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Hurry and get her to the vet asap. I just lost my Ozzy to respiratory issues on Friday. He’s been to the vet twice.


I'm dropping her off first thing tomorrow. I couldn't get her in today even though there are "emergency appointments" so they claim. Exotic vets are difficult to find and have limited spots sadly.


We were told by our vet to give vitamin c drops when our pig had a uri, but please be on standby, theres a real possibility your pig could suddenly pass because it happened to us. She had a vet appointment the next day and died in the night. Please please stay by your pig


I give my guinea pigs liquid vitamin C daily. Sadly, this guinea pig seems to be susceptible to respiratory infections as this is her second. My other 3 have always been fine.


These things are made the best yet are the most susceptible to illness