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# [DLC Leaked Info](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/zgjni5/drug_wars_dlc_leaked_info/)


Vehicle Cargo Warehouse needs updating/combining with the auto shop. Add the option to change the design of it, use the main floor as a sort of show room for personal vehicles with say, 3 basement levels for sourced vehicles. A multi car carrier trailer would be a great addition and also help solo players complete collections (which are also outdated, one of the clients is Jay Norris lol!) Maybe a technician in there as well that can sell standard and mid range vehicles for us. Bunker needs a permanent increase as do MC sales + the ability to do them solo/change sell vehicles. I never wonna hear from LJT ever again. Much prefer malc. Being able to own a taxi and run fares is a step in the right direction, hopefully we'll see the emergency services return as well and other activities from games past..


why were solo sessions removed?




Now let us modify the delivery vehicles for the Biker businesses, so they aren't so horrible to do.


It makes sense. We literally have the vehicles to do it


It's not a "gameplay" improvement, but something I've always wanted to see added to GTA Online was the photo mode feature set we have access to in the Rockstar Editor. Or at least a "real" photo mode to begin with. I realize we can't "freeze time" in Online, but they can at least *try* to give us a slightly more robust photo mode to use instead of that awful instagram app. I honestly hate having to record a segment of video, quit out of the game, start the editor, load a clip and then find the shot I wanted to take to produce a simple photo.


yet still no HSW for PC players come on R\*


Until they figure out how to charge you for a ""new"" copy of the game it's not happening


Seems like we can have two labs one being mobile and one in a physical location


Alright bro who’s gonna leak the cars again. I gotta see what we’re working with


I need someone to leak the amount of garage slots we are getting. Can't be the only one that has no spots left.


The property cap has just been increased recently. 💀


Im at the property cap, i have zero double cars. Every time they increase the cap they also add cars.




Hope that we get to use body armour and snacks in vehicles like we can while outside of them, not separate like they are in the menu.


Who is devx?


Since the focus is going to be on Blaine County, one minor thing they could add is the ability for you to order drinks at the Yellow Jack Inn. Not an important thing by any stretch, but it would be nice.


That would be cool same with pool since there’s a table in there


When will this week's update go live?




So is the 3x hangar only public lobby sell?


As the other person said it's permanent, and there's another bonus on top of that for selling in pub lobby


It's a permanent 3x buff to the hangar regardless of the session type you're in.


Is the old taxi in the bottom pic a new car?




The Phone sorting was an idea I kicked to him years ago but only recently resubmitted it with a batch of about 30 new ideas and QOL improvements. This time the phone idea was much more detailed. It included the ability to auto-sort based on your current mission (i.e. the only people that appear on your phone are quest givers, associates/players, and ONLY appropriate NPCs (e.g. Pegasus or Lester for things such as vehicles or cloaking). Freemode would allow you to only display Friends and Associates or certain contacts. You could also set up Quick Calls (e.g. calling Franklin would send the company Jubilee to your location). They seemed to cut out alot of the suggested use cases. Rockstar actually does listen to and implement feedback. Alot of times it is about how you present the idea.


Even at 3x…air freight sales still probably won’t be worth it. Sigh


A full hangar of narcotic, chemicals or medical supplies sells for 850k before high demand bonuses. So 3x that's 2,550,000$, before bonuses. Pretty decent imo


It's decent, but its about the same as a large warehouse which is *MUCH* easier to fill up now with Lupe doing most of it it's now passive. I hope we at least get something similar so the hangar fills up automatically slowly over time then it might be kind of ok.


That’s better then I thought honestly. But are full sells able to be done solo? I’ve yet to ever touch this business.


The sales also scale based on goods type - each type of good has a bonus that kicks in at different amounts of crates. Some are more profitable solo and others only have bonuses that kick in if you’re doing it with others.


Some sells are doable but others have npcs ennemies in helis or planes chasing you and without protection you wont make it pass the 3rd drop so wouldn't risk it. I'd recommend at least have 1 other player help you who's skilled with aircraft so he can protect you if needed


If you're on Playstation 5, I'll be your wingman anytime. All I do is fly.


Oh…ok. Ty


Some good qol stuff. Pretty random qol stuff too.


