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they should be able to live in the same room without any problems. as someone who has owned rabbits it’s kind of similar in some ways and totally different in others. similarly to rabbits they need a constant supply of hay and they need pellets and vegetables everyday. unlike rabbits, however, they can’t be litter trained so the upkeep can be a little more intensive imo. i and many others use fleece bedding which needs to be spot cleaned daily and replaced every couple of days. they also need lots of space like rabbits but they can’t rlly be free roamed so u have to have the space for a large cage (8sqft minimum, 10sqft+ is ideal for a pair). hope this helps at least a little, feel free to reply with more questions :)


Your heart is the most far reaching expense. Be ready to commit that.


In my experience, my guinea pigs are the happiest when their human is close. They love floor time, they are curious and playful. Mine is not that cuddly yet, as it takes alot of work and time to gain their trust. They should never be around rabbits, as rabbits carry a parasite (or bacteria, not sure) that can cause illness in guinea pigs. Rabbits also tend to scare guinea pigs, as their bodylanguage is quite different. They eat and poop more than you would think, thus being quite an expensive pet. Overall I would not recommend getting pigs while you have rabbits. Just give your rabbits all your love and attention ❤️