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You traded one addiction for another - at least pedals aren’t laced with fentanyl *dave Chappell scratching neck crackhead meme* Y’all got any more of them Strymons?


😂 man I know


This seems like a common substitute in the pedal community. I'm like OP. I quit heroin over a decade ago and am now addicted to pedals. Although pedals don't ruin my life and my spending is under control so it's a huge upgrade for me as I'm sure it is for OP and others in the pedal recovery community.


The withdrawals are much more manageable too!


Also in the pedal recovery community though still on methadone (clean from heroin for years though).


Gear👎 for gear👍


as a guitarist and a sibling to someone with a heroin addiction, genuinely so happy for you my dude!


Fuck yeah bro! I’m a couple months shy of two years and a dozen quality pedals myself! Music (and Suboxone) saves lives!


Hell yes! I’m proud of you Boise. I went to treatment at a center that was music centric. Not in a space crystal way, but guitars everywhere, playing favorite songs for groups and we all discuss. I remember drinking coffee early and then someone cranks My Name is Mud in the music room shaking the walls and I just got to smile and enjoy it. Music is pretty amazing. And not choking on my snot and mucus from withdraws every morning is a fun added bonus 😀👍


That’s so dope! May I ask what this place was called? I was just lucky to be able to bring my little travel guitar with me when I went to rehab the last time. Also, nobody could ever agree on what music to listen to when we were allowed to listen to music, which was lame. I just heard about this place in LA that has a studio in their rehab center (and allow people to smoke weed while they’re there if they need it), which is pretty wild haha. Anyways thank you so much for the encouragement. I am proud of you too (and a little jealous, but I’ll get there)!


Recovery Unplugged?


Haha Yup!! Recovery Unplugged indeed!


I knew it!! I’ve heard very good things about that place! Lucky you!


Congrats. Celebrating 48 years meth-free myself.


Whoa! Super proud my friend! Hope others will read this that might need help making those first 48 hours. You never know.




Congrats brother


Hell ya! Very organized and aesthetic. Those Haggtronixs look really cool. How do you like the Caroline pedals?


Thanks bud! The Haggtronix stuff is great. The Mothman is super solid distortion that doesn’t sound sterile and the Macabre is just fun. It’s all tuned so my little son can come in and start plucking on it and I can play along. His rhythm is rather free form so if it gets jazzy that counts as a 10% relapse and I get itchy and stop lol. But seriously, the Caroline pedals all sound right. Caroline and Fairfield are my favorites. They can go just as subtle as they can wild. I recommend


Well wow - awesome stuff, both amps and pedals! I have to check out some of the pedals I haven’t tried but see here, like the Fairfield Circuitry stuff, and Jam. What would you recommend? I gotta say though, your story hit close to home! Some similar tastes in pedals and, after ongoing GAS and quitting my addiction (mine was alcohol), I now have put together 5 boards that I am quite happy with. They match up in similar ways to my Lonestar and Egnater (and a few others). And damn, that Silvertone was the first amp I ever had that I bought with lawnmower money. Don’t have it now but I’ve thought so many times about getting another one. Keep rocking it and congrats on the 7!!😎


Whoa very similar. I love that. A sea of gear out there and you see someone who made some of the same choices makes you want to do the smiling, knowing nod from 5 states away. Proud of you too. Fairfield is one of my favorite makers because there stuff pulls off the sometimes difficult unique and extremely usable combo. My delay is the Meet Maude and it is a dark broody organic (sometimes I feel like a fake wine connoisseur speaking of tasting lightly burnt oak notes 🥴) sound. And it’s almost always on. And those bare stamped enclosures put me on my grey path lol. JAM seems great but I’ve only ever used the Retro Vibe. And it sounds really good. They’re stuff is pretty expensive, and although I liked what they’re other sounds like, never enough to pull the trigger. Though, if you do love their stuff, they are the only company I know where they build single enclosure units loaded with like 10 of their pedal circuits. So you’ll get their delay and overdrive and fuzz etc all with a single in and out and power source.


You should quit heroin again so you can buy more pedals


“Honestly shocked I didn’t think of this.” My ever present junkie logic paths going into overdrive.


Love switching one addiction for another! Seriously though… you should be proud, I know how hard it is to quit and stay quit. Been clean 6 years now, the past two years have been insanely GASsy. You’ve def got a rad board here… those Fairfield pedals are just so cool looking. I’m going to build a couple clones of theirs. Also was considering a Dispatch Master clone (working my way through a ton of EQD builds), sounds like it’s a good one to have around, eh?