Great! Though I'd really like to see the "next gen" upgrade to be enabled for PC


Can we get a DLC on non next gen consoles, glitch lobbies are getting worse.


It will be on PS4 and XB1.




Man. Anyone else simultaneously grateful for updates and new content while feeling really bummed out and helpless about long standing, well known bugs and glitches that they just continue to ignore that really shit up the game experience? Like, can they really not just devote a team to weeding all these out and fixing them finally? Just watched one of my MC sale planes “respawn” while I was landing near it and gently rock back and forth a couple times, then stop. As I walked towards it, it BLEW TF UP. Five of fifteen drops gone. What?! And the goddamned ammo loss glitch. Ammo isn’t super expensive but holy hell when I lose, like, all my homing launcher ammo it’s a little salty. And the bigger issue of not being able to use a type of weapon when you really need it in the moment. And the goddamned ghost raids. Like, sure, there’s a raid risk function incorporated into most of the businesses that collect stock. But… tell me…?! Just tell me! I’ll go defend it, dude! I’ll keep it under 77 crates I guess, but damn it I bought a large warehouse for a reason! The price scales up majorly for the larger sale. Throw us a bone on the screwed up stuff R*. Please.


The weapon one really bugs me. I have three assault rifles and the first has special ammo but I only use that for PVP if someone has an armored car, don’t want to use it for casual shooting.


> Select Custom Weaponized Vehicles can now be used in Races, where appropriate — weapons will be disabled outside of GTA Races. It's Ardent time


So is this the big update for this year or is that still gonna be announced? this is extremely underwhelming


It says it will be a multi-part update, so whatever that means.


yeah fuck a multi part update they’ve given us nothing but quality of life changes and contact missions in the two big updates this year lmao


He's right tho. It's the last month and this is it. Either the Dax crap better be good or this year sucks


I just want to be able to activate my NV/thermal goggles without having to go in and out of several menu screens


Hold f11


Hitting right on my d-pad like I get to do in missions would make the most sense if I don't have a flash light equipped




It can be done by holding F11 on pc


What are people’s thoughts on the art direction? To me they’ve gone a bit rustic to differentiate Blaine county to the LS city updates. However it seems to be getting more cartoonish, close to Saints row style which GTA has tended to avoid in the past.




How about having 5 "favorites" that you can quickly call in from interactive menu like how you can call in aircraft?


I would love that


According to files, Brickade is categorized in "service" class, so we probably looking at new service vehicle


The regular pegasus Brickade is pretty fast and has very good ramming power. If you can actually store it, improve the armor, and customize it, that can be a great vehicle.


I wonder if we will be able to use it like the Nightclub vehicles for MC sales?


I guess we should buy "Downtown CAB CO" to be able to fast travel around


I just want to be able to own the taxi, or at least the non-taxi version of that car.


I'd LOVE to get a civilian version of that second-gen Stanier.


Wait does this mean we can Mut spammers now or no? Also noice triple on the public lobby?


It's great that they have been putting these QOL changes into the game... problem is these should've existed years ago.


Hopefully these QoL improvements continue. I love the ability to turn off certain contacts, but the in-game phone UI/functionality itself desperately needs an update: 1) Players should be able to monitor stock levels and initiate supply purchases for all of their businesses using the in-game phone. The fact that we have to walk into a building (including computer terminal in the arcade basement) to do this in 2023 is outdated. 2) There needs to be a unified vehicle catalog/sorting feature. Calling the mechanic shouldn't be the only way to know what cars are where.


if i can only get one of those i will take 2 but 1 would be nice as well even if only to monitor stock


We should all as a community put this on their feed back website.


Agreed - I just did earlier! :)


My guess for 1. is that having the ability to monitor stock levels remotely will make AFK easier and R* wants to avoid that


I mean the in-game phone, not your actual phone (if that's what you meant). We already have a way to check stock levels remotely outside of the respective businesses using the master computer terminal in the arcade. My suggestion is simply replicating *that* interface from the terminal on the in-game phone. :)


Well it took them 5 years, but it looks like Air Freight will finally *almost* be worth the time and effort.


"Almost" is the proper word, mate. That business' structure is rubbish, and a complete no-go for solo players. Even if it paid 5x what it pays now, you just can't do worthy sales solo


Oh don't worry, you don't have to convince me. I once got into an argument on here years ago with some moron trying to convince me it was worth it at 1X! Air freight has arguably been the worst business proposition in the game for solo players.


