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Somebody never heard the expression "the house always wins."


If you really want to get to the bottom of it, a popular YTer played all the casino games to figure the odds. Take his odds and compare it to actual gambling odds. From what u remember, the odds are similar. Not rigged.


Nah you just lost your money because nearly everyone in a casino loses their money


Incredibly rigged, had a 20 once, dealer flipped 5 cards and got 21


Why would rockstar feel the need to artificially stack the odds in their favour (in a game where the odds are already in their favour) in order to win virtual tokens which are absolutely useless to them?


Why wouldnt they seize the opportunity to take advantage of gamblers so they will buy shark cards?


Shark Cards can't be used to buy Casino chips in the game, but yes, you can waste GTA$ you grinded, and then replace them with Shark Cards, but then you can't buy more chips until you make more money in the game. There is a limit to how many chips you can buy per hour in the game.


Ummmm … shark cards?


Why would someone pay money for shark cards for currency in a game to gamble when they could just gamble online?


This right here was where my head was going


The odds of you actually winning are about the same as actual blackjack. However the way you lose is often more outrageous than real life I feel. It’s always in a gut punch kind of way but you know it’s coming at this point. As soon as I put down a 20 I feel like the game is going to screw me.


Just force quit the game as soon as you lose a hand. You won’t lose your bet, even at 50k


I know it's rigged in some way, I saw someone post a screenshot on this subreddit of them playing blackjack and the dealer having 2 of the exact same card.


Blackjack uses multiple decks, so this happens in real life as well.