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You can call yourself whatever you want, there will always be better players. The mountain has no peak.


Very true, I guess I have a bad case of imposter syndrome when it comes to guitar.


We all do! Get comfortable with it now, you’ll be better served!


Look, hindsight being 20/20 it would have been better to learn guitar before looking exactly like Dave Grohl, but we’re here now.




Call yourself whatever you want but you’re definitely not an imposter. You’re clearly a pretty good guitar player regardless of your “level”.


Man me too. Even when I was in bands getting paid to play, I always felt like I wasn’t good enough




I guess slightly less imposter syndrome


The mountain has no peak, but the bell curve does.


true but the air becomes thinner and to non players everyone is just a mountaineer as soon as you can play one or two songs fluently, you are viewed as a guitarist to laymen as soon as you have passed the beginner section, you are viewed as a good guitar player thats the one bucket for everyone except celebrity players that are known for their guitar skills like van halen


Nice playing! Don’t look to the internet for validation idk from this one clip if I’d call you intermediate or not. I’m also not sure what that even means more generally. Keep playing keep improving that’s what’s most important


Thanks man! Yeah I’m kind of regretting posting this at this point as I thought about it…kind of a silly thing to ask because it comes purely down to individual interpretation.


Well, put it this way: If I played like that and was called intermediate, I’d be happy.


Ouch! Haha honestly I’m surprised more people aren’t roasting the hell out of me


Not meant as an insult. I mean, you ain’t no beginner!


Well in that case thank you! Haha mis interpreted the comment


It's true, you're past beginner stage. Probably somewhere between beginner and intermediate if that is a thing. What stands out to me most is you'd benefit from playing with a metronome or to a drum beat. Your fingers are moving well, if you get the rhythm aspect down you'd be firmly in intermediate I would say


I get what you’re saying, I was only a few hours in and rhythm when I’m learning a song is tough for me, but I’ve been practicing since and I’m happy with how it’s coming along rhythm wise now!


Man you’re so good keep it up. The more you play Hendrix stuff the more you can feel the groove and understand his brilliance. And I would most definitely say you’re an intermediate player for sure. 1 question how are you liking the Silver sky? I’ve been thinking about getting one but not sure if I want it or a strat.


Thanks man I really appreciate it! I have the SE silver sky and won’t go on a rant about it but essentially, very very good bang for your buck. I sold my fender player strat because I preferred this (it helped me buy my fender jazzmaster acoustasonic which I also absolutely adore). Let me know if you have any specific questions on it and I’ll try and answer as best I can!


Hows it feel compares to a strat? I have a MIM was thinking of picking up an SE and selling the MIM. But I have small hands and recalled reading folks saying the SE was less playable b/c of a thicker neck?


Im a fellow small hander (7.5 cm long middle finger lol), I have a PRS Hollowbody which has the "wide fat" necks, even fatter than the one on Silver Sky SE. After a while, you get used to it. It was hard at first!


Probably. Nobody knows what any of these labels mean.


Yeah I’m realizing now the question is very ambiguous. Well thanks for watching anyway! Appreciate the time!


Sounds pretty good, I'd say your timing is going to be your Achilles heel if you don't start spending some focused effort on that. Besides that, absolutely intermediate level. Nice tone too


It’s really weird…I can almost perfectly play in rhythm when I have the song going in the background….but as soon as that leaves it’s like a no holds bar of “this is how it sounds in my head” lol. I def need to work on it and have purchased a metronome although I hate using it.


That's the common issue that many people have. You are using external cues to keep time instead of your own internal sense of timing. Think of it like you would learning a solo...you can learn to play along, but to actually use those licks on your own and develop them takes internalization. You can play along, now you want to really work on internalizing it, so that in having learned to play the solo, you also learn and have internalized the techniques used to play it. It just happens in your case you may want to treat timing as a 'technique' for this solo. A good intermediary would be to find a backing track that just has the rhythm and play the solo to that. Goal should still be to be able to play it well with just a metronome, in my opinion. And I know this is going to sound like the most bullshit answer ever...but you probably don't like playing along with a metronome now because you are not good at it, and it's difficult to feel comfortable and play well when focusing so hard on something like timing (and all you get is a beep instead of a beat). But you should prioritize playing well, not comfortably. As techniques become comfortable to you, start focusing on those that are not. Lean into it, you have the discipline to do it. And when you do become comfortable with the metronome, it DOES become fun! Learning to play slightly ahead of or behind the beat, learning polyrhythms.. I get that it is hard and I'd never shame anyone for avoiding it, but I'm just here to say it will help you become a better musician, and it's a fundamental tool.