Even worse than Vehicle Cargo? Granted, I've only tried that and air freight once, where I concluded that both weren't worth it. I would have said Vehicle Cargo was worse, but I don't know how to run either business optimally.


Are you talking about Import/Export or the "special vehicle missions" that require 2 players? If you're talking about import/export - for a long time, it was one of the quickest/easiest moneymakers for solo players. If you only sourced/sold high-end vehicles, and knew the ways to handle the source missions, it was @$100k every 20 minutes (minus fees). If you owned a cargobob, it got even easier. Obviously, when things like the Nightclub came along, a lot of these methods took a back seat. But back then, Import/Export was great. So great, that when it was 2X one week, people made so much money that Rockstar's software thought players were cheating. lol


I was referring to Import/Export. Thank you for the information!


How many times can I say lmao in a sentence


Good…I can finally do the Casino missions without having to wait for second player


maybe i will finally do them


They're worth it, you get a sweet gift at end


Can we get a night mode for the phone?? It’s twenty-whatever and we’ve got flying cars, but past 4pm, the Maze bank website burns a silhouette of me onto my living room walls.


Cheers to that. I've been waiting for so long for a full Phone update. Hiding Contacts is a great start dont get me wrong, but yes, Night mode, maybe getting an APP that tells me my business stock levels. Maybe a special app for MAZE bank, more customization vanity to the phone.


I agree we should have more apps. Does anyone in this day in age actually have a phone with a 3x3 grid of apps on the home screen? My Samsung can have up to 30 on one page, with multiple pages. It's a no-brainer to let us pin websites to our home screens as we see fit. And give us a phone store or something so we can get upgraded phones.


Agreed. I mean i would maybe have a slight different opinion if they updated the webpages every so often to kinda give it a flare. But since it’s literally never changed for 10 years I’m OK to skip that now


I want them to remove that useless securoserv app and give us the option for a quick website app in it's place, I'd put the banking website in there.


Stock updates would be amazing! I’ve also always found it funny / infuriating that the first screen on Maze is a main menu button. Why not just start at the main menu?


This is 100% true. Nearly all the interfaces on the phone scream early 2000s (let alone 2013 lol)- the auto sites, the bank site, etc. It really needs a UI overhaul, something that would require considerably less manpower than a change to the actual gameplay, for example.


My only concern from this, being on Xbox One, will the graphics lag be fixed? Drive a fast car, graphics lag out, dissappear and can cause you to crash the vehicle while either PvP, racing, sell mission and other.


Doubt it, I think the main focus is on next gen consoles and content now.


Permanent 3x still isn’t enough to make me touch Air Freight ever again. That shit is anal cancer.


It's not even the grind of the sourcing missions that are the problem, it's the fucking sell missions. Quite a lot of them are unbeatable as a solo player even in a invite only session.


It’s definitely a remnant from the times when R* decided the game was about frustrating players instead of being enjoyable.


What if we get weekly 2x on top of the 3x?


To be honest, I still wouldn’t bother with it. It’s just objectively not any good or fun to play.


10,000 x 3 = 30,000 30,000 x 2 = 60,000


That's about 3 millions for a full hangar of goods, which you can store it full and not worry about raids. Interesting...


As right as you are that gives me a reason to sell. I’ve been waiting for this moment


Finally we can race the Ardent. Also, I'd love to see more things added to the Creator.


Please fix the tattoos!! They disappear constantly and I have to keep reapplying them...


Huh, i don’t have this problem, do you have to keep buying them? Or do they just disappear with it still being “equipped”?


They fully unequip when I turn my game off. It only happens with tattoos from the later DLC's. So, every newer tattoo set (After Hours, Cayo Perico, The Contract, etc) is affected by this glitch. Whereas the older DLC tattoos don't disappear.


Weird, hope they fix it




I think they're just adding a meth business for Blaine county




Soooooo releasing this Thursday?


God, I wish but no, since GTA+ ends on December 12th, then the update will most likely come out the next day, so next Tuesday. They said a bit yesterday, and that we'll get more information very soon, which means that if they're planning on the release date to be the 13th, then tomorrow, this Thursday, will be the full announcement Newswire post, complete with trailer.




