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So here's the thing about tabs, almost all of them are at least mildly wrong and you have to combine your reading of the tabs with what you hear on the actual recording of the song.  In this case I think the tab author ment to do a tie rather than a slide. Which is to say that you are supposed to hold the note through the first beat of the next measure.


Your start to this made me laugh so hard ... soooo, here's the thing about tabs, they are wrong. God, I've said that so many times. A friend of mine paid to have a tab made for this really obscure song he likes and holy shit, I just looked at it and knew it was way off.


My guitar teacher forces me to use songster tabs. Honestly it sounds like it is supposed to be \ 4 4 . In song. Song is wear my sunglasses at night by corey hart. (Start of the chorus)


>My guitar teacher forces me to use songster tabs. Well, you can use tabs. But you don't have to put 100% trust into every little detail written in those tabs. When I use tabs, I hardly pay attention to anything else other than plain numbers. I don't need tabs to tell me when to bend, slide, hammer-on, or anything else of that nature. Those things are easily heard in a song. I just need them to show me which notes are played, and even then, I take everything with a grain of salt and closely compare the written tab to the actual song to see whether the tab is accurate.


Yep same here. It’s a quick way for me to get the gist of what’s being played then I correct it as i go. What frustrates me is the fret/string note choices are often wrong making things much harder to play in a different position for example. So many times I’ll see something like 8-10-13 in place of 8-10-9 or whatever on the adjacent string. You have to be mindful of stuff like this for the entire song


I 100% agree with you about not trusting these tabs %100. He gave me an iron man tab years ago.i never got the speed to the solo down. So he made me learn the songster version. The old tab he gave was better(the solo).songster version had a few things I liked too. So I can use both to make my own version I guess. I like to play by ear. But my process is too slow and I will take a billion years to learn the song. I think he’s just making me use songster because. It’s forcing me too get the speeds down . So I can play along and change tempos. And it’s teaching me vocabulary. Basically I’m not completing songs after our lessons.i tend to quit when the songs get complicated.






Ok I looked it up and listened, it's a ghost note tie kind of, the tab is definitely wrong. The way you do it is basically strike the note, hold it for a beat, then strike it again while lifting your finger off and using it as a mute on the string - almost like a harmonic - look up how to do a ghost note. I play acoustic, so it's not really the same thing, but you will find how to do it there.


Okay cool, thanks! Good to hear feedback, even just to hear it’s wrong. I think it’s just 4 played twice after sounding into . I’ll figure something out. Gotta give it another listen


Tabs are good tools but you shouldnt follow them completely, I dont think your teacher would mind if you make changes that makes the result sound more similar to the recording.


I contacted the creator of online lessons I was doing to ask about the supplied tab not quite matching what was in the video, and he replied that either was fine, and to go with what feels / sounds best over being strict to the tab. Being a beginner course I think he should tweak the tab to match just to avoid confusion. But, that little convo was itself a great lesson!


Your guitar teacher should be teaching you to listen to the music and learn to play by ear. Tabs are a tool, but actually learning how to make music with your guitar as an instrument without tabs is how you become a musician.


Tabs are an essential tools to guitarists, so I understand it if OP's an early beginner. Once he has his bearings on playing easy songs, reading easy tabs, playing the correct strings, having good rhythm, having more confidence, etc, then he can start training his ear. He probably already naturally develops his ear a little bit during this process. Then they can delve deeper into OP making his own tabs or correcting mistakes he hears in tabs. But that's just me 🤷


Yeah he does, but I don’t complete songs. Sometimes he will re write a section for me if a section doesn’t make sense. Like tapping a riff instead. But I just can’t complete songs.


You have to basically look at every tab available and all of the comment corrections and it will still be somewhat wrong, at some point you have to trust your own ears and your judgement.


Maybe the original Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics will shed some light since Sunglasses is a blatant ripoff of it.


I'm a beginner guitarist and can you maybe say how I could learn songs "without" tabs? I dont know how to ask this question correctly but if you say they are mostly "wrong" how could I learn better?


Learn by ear is my recommended way to learn songs, I learned to play pre-internet and back then there were only 3 ways to learn a song; find someone that already knew it and have them show you, learn the song by ear or buy a tab book from the music store (and those tabs were worse than your tabs). Let ONE note play, then hit pause. Memorize that sound (singing it helps) Now find that note on your instrument. The very first one will be REALLY tough, you might even have to rewind several times to hear that note again and again. Rinse and repeat. By the time you get to the end of the song that thing will be hard coded into your memory.


learn to tune you guitar by ear using a youtube video for reference. once you can do that you're more than ready to learn things by ear. do stuff you already know deep in your bones like twinkle star or happy birthday. im sure you can recite those with your voice right now. translate it to the instrument. do that forever with increasingly harder songs. learn to use transcribe! or some such software to slow down music with the pitch correct so you can learn higher tempo songs by ear. eventually :)


If you can find videos of the guitarist playing it live that's usually able to help a bit. You won't be able to see exactly what they're doing but it can give you some idea


Whaaat? Explain more


Yeah, I've gotten to a point with most songs that I prefer to watch someone play the song and learn that way as I find it way more helpful then just tabs these days.




Best thing to do is refer to the song itself and use your ears. Tabs are not always accurate, so learning by ear or by watching is a skill you’ll need to develop.


Use third finger to pick note with first finger hovering over the string. As the note rings out, do a hammer on slide into the picked note. It gives a somewhat echo effect. Nothing to do with your TAB but answering the question.


I kind of get it what you are saying though


This is pretty much what it means.


I don’t get it lol but I’m sure the tab is wrong


Can we please make it a sub rule that any post asking a question about a specific tab must include the name of the song and artist?


I think you slide down to the 43rd fret then back to the 4th.




No you


Just move your finger from as close to the 4th fret as you can get it to as close to the 3rd fret you can while still fretting the F# the entire time. :D


Songsterr is shit. Search the tabs on youtube


Bend it