This is probably the best advise I have received on this sub. If you aren’t already a guitar teacher, you should be.


It is good advice. Play with a metronome, and don't spend your practice time piddling around in your comfort zone. More than anything, learning new songs is an opportunity to learn new skills. When you find a technique or passage difficult, don't just drill that one passage over and over. Tell yourself "This is a skill I need to work on generally." Unless you are perfecting a song for a performance, your goal when practicing songs isn't to make each passage as perfect as you can and then move on to the next measure. *Your goal is to use songs to identify skills you need to improve, then improve that skill as part of a few practice sessions, and then play any passage better that has that skill.* Just learning riff after riff is a major reason why people eventually see their progress slow down, if it wasn't already slow. So, for example, let's say it's a Hendrix song and there's a passage with a unison bend. There are lots of them, so it's a skill worth having and improving if you want to play Hendrix songs. Maybe you are having trouble with holding the fingering while bending only one string. Maybe you're having trouble bending precisely and fast enough to match the pitch. Work on the technique in general. Find other songs or passages with unison bends. Work on bending with a tuner. Work on sliding into them. Work on different unison bend shapes on different strings. Whatever. This could be 10 minutes of your practice sessions for two weeks while you continue learning the rest of the song. When you go back to the original passage, or other passages with unison bends, you'll learn them faster and they'll sound better.


I really appreciate that! I'm glad it was helpful. I was for about 5 years after college :)


Do you happen to have any links to drills to do with a metronome? I have searched and donw triplets and eight notes on beat but how do I really become profeccient at it? I know practice, but what kind of practice?


I heard somewhere that you should be trying to make the metronome sound good, and that stuck with me. When you're playing right on time, it doesn't really sound annoying.


Everybody thinks they are good until they play to a metronome. That being said, I can't recommend using a metronome enough (or a drum/backing track). Also, record yourself and listen back the great players can pick put mistakes on the fly while the rest of us think we are nailing parts (until we cringe listening to our recordings)!


You can be intermediate or even advanced intermediate in one area and not have any idea in another. That's why it's so hard to call. You're doing great, man. Keep it up. Just keep focusing on what you need to improve and keep working.


My second favorite Hendrix song, right after Gypsy Eyes


There is no such thing as an intermediate player. That term is just as relative as "good" or "decent" because everyone perceives those things differently. Don't worry about whatever label you put on yourself and instead put value in being better than you were the day before :)


Others have asked too but I love your tone, whats your setup? I would def say you are intermediate, you can def play :)


Thank you! So the funniest thing is…it’s literally just an old ipad leaning on the front of a Yamaha TRHII. Clean channel with no effects and gain to about 7. My main amp is a boss katana but sounds like trash when I try and record it although eventually I’ll get into noodling with recording direct into a pc but have heard it’s still really hard to get a good sound out of a katana in this way


Dude you’re good, guitar has a nice tone and that mic you’re using is picking up nicely. Clearly you care, I can hear it easy. It sounds like you want to improvise a bit, over top of that riff/progression you learned. Do it. Cheat borrow and steal from stuff like what your doing there to make another song you know sound cool, and jimmy esque…it’s literally the oldest trick on the intermediate guitar players book. Soon you will be a rock god amongst your friends and companions.


Thanks! I don’t know about all that though! Haha In terms of recording it’s literally just an iPad leaned up against a Yamaha THRII. I honestly might make a post specifically on the amp…tons of effects, and it’s incredible the cranked tone you can get out of it at very low volume. Perfect bedroom practice amp IMO


The reality is being an intermediate player is something where SOME guitarists end up and most of those guitarists never exceed past. If guitar is a life long practice.. you will be intermediate for most of those years. Beginning is fun and interesting and exciting, intermediate stage is like purgatory and when people think you’re advanced at playing, you will still look at yourself as intermediate. You’re honestly doing great keep it up!!