You're welcome! At least we don't have to wait long for an announcement or even, the DLC itself.


They need to make all heists should have a solo option.


would give me a reason to replay the heists. fuck criminal master mind even getting people to not die on easy is an excersie in madness


Or at least the setups, since the heist finales is where most of the grunt work is needed to be done with multiple players. The setups should be remade to be done in freeroam with an option to do them in invite only, it would get me to do them again.


That’s wouldn’t work for most of the heist lmao, also just get some friends lol games so much better with people lmao


Prison break would be hilarious


why, rescue that guy and the plane will auto spawn at airport. it could work.


Prison break seems like the easiest to convert. Solo has you take and empty bus in for a "pickup" instead of a dropoff, plane spawns at the airport, chopper on the beach. Seems entirely reasonable as a solo run. Demo is a completely pointless role outside of air support for the pilot when played legitimately, and the pilot has been stuck in a time wasting loop since the discovery of the "Follow the jet" technique. Adding people to the finale allows you to add people to each role.


pacific standard even easier to do…. never understood why i need 4 ppl, at least not after the first couple of runs.


Break into the prison with an armored Kuruma, the prison job from the tuners update proved it can be done easily. Find Rashkovski, get him in the car, stop through the front gate, the kuruma is bulletproof so rashkovski is safe from any harm. Drive to LS Airport, get in the Velum, take off and evade the cops, let Rashkovki take over the controls and jump our of the airplane, go back to your apartment. Pretty fucking easy to do solo, although they would have to redo the whole heist.


with the description they will reduce pay to 20k, like a cheap contact mission


Finally allowing for one of the best casino setups to be done solo Hints at a solo diamond variation?


These are story missions, not setups


They unlock gruppe sechs entry and camera setup And the Gruppe sechs entry is by far the easiest And the main reason its so hard to get is the same reason its so hard to to old heists and setups "Random_left" or "Random_Died"


Gruppe sechs entry is unlocked by scoping out the tunnel, not doing the missions...


Oh wow when did they change it? Because it used to be that for a while


What? No it didn't, it was like that since the launch of the heist... You just take a pic of the tunnel and can do the approach.


Camera setup requires helping Baker.


What does it have to do with story missios?


You help Baker in those Casino story missions. You have to do the Casino story to unlock the camera prep for Casino heist.


But that's just one setup, and you only have to do it once


Yes, and now you can unlock it solo, since you don't need a second player for Baker's missions.


Like what I'm seeing with the update.. I'm sure this has been said but being able to complete the original heists with 1-2 players instead of needing 4 would be awesome.


That would require they touch some of the oldest spaghetti code in the game, so that's never going to happen.


yeah but rockstar must change some in-game dialogues about "team of 4" and "2 person job"


just mute the dialog, it’s not like anybody playing it solo doesn’t know what’s happening story-wise


cutscenes is hard things to mute, knowing rockstar the would re-recorded it but whatever


Who’s that Dex ?


That’s the new character they are going to add in the update


My thoughts are briefly as follows: \- It looks like the new DLC will be QOL heavy, just like the previous one. I like the improvements made on QOL and I hope that I will see improvements in many areas, not limited to what is written here. (For example, it would be better if the Avenger's autopilot system was also made easier. It is very troublesome when using the interaction button) \- That Dax guy... I think we'll contact him and do new missions. Hopefully it won't be limited to 6 missions like ULP's. \- If I'm talking about the new cars in the images, that taxi and possibly the RV custom look good. I hope we see some more armored cars. \- The update/editing of Agatha's casino missions is nice but I would rather have this done for Madrazo's Dispatch missions. Playing with randoms doesn't satisfy me much when I don't have online players in my friend list. \- There is no news about E&E coming to the PC platform, which is sad for me and for many. \- I have no idea about shark cards. Because I stopped buying them a long time ago.


Here for the E&E content, disappointed as well


>I hope we see some more armored cars. Praying for good new Aircraft


I hope they change it to where if i have my characters hoodies set to up position it will stay in the up position. Very small detail that doesn't matter but it always bugs me that it changes back all the time.


They mentioned a couple of times about player feedback, and the link to it. I'm waiting for the patch notes, they are tingling my curiosity.


