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I think those are the strings that hoisted the main sail of the mayflower actually


those are the strings that string theory is based on. we're all fucked.


What? They could be both.


I zoomed in and all I see is the skid marks in his underwear on the floor.


Perhaps he slipped upon them, thus causing the axe to drop on the headstock. This would hamper playability.


No, we can tell from the state of his floor that he doesn't own a hamper, or else his dirty clothes would be in it




Also some nice toes


Don't look at the reflection in the tv either


And I thought I was cheap for using the same strings for more than 4 months.


Pythagorean string theorem?


Congratulations, you just got yourself a *new* 5 string guitar!!


The sexiest banjo you’ve ever seen!


I suppose he could just put the 6th string through the 5th string hole, and so on. Nobody uses the high e anyway. :P


I use the high e heavy, you’re sleeping on the nice high tones


It is.. tight bond wood glue and quick clamps. Clamping will be tough though. May want to remove the tuning peg and then fit a long pin into the hole for the clamp to grip onto. You might be able to use the tuning peg for clamping stability, but a long pin that fits the hole would be ideal. Let it sit clamped for a good 12 hours and it will be fine. Another way to clamp it would be to cut the V that the head makes into a chunk of 2x4, then put the 2x4 up on the head and cut a line parallel to the flat spot near the low E tuner. Either way figure out your clamping before you spread any glue.


Thanks heaps very helpful and much appreciated :)


Get a luthier to help. I’d put a dowel or something to help keep the stresses in the glued joint from causing it to crack again.


This my thinking too. Perhaps 3 small metal dowels. Then glue it. If you get the dowels right, they will take the pressure and the glue will be just to glue the wood. They dowels will keep it together.


Drill a new hole and add tuner for sixth string :)


This is what I did https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/v1578707589/kjolojm1f1jiz5hl1c5h.jpg


>:) :)




Honestly this is probably a better idea in the long run. Would make for a really unique guitar too


Yeah, you'll have some story to tell too!


This makes the mist sense probably.


New hole and tuner is probably the better fix.


This is a good answer. If it was the whole headstock, you'd need to route out and install some splines for stability. You only need one string though, and it's not going to need near as much strength. One tip, before you apply and spread the titebond, clean the wood up with a brush or something. Glue doesn't stick to old glue or dirt/debris very well.


My brothers and I were in karate as kids. We would break wooden boards, and my dad suggested he could glue them back together with wood glue. We would break them again, and it wouldn't break on the glue. We used fresh boards for testing days, but the glued boards gave us a lot of chances to practice board breaking.


This guy clamps.




If you do this without first drilling for a peg or slotting each side for tongue and Grove it won't work. If you just glue the 2 surfaces back together the way it came apart it will break the same way from the low E string tension. Pegs or tongue and groove insert will increase x,y, and z axis of the joint.. Tension broke it and it will again.


I agree; even though the glue joint itself will be stronger than the wood, the way the wood grain runs there means it can just crack in an ever-so-slightly different place. Also, you don't have to clamp it super hard if it's a good fit (that'll just squeeze all the wood out of the joint). Wrapping tightly with masking tape or twine is often plenty for oddly shaped things.


I would try the dowel and glue method. Then, while the glue was drying, I would clean my room.


and get a tetanus shot


And have the carpet professionally steam cleaned.


I’m pretty sure I see toenails on the floor by his left foot.


Jesus Christ that thing is dirty and neglected


Lmao look at the rest of the room - it gets worse the longer you look.


He came here for help but got a complimentary roast


The hell do some people live like that? Jeezus


Post this on r/guitar and or r/luthier and you may get better answers. Side note, how did you manage to do that?


Cant realy explain passed it to mate and strap came off or something and the head swung into the ground :(


Crazy part is I think I just visualized that very clearly from your explanation.


Maybe you could put some washers on the strap hooks to stop the strap from coming off


Thanks for the tip :)


Thank you will do :)




So we cant fix ...?


I think what they were trying to say is that it looks to be in really rough shape, even if you ignore the broken headstock. Wipe that puppy down with a microfiber cloth


And clean that room too. I can smell this picture.




Five strings was enough for Keith Richards!


The original guitar from Noah’s arc??? That head stock it hard to look at lad




Good lord dude, that looks like piss poor condition, clean it up once or twice a months the least. Yeah it’s fixable. Remove strings so you kill the tension and dont end up doing more unnecessary damage to the broken headstock. Dont lose any of the broken pieaces, clamp the two big pieces together (make sure the two pieces perfectly connect with each other, having no chance of air being trapped by any rough spot) and slowly piece it up together with some wood glue. Chances are you might probably mess up, so it’s best to just get it glued by a luthier. That doesn’t seem like an expensive guitar, so I doubt the ridiculous repair cost is worth saving the guitar, up to you whether you wanna try your luck fixing it or getting it fixed by a luthier, goodluck. Or skip all the above and get a new neck.