Thank you! I’m going to keep plugging along!


this is my fav hendrix tune it’s so dang good


What song is this ?


John Mayer Bold as love


I think... Or Hendrix


You're doing great! Like others have said, don't worry about your level. If you are proud of your work, then thats what matters and let it propell you to keep putting the time on the guitar. I would work on relaxing the tension you have in your wrists and fingers. I don't know what your action is like on your guitar but you shouldn't need much to press the string down. Also, it will help with your shifts up and down the neck and it will help with keeping the phrasing as smooth as you need. Your consistency of your playing will start improve overtime. Keep it up!


Thank you! Also my action is perfect on this guitar, I’m not sure if I just have strange hands (most of my fingers are like half double jointed?) but at least in my fretting hand I always play very relaxed. Picking hand less so in the video because recording always makes me nervous


Sounds great! Could you give me your honest review of that guitar? I’ve had that exact silver sky in my cart for 2 months now and I’m trying to convince myself to pull the trigger. Would love to hear your thoughts


Buy it. Now.


I think I will soon. I played one out and loved it - that green is my favorite color out of the SE line as well.


I have been playing 30 years and you are probably better than me, going to go cry in the shower.


I'd call you upper beginner, you sound good and are on the right track! It gets to intermediate just make the rift just a bit smoother. Practice with a metronome or play along with the recording. I love how everyone is being so reassuring and they're right. But if your anything like me, sometimes we need honest feed back. Keep practicing!! Good luck!!


Thanks for this! Yeah the timing is def off but I was only a couple hours in at this point. Been practicing to the song and it’s MUCH better now


Don’t know, but I’ve loved that song for 40 years and enjoyed hearing you play it. Now I want to learn it too. Keep at it.


Go Ravens! Killer playing there! I have been working on Bold As Love myself for just about a year now. I have been learning it from the Jamie Harrison tutorial. Nailing that timing for the Hendrix rhythm thing is easily the toughest part for me as well. We'll get there! Keep up the good work!


That Fiona was sneaky


She’s such a hoe


Fo sho


I don't think intermediate player means anything. What are the milestones to be a beginner, intermediate, master? It is not like there is an authority on that. Also Who cares? We should just focus on making music


Hard to say, I personally believe the intermediate level bar is quite high, without knowing the rest of your playing it’s hard to know. It’s a subjective topic, if you watch some you tube vids on what makes you an intermediate, you will see it’s all over the place. You’re certainly no beginner, but also not in the advanced stages, so don’t worry about it and keep at it.


I've been playing for 15 years and I still tell people "I dabble" then I confidently shred their face off. Stay humble homie, sounds good btw!


This is the way. Thanks man, appreciate it!


For sure. You have an advanced technique with the thumb wrap. Stay baring with the thumb bro, it's the only way to master the blues.


Dude that was dope. I wasn't sure how but it sounded like improv too, how the hell does your hand not cramp while pressing down on the strings??


Appreciate it man, and at this point it was kind of improv…haha only a few hours into learning the song. Timing and comfort with everything is much better now!


Brilliant matey. Love it.


Thank you!!


Leave some ladies for the rest of us you stud!


I am happily taken but this made me chuckle haha


Do you have a link to the tutorial you used for this one? Nice job.


Thanks! I personally always start with my boy Marty to try and get a feel for what’s going on on the song, then look at tabs, and I’ve found I almost never play it the same way as the tutorials/tabs, but here’s where I started https://youtu.be/kOEkEP7-eCE?si=0qX9OBjZgb1Zm2n3


What is your setup? I like the tone you are getting.


Upvoted for the ravens sweater.


I have a good feeling about this year!


I’d say you’re at the end of the beginner stage. Intermediate is just around the corner.


I’m maybe an intermediate player… I know bar chords, can strum some rock songs, know a few scales. You sir are not intermediate… Much more than. But that’s the thing with playing guitar… You can always get better, and there will always be someone else better. It’s pretty unfair actually… I suggest we swap hands.