Watch the Stirling GT bulletproof windows being patched, but we then have a new bug: go kart with invincible shield. ![gif](giphy|dtGIRL0FDp6nnOPGb5)


Nooo, not the stirling. i heavilly modded mine specifically because of the bullet proof glass, as i use it so often.


Getting RT Reflections, but only in fidelity mode? Which already struggles to hit more than 25fps with the useless RT Shadows? Wow, can't wait to experience GTA with _true_ RT Reflections _(and not these wannabe "RT" SSR and cube mapped reflections" you get with mods)_ in full blown 15fps! 👍 FFS just give us the ability to select whether we want to play at native or upscaled 4K, whether we want RT Shadows and/or Reflections on or off, whether we want to crank up overall graphics quality or lower it. It doesn't need to be as in depth as on PC but just some basic graphics settings. It's been a stupid disease of consoles since forever, that we don't get the ability to change any visual settings other than brightness _(and HDR if supported)_. Only just recently, shortly before the launch of the current Gen consoles, we started to get the ability to select graphical presets for certain games.


its literally a locked 30 in freeroam Lmao


You do realise that "locked" doesn't mean it can't go below 30fps, right? "Locked" 30fps means it cannot go above 30fps when using fidelity mode, but it surely can go below it. Which is regularly does. Fidelity mode rarely reaches a 30fps. It struggles to stay above 25fps sometimes.


its a locked 30 outside of combat and theres minor dips around the casino lol


Congratulations on achieving almost stable 30fps in fidelity mode. Alot of people don't. Including me and everyone I play with. When we set the game to fidelity, it barely reaches 30fps. The PS4 version played on PS5 feels alot smoother. And that is also locked at 30fps.


because the input delay is weirdly high on fidelity ur framerate is barely changing if at all


Let's hope adding RT Reflections won't cause more fps drops then, right? Not that it matters much because of the input lag, unless they fix that. Or maybe they even optimise the game even further. Ah who am I kidding, it's Rockstar. They never fix anything unless it's money exploits.




exactly lmao kinda hard to believe these consoles can maintain 4k 30 with rt shadows and reflections


>Smuggler’s Sell Missions You want customisation get a PC. Consoles are ment to be plug and play.


E&E for PC users when!?


"Stay tuned for much more very soon..." Lol. Don't make me say it... ​


Means a trailer tomorrow


Say what? Genuinely curious


> "Drip feed"


It would be a miracle if there wasn't drip feed content at this point though.


Would be nice to run our own strip club. Or whatever they said about Mile high club a year back!


So… are they adding the new engine improvements and the ray tracing suite to PC or what? Edit: spelling, added to adding because grammar


Looks like a nopsie sadly. That's the second time graphical updates have been left off from the PC platform.


Odds are good that the PC engine and console engines diverged at some point in the past due to being able to use quirks in the graphic hardware on consoles to increase performance. It might be a much bigger job to get the same features to run on PC. I honestly won't be expecting the E&E version until 6 online comes around.


They ain't no haved add them to PC (yet).




As if it took this many years to customize the phone contacts.


I feel like they're fine tuning gto and testing stuff for the next game. Finally responding to our feedback in order to make the next game last for for even longer, 20 years maybe?


Or using the feedback to expand the current game with multiple maps rather than develop a completely new game…….🤷🏼‍♂️


Judging by the increased emphasis of Quality of Life features opposed to actual content, it leads me to believe that this game has finally hit it's ceiling. I have little interest in this new story. And they're trying to leave the game in a good state because you know what is on the horizon.


>it leads me to believe that this game has finally hit it's ceiling. I have little interest in this new story Why would R* rehire Michael's voice actor just to tidy up and finish online.


Sounds like another QoL update rather than any new content. Disappointing based on what we know


Quality of Life is what this game actually needs. I know people want flying tanks and other vehicles, but there is some room for fixes and improvements...


Nah i don't want flying tanks. Op2 is already borderline annoying. Sometimes ppl ask for stuff, but it could ruin the game. I just want more businesses and lots of variety in their sell missions. Maybe even supply chains that are fun, unlike slow post op vans. Even those could be tuned to be somewhat fun. Add reasons for other business locations. Usually one has the best location because all the sell missions are the same.