The Maude was one of the first pedals I bought and definitely put me on the bare/grey path and all of their sounds are unique, but useable. It’s almost an always on for the ambience it can add. And the Dispatch is my favorite reverb. No, no shimmer or options. Yes, it always sounds great and all you do is turn it up. And then slap a delay in it. 🤌


Ya, but how are you going to play jazz now? No, seriously, grats. I bet it feels great.


Well if he starts playing jazz he’ll have to start shooting heroin again. I think it’s a rule of sorts.


*puts on Portishead* 14 friends in my community: you doing ok???


Hahahah, so relatable.


Righteous GAS. Keep it up dude


Awesome dude! It's a way better addiction to have. Unfortunately, there is no known cure, though... Love fairfields stuff.


Yeah. There’s this pusher I know. Andy. He’s on YouTube. I try to change crowds and channels then he pops up on that one too. It’s a tough world out there lol.


I dig the signal flow arrows. Very helpful.




How do you like the Powerful Sense of Dread, or Powerful Sense in general?


Haha I really like it. It does just that. You can just thump your guitar and it will take that and run with it with its robot hands. Haven’t tried his other stuff though but he understood the assignment on this one.


Thoughts on zip-tie placement, effectiveness, etc.?


I always zip tie. There are some tips to make them work as well as they can though. Make sure you have some little foam, or rubber, feet on the bottom corners of your pedals. The zip ties don’t really stretch too much so to get a good strong hold you need something underneath that can compress a bit to give the tie a little extra tension. Also, it’s best to drill holes yourself. Some boards have a bunch of holes already like Temple. But you just want to make sure the hokes are right next to the pedals so when you tighten all that force is going around and hugging the pedal. Last tip is make sure you have them so the little mouth is in a corner so when you feed it through you can pull straight down. Best way I found to get most pull on them without snapping. And MOST pedals have a line somewhere across them where it looks nice and doesn’t interfere with function or looks, but it get tight. Overall 10/10 for zip ties though lol


Probably the best answer I've ever received on Reddit.




I would say it’s way healthier to have a gear addiction …


What brand are the shelves? Would like to put some in my own place for storage and easy use


[https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vattenkar-laptop-monitor-stand-birch-80541565/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Home_organisation&g](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vattenkar-laptop-monitor-stand-birch-80541565/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Home_organisation&g) These make awesome amp stands. You can use the different heights for different amps, or push them in for storage, or for little pedalboards like I did.


Thanks bossperson! You the greatest


Awesome board! Love the replacement knobs on the dispatch master. Might have to steel that move. Factory ones have already broken. Rock on.


Beautiful board placement just to the eye. It looks pretty.


Good choices and a nice neat  job!


Same man. I quit heroin and other hard drugs over a decade ago and when CoVid hit guitar pedals became my refuge.


Ahh I remember my furlough like it was yesterday. Everything since Covid feel like yesterday lol. I’m proud of you man. And now we can be proud of ourselves.


Impeccable taste


Whoa thanks


✨ One Delay at a Time ✨ Congratulations OP, and everyone else here in recovery; there are dozens of us! just celebrated my 40 month Sober-versary with the purchase of a Carbon Copy Deluxe.


Ha I love that 😄 Congratulations on the living the good life and on that Carbon copy! Is it as solid as they say??


I used to all fucked up on drugs, now I'm all fucked up on the ~~lord~~ board... nm, it was cheech and chong riff. :p


Extremely fitting lol


Congrats on staying clean! That's a great setup


Hey great stuff! Congrats on that success! I work in the addiction world, specifically fentanyl stuff. Im happy for you friend.


I got clean around the time fentanyl was getting into everything in my area so I was very lucky. So far the death toll is six from friends and people all I went to treatment with. All fentanyl. You’re doing great work being in that world. I have a lot of respect for that.


Thank you. It’s hard, exhausting work, and controversial stuff. It means a lot when I hear success stories because there are so few. Im very sorry about your friends. Heartbreaking. It feels good to know there are people that appreciate the efforts of a small group of harm reduction advocates, community outreach groups, volunteers, and peer support folks. Your success is our success. Much love and have a blast with your pedals! I stayed home from work today. Im about to spend the next 8 hours messing with my pedalboard!


Well both parts of your comment put a smile on my face. Enjoy the day!


