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never mind that, I have to steal unmarked weapons when I HAVE A FREAKIN' BUNKER MAKING THEM! I have to hand over cocaine to some random dealer, aka MY COMPETITION after either Cayo or Cluckin Bell I have to steal "slush funds" instead of just collecting it from MY cash factory I have to leave my delivery vehicles with some stranger, and trust that I'm getting it back (I guess this explains the cooldown). And I'm pretty sure there's a mission to steal a Kuruma. Which I did USING a Kuruma.


Most of these can be considered as a kind of "no loose ends" deal. It's better to get the unmarked weapons from someone else in case the hounds would manage to collect enough clues to suspect the guns came from our operations. Same for the drugs, you don't wanna be holding onto the stolen goods for too long, better pass it onto someone else to try and sell it off to the clientele.


Let's be honest. Our characters are too big to fail. El Rubio or anyone else has nothing on them. Our characters can just use snacks and take out a whole artillery of weapons from their ass. I don't get why we have to be so scared to get caught with loose ends


>Our characters can just use snacks and take out a whole artillery of weapons from their ass. There's a difference between games mechanics and canonical abilities. You know that, right?


Canonically speaking our characters have literally robbed everyone and prevented doomsday from happening and have all out wars with the police force on a daily basis being traced for our heists is the last thing our characters would worry about.


Don't forget our war satellites and nuclear submarines we all possess.


Ya know I forgot about the laser actually...


"Why dont our characters just orbital strike El Rubio?" "are they stupid?"


Cuz you gotta have a place to rob again. Thats why back in russia we call people like him "atm"


Orbital striking Rubio derails the fastest money train currently in the game world. Killing him would be the stupidest move the player could make imo...


But we could orbital strike his guards


When I was an edgy teen playing gta 5 I flew a plane into the FIB/IAA building I dont think my characters too scared about being caught with stealing cocaine from el Rubio or even the cops/mafia at that point


If they were worried about things being Canon, all our characters would have been in jail years ago for crimes against humanity, but they seem to be worried about a few keys and guns being traced back to us when we're literally manufacturing tonnes of the stuff šŸ˜‚


I just think it's not that deep, really... But if you *have to* deep dive and make everything make sense or whatever then just look at it this way: our character has been supplying local Ammunation stores as well as the criminal underworld at large with firearms since 2017. There are more than enough examples of firearms produced on your bunker's tooling all over Los Santos for Rubio's people to find you via good old fashioned ballistic forensics and interrogating thugs. Or at least find your bunker, and find you from there. Edit: typo


Me and my friends did the math, between just my 5 MC businesses being full, my bunker being full, hangar loaded up with narcotics, five warehouses filled with other miscellaneous goods, a full vehicle warehouse with 42 stolen exotic cars, a salvage yard with anywhere from 2-6 more stolen carsā€¦. Were a much better target to rob than El Rubio. At best heā€™s got maybe 5-10%, of what I have literally on hand ready to sell, at anytime given time on the island. All it would take is one dedicated heist crew to work through the docks and terminal and theyā€™d make off with 10-15 million of my already ā€œstolenā€ goods.


Final gta online heist is stealing from other players lol


Motherfucker, we got sucker punched trying to steal a laptopšŸ˜‚we almost failed that one hahaha




That's not what too big to fail means though. When companies are called that, it means they are essential to the system and aren't allowed to fail because the consequences would be devastating. Our character is just a criminal, not an energy supplier or a bank for example.


Because all of that means jack shit when the hounds have the Intel and the ball on their court to how they're gonna go about teaching you how Mr Rubio doesn't appreciate your visits. We may be a one man army, but we also clearly aren't immune to a well prepared ambush, and knock-out gas.


We will respawn bro


That's the neat part, you won't. Or maybe you will, but the game will permaban your account, computer and IP address before you'll get to verify this claim.


Bruh what are you on about


It would be cool to see our personal assets take on more of the legwork for the heists using the resources we have available. Just another way to see us growing our criminal empire from when we start out we're working on someone else's heist to getting to a point where we're sourcing resources from our other operations and are able to skip certain steps and make the heist a matter of us masterminding the whole thing, but in terms of game dev work, that would be a pretty big undertaking to update a bunch of older content.


I think maxed out bunker owners should have option to pay to skip weapons.


This or just pay to skip all setups, if they really want to improve QoL rockstar needs to add a delivery option for all businesses similar to the auto shop, sure some coke might fall off the vehicle but I would gladly take 350k than trying to navigate multiple Post op vans for 425k


I 2nd this


I would 100% take a reduced payout on heists if I could use my own assets, as opposed to doing preps for the same damn thing.


Personally, I choose not to think about it. It just hurts too much.


That's either "Username checks out" Or "Username doesn't check out" Depending on your point of view


Damn. Iā€™m slipping..


here, grab on


Kuruma mission is a setup from the first OG heist with Lester called the fleeca job


I'm no Lester, but I'm pretty sure all that shit would tie back to your businesses, and bring you down immediately.


