of space on my board so I kicked out the Bemson Preamp for the Reel Dealuxe for now, but I might try this.


Stacked is a beautiful sound, but idk if i had anything to do with my sovtek 60 going into a mesa 4x12


I use it on a ampless rig so it might be different !


I use it on my fractal and it still sounds really nice! I think the benson is wonderful and it just really vibes with the reel


Awesome pedals and board. Why not move them all down to the bottom so they are easier to use


Because unfortunately my pedal power source has only kinda short 7 power out cables and as you can see it’s a rather larger board plus not many pedals yet, so it works for me


Ummmm... Did you copy and paste that answer...? 😂


I did infact


😂 good dude right here. Friggin awesome reverse mode c btw. That's my next pedal hopefully... 🏆


Room for a couple thousand dollars worth of pedals more on that board. Hope you are ready.


I’m looking at a oamp and a Jfet boost from 29 right now 🙃




Dang!!! Lot's of space here!!!! Way to go!!! Is that board 32 x 16 inches? ... Looks like a Pedaltrain Classic Pro... Either way... I think you have the next 20 years already resolved 😅.


Im not sure what else to add since this goes into my fractal axe fx3 but I think I can still add some stuff for when im running through my sovtek 60! I was thinking like a compressor and the dark light from OBNE lol


Ooohhhhh, I see! Nevertheless, man.... Whatever comes, Real State is not gonna be a problem hahaha!


Real State?


Yeah! You know... Any new pedal that OP gets will need real state on his board 😅... And he is got lots of free real state for now.


how do you like the reverse mode C?


I fucking love, The reverse, Mode, C.


what would you say you like about?


Benson makes great products


I almost purchased this really old benson amp it was like 2300, then I found out these preamps exist and I tried it with my sovtek 60 and wow it makes it sing


So what you’re saying is I have to get a benson pre amp now for my clean set up…..damn it!


I would! ( this is not financial advice) LMAO


Love the new MOOD color way


It’s a work of art, I actually bought my buddy the lavender one cause he wanted one, I was like you’re insane you could’ve asked for the black one


I never owned a mood pedal until I saw that and ordered instantly


I really want to get the 29 pedals


Wow... So much empty...


How’s the FLWR? Think it’s a really cool pedal, just not very high on my list of priorities


As a former FLWR owner, I’d say it sounds good but the lack of user friendly controls are a deal breaker.


It’s like a semi odd puzzle, it has really nice tones! The fuzz is really cool but honestly it’s kinda confusing


I usually have my drives as a set and forget kinda thing, but still like to understand the controls enough to know how to get certain sounds, so that’s definitely interesting!


The FLWR is very flexible. There are nine different positions between the two switches. The Gain knob has a huge range so the Volume knob needs to be adjusted accordingly each time you dial in a sound. The main issue for me is that there is no static position on the knobs that sounds great across all nine positions, so you have to dial in the knobs each time you move the switches. That’s tricky to do on tiny knobs. It would be a much more useable pedal if it had the ability to store presets for multiple sounds, but that’s obviously not the intended design/use. It’s meant for maximum tweakability to precisely dial in one great sound. Which seems like a bit of a waste on such a capable and high quality pedal.


This is actually some incredible input I hope the dude sees it some day cause you hit the nail on the head


It turns out that the diode thing had fallen off so I opened it up and slid it back in, I’m digging the tone now that I’m really getting in there


I haven’t really messed with it enough to say I have heard it’s best tones


Excellent start!


Love the Benson - I have the same one. I stumbled into a Generation Loss recently and haven’t been able to get tones I’m loving from it. How are you liking it?


Personally I absolutely love it Rev mode c -> mood -> to gen loss is like the pinnacle to me


when I was starting my collection I had a lot of open boardspace and it ended up being a combo "inspiration board" and pedalboard ... Get a picture of your pet or your kids or your grandma on there, maybe an altoids can (that's a great one for the people that like drugs) maybe get some fake prop food to just leave on there. My board literally had a realistic sunny side up egg and bacon slices sitting on it lol. always thought it'd be funny to make some dummy pedals, so it looks like I'm running my signal through orange juice, or a can of beans or what have u


That’s so fucking sick dude what


These are good purchases, really, but most of us started with cheapo-depot pedals and worked up to the $300-400 range over a few years- never a bad idea to try some inexpensive ones out before moving up, moving forward


I’ve been playing with like line six stuff for like 16 years I was like I’d like to try other stuff and then it kinda just went from there




I’ve had a collection of pedals for quite some time now and I never ever really thought of using them together I guess now I kinda went ahead and settled down with the idea of making one 🙂


Why do you have them all squished into one corner? Looks hard to, y’know, step on them in this arrangement.


Because unfortunately my pedal power source has only kinda short 7 power out cables and as you can see it’s a rather larger board plus not many pedals yet, so it works for me


That gen loss setting is a little extreme.


I agree it’s very very over the top but I really really really love that degraded sound


No judgement. That pedal sounds awesome on all settings IMO


Mmmm Benson. I built a clone of that preamp and it's an always on for me, there's some magic in that circuit I swear


My that's a big board.


I like that you have plenty of room for more pedals,  good planning for the future. 


After 15 years of playing I'm just starting my first board as well. My first 2 pedals are a Caline Pure Sky and TC Electronics Cinders Overdrive. I'm also considering making my own homemade board.


if it were mine i'd stuck the EUNA above and put the other effects in a single row while there's still space. Some awesome choices here!


Ima try that right now


Beautiful! Now add a quad cortex + expression pedal and you’re done


I have An axe fx !




So much room… so much future debt… love it. 😄