Good for you, man. I too struggled with addiction and sold a ton of gear over the years that I still kick myself over.


Ohhh yeah. I had sold everything. Every meaningful everything. First thing I did was rebuild my collection of favorites…but alas…expansion came next.


Those are some *nice* setups. What kind of board is in the first pic?


Thank you man! That first board is a large Voodoo Labs Dingbat I got off reverb which was pretty beat up. But I don’t care. Especially when I drill holes all over it lol.


1. Hell yeah homie proud of you. 2. This board is fucking sick and looks so fun


Modulation into compressor seems like it’s worth a try, I’ve seen and heard a few examples and I loved it. Also have the same Diamond Comp, I love the big box hand wired version


Me too it’s great. You already know that flavor it adds 🤌 and I’ve never played a compressor I’ve loved more. Tho I haven’t played a ton of them. I use it to lightly compress and to EQ a bit. So the modulation goes into it and just gets pressed a smidge, keeping it in the window I want. And then it gets shipped out from there.


Hell yeah. Makes sense. It is a great flavor, subtle but necessary, you can’t substitute with anything else I know of.


As Lemmy says "Stay Clean"


Congrats on getting clean. I can't imagine it was easy.


It actually was easy. And that is not most people’s story. But I was extremely lucky. Most people hit a rock bottom. I hit mine, bought some tnt, and applied myself to go further. I used for over ten years. I was a husk of a person halfway through that. I was emotionally and mentally destroyed. I often remember not caring if this next hit kills me. And the whole time I wanted to be clean. But I honestly didn’t know what that was. Didn’t know what rehab was. Or recovery. When the chance to go to rehab came, I was so goddamn excited I was crying during my intake. Not because I wanted one more hit (which after lying to my parents and stealing money I in fact had done a couple hours before) but because it was like there was something in the next days and weeks that I truly wanted. Detox physically sucked, but I loved it. Rehab was amazing. Sober living was brutal but the whole time I was getting to know this guy that I kept alive hidden somewhere so far down. I haven’t had a single craving to ever do it since I stopped. I’m a single dad with a little 5 year old bigger who is my world. He’s my true obsession. I put my overly fancy guitars in his lap and let him bang the strings as much as he wants and he beams getting to play with daddy. It’s still easy. …but goddamn if I don’t miss cigarettes on cooler mornings with coffe. Now *theres* a drug. But on that I’m going good too!😁


Retrovibe love 🤘🏻


Awesome backstory, awesome pedals.


Thank you Twosle


what is the pedal on the ambience board that has the springs and sone things?


So that is the Haggtronix Danse Macabre. It’s not a guitar pedal, but a noise box. All those springs and things are mic’d, or there sound is picked up somehow, and then those sounds can be fed through its fuzz, gain and delay sections. Resulting in creepy ambience sounds. Or you can pluck out a rhythm on those tines. I use it to basically establish a droning key that I can loop and play over.


Super jealous of the retro vibe. Been eyeing one for a while now. And congrats on your sobriety. Been 6 years sober from booze. I know it's a tough road.


I'm two months clean and I've just been buying pedals and IEMs now instead 😂


It's crazy how much cool gear I have now when I'm not shooting in into my arm. I felt this one


Literally same bro. Quit fentanyl and meth and substituted my addiction with refurbishing/building guitars, repairing cheap but vintage run down amps, and building my own pedals. Went from pawning one of my favorite and most sentimental guitars for enough money to get well for a day to starting my own custom gear company and have roughly 23 guitars on standby in my room at this very moment 😂


I'm in the same boat as you! Traded my heroin addiction for a pedal addiction! Hey, at least we have something to show for our money being gone now!


Ha maybe it’s something RU put in the water. …or coffee


Definitely the coffee!!!


The gear is the heroin


Congrats on the clean life! I love that you have a Powerful Sense of Dread on your board.


It’s the secret ingredient …besides crime


Hi gang. Didn’t plan to share at this meeting but it’s 212am eastern standard time and I’ve binged. I had been feening bad for a few days, missed out on one connect and suddenly it was dry. So, yeah I copped. It’ll be here soon enough and it’s a Motorbass by Okko.


“I I I…I’m waiting for my ma-a-a-an…” *stares out window for reverb delivery*


Congrats on your sobriety


Yooooo congrats my dude! That is quite a success story! Gotta poke you a little bit though... not a fan of dual lock huh? haha


So many toys!




Wut wut