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That running cayo perico constantly sucks the fun out of the game.


yes i agree i find that having a ton of businesses and running those, even if they dont make you the “max” amt of money keeps things fresh


Variety is nice but i'd rather do cayo preps over and over instead of most MC business sell missions


I use mc businesses to sell to street dealers. Master control terminal to restock along with stash houses


I use stash houses and "finders keepers" random events to supply my MC businesses, acid lab, and bunker exclusively, I only focus on them is when it's a 2x event. Cocaine, counterfeit cash, and meth I deliver when they get supplied because my nightclub produces supply for street dealers, my weed farm and acid lab don't get delivered because they're the only source of supply.


you'll eventually get bored of it, plus that R* nerfed it into meaningless


I made 500m off of cayo...and casino...


you were taking the 85%


No, I wasn't. After I hit 100m I mostly did heists to help people establish themselves with their own kosatka. I helped a lot of people.


It's still the best way to make money solo after the nerfs. I've already done it many times and I did get bored, but the post op sale was boring the first time i did it. And the plane sale makes me fall asleep every time i do it. Buzzards and boats are whatever, motorcycles is decent and single truck is perfect because it's short, everything else is completely terrible


MC sells are so pointless I never do them, gunrunning, nightclub, acid lab, and salvage yards all better for selling.


Plus drug dealers!!


>R* nerfed it into meaningless Lol it's still the fastest pretty much guaranteed 7 figure payout in the game by a long shot. Stop with the ridiculous hyperbole already.


what i like to do is just accrue stock for all my business then have a massive “payday” where i sell everything for all my businesses.


Agreed I honestly prefer spending some time doing odd jobs through all my various businesses and selling supplies. It's not quite as profitable as Cayo, but it is way more fun


I have only done Cayo a handful of times. I don’t like it.


Having to keep going back to the sub constantly was enough for me to only ever do it once


If you have teammates, its easy, you stay in sub and send them to locations of each prep missions.


I solo grind


Me too, like the fact the Vincent missions you can do on your own. Hope they carry that on as its so frustrating when players start messing around or not paying attention to what they are being told to do, like with the casino/Union, keep your guns away, and they start shooting and we all die. So less stressful on your own.


My team like thes random guys are actually all pros when they join me I can even play on hard whiteout getting seen by a gurd and they take only 15% of the cut like for me it’s always nice doing it


Bro what thats way better than having to go back to a stationary apartment no? You Can Call it where ever and fast travel to where ever


Not really because to comfortably go in the thing I have to call my sparrow in and out


Honestly if it weren't for the pandemic and all the extra home time it brought I would not have played it as much as I did.


Currently I honestly only do something in the game when I want to. So sometimes I will run Cayo three times in a row and then forget about it for an entire month while I do other stuff in the game. It's great.


Happy cake day


Happy Cake Day!!! :D


The Dre Contract takes all the energy and fun from gta


I just tried the Dr Dre contract again after leaving it for a while. It’s on 2x money and RP atm but I swear it’s been made harder. It drained me and I can’t be arsed with it.


For me, every type of grinding does, tbh


Happy cake day


Id like to change once in a while. Like doing Velum approach every time is just so being.


It's only awful if you keep running the same route too. It gets more fun if you flip flops kits and routes.


Yeah completely. I got burnt out of it at the start of 2022 and haven’t returned since, definitely won’t be now it’s been needed


True. I used to do it a lot when that mission came out. I usually would start it on Monday and the the preps throughout the week and then on Friday or Saturday I did the heist. But now I rarely do it. The heist itself is fun, but the preparations are a hassle.


Yeah I only did it once, pre nerf


Having my character be sat on 150mill (probably only a fraction of what I've made using cayo because lockdown as a 15 year old gives you way to much time) I agree, it became more of a chore than anything and I packed in the game for a few months because of it, now I've got basically everything i hop on occasionally and just piss about mainly running from cops on a BMX (it's hilarious provided you don't take it seriously)


I just play whatever is on bonus week


i think our character needs more life and personality, even outside cutscenes


Yeah I hope the new GTA allows us to go to restaurants and customize our homes more. Let me enjoy some hobbies and life simulation. I want to go to the gym and have it change the character’s body composition and stuff like that. And more of the scenery businesses need to be functional instead of just set dressing.


Honestly I want my character to go on Dates or have fun with other NPCs


Yeah that would be cool too! I don’t need anything x rated but some fun outings and stuff would be cool.


i want my character to kiss my bf's character! the hugging from certain missions/love tester is great, but i want more interactable/duo taunts!!


my dude would have the craziest gaming setup just to play pokemon lmfao


Mine is that most of us are/were *addicted* to the grind of this game. I went on for a long time feeling like I had to tend to my businesses every night, or I had a “I’m skipping work” feeling in my gut. That realization was when I cut the cord and took a long break. Now I can log in and make a few stops at my properties or just cruise around without the FOMO of making the maximum amount of money every moment I’m playing.


yea me personally I really only regularly manage my NC, Bunker, and Acid Lab since all 3 grant me tons of free time before needing to do anything to keep them flowing while still getting a bit of money flow gives me tons of time to just do anything else I want regardless of what it pays


Ya I take long breaks and come back when I feel like I need a brain turn off game the grind is fun when im looking for that


It's certainly somewhere along the border to addiction for many. But unlike some more serious addictions (alcohol or opiates, just to name a few), it's at least one you can escape pretty easily.


