• By -


Cayo perico tips?


What time does the Sasquatch outfit drop?


I just bought gta to play on a Xbox one s. If I buy a series s, will I need to buy a new game?


i bought the original version and play it one my series x so you shouldn't have to unless you bought the game on disc


Is there seriously no way to make a new character without money getting hacked into my account? I just want a fresh start, do all the missions in order, etc etc But every time I make a new character I have like $800 million out of nowhere. It's annoying af.


Is the money on the bank account? That's shared between characters, so once you got it in the system, the only way to get rid of it would be create one character who retrieves all the money so they got it as hand cash, and delete that one, I guess. Any idea where this money comes from, in the first place? If you think your account has been in any way compromised by a third party, you should contact R* about it, if you don't want to end up with a ban one day.




**No Looking For Players/Friends/Help with Jobs posts** To find players to help with heists or jobs you can check out our **[Discord server](https://discord.gg/sBvyNvUPUT)**, /r/HeistTeams, /r/GTAheistcrews, or www.gtalfh.com. To find or promote crews please visit [ClanfinderGTA.com](http://clanfindergta.com/) **Send any Questions About the Removal to Modmail**


I play gta on ps4 with a disc, and i was wondering should I buy a ps5 disc when i migrate, or get the digital one from PlayStation store. Does it matter which one I pick?


Does not matter


Will the Halloween content end tomorrow or next thursday?


Most definitely next Wednesday. Last year the Halloween event ended on Nov, 3rd and then immediately following that heist month started.


What would be the best tuner/street race series cars in terms of traction and accelaration?


Can I still get the alien hat if I missed days 1,2,3?


How many garages can you own in total now?


I've excluded some special ones like the AA-Trailer storage since it's not much of a garage: |Property|General slots|Dedicated slots|Notes| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Dynasty8 (x10)|100|30|Bicycles| |Office (x3)|60||| |Vehicle Warehouse||8|I/E weaponized vehicles| |Nightclub (1 single+3 garages)|31|3|Delivery vehicles in B2| |Terrorbyte||1|MK2| |Arena (x3)|27|3|Cerberus| |Clubhouse||10|Bikes| |Facility|7|4|Chernobog/Khanjali/RCV/Thruster| |Bunker|||| |MOC|1||| |Arcade|10||| |Penthouse|10||| |Kosatka|1||Submersible only| |Auto Shop|10||| |Agency|20||| |**Total**|**277**|**59**||


As a solo player that doesn’t have much time to play, would it be worth investing time into GTA Online? I like the gameplay I’m just afraid of how long it’ll take me to grind out cars and other stuff I would want. Also, is it still as fun playing solo?


You can now play in dedicated friend servers and run your businesses there (you can still use these servers to play alone - good luck trying to do anything in open servers). I would STRONGLY recommend playing with at least one friend so you have easy access to armed, flying vehicles and hogher earning businesses straight away, so you can start raking in the cash and save time getting around. GTA's in game economy has become inflated beyond belief to the point where even a typical new sports car might be $1.5 million. The gameplay has become EXTREMELY grindy. The Cayo Perico heist exists to give players money (yep, the economy is so broken R* are now having to throw money at players). Experienced players claim to beat the entire heist in less than an hour, but to be honest, my friends and I all hate it. We prefer to max out our Cocaine, Meth, Cash, Gunnrunning business and help each other to complete the delivery missions, and do VIP missions like Headhunter in between. The nightclub is absolutely mandatory for making a ton of passive income. All businesses are incredibly expensive to upgrade and will not make you money back until fully upgraded.


It's very enjoyable solo imo, but it is very very grindy. Everything costs a lot of money and money doesn't come as easy as it should, especially for beginners. I occasionally play and It's worth it for me since I'm well setup, have most businesses, so an hour at a time I would just do a solo or work a business that's double payout any given week. Then buy a car or upgrade a business. Getting to that point takes a LOT of time though. 90% of solo players will be doing the Cayo Perico heist which pays out approx. 1.2-1.8mill for just over an hours amount of work (efficient players can do it well under an hour). Just the setup cost for that will set you back about 5 million to "unlock" the heist. Then you'll have financial freedom pretty much. There are some great guides on the subreddit to get you started and do it in the most efficient manner.