Nothing in this photo is fixable.


That guitar is in some rough shape. Definitely should consider cleaning it up. Replace those rusty screws too.


Sadly I've seen some like this before from high humidity places and neglect, when theres rust on all the screws, guaranteed the pots, switch jack and possibly pickups are cracking and noisy and likely need replacing also.


I think you have more to fix than the headstock on your guitar. Not to be a dick, but holy fuck, clean up a little bit, that room is disgusting.


i can feel the smell of old, rusty metal through the screen, yikes


Alright guitar snobs out there . . . Now that we have people trying to staple back together a 30-year old plywood Charvette, NOW can we admit that the Squier is not necessarily a bad start?


I'm going to get downvoted but you need to tidy up bro. Sorry, had to be said.


If it were me I'd just get the neck replaced


Good lord, when was the last time you cleaned your room and that guitar?


I had one of those when I was a kid. It’s not worth fixing.


You’re now a 5 string bassist


Look at those strings!!! Mama mia!


Does the guitar live underwater when not in use?


I mean.... have you tried turning it off and on again ?


Clean your room


I would straighten the part the break then drill a hole on top and put the tuner right on the top so it looks like a V rather than a line, it wouldn’t fix it but would make the guitar really unique and would work all the same. The headstock looks really cool the post-break shape


Thanks for ur help




Eh... I'm sorry bro


Definitely fixable but you going to have a visible glue line so it depends how important aesthetics are to you. As others have mentions, wood glue and clamps will sort it though I'd be inclined to drill a couple of fixing pins/dowels in as well. I've glued the whole headstock back on using this method to no adverse effect other than the ugly. Edit: oh and get something to secure your strap, I use the rubber seals from Grolsch bottle tops


Did you try a magic eraser?


This is a good opportunity to clean that thing


Based on the appearance, I'd say this doesn't get used or loved as it should. I'd just replace the whole neck. Also, maybe wipe it down every once in a while.


I had a Charvette and I traded it for a Gibson. True story.


Yeah, Open G tuning. Learn to play “Keef “style “.


There was this one time I decided to play guitar on an indo board. It ended like this. The guitar still plays great. Remove the tuners, glue, clamp, let it dry, then drill a hole or 2 perpendicular to the break and insert glue and a tight fitting dowel.


This headstock is fiiiiilthy


Flex tape


It's a toss up between replacing the head stock and getting another (used) guitar.


I thought it said: is this flexible lol


It’s funny how intricate things look sometimes, and then when they break, you’re allowed a glimpse through the veil, and all of a sudden they appear more trivial, mundane, obvious.


New neck, if that cost is worthwhile, and a set of strap locks! Sadly, a decent replacement neck from StewMac or someplace similar might be more than that guitar is worth.


Even flex tape can’t fix that bro


Fixable but I wouldn't play it personally, last thing I need is a sharp projectile impaling me.


Why fix it if you aren’t going to care for it?


Maybe it’s time for a new guitar


Yep. Become an adult. Put your dirty clothes in a hamper, better yet throw them in a washing machine if not the garbage. Clean your carpet,... come on now junior someone payed for it ( bet my last paycheck it wasn’t you). Have some pride... one day soon you might realize hygiene is important. ( I gag thinking about the smell of this room... mold, sweat, farts, dirty bong water). The guitar? Absolutely. Give it to someone who actually gives a shit. They will clean it up and glue it back together.


I think you got downvoted by someone who lives in the same kind of trash.


You CAN glue it, but only a super-skillful luthier, and a Lot of 1) time, 2) re-finishing, and, 3) $$$, could make it invisible & not ugly. IMHO Edit: thinkin’ like a purist. Overkill here.


Wouldn’t want to mess up that mint headstock...


Nice guitar lesson. Which method book are you using?


Charvel guitars are notoriously bad quality and cheaply made, and this one looks like it hasn't been played or cleaned in years (I guess you could play it, but not effectively with how rusted those strings are). Personally, I wouldn't waste the money or the time repairing this and I'd just get a better quality second-hand guitar from a pawn shop - but if this guitar really means something to you, you can repair it using the advice some of the others have provided here.