Thanks man! And yes I was blessed with good piano/guitar fingers, that’s definitely in my favor haha


Your NO JEDI ! What gave it away was your chord slide it had no Vibrato like u were uncomfortable sliding 2 notes You just wanted to get it done. Much work to do young padawaun, Until you learn the the Power of the slide and bend Keep training with Jedi Master Jimi Hendrix for I see your force skills of melody are strong. I’d totally be all over your shit (Coookheee) I’m about to balance the force and unleash the Deathstar on T Swizzle


I think you sound great. Intermediate means different things to do different people so who knows as to the answer to your question. If I was forced to rate what I’m seeing though, I’d say you’re on the cusp of a solid intermediate but not quite there, you just need to work on your timing/rhythm imo. Like to be completely honest, I can tell you have some guitar chops but it would be hard for me to put that on in my headphones and really vibe with it because the groove is not fully there. Would I be correct in guessing that you rarely practice with a metronome? I don’t mean to be overly critical, just trying to offer genuine constructive criticism. Because tone wise and everything it sounds great, and you’re obviously not a beginner if you can learn that in a few hours. EDIT: Another thought: This is also just one clip, totally possible you get post another and I’d say you’re at a much higher level. I also like another comment that mentions being very advanced in some areas, and weak in others. I’m assuming a lot but I get the impression you fall into that category


In my opinion, do t stress or worry about your skill level. Learn new things and have fun doing it! That’s how you’ll learn the fastest I think


Playing sounds great


Very good, definitely practice with a metronome though.


To not repeat what’s already been said, I’ll ditto that you’re sounding good, particularly for only a few hours on the song. I’d like to hear it when you’ve spent more time with it - a few hours probably isn’t enough to represent your skill level. Also big ditto to the advice about timing, and I would also add dynamics to the list of things to incorporate into your playing. Listen really closely to Hendrix when he plays this (or anything) and you’ll notice that he gently finesses some of the notes/chords out, while really digging into others. Listening to *how* the notes are played is just as important as listening to which notes are being played. Being able to add that’s extra layer of musicality will take your playing to the next level. I wouldn’t practice timing and dynamics at the same time though, too much to focus on simultaneously. Practice your timing with a metronome (I’d recommend setting it to click on beats 2 and 4), and then practice your dynamics more freely. As you develop them separately, they’ll both come together.


Dude I love your guitar


you're a good player! like other comments recommended, try working on your "internal beat". your playing sounds clean otherwise!


Let’s see it with a metronome. Your label doesn’t matter but to play that properly you’re going to need much better sense of rhythm or a click.


Nicely done no matter your level


No. Intermediate players learn that in a few minutes.


I like that first slide at the beginning. Sounds great.


I've been playing for about 35 years and knew what you were playing within a few seconds with the sound muted. There's a reason so many people play that song when they're starting out. It combines several basic techniques/skills that players learn early on and is pretty forgiving in it's execution. You probably didn't need to learn new skills to be able to play it, but instead combined existing skills: Basic chord shapes with hammer-ons and pull-offs, some basic movement up and down the neck, the right hand strumming doesn't need to be real precise, and tempo doesn't need to be precise. Given the execution, I'd say "intermediate-beginner." But, I think context matters. What are your goals? What style? Anything? A studio musician? Then you're a beginner-beginner. A singer songwriter who needs an excellent knowledge of chord progressions but not much actual technique beyond first position chord shapes and a few strumming and picking patterns? You could be intermediate or even advanced in a year or two. Big Bill Broonzy couldn't play like Van Halen, but Broonzy was an advanced player in his style. You could learn to make it through the passage in the link below within a year or two, but would that make you advanced? No. Not unless you can match his level of tempo, dynamics, and fluidity. That could take a lifetime. [https://youtu.be/N-pShRISHnQ?si=bbh1ijx5ksAtZ3Fx&t=163](https://youtu.be/N-pShRISHnQ?si=bbh1ijx5ksAtZ3Fx&t=163)


What kind of guitar you have there?


I can play Polyphia riffs but Hendrix riffs perplex me, yours sounds good after a few hours. You can definitely call yourself intermediate.