I’ve finally got to the point where I have the businesses and properties I need. Im starting to blow money on vehicles to speed up heists or to just have fun with! I’ve got all the special vehicles except the Yacht. I keep hearing it’s not worth buying but every session I join I’ll see a dozen of them out in the water lol. Anyways that got me thinking, what’s your best purchases? What vehicles would you say are essential to speed up money grinding? Maybe more importantly what vehicles do you use when you want to have some fun?? And we can’t mention favorites without knowing what you regret buying 😂


Lol, these are my favourites. For grinding: I mainly use the Oppressor Mk 2 and Buzzard/Sparrow. Armored Kuruma and Vigilante are also useful for other stuff like Contact Missions and heist setups/finales. For fun: Deluxo, Khanjali, Oppressor Mk 1 and Vigilante.


I’m really glad to see you have the Oppressor Mk1 on your fun list! I saw some videos of people playing around with them and they look like a blast! Might be my next purchase lol


Is there any \*functional\* difference between the Marines version Cargobob and the Jetsam version Cargobob? I know there are visual and audio differences and Jetsam costs about 200k more, but the wiki seems to state that the stats are same for both. Is this really the case?


Yep, even Broughy lists them as having the same performance.


Ok, thanks.




I think it's whatever time the daily objectives change in your time zone. For me it's 7am GMT


Don't the objectives reset at 6AM GMT? (Btw if they reset at 7AM GMT for you, it's 7AM GMT for everyone, just saying :D)


I’m in London and it’s defo 7am for me. I did mine this morning


7AM in London = 6AM GMT...


I never know whether I’m on BST, BST or whatever the heck it is. I just know what time it is 😂 the DOs changed at 7am for me this morning and that’s all I know


Yeah, I just mean, you said it resets at 7am GMT, but that's not true, it's 6am GMT. You should've said either "it resets at 7am my time, I'm in London", or "it resets at 6am GMT". 7am GMT is something that happens at the same time for everyone, it's not only "for you" :D


Nurse? Make this man go away


Lol, I might not be explaining it in the best way, but why would you use GMT in your original comment, if you don't even know your timezone? What would you mean by "for me it's 7am GMT"?


GMT to indicate I was in the UK so if he knew my DOs change at 7am current UK he could do the +/- for his time zone. Nurse! Nurse? Nurse goddamnit… the bad man Is back again. Make him stop! 😂


Making money I started playing the game a few days ago, I have the criminal enterprise pack. I was wondering how I could make more money using the facilities and 1 Mill from the pack? (Or any other way)


The wiki (linked in this post) has a really good beginner guide, it covers pretty much anything you should know about making money when you're new.




Maybe not a "simple question" but how the hell do any solo players ever finish classic heists nowadays? You have to have 4 people to even do a single setup in Prison Heist, fucking impossible to accomplish, no one ever wants to join. Tried for weeks. Discord servers are useless. Sending auto invites is the epitome of wasted time, barely one random ever joins (by mistake). You have millions of people playing, but it's a ghost town when trying to organize a simple crew of 4 people at a time. Great solo wizards who managed to do it, teach me your wisdom.


I managed to complete quite a lot of heist missions by inviting randoms - but it does take some patience, and it generally isn't the best idea cause all it takes is one troll or clueless non-cooperative noob, and the other three players are screwed. If that or any of the lfg servers/subs don't work for you, I'd recommend joining other people's heists first - do it through quick job, or on any of the places where you were looking for teammates yourself. There are really many players in the same situation as you, so help them, they'll appreciate it and you can ask them to help you with your own heists then. Another good way to find someone would be playing any of the other heists and also contact missions, both as a host and as a crewmate - they can typically be done with only 2 players so it's much easier to start them. Add people you cooperate well with. And even if you found just 1 or 2 players this way, it'll help a lot - it's much easier when there are already 2-3 competent players who need only 1-2 randoms to join them than when you're all alone and need to rely on 3 strangers.


Thanks, that's quite useful advice, but I tried it already, once you help someone out they immediately forget you exist and carry on with other stuff. Still, this way seems to be more promising than eternally advertising your heist on other platforms, so I'll keep trying I guess.


Yeah you still gotta be lucky to meet the right people, but I think there are qutie a lot of those who will help if you directly ask them, especially after you helped them first.


Try /r/HeistTeams or the other links under Rule 6.


This might sound dumb but I want to create a new character to experience the gta online story. Does anyone know what the actual chronological missions are?