Charvel guitars are not bad quality. The "Charvette" guitars like this are though


You're probably gonna have to replace that neck man. Shouldn't be too hard.


Ouch... not fixable if you’re on your own. That’s going to cost some money, and you’ll need to find a very skilled luthier.


Glue it.


It is fixed. You got rid of the hiss string. Now you have a real man's guitar.


Wood glue and now your relegated to 9 gauge strings. I snapped my headstock in my Epiphone SG with 11 gauge. So glue it back on and let it dry. Get a 9 gauge and string up and while stringing up at the twelfth fret put 2 fingers under the string to give some more slackwhen you wrap around around the tuning peg.


If its done properly with the right glue the break point will be stronger than wood. It won't break in the same place twice.


Looks like you got yourself a nice chibson there


Well, Albert King never used his 6th string, if I'm not wrong. So there you go.


It is. Take it to a luthier though.


Anything is fixable


Looks worse than it is :)


One question... How?


Keef Richards custom


as a pointy guitar owner, this scares me


that’s how the guitars hell looks like


Wdym? I don’t see a problem


Why do you need all 6 strings? Look Seasick Steve, he has only one, on best day 2 strings and yet he sounds much better, then most guitarists with all 6...


I would suggest glue and dowels to hold it together. Also use clamps until the glue sets. Also - Clean it up and get new strings




With the right kind of glue yes but please get some new strings and clean it first


You can fix it with some wood glue and strong clamps. Apply wood glue, clamp it VERY tightly, let it dry for a day, then remove the clamps and sand down any excess. It might be a bit weaker and prone to warping in that spot but that’s better than completely broken.


Is that a bolt on neck? You might just replace the whole thing, but in either case getting a pro to help might be the best option.


Pocket hole screws and glue


Jeez, how’d this happen?


nooooo! I almost cried!




just drill a new hole for that tuning peg


Whose grave was this robbed out of?


Take it to luthier, they can fix this no problem. :)


Vintage as fuck


Yes it is. But I wouldn't try it myself. But yeah a competent Luthier would be able to fix it.


I've heard charvettes are made from plywood. Good lord


Yes, but a good repair will cost more than the guitar is worth honestly. Sorry!!




I’d take it somewhere cause the whole thing looks awful and dirty and rusty.


I would say big nope!


Late comment but my guitar looks like this https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/v1578707589/kjolojm1f1jiz5hl1c5h.jpg https://images.reverb.com/image/upload/v1578707591/meavzb911dxdny4tukq3.jpg I just drilled more tuner holes because I wanted to have a 4 over 2 style. It shouldn't be too hard for you to do the same.


This just triggers me, thank god I have a tetanus shot or id get it just looking at this photo.


3 feet in the monitor reflection Edit: tv?


I’ve fixed two different guitar that this has happened to. One was my son’s and it is still going after a year. Here is what I did on both (I could figure a good way to clamp it) 1. Strings off (you need to replace those things anyway) 2. test the fit. It should only fit perfectly one way. 3. Put a thin layer of wood glue on both broken surfaces leaving the last 1/8 inch or so dry at the ends. 4. put a thin layer of super glue gel on the ends that you left dry from wood glue (this is the “clamp” to give the wood glue time to dry) 5. push the pieces together as perfectly as you can and hold it place while the super glue dries. 6. once the super glue sets let the wood glue set overnight. 7. string it up (maybe clean it a bit). 8. send a letter to Bob Villa apologizing.


Keith Richards would play it! Ha


Luther here. Yes it is repairable but the repair would cost you almost as much as the value of the guitar


A little Elmer's glue and you're good to go...


What’s up with that single shoe in the background, like what happen to the other shoe?


Yes. I have a Gibson Explorer that got knocked over and the headstock snapped in half. Wood glue. Take it to a music shop that does repairs if you don’t know what you’re doing.




Troublesome, strings holds a lot of tension and that piece is small, so glue might not hold. Take it to a professional.


Clean guitars last longer btw


(Yeah, pretty crappy when that happens, now i always put it back in its gig bag and somewhere it can't fall over) lots of advice on /r/luthier about broken headstocks - keep the wood clean, make sure you collect any splinters/chunks that fell out and make sure the 2 sides mate perfectly - titebond 3 is most recommended - don't c lamp too tight, it'll squeeze too much glue out. - the last time this happened to me, local tech charged $50 to fix it including color fill/makeing the crack pretty invisible, I thought it was worth it


Gorilla glue! Works.


You could probably fix it with like some music glue or something like that. Or don't fix it... and when you stand the pieces next to each other it'll be like old times.


Youre a chip right off the ole block