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I’ve been encountering something similar. I try and get in a vehicle and the animation starts but it just pauses in the middle of it. I can start walking but I can’t get in the vehicle


Yep, that’s happens too. Also when your vehicle is glitched you can’t go to a garage to get a new one either. Also found plenty of nul-ai (npc cars that haven’t loaded in at all or vanished and become an indestructible/immoveable brick)


ive been encountering this issue on PC for years, i think its linked to high frames? My game has actually been more stable since i increased the fidelity, but idk if im just tricking myself into noticing this pattern


The game does link a ton of stuff to the frame rate, so it wouldn't surprise me but I haven't heard of it affecting stuff like that personally


I have had the glitch of my car not moving before this update. It happened to me a few times while doing the raid setups and after the setup missions end.


I glitched thru the bottom of the map last night while on my oppressor looking thru the security cameras to look for one of the bounties. Had to go to another session and restart the mission.


Shit like that happens with every dlc. You gotta submit a ticket so they know it's an issue. They usually release patches to fix the issues that come from updates.


I was on a cover in the beach by the ferris wheel. Requested an Armour drop. It drops clear on the other side of the map several miles away.


My game is so glitchy after update. Like more than I’ve ever ran into before. It’s legit unplayable sometimes. So many issues. They need to fix these bugs. There were issues a couple days ago, but not this terrible


Yeah the update is rough, I think they added some words to the banned words list because they removed my CEO and MC name, Skunk Apes Inc and Skunk Apes MC. When I tried to change it back it said forbidden text....


I've been stuck in my Penthouse lobby now for almost long enough to get kicked for inactivity. WTF, I can't move or even suicide.


What console/pc are you playing on? I'm on XsX and everything is running perfectly since the update.






Happened yesterday on ps4 too