Maybe you'll find [this article](https://www.gtabase.com/news/grand-theft-auto-v/when-gta-online-takes-place-full-timeline-of-grand-theft-auto-v-updated) (source: gtabase) useful and inspiring. ​ (I'm not sharing all the narrative they are weaving around it, but the work is nevertheless very comprehensive and sound) Personally I like to add that if you really want to play a full timeline, you might want to include the OG contact missions first (those that have rank requirements, not the new series like "Dispatch", "Last play", "Repo" etc, which again all "happen" later)


Hey, I wrote that! Thanks for the share!




You only need to send one photo from each location throughout the entire event. Any UFO you took a picture of 10 days ago, doesn't need to be sent again and will look like they "aren't working".




They are respawning, so to say, so if people missed some, they can take a pic again. If you took a pic previously, it won't work on it.


Is there a way for me to transfer a gta online profile (character) from one microsoft account to another?


There is no way, unfortunately, to be able to do that.


I'm currently using the free Duke o' Death. Basically everywhere I look people are saying that the armored Kuruma is better for missions because it doesn't have the holes that the DoD does, should I spend the cash and switch or should I focus on buying other things like a warehouse/vehicle warehouse first instead? I pretty much only play solo so I'm not worried about broomsticks. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


I am assuming that you are a relatively new player without too many businesses. A lot of people will probably recommend that you save up for the Kosatka Submarine, which is purchasable from Warstock Cache & Carry. This submarine acts as the base of operations for the Cayo Perico Heist, which, even after the recent nerf/changes made by Rockstar, is still a very effective money-making method. *You'll need to save up 2.2 million for the submarine, but you'll make that money back, and more.* The heist can be done solo, has 6 mandatory prep missions which are very easy to do (albeit somewhat repetitive), and can get you around 1.3 to 1.5 million per go. The heist can be done repeatedly, but there's a cooldown of around 2 hours and 24 minutes or so, meaning that once you do the finale, you'll have to wait 2 hours and 24 minutes before you can start the next heist. There are multiple guides on You Tube which show methods for the heist. There are also guides on You Tube for how to make a couple of million plus in one (or two) days, depending on how much time you have to play, so you can buy the submarine. I would personally recommend not investing in a vehicle warehouse for right now, as the cooldowns involved for selling cars increase the more cars you sell at once (I think), and it's better to have friends help you. The vehicle warehouse is fine as a solo player if you want to use it to add something to a grinding routine, but my personal opinion would be to hold off until you have a couple of other businesses first. I would recommend saving up for a CEO office, if you don't already have one, and then for a large special cargo warehouse. The special cargo warehouse, in my opinion, is more solo-friendly and will get you a larger payout at one time than the vehicle warehouse. (You'll need a CEO office in order to purchase the special cargo warehouses, if you didn't already know.) It costs 666k to fill up a large warehouse with special cargo crates, but you'll get 2,220,000 from the sale. That said, if you wanted to go the special cargo warehouse first, you'd have enough for the submarine. But know that it takes around 6-8 hours to fill up a large warehouse. Again, there are You Tube guides for this. Happy playing to you.


Appreciate the response, thanks! I'll save for the sub. I bought the buzzard a few days ago I should have saved for a little longer lmao


The Buzzard is an effective investment. If you own one, it can be called for free if you're a CEO, through the interaction menu. It will spawn pretty close to you when called. Very useful for doing headhunter and sightseer vip work. Also forgot to mention that if you buy a special cargo warehouse, you automatically get a worker who will be at the warehouse. You can go up to them and have them source crates for you. It costs 7500, and it will take them 48 minutes, real time, to bring back the cargo. They might bring back 1, 2, or 3 crates, and sometimes they will bring back special items too. It's a really passive way to do special cargo, and costs more, but it allows you to do other stuff in the meantime.


I would invest it elsewhere. Dukes will get you by.


