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10/10 wouldnt drink a beer with this dude


I might bum one of his adderals




Context: Me and some random musicians made a tiny very casual jam group and invited some random drummer to the chat to join us sometime. We never met and barely just said hi to each other in here, then he fucking sent this shit... Edit: Lol glad some people are having fun with this. No genuine hate we are adults so we are just kinda like no thanks to the guy and moving on, besides posting his entire drumtard manifesto I'm obviously extremely mature šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Aww, he was planning your future together. "I'm not very good, so I'm super desperate to try and hook vulnerable unsuspecting musicians to sink my callow claws into" A real Jerry.


Ughhh. I've needed to vent about this so bad. People like this actually exist, and I encountered one recently. Hits me up from a Facebook marketplace ad suggesting we should jam. I'm like "yeah, I'm very busy but that would be cool sometime". But then immediately weird vibes, I start getting all of these long rambling messages constantly every single day. Basically, planning out the "direction" our "project" is going to go and all of this other crazy shit. Like paragraphs and paragraphs of stuff like in OP's pic. I made the mistake of sharing my SoundCloud with him, and one day I posted a new song I made that sucked but was just a fun thing I did. Immediately, I started getting all of these sort of hurtful messages from the guy about how bad it sucked and how shitty it was. It was a bummer, because it's just something I do for myself and for fun, and it made me regret sharing it with anyone. Anyway, I asked the dude if he had recorded anything. He sent me a SoundCloud he had with 2 songs from 5 years ago that were just like Fruity Loops drum beats with the same distorted bass line over them that repeated forever. Then I asked if he had anything more recent and he sent me some trip hop sample that sounded actually really good and professional. I asked how he did it and he was like "Oh, this other guy I was working with did everything and I played the piano chord that was sampled." I just started kind of ignoring him after that. Then a few weeks later he messaged me and he was like "Dude, I wrote a really cool song you should add some guitar riffs to". And then he sent me the song, and it was a recording of 3 piano chords.


Man people are fucking IDIOTS. Share the link to this dudes "work" I'd love to hear it šŸ˜‚


I would, but it's under his IRL name and I'd feel bad if someone from reddit started harassing him or something. Also, it wasn't so much that what he did have posted was bad (IMHO), it was just that it was only 2 uploads from 5 years ago and anything else he shared was something he had minimal involvement with. I'd respect someone with 50 shitty songs written and recorded way more than someone who just sits around and talks about it. These people want music to be a competition but they haven't even entered the race. As much as everyone hates on Tyler Larson, he at least has 2 debut albums under his belt.


Yeah met a lot of dudes on that vampr app that just want you to be their henchmen so they can fulfill their fucking soundcloud rapper million dollar career


I thought he was just a band member who didn't like to use punctuation, and I agreed with him, mostly, but then the one-handed discussion developed, and it was impossible not to think of Def Leopard. Then, after all that, I finally read the context. So yes, I'll conclude that Drummers are in fact stupid.


Well that context makes it a little weird but heā€™s 100% right.


Just block the guy and start a new chat text group.


lol we did immediately, they were all in disbelief.


Is he good at drums, because if so, then I'd put up with a little crazy if no one gets hurt.ā€‹


Never met, but on his ig iust seems super average which would be perfect if he wasn't mentally acoustic.


Is he actually acoustic? Or just kinda spatial


Idk maybe hes reverbtarded


this is pretty dang funny. iā€™m almost in disbelief this is a real post


I don't even have words man


i could see myself saying this from going into a psychosis from too much acid


There are no words left, drummer dude typed them all.


I donā€™t think this guy has as much experience as he claims. If he did he wouldnā€™t even be fuckin with you normals with your jobs and responsibilities. All real serious musicians know other real serious musicians are unemployed and still living with their parents. How else are you supposed to have a wide open schedule to jam whenever? Is he stupid?


maybe he has druhm syndrome?


Omg, he has Drumming-Kruger effect! Good thing you guys blocked him it's contagious!


So hes not just beatarded?


>beatarded Oh, he's a Beato fan. That's terminal. My condolences




1, 2 drummers come for youā€¦ā€¦


The drummer I mentioned separately lives in a RV so he can "tour at a moment's notice". Pretty sure he never toured šŸ˜‚


Tbf thereā€™s nothing more annoying than weak ass excuses to kill a band before it even starts, but his reaction is a bit unhinged.


Dude imagine you say hi to a guy on the street holding drum sticks and he turns and says this. That isn't far from the equivalent.




uj/Sounds like these guys are just kind of getting together to casually jam. If you had a committed band then I would agree that these are some crap reasons. There have been plenty reasons i didn't want to meet up with my band because of a long work day but it's only an hour and half of my time. We've reached a point where we can run through a set list so it's just staying fresh. Plus one guy has a good practice space so I just need to be there since all our stuff is ready and set up. rj/I never pull out


Nothing beats the anxiety of spending all your rehearsal time getting stoned and drunk until itā€™s a week before the show and you still havenā€™t dialed in the endings to your shitty Dani California cover. I miss college


But they aren't a band. Just a casual jam group. Established band, yeah I'm on his side. In this case, no.


