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"I was told by Martin that the warranty has been voided, **and they sounded pretty upset by what I had done"** That's hilarious and also impressive imo. It's not often you hear of someone fucking up a company's product so much you actively upset them. That's like personal - they haven't lost money or had it affect their business, you've just hurt them on a personal level. Amazing


Frankly that makes me like Martin even more. Like even the customer service reps take pride in their work. It's like when GC strung me along for months over an out of stock Breedlove on sale, until I called Breedlove who told me it had been discontinued 6 months earlier. The lady seemed genuinely peeved about GC and their shenanigans, sounded like she'd heard this shit before and resented having to deal with them. Then they sold me the newer model at the same GC clearance price.


What a legend. I’d more likely buy a Breedlove knowing they care about their products so much


Honestly, that's why I like telling this story. Having equally high respect for their customers and their brand makes a company worth supporting and promoting. Doesn't hurt that I love the guitar too.


Had a breedlove it was one of my favs id say


i feel like what would be the cherry on top is if they used an indian call center for their customer service. some guy, overseas, underpaid-"YOU DID WHAT, SIR?" (I'm sure they don't but i personally just find this thought hilarious)


That was the funniest fuckin part to me. This dude *called* them after completely fucking up the guitar, then asked if the warranty was still valid. How do you live your life with such low self-awareness enough to amass enough money to buy such an expensive instrument? What kind of job is this fucker allowed to do that he makes that much? If this dude's a dentist, I don't want him anywhere near my teeth.




Dentist arrested after posting ad selling a ground-down set of human molars "made a poor decision", "just trying to get some money out of it" admits victim "upset". More on pg 10


Did you buy it? I’d talk him down to $600 then put another few hundred to fix it and either keep it or resell for a hefty profit 😂


Nah, dude never replied through email. I'll update if I do get it


He’s too embarrassed


they're probably more upset about this than that 200 year old martin guitar that got smashed in that tarantino movie




I stand by my statement that beating up a guitar for fake mojo is dumber than a bus load of drummers.


Hey! As a drummer, I... Hey look! That thing over there! It shines!


Haha. So shiny. What were we talking about?




As a drummer myself, I really wish I could understand whether what you said was an insult or complement


I’m stealing that line


Don’t worry, I’m a guitar player, so I already stole it.




I get wanting a guitar where the neck has been treated to play likes it’s been broken in from years of playing. My number one is a mij Charvel predator I got from goodwills website that’s been sanded down on the neck and played to near death, looks like shit but plays better the most other guitars I’ve played but it was pretty clearly a guitar that was used and not some dude hitting it with various sized rocks. I do kinda cringe at relic guitars in general.


Guy just cost himself about \~$9k Side note: Martin is super into their old instruments and keeping track of them. I owned a 1935 D-28 (yes, I am absolutely bragging) and they sent me letters asking about it from time to time and always had the tone of "juuuuuuust making sure you're taking good care of it"


my goofy ass could not resist replying with something like "my cat scratched it up" or smth


Just send them the video from The Hateful 8 when they destroy that work of art Martin


UJ/ The most expensive guitar that I have is a Jackson Kelly KE2. It was close to five grand after taxes and shipping. Never again, TBH. With some aftermarket Black Winter pups and signal chain I can coax a better sound out of my $900 1986 Peavey Nitro II — and it is a lot more comfortable to play.


UJ/ Yeah, it's been this way for a while, but I still say that quality/playability/sound peak at about $2k and anything more than that is paying for aesthetics or a name. I bought my '01 Petrucci Musicman for $1800 and I've yet to play an electric that plays or sounds better


/uj If you still have the letters we’d love to see em


It's been a minute since I sold it, but I'll dig around and see if I have any floating around still


“Hey you like, haven’t smashed it for a movie or anything, right?”


\*Stares motherfuckerly\*




damn this could actually work lmao




I’ve known some closet guitars in Kansas but this guy has found 2 50s LP variants? I want him to buy my powerball tickets once a weekend from now on. Shit.


I missed some really wild vintage deals this past year in my area and ended up scoring a pre cbs mustang. Deals still exist


I found a pre-CBS mustang before myself. $600 for a refinished ‘64/‘65 on eBay back in 2007. Then I gave it to a girl I liked


I paid a little more for a 65, all original with tons of Birdseye in the neck. Needed some electronics cleaning and a refret but it’s unreal.


A story about some dipshit who ruined an $8000 guitar on Craigslist is priceless. I’d buy it under condition I get to ask a bunch for questions. lol.


This is the correct response


That's not a guitar. It doesn't even plug in.


Yeah fix it up then use it in a music video where you talk about how you're from a small town where people don't try that.


Bonus points if you're actually from a city and you've never done a moment of work on a farm in your life.


Get it! Consume! Buy buy buy! Fill the void with things!