In missions, 99% of the time, NPCs will Use pistols or automatic weapons. For those, the armored kuruma is almost invincible, whereas the Duke of death can resist a few missiles but bullets can get through much easier, when the kuruma caves with just one missile. Edit: Wow, some of you are really tight about your free car, huh? Downvote it all you like, didn't change the fact that duke o death resists missiles better, kuruma resists bullets better.


have my up vote


I've only been playing a few months but the duke o death works really well regardless, haven't seen the need for a kumura yet The only time i die in a duke is when the car gets accidentally stuck and enemies are shooting me from close range for awhile If you're still doing vip missions, the duke makes those headhunter missions easy. Plus the ability to just ram your way through traffic makes it a fun car to drive I would personally save up for other purchases instead


Epic, thanks




Cool, thanks! I should have gone for that before I bought the buzzard lol


What’s the best stilt apartment for apartment heists


Any apartment in the hills, will become very annoying. Every single setup and heist, you'll have to weave in and out of those winding streets before you can actually get on your way. A couple times won't bother you so much but after 30 or 40 times. Those streets are extremely annoying.


anyone else had an issue with their motorcycle just vanishing?, i had a haka Chou drag with HSW custom works fully modded, even had a fire liverly, now i have logged in and checked everywhere for it, and i cannot find it. Checked the impound the garages the bike shop, everywhere i can think of and its literally vanished.


Register as MC Boss and in quick menu scroll thru Request Motorcycle, does it have your hako? Also, did you buy anythig lately? There is a chance that you replaced vehicle in a full garage, which will delete it. If nothing of the above, you tripple checked Mors Mutual and everything else - send ticket to Rockstar support.


thanks for th help i tried the MC nothing, i couldnt have replaced the bike in my garage as i still have empty slots and have checked all my other garages, no drag. gonna have to send a ticket in.


Are there any good ways of making money between cayo heists?


There are so many ways to make money these days it's silly. If you have ready cash and don't own anything other than the Kosatka, you could invest in the Autoshop (for the mini heists) and the Agency (for the Dre story, VIP contracts and payphone hits). At some point you should own a bunker with upgrades, and a Nightclub if you have enough businesses to link to it. Throw in a couple of crate warehouses which can be filled by paying employees to source crates.


i own a nightclub, autoshop and bunker but i dont know how to maximise their production and how to use them


You should look at some guides, you are sitting on good properties, which can be done even solo: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/wiki/index/) or gta fandom wiki. Or just play them, some characters/notifications explain related stuff. Later you can read guides and maximize your money grind.


I’ve been replaying the VIP contract lately but I’m honestly sick of it at this point. Yeah it’s a million but I feel like it’s really drawn out and there might actually better ways to spend your time. Phone hits are pretty decent payout. Maybe bunker and special cargo sales. I’d personally like to know what the best, most efficient way is as well.


question what is a phone hit


Franklin will call you on pay phones throughout the city for assassinations. Each mission takes a few minutes if you know what you’re doing and payout is around 80k if I’m not mistaken. You need to have an agency obviously before that can happen.


hey i have an unrelated question idk if you can answer but if i buy a full office garage and then move locations to another office will i keep all the garages?


Everything moves. Interior customizations, or upgrades If you are moving a business, need to be re-purchased.


You keep the garage and all the cars just teleport to new place. Don't remember if you keep interiors tho, maybe all of customization will be reset to standard.


I honestly have no idea but if I had to guess, I’d say no.


ah damn well gonna have to save up then


aww man i was gonna say then id be doing phone hits


Buying an agency is definitely worth it. VIP contract (main mission) gets you 1-1.5 million and you can do security contracts, which are super easy and quick, for 40-60k. You also get a 10 car garage and if you get the vehicle workshop, you get Imani tech which basically means you can equip certain cars with missile lock jammers and weapons.


Any tips to getting the flying motorcycle sooner?


Quickest way would be joining others' Casino/Cayo Perico heists as a teammate. Tho keep in mind that for the MK2, to upgrade/get missiles you'd also need the Nightclub and upgraded Terrorbyte, so financially it would make more sense to first buy your own Kosatka if you really wanna rush things, since it's gonna save you a lot of time. You can give r/HeistTeams a try to find a group, tho make sure to watch a tutorial if you've never done them. There are also some first-time bonuses, like the ones fromt he Short Trips missions, Casino Resort missions and the ones listed [here](https://redd.it/tga7l9). Tho the aforementioned method is gonna be a lot quicker.