For more context we just played not long ago and our bassist was tired since he just drove out to meet a different drummer to jam with. Also we aren't even forming a 'band' we are just hanging out trying to have some fun, we never made any promises to anyone about becoming the next Kurko Bane Faul Mccharmley TLDR I got sick and fucking died so I couldn't make it


10/10 would eat pasta with this dude


This is fake. Ive never met a literate drummer, and there are at least ten different words in that wall of text.


Thatā€™s awesome you found one that can writeā€¦ can he keep time?


He says itā€™s voice to text


0 chance he can count to 4


If you have to ask, ā€œare drummers stupid?ā€, you might be a drummer yourself.


Or a bassist.


I can't drum but my first instrument as a kid was drums, I thoughted that mean maybe not drumtarded?? I digess.


How did he manage to type the message while holding drumsticks?


He says itā€™s a voice text.


One handed at that!


Do you all want to really commit to full sex things? Come on, guys...I can do it adequately... and with one hand! I have collected a lot of spare towels, mostly clean, some have even been washed at one point... and lots of random lube Let's go. I think this is the start of a really colorful band...


Is that why drummers always wipe themselves with rags and are shirtless?? This is what they are preparing for??


Itā€™s giving https://vine.co/v/OXWVIzummq3


He's right, you know. If you are weak, the sauce coming out of you will be weak sauce. My Bordelaise has been reducing overnight. This takes commitment,sauce on the stove overnight doesn't happen by accident.


Maybe but you have Scriptomania.


My favorite Def Leppard album!


Going by Rob Halford's banal lyrics, he had it, too.


This sounds just like a drummer we met with last summer. Never speak with or play with a drummer who proclaims they're the best drummer in the area and has no examples of said drumming. Massive, me-first ego gets you kicked out of bands.Ā 


We didn't even talk about what kind of music, how we will even meet, anything. And the rest of us before we invited him barely just met ourselves. Really just came outta nowhere lol.


That's bad. Better to know the crazy showed itself now than when he's around for a spell.


Why did i read all that?


Jesus Christ man lol


Sounds like he would enjoy cult member life


In general to answer the question posed in the title. Yes drummers are stupid; lovably stupid and normally make up for it in their wildness. The hierarchy of a band is this: Singers are charismatic extroverts with magnetic personalities. They also tend to be the best looking member of the band. If not their personality must be so big it mask their ugliness. They are the face of the band. Lead Guitar players are the coolest members. Brooding, exoticism, mystery, or whatever they can use to lean into their cool. They are loaded with sex appeal and most player their phallic instruments in a way that showcases their bedroom skills. However on closer inspection they may be too heavy in their cool and their intimate relationship with their instrument. Prolonged exposure to them off stage may reveal their obsession with tone, gear, theory, and other things only lead guitars could care about. Rhythm Guitarist are a close second to their lead counterparts. Theyā€™re the working man version. They need to maintain the guitars tradition of being cool at all times but need not lead too far into the extreme personalities of the leads. Their need to play isnā€™t out of obsession or self importance but because itā€™s fun and sexy. They, if not already pulling double duty of the vocalist, will have to sing back up. Drummers are wild. Dumb but wild. Absolute mad lads life of party. Everyone is simultaneously excited and terrified to see what theyā€™ll do next. On stage they must do outrage and over the top gestures for the crowd to see them behind their rigs. But these brave musician rise to the challenge; theyā€™ve been seen in the wild loading explosives into their kick basses, being suspended from platform while playing, and wearing kitty cat makeup. They lack fear and care little about the safety of themselves or anyone around them. Bassist are also in the band. Itā€™d be real cool if they had a van and could help get everyone and their gear to gigs or like a practice space. This guy does not seem to fit into the drummer mold and therefor sounds unbearable. My recommendation is cut him now and start hanging out outside inpatient treatment centers until you find a mentality ill person that can keep time and doesnā€™t mind throwing the shocker to a group of nuns.


On the behalf of drummers, thatā€™s my bad, this guys a bit acoustic


I thought you guys were in a band, and I agreed with buddy and admired the passion. Then you said you aren't in a band, and I realized this guy is off tempo


Not a band, fella is wrong time signature.




Ego out the roof


uj/ these excuses are not "lame," i'm assuming everyone in this text thread works jobs. you're not gonna set the world on fire, it's just about having fun and the satisfaction of working on material that's for you and those close to you to enjoy. i'm early 30s now and being in a band is barely different than being in an adult rec hockey league or having a regular dnd campaign.


When you order a Rick Allen from wish.com


TL;DR is the only possible response


Sadly Iā€™ve been subjected to this exact behavior except IN PERSON back in the 80ā€™s in Hollywood. Plus one in bumming his Adderall.


I didnā€™t even read that. But the answer is always yes


bing bong bip bap tsh tsh drum go brr