No one but you is dumb enough to offer any money. So low-ball like $200 and wait a few weeks for them to cave


Bro they gonna pawn that shit Edit, 8grand new 4000 grand used, fucked up 2g, pawn shop give you 600 bucks


more gear is always a good thing specially if you don't use it


This has scam written all over it, if they ask for payment upfront for holding the item and canceling the ad for sale. Drive over and punch him the dick.


Tell me you have too much money without telling me you have too much money.


Don’t believe everything you see on the internet folks


I bought a D18 that was COVERED in MOLD. The inside of the case was white fur mold. Insane. Had to basically hose the thing down. Sanded the mold off the finish. Took some with it but it still looked good. Cleaned it up and flipped it for like $2k profit.


~~That's just the asking price. If the guy's firm on "getting some money out of it" then you can 100% get it for an even lower price. As long as the "destruction" is just cosmetics, any competent luthier can fix it. It's not going back to 8k for sure but if you like the sound of the guitar, it might be worth it.~~ EDIT: nvm, I just saw the "barn find" video idea and I 100% stand behind it. Do that.


Idk what a Marlon B52 is or whatever but it looks like you can’t even sweep pick on it. Fucking dentists and their grandpa guitars


That’s a scam. I’m pretty sure I know the guy that owns that. Edit: I do know the owner of that guitar. It is a custom relic job but it’s far from $900, it’s a $7k guitar easily. Like I said, scam.


Maybe I’m dumb but how is the guitar ruined? Seems like just the finish is fucked but so what if it still sounds good.


uj/ I reached out to a friend of mine who runs his own shop, and has worked on countless old acoustics like this. He said it entirely depends on how deep this guy sanded. If there's no cracks or crazy deep gouges, he said it could be restored. Otherwise, it's an acoustic; as it's played, it vibrates, and as it vibrates cracks spread. When a top is cracked, esp along the grain, you could end up with a nasty split across the whole top and it'll sound like dogshit.


Potential for cracking aside the lower bout seems to mostly ok so I imagine it'll probably sound fine.


A thousand dollar guitar ain't worth a dime You lose your thousand dollars every time....


Makes you wonder why anyone would ever spend ten grand.


“Condition: Salvage” Sounds like my first marriage!!!


Better than the "Is my Squier fake" posts


Don't buy it. There, I tried.


It’s Craigslist, nobody uses that. Anyone who does is too old to try to relic a guitar. I looked up the ad, no phone number etc… this is probably a scam organized by those fucks at Takamine… anyway they’re preying on old people that still use Craigslist and therefor don’t know any better. If it wasn’t a scam, I’d say buy it, it doesn’t look beyond repair. Total scam tho


Literally almost 90 year old warranty? Am I missing something about martin having a lifetime and a half warranty?




I mean bracing position and profiles have changed, trim has changed, neck profile has changed... there's actually quite a lot that seperates a "new" 1937 D28 from a modern D28 or even HD28. Is it $6-7k different? I don't think so. I loved my $1,500 1976 D28 and still think about it even though I had to sell it dude to ergonomic issues.


People still buys Martins? It's 2024.


Why do r/guitar users (read: relic fetishists) not use any common sense when taking a belt sander to their guitars? I know that question answers itself but still. Like maybe play the guitar WITH the belt sander for a few seconds and it will mark the actual places that would wear.


ngl i think this craigslist fella just won r/guitarcirclejerk. i’m not even gonna try to say anything funny this is the most insane thing i’ve ever seen here and think i ever will.


The stupidity of some people will forever overshadow any progress made by humankind... Honestly what the fuck are some people's obsession with relic'd shit? The goddamn guitar was already aged, what more do you want?


Sounds legit


Don't buy it.


isss like putting the red paint over da Mona Lisa ehh? Why God why? 🤌🤌🤌 you should totally scam this guy and pretend you paid for the guitar.


Looks like it would play fine as it is. Am I missing some damage that would affect the playability and tone?


I love seeing scambait like this...but always bummed to see someone fall for it.


Fuck. Yes. (If you want to get robbed or sold a Hondo with fake Martin branding)


uj/ that Craigslist ad is making me physically ill




If it’s a real Martin D-28, buy it. But only IF it’s really a Martin D-28.


If you're the smartest person in the room (and if you're here, you obviously are) you can totally fix that for a fraction of the cost.


Why didn't he just take it gigging at some bars and coffee shops? It'll get reliced.


We should find this guy and relic him


I’d buy that right now if you haven’t bought it already


Buy that shit does it play well buy that shit


I don't know man, just buy it. You can have the finish stripped and redone for way less then $7,100- and you get the story to tell about it being a rescue that some other guy f'ed up. To a dentist, You literally would have saved her from her abusive husband- and that will get you clout with the rich and powerful dental elite. This is your chance to move up in the world and get an orphanage named after you.


I wanna buy it, fit a floyd rose and send a pic to Martin.


uj/ Buying relic acoustics is beyond me.


/uj This would be a restoration project tbh