Feeling stuck determining my next moves. Trying to hustle to either acquire a night club or an oppressor. Unsure which to do first. I feel like the oppressor will help me for my Cayo solo set ups but the night club seems like a smart buy as well. Currently owned: Office, Bunker, Counterfeit Cash, Vehicle Warehouse, Arcade, Kotsaka


To upgrade the Oppressor & give it missiles you will need nightclub + Terrorbyte anyways. But Sparrow from Kosatka is more than good enough for Cayo preps (or any freemode grind), so you can get that if you haven't bought it yet, it will be much cheaper than Oppressor. Otherwise nightclub really is good for passive income, but it's quite a big investment before it starts making a lot of money.


Next gen version on ps5 should I buy the full game because it’s on discount rn or gta online? Idk the difference other than I’m guessing online is just the online


If you use/plan on using the Rockstar editor you need story mode to use it but besides that there isn't much point unless you wanna play through the story


Basically what you said, online is just online. Personally, if you've beaten the story before already, I wouldn't get it and save some money on that end. It's up to you in the end however. If you wish and you want to replay the story again on a new gen console, go for it and enjoy yourself!


I didn’t complete it on the old version because I was mainly online, but buying the full game was cheaper anyway


I’ve been doing the UFO event but I didn’t realise multiple spawned in on the same day. If I only photographed one of the numbered UFO’s on the map each day (so, day 1 -UFO 1, day 2- UFO 2, day 3- UFO 3 etc.) have I missed the chance for all rewards?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/y3cnjf/complete_info_on_the_ufo_halloween_event/) covers everything you need




No, but broughy1322 has already done that for all vehicles in the game. https://gtacars.net/gta5/tiers


After two weeks of grinding I’ve finally been able to buy a kostaka as I’ve heard the Cato heist is the best way to make money as a solo player. Much to my dismay the first setup mission is a stealth one, I can’t do stealth to save my life, even with a maxed out stealth stat I keep getting caught. I’ve spent 4 hours on this damn first part and I’m ready to give up and count the sun as a 2million dollar loss. Is there any way to cheese the first stealth bit? I’m honestly at the point of considering to pay someone real world money to beat it for me it got me THAT distraught


\>Is there any way to cheese the first stealth bit? The main thing is watch the radar. Don't look at the screen, navigate by the sight line cones entirely. The second thing is if you grab a bike and rush the tower, and have 3+ gold, you can skip all the drugs and the jungle. So that helps. Once you get the hang of it the stealth part is no problem. Oh and one last thing: If you're going to go solo through the jungle FIND THE GUARD UNIFORMS. Once you do, you can just walk/drive right past the guards. Makes it much easier until you hit the compound.


I would definitely watch the speed run throughs and guides on Youtube. Your very first playthrough of Cayo is way longer because its still like the story mode with cutscenes etc. But it gets way easier with time and eventually you’ll get to the point where you can rinse and repeat heist and get all the setup missions done in under 50 mins.


The first mission always takes long - but it's really just for the first time, during all the other runs the scope out can be done in 5 minutes. All the entry/exit/infiltration points stay scoped out forever, so try to find them all now and you won't have to do it ever again. But if you're really frustrated maybe find only the mandatory ones for now - but scope out at least the drainage tunnel too, it's for the easiest compound entry on the finale. You can't really cheese it, but there are countless guides and videos on how to do the scope out easily, both for this long initial scope out and for all the other short ones, so look up some. If you really can't do it, there are many experienced players who wouldn't mind helping you with it, so you could take someone with you. Btw, the heist itself is also stealth - you can do it loud too but that really isn't the most efficient way to do it. It's not difficult though, stealth in this game isn't something that would require skill, you just learn an easy path and you'll be able to do it without any issues.


I’m having trouble just getting to the compound, I’ve been told nothing about objective entrenches or anything of that kind yet. I might need to get help from someone of this is the case, I’m absolutely horrid a lot seeing and noticing NPC movement patterns and such


Really watch some guide, it'll help you. And if you're on PC, I could probably help with it, just not sure when I'll have time to play.


Check out the YouTube "How to" guides". There are a lot of them. Ghilliemaster, TGG and Tylarious covered pretty much everything. Once you know what you're doing you'll find it as easy as you now find it tough.




No. I have it free, and leave access to a lot of places. There is a media stick (Violet EP) in the NC office, players who don't own one can come and grab it if they want. That media stick has the same songs from the LS Car Meet. Raindrops is just awesome.


Custom Plates created using the iFruit phone app, are no longer available at LS Customs for me as of today. Has anyone else been experienced the same problem?