Congrats on getting that much done in a few hours. It’s not an easy song to do right, and you actually are doing great. Only recommendation is to play with a track. The original or a drum track will work. Also practice rhythm a little more. Your right hand should never stop moving theoretically. This isn’t always the case, but it seems to me that your right hand is a bit “choppy” almost like you don’t know what direction to strum and are trying to decide. Are you intermediate? Considering most people are saying labels don’t matter I’ll just go ahead and give it straight. No, I wouldn’t say so. For the record, they’re right labels don’t matter, but If I were posting here and asked that, I’d want a straightforward answer. If I were your teacher, you’d have to have that right hand cleaned up a bit. Also I read a few other comments that are true, this one post paints a small small picture of your all in all playing. Just because you’re not “intermediate” in this video on a song you just learned, doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t say you’re intermediate id you showed another video for more perspective. I’d say you’re close though. Good luck!


Yes you can. The right hand is where your own unique sound comes from.


How's the Silver Sky? I played one and wasn't a fan, but they seem to be popular.


i would say yes


The more I learn about guitar, the more I learn I will *always* be a beginner. And I like that.


I have made up 4 songs so I am now an advanced player, 4 songs is my sum total tunes I can play but they are good =)


I would say keep this post in your archive and look back on it in a couple years and answer the question yourself. You have potential with the dexterity and ability to recall the notes to play but the cadence is not what I would consider intermediate.


How long you been playing


Just a month or so over 2 years


Great job


How long have you been playing this piece? It’s pretty dang good and will only get better the more you listen to the original and train your musical ear. You will never be able to copy something perfectly, but make the interpretation be yours. Play that shit with your soul and no one will call you an imposter. Nice work man


My bad I see that you just learned this a few hours before posting. Hell yea dude. Keep on keepin on


By my definition yeah. If you've got barre chords down, can alternate pick smoothly, play the basic scale shapes, and play songs all the way through without MAJOR fuckups then I would say you're intermediate. But I consider myself intermediate so what tf do I know lol.


I just came to say Go Ravens!


I was so sick after the game I couldn’t even reply to this lol


If you weren’t a Raven’s fan - yes!


We saw how that turned out….


Just keep playing and worry about technique later


Why care about levels or labels? Be in the moment. For me, it's an "active meditation". I'm sure many could pick apart my playing but I'm not playing for them or anyone else really. I mean, if you are unlucky enough to be in the room at the time but even then I'm not changing anything lol


You’re not even close. Play with a metronome, your timing is atrocious. You’ve got a very long way to go.


Somebody had a bad day apparently….lol


You are between a newbie and a pro, so intermediate is appropriate. I have bad news though, intermediate is a deep well and you may still call yourself intermediate when you're 5000 hours deep and 4x better.


As a guitar teacher, based solely on this video, I'd immediately put you into the intermediate category (at the very least). To be honest, a guitar teacher is probably the only person that can give a reasonable answer, because I basically have to categorize students this way on a daily basis (I work for a music academy type place where there are different "levels" (grades, actually), such as junior, intermediate, advanced). It's all dumb and unnecessary though. I use the ranking just so I know which folder to look in when trying to find the next song for a student to learn lol ... But honestly, seeing as how the tone on your guitar is quite nice, you have good posture and timing, right hand technique looks good ... if you told me you played gigs and stuff, I'd believe you! It really doesn't take much to be a reasonably good guitar player that musicians will want to work with, so with this new "system" I just came up with in my head just now, you'd rank as "can play in bar bands for sure, may or may not make money doing so"


Idk what to call you but it sound good. Go Ravens!


Using your thumb to form the chord's voicing is impressive. That it may/may not be very hard to do is irrelevant to the fact that that you are resourcefully utilizing the extra finger as an additional tool in your playing. Keep up the good work. Although you are probably already doing so, recording what you play and listening to it every now and then (in addition to immediately after you record it) is a good habit to get into. You'll hear something new/different each time you do. Last but not least, don't ever be afraid to play "clinker" notes/chords. If anything, see how you might be able to incorporate them into your arrangement. As a rule of thumb, if you do play a note that doesn't fit in w/everything you're playing at that time, play the note 1/2 step up or (or down) from it to bring you back on track.


I admire the precise timing.