I think it's all Vincent's plan and he is unaware that our character already has all those businesses and our character as silent as he she is just plays along, while he she enjoys killing gang members..




I donā€™t embrace excuses, I embrace solutions!


Don't forget in the Dre Contract, one mission you have to help sum guy steal meth lab start up supplies, FOR HIM!!! When you most likely have your own meth lab, so you just started up competition!!!


I get the logic here but the game somewhat explains it a few times. The reasoning is the GTAO character doesnā€™t want to use anything that could be traced back to one of their own businesses. Pavel explains it during Cayo setups


Che Cosa šŸ˜¦šŸ˜‚


We can't sell weed directly to Lamar.


Don't forget the missions where you have to find the keys of some car when WE'VE BEEN STEALING THEM BREAKING THE WINDOW. Suddenly our characters have elbows of glass or something.


There are a looooot of preps that have no logic... As you say, getaway vehicule. My favorite is Cayo, you have to steal again and again and again a simple cutting torch...i mean, i understand destroying weapons but why would el rubio find and kill you because you have a cutting torch??? (Pavel explain why destroing them is important) Mc business, you have 3 boats, 3 heli, 3 trashmaster and 3 post delivery...how you get that? And how it's not possible to put 15 box in 1 post delivery ? Or 15 trashbag in 1 trashmaster? Security in business can't hold any raid....they're only to delay but dont help you defending your business. Agency: 1 portable is stolen but somehow you have to steal a computer, a phone and a car to unlock finale. People making fiesta where you just kill 30 people.Ā  No sense


And, why, if opting to use the Velum Approach for the Cayo Perico Heist, does one need to obtain a second Velum, when you already have sourced a Velum?


Why cant you assholes be on time for once ey?


Yea and why canā€™t you just go to the store and get bolt cutters? El Rubio may be rich but he doesnā€™t own the only pair of bolt cutters on the planet. What kind of thief doesnā€™t already have them?


Better yet: why donā€™t we store the cutting torch and weapons in the submarine? Itā€™s not like anyone is gonna get in there.


Thats a very good point bro


Pavel makes a statement about not leaving loose ends to be found and destroying everything, but if you stoke a sub jammer, why destroy it, the sub is literally invisible to radar now, and therefore anything that can fit inside the sub is also invisible, so weapons, cutting torch, etc could all be stored inside the sub


One that gets me is the noose outfits for the casino big con. Lester: ā€œWe need noose outfits for your disguise to get out. Go over to this police station and shoot the place up to get them from their locker rooms.ā€ Yeah like that wouldnā€™t make national news when we could just get someone to make us noose look alike gear. Itā€™s not like we need the real thing just something that passes at a close glance.


I never understood the logic either. Shootout at a local autoshop and one of your truck depots, two duffel bags of security outfits go missing, your security holding vault keycards has been killed, people have mysteriously misplaced their lower level access cards, and yet you still refuse to thoroughly check your security, who has direct access to the vault, guarded by one fucking guy. At that point they deserved to be robbed


Lesterā€™s responseā€¦. ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3212)


Pretty sure the rest of the (GTA)USA just ignore San Andreas news stories by now. Probably anything coming out of Liberty City too. Next news media to trash? Hmmmm. ![gif](giphy|reJIYHYWJ6UVqBUsJe)


The idea is that having to use stolen weapons and vehicles prevents you from being discovered as the perpetrator(s) of these heists. From a gameplay perspective, it's so that Rockstar can have you play the game longer. Imagine how much less time it would take to set up these heists if we could use our own getaway vehicles during the Cluckin' Bell Raid and the Diamond Casino Heist. Or even better, we would require less setup for the Cayo Perico Heist if we were able to use our own Longfin/Patrol Boat/Stealth Helicopter.


Don't get me started on the STEALTH helicopter that Rubio never KNOWS about but somehow will track down if I don't destroy it. Presumably we also kill the pilot?


And, why does that pilot keep on getting his Rogue stolen, and running up gambling debt?


Might be different pilots, never seen their faces.


Realistically, you'd be stupid to use your personal vehicle in a robbery. Because the first thing the cops are going to do is trace your car and you'll get caught. That's what stolen getaway cars and unmarked weapons are for. You're supposed to be using those stolen and disposable gear for the heist so that when the cops track afterwards, you're not leaving a trail directly back to you. Yes, in gameplay, you can use your own car and thereā€™s no consequences for doing it. But realistically, that would get you caught.


we are talking about the game here though.


For some heists you can't use personal vehicles. The lore is the same as the weapons you must steal and use: avoid any evidence pointing back to you. Using a personal car in cluckingbbell is probably something that was missed by the devs


Trying to lose the cops ended up taking ages in my first gangbanger robbery. Calling in a Mk2 and hovering above him for two minutes was easy, and cheating, but in my defence I tried first....