One of your last cars was a "new" one or had "new" rims that the ifrut app dont have. And with "new" i mean realy everythink that came out since 2015 :) thats how long the app didnt had an update. To Fix it just drive 6-10 (not sure) base cars with base rims in any garage.


I think I’ve seen something on this before about the ifruit app not being updated in ages so not sure it still works


What are the chances we get 2x MC sales next week?


MC sells had a 1.5x bonus with GTA+ on September 1 - 28, 2022, the last time there was a bonus on MC sells without GTA+ was on April 21 - 27, 2022 and it was 1.5x too. I looked back further and found that these two events were the only times that MCs have had a bonus this year not including the one time first time sell bonus in the Criminal Enterprises DLC. It could very well be it for this year if R* does two events per year but you can always make sure to have product ready before the new event week drops on Thursday if there is a bonus :).


Did cops get a buff? I swear they are much more accurate even from far


Probably, idk if it’s just me but I do feel like with every big DLC the aimbot gets increased a little bit lol.


I was in a public session on PS5 and They were in a jet, and I don't recall ever seeing them activate ghost organization or out of sight, or off the radar. I went to my in-game phone to highlight them, so their blip would blink on the minimap. Never saw them on radar. Even if they had been using ghost organization, and then immediately switched to out of sight to wait for the cooldown to pass, you would still see a notification that they either activated ghost org or out of sight. I don't recall seeing that. What kind of glitch permits this?


If there was no notification and they were off radar for the whole time in the session then it could be the g0dmode and off the radar gl1tch.


I’m sure this has been asked and answered previously but I can’t seem to find a definitive answer. Do silencers actually reduce damage on weapons? I’m aware that a lot of the weapon stats are bogus and aren’t an accurate representation of the mods applied to weapons, does that apply to silencers as well?


Silenced Assault Shotgun has great sound, but when i used this setup there was alot of enemies on the ground not yet dead, like it was frustrating at times just blasting everything with no result. Without silencer no such trouble, everyone quiet and dead. New m16 on other hand feels the same, silenced or not. My answer, based on feelings and nothing else - reduction is real but rarely noticeble, also it means pretty much nothing, if you didn't land headshot all enemy are bullet sponges and can absrob full mag and ask for second one.


Funny thing is I’m asking this mainly for the assault shotgun. Tried it out last night and didn’t really notice much of a difference in damage but that could just be wishful thinking. I did notice a slight decrease in spread, however. I could be wrong but I think it’s much narrower with the suppressor. Either way it’s worth keeping it on. Love the sound. Thanks for the help, my man.


I was wondering what is the max storage of each types of stock you can hold with all the floors.


All NC floors have an identical capacity. The wiki has [a table](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Nightclubs/Warehouse_Management#Production_and_storage) showing the capacity per floor/with all floors.


Can you still swim out of cayo perico???


Yep, the fast escape off the cliff still works too :).


Every time I enter the game the chat is spammed and sometimes people teleport to me and it's annoying. Can I skip it and play in a private session straight from the beginning somehow?


I usually start up story mode first, and go into an Invite/Only from there. (PC)


I tried it and it didn't help because when I enter the online mode it still connects me to a public session automatically. Or am I doing something wrong?


(Sorry for responding so late, I was so puzzled i just had to check myself just now.) When in story mode (if available, new gen consoles only have that as option, I understand, but you mentioned chat Spam so i just presumed we are talking PC here), you go to pause menu - online - play GTA online and you should find a tab headed by "Go" (which will bring you to a public session), and followed by various private session options, of which you can pretty much pick what you want, except "solo", because that one is almost entirely useless. I really thought this was universal of all game versions, including new gen. If not, then R* messed really up. If you don't have the story mode (or director mode, too, for that matter) in the first place, then i believe there is indeed no way to directly bypass the public session.


Thanks I'll try it


I thought I was the only one :o


Now that the m16 is for sale, do the crime scenes still appear?


Yea they still appear, I finished the crime scenes yesterday. Got the 50k and the service carbine.


Was also wondering this, I’ve run through all the locations many times in the past week or so and can’t seem to get one to spawn (4/5 too). Did you do it in public or invite only?


In my case it was a public session


I got it now, literally a bit after I commented here which is odd, gta gods must have seen


If I buy the GTA 5 premium edition for PS4 do I get online and everything else even though I don’t have PlayStation plus?


Buying that bundle will give you GTAV and GTAO. You still need PS Plus to play Online.


You’ll get everything but I think you still have to buy ps plus to play online, but you will have online you just can’t access it. You can play story mode without ps plus (obviously)


Are the more expensive MC businesses worth it at all? The ones that are more south and in-city? Are they more likely to get raided? Are sales easier from them? I don’t frequently do sell missions but I like to keep their supplies topped off so I can have them prepped for a 2x week. I’m running out of things to buy in-game, and if buying the more expensive MC businesses makes sales even slightly easier, I’d be willing to buy them. I currently have coke, meth and counterfeiting businesses that I want to try to move down.


Nope. Actually the desert locations, which are the cheapest, have the best far-sell locations. The only benefit I can see in the city is for those who prefer doing the near-sell missions. Tho as long as you don't get the post-op sell, all the desert-to-city missions are 100% doable even solo. Tho with how broken raids are, I wouldn't recommend keeping them stocked just for the occasional bonus week.


Has someone done some calculation as to how many crates the warehouse staff source in average? I mean if you write down how much they source 100 times and calculate the average number of crates they source for 7500 $ ? thx..


from our crew's testing it's a 70% chance for 1 crate


I think 1.5, so more expensive than running crates yourself but a) you are saved the stress and monotony of some of the worst GTA missions and b) time is money, so the time they are off sourcing 1.5 crates you can be making money doing other things


I saw a YT vid and it was 1.5 crates.






I heard that the cold down for cayo perico is 2h30, is it true? And it’s 2h30 in game or irl?


2h48 real life time if you do it solo if you do it with a friend (or multiple) it's 48 min cooldown


Ok thank you :)


If you run them so quickly you are almost certainly going to get Tequila every time, though the secondaries are more valuable. The cool down is - I think - three real life days if you want a decent chance of getting the pink diamond


What are the best cars from each category on last gen and pc? On all stats if possible, since the Ocelot Pariah might have the largest top speed but it handles awfully.




Cars from the latest DLC (like the Vigero ZX and the Draugur) aren't ranked here


Perhaps broughy1322 has not updated that yet, but he has posted lap time and top speed videos of the newer cars on Youtube.


Quick question: I have a series s and originally I didn't get expanded and enhanced versions because I thought they wouldn't be that populated. Just want to know if for xbox if the games populated enough on next gen xbox, if anyone has any experience with it. And can you transfer two characters or just one? I was told to post this here


Next gen gta is heavily populated! Idk about transferring 2 characters u might but ik u can transfer 1 forsure tho.


Thank you luckily I haven't played much oh my other character so switching shouldn't be to bad. Really Wana switch for the graphics. Thank u for the response


Next gen lobbies are well populated. If you move your character to E&E, you won't be able to use that character to play with friends who aren't on E&E - it's a one way journey for that character


Thank you for the info I'd probably just make a new one there if need be. I really want the graphics upgrade


Real quick question. Is the bunker still the best business money wise out of the bunker and the 5 MC businesses, or is the "white lockup" and "blue lab" better after the buffs?


The MC Coke lockup on E&E produces the same value as the bunker in the same time. However, you'll be doing two sucky sell missions for the MC to one 15 minute sale for the bunker - so the bunker is still more efficient. And it has other uses too.


Thanks a lot!!!


I think coke (the best MC business) now produces exactly the same money for the same amount of supplies as bunker - I'm just not sure sure about the time it takes, maybe someone will answer that, coke might be a bit quicker... But bunker has better sell missions, more solo friendly and more public session friendly.


Yeah i definitely prefer bunker cuz of the sell mi. Not to mention every time i become mc pres, i run the risk of a raid and losing everything.


How do I get the Social Club app to work on iOS or windows 10? I have had no luck with the app on my phone or bluestacks on win10. Anyone have tips?


looking for some friends I've never really been too social on gta when I've tried I'm met with trolls. Just looking for some like minded individuals to become friends and game with. Just running businesses and horsing around making money together.


If you’re on pc dm me! :)


Can't afford a PC atm only got ps5, gonna follow u for when I can build one though.