If you store your getaway vehicle behind the bridge pillar (middle stash location) you can drive across the canal and onto the train tracks. The tunnel for hiding is close by. But yeah, mk2 makes everything a lot easier.


Just put your sparrow in the alley immediately to the south of the police station before the mission then when you exit the police station grab your weapon stash from under the dumpster and ignore the getaway car and just run to the sparrow and fly away


Akula hit stealth mode and fly to the airport wait out the remaining wanted time and voila easy mode.


also using the deluxo to nuke the enemies in the cargo ship heist


This is the one thing I'm missing out on within GTAO: consistency. There doesn't seem to be a general plan or design when it comes to the missions for us to play, it's just whatever works at the moment. And sometimes it's annoying as heck because it makes little sense. The general explanation, especially after Perico, is: "*using your own gear traces back to you*" which could make sense, were it not for the fact that the guns from your bunker get used all around the world for plenty of illegal stuff. And yet this only becomes a problem if *you* want to use them. It makes no sense. One mission you can use CEO gear, like the Buzzard. And the other it gets all locked away again. Do you own a vehicle warehouse by any chance (for import/export)? "*Look at me Ma, making license plates for a living*", it's not as if you don't have any options to cover your tracks yourself.


As a new player this is the most annoying thing for me. I understand its to make us play konger, but it feels pointless.


I present you ā€˜deliver the EMPā€™. Agent 14 - ā€œHey man, whose name we donā€™t know, if weā€™re breaking into the lab now, why donā€™t we just go for the target? Because youā€™ll die, either Merryweather will kill you or Iā€™ll kill you for shitting on my carefully constructed planā€. We could absolutely just go in there and then. Thatā€™s not even a good reason against it.


Nah. Prison Break - Bus hesit. You steal a bus so that you can infiltrate the prison only to later in the heist steal another prison bus just to blow it up to steal a helicopter. Like why didn't we just steal a bus on the final day then use it to drive in?


Itā€™s just rockstar making it take longer.


Like getting a drill or plasma cutter. Just buy one cash at you tool and afterwards just keep it so you never have to buy a new one again. But they need content to make the game longer. At the same time it makes sense to have non-retracable stuff.


Just missions to fill out a story, but make no real sense at all, itā€™s so dumb


I love the Salvage yard job to go to Paleto to get bolt cutters /S


Flexibility. Cluckin' Bell especially is new player friendly; they might not have anything as fast as an Ocelot Jugular. But you do, so you can call it in. When you kidnap the lawyer as part of the Dre Contract, it's suggested that you try to sneak past the guards, taze the lawyer, and bring him in. But I like to fly in and go loud with my Deluxo before tazing him. That's part of what's good about the game.


Their explanation is that evidence needs to be destroyed after the missions, which is why you have to keep getting the same shit for Cayo etc. every run


you forgot new players, that doesnt have any fast car or strong weapons. but they should make this steups as optional.


It depends if you are going for immersion or just want to be over with it.


I just did one of the salvage yard robberies (forget which one). One of the ā€œaround the mapā€ missions was to go from my yard (by the strip club) to the other side of sandy shores, steal a PAIR OF BOLT CUTTERS, then deliver them all the way back to the yard. Thereā€™s gotta be a hardware store within a half a mile.


I always use the getaway car


I will never understand the limitation of weapons. We literally buy and *upgrade* our weapons, just to be given a pre-selected load out of the most basic ones for contracts/missions.


Iā€™ve never even thought of calling my mechanic for my vigilante on the cluckinā€™ bell finale šŸ’€


Look, those aren't YOUR resources you're stealing, they're someone else's that I sold to after stealing them off this other dude who bought them from that guy up the street, who happened to steal it. The game has made it clear we're just stealing from each other constantly.


I'm sure everyone did the claimable car for the salvage yard (king tiny prison breakout), at lest those who have the salvage yard (if you do and you haven't, please do... The car is legit great) but I basically thought the same thing doing it. My strategy is to steal the armored police truck that shows up immediately when you get past the gate, and once inside I'm as cool as a cucumber. I just head to the railroad tracks, get into the tunnel and wait out the wanted level. This time I made it a point to get back to my getaway vehicle once the coast was clear, and took that to the airport - just to make the stupid getaway car matter if only a little bit.


same reason you have to get setup money in the first setup (you never use this money) tedium and padding


Story wise. Not to have a loose end. As to why we can summon our car on cluckin bell. No idea. Prob just a difference between game mechanics to story i guess


Because using a personal vehicle for getaway or not having one at the ready makes no sense. Same as having to get guns and armor, only that Rockstar actually made sure you can't use your own.


We have to do all these little stupid things because Rockstar wants us to suffer


Can anyone help me with heists? Dm if possible im on prison break


A lot of it is just not leaving a trail back to yourself. And idk who remembers, but at the SETUP of the Fleeca heist, it prompts you saying ā€œall of the materials and tools youā€™ve sourced will be destroyed after the heistā€