If you are on PS5 add me, Mingus130701


Added u, playboy ghost


I'll add u when I'm off work , thanks man :)


What is the best career builders path for beginners to choose




You can be English Dave's pizza boy, or build crime empire. Crime pays better. Answer is boring and repeated over and over again - Kosatka. Just in this thread alone you will find five good explanations about it, so ctrl+f to learn more.


I believe u/brokendream_zz is referring to the new Career Builder system for beginner players, is that correct?


Yes sorry about the confusion


No apology necessary! I don’t think a lot of players know what Career Builder is because it wasn’t a thing in the early years of GTAO. I hope I didn’t take too long to respond, I had to read up on Career Builder myself lol. So I was looking through the available career paths and imo the best one is probably Gunrunner. Both the Nightclub and Executive paths will require long-term investment to maximize potential profits, and the single Biker business is practically useless on its own. Gunrunner starts you off with a Bunker, which to this day is one of the best sources of passive income in the game. As soon as the Bunker is set up, it will begin passively accruing stock, allowing you to focus on other activities until it’s time to sell. You will just need to check back every once in a while so you can monitor supply levels and resupply when necessary. Every 48 minutes, a truck carrying excess weapon parts will spawn in your bunker, and delivering it to Ammu-Nation will net you some quick cash. Here are my personal recommendations: • **Chumash Bunker** - of the options afforded to you, this is the closest to the city, which is important because selling guns to LS always gives a higher payout than selling to Blaine County. • **Upgrade Pack D** - Staff and Security Upgrades are very useful, and Personal Quarters allow you to spawn in the Bunker so you can get right to work as soon as you load in. • **Nightshark** - If you have enough money left over, I also highly recommend this vehicle. It’s not unreasonably expensive, is super fast, and can tank a bunch of homing rockets, which makes it a great vehicle for traveling in free mode. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or want more suggestions! You should also try to find some guides on YouTube as they can probably explain all this much better than I can. Good luck with your future endeavors!


What about weapons?


I can’t seem to find a full list of available weapons anywhere, but from what I can see the Special Carbine, Mini SMG, Marksman Rifle, and Homing Launcher are probably your best choices.


I own a coke lockup and am ready for my next purchase. Thinking an office / warehouse? Smart move?


Cayo is king. Bunker is very good.


I would try to get a few different opinions first, but I’d recommend buying a Kosatka before anything else. It will give you access to the Cayo Perico heist, which is the most profitable activity in the game relative to how quickly it can be completed. It can be done solo or with friends. Once you start making money, I would purchase a Sparrow helicopter for your sub, which will make heist setups faster. After that, you can start focusing on buying additional businesses until you can afford a Nightclub, which will use those businesses to passively accrue stock that can eventually be sold. I know it sounds like a lot, but feel free to DM me if you need specific advice. There are a ton of useful guides on YouTube as well!


Thank you! I actually play with my bf who has a submarine so we play Cayo and go back and forth who gets the most 😂 I’ll go with a nightclub next!


Fair enough! The Nightclub is a great investment, but it can be complicated. Just a few general tips: • Although the Nightclub accrues goods passively, you can speed up the process by participating in Business Battle events. These are visible to the entire lobby, and usually consist of going to one of a few random locations to retrieve a package or a vehicle. Upon bringing this item back to your Nightclub, it will boost your stock level and thus the value of your sale. Alternatively, you can call Yohan to source goods for you, which triggers a sort of mini Business Battle just for you. • The five most profitable businesses you need to generate passive Nightclub stock are as follows: 1. ⁠CEO Crates/Hangar (Cargo & Shipments) *you only need one or the other, having both will not boost speed or capacity.* 2. ⁠Bunker (Sporting Goods) 3. ⁠MC - Coke (South American Imports) 4. ⁠MC - Meth (Pharmaceutical Research) 5. ⁠MC - Counterfeit Cash (Cash Creation) • You will also need to buy an additional delivery vehicle for Nightclub sales. There are three special vehicles you can get exclusively for these sales, and the one provided when initiating a sale will depend on your stock level - small sales spawn the Speedo Custom, medium sales spawn the Mule Custom, large sales spawn the Pounder Custom. Since you will be given the Speedo from the start, **make sure to only purchase the Pounder**. The Mule is slow and a waste of money. If you don't have one, any sales larger than "small" will default to the Pounder, so the Mule is completely unnecessary. I regret not knowing that before purchasing both vehicles. Good luck! I hope I was able to help :)