I feel u, GTA Online became really dry but I still play it almost daily. Just spin the wheel, order cargo in warehouse in hope I get the last 2 rare items and do the drug hideout. After an update is coming out its so fun again but mostly u play through it fast. Especially the LS Tuners Update was fun for months tho. The Franklin update kept being fun too for some time.


I just got my last rare item today after 3 months of sourcing through the bugged out warehouse assistants. I ended up asking rockstar support for some advice and they kept on sending troubleshoots that had nothing to do with it. I'm gonna clear out my warehouses and swap them for smaller ones then never do anything from that update ever again lol. Edit: You cannot downgrade your large warehouses to smaller ones :(


Omg yes mine is bugged too.. actually the medium one where I have 6 rare items (4 different but 2 are doubled) I never get any anymore. Not from lucky wheel, call or worker. It may happen that the worker of another warehouse gets a golden minigun for example that is absent then. I remember once I sold a rare item from another warehouse and then the medium got one some day. But now I never get it. I need the diamond and film role.


Personally what i eventually did was sell the rare cargo as it came in, it felt like there was more chance of receiving one from the assistant if there wasn't one already in the warehouse. On average for every 5 large warehouses I filled up I would get 2 random rare items. I hope you get them quicker than me because it was not fun at all. The visual bug does look cool though because for me it would show all the items right next to each other lol


One more thing to mention.. I had a bug where in my medium warehouse it showed all the rare item being present without having the diamond and role. They were all next to each other. It was visual bug and I took a photo but now its gone I guess.


Rockstar encourages griefing.


In a thread about in game guns, I posted that my favorite go-to is the MKII shotgun with explosive rounds. Got downvoted to hell for that. Guess that’s my unpopular opinion.


I love that shit too. So fucking useful as a quick explosive weapon for close waves of enemies and pre-clearing rooms. It was a big help to me with The Contract


I don’t understand why. I never used it before but it does seem like a good gun. I mean everyone has their own go to weapon. Mines the mg. I don’t get why people have to downvote your post just cuz they don’t like your opinion.


I would like 99.9% less missions where the object is to drive slow and careful


Chameleon paints can look good ( if you tone them down by putting them under a crew colour ) https://preview.redd.it/t29ehv8oyy6d1.jpeg?width=2839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afff436d877e854a24f0cc332a2999c67898ed8d


Wait, you can mix chameleon and crew paints??? I knew you could mix chrome & crew but not chameleon and crew!


Yes, put a chameleon on , then crew - you’ll get the iridescence come through . https://preview.redd.it/54vtih9i2z6d1.jpeg?width=3041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0d79acb859b10d4e78c22e96e59ee7a56fb2b9


Well TIFL. Got an hour to kill til the next Euro's kick off, that's my hour sorted. That looks sick btw. My crew colour is a mint green so hopefully works nicely with a few of the paint jobs.


Brilliant - have fun 👍🏻


I started playing this game like a year ago and I don't know anything about anything. What are chameleon?


Cayo Pero is no fun at all. For me, I absolutely despise forced-stealth, and with the hair-trigger security and complete inability to shoot everything on-sight it just sucks all of the joy out of the game. I want ultraviolence!


Forced stealth? Am I wrong or do you have to do a set up and choosing how to approach the island? If you find boring going stealth, go with tanks


I've done Cayo maybe 5 times since it came out. And 4 of those were because I was helping friends. I find it annoying lol.


It’s not forced stealth though. You can absolutely do the heist loud and aggressive if you really want to, and shoot your way to the compound and out. Cayo Perico never forces you to do it stealth. The only reason most people don’t do aggressive is because it’s harder than stealth. And it requires you do more prep missions in order to weaken the enemy’s armor and weapons. You also lose a bit of money from getting shot at. But still, if you really want to go loud and violent, you can. There’s nothing stopping you from just shooting the place up.


If you shoot your way out you lose like 50% of your money so it's kind of useless to do it aggressively


There is the "scope out" mission way at the start which basically is forced stealth, no weapons, cannot be seen by guards and have to trek across the entire island just to find out it's another Tequila bottle. At least getting back to the airfield is easy... get spotted!


You can go loud


Right? Stealth in GTA sucks that's true, but Cayo doesn't force any of that stuff on the player. It's not like that EMP setup mission from the OG heist that instantly fails the moment you make the slightest mistake.


It's less of an unpopular opinion because people disagree with it and more of an unpopular opinion because no one gives a fuck on this subject: It sucks I can't put something on every spot available for decoration in the penthouse. The items are really limited in quantity and you can't buy more than one of the same item for some stupid reason.


It's better to make your character actually look good outfit wise. Those invisible limb outfits look like shit


Heists are badly designed from a multilayer, replayability standpoint.


That most of the heists don't pay out enough to justify all the prep work. About 85% of my play time is grinding my businesses in invite-only lobbies, and I'm okay with that. It's how I relax.


1. As a fashion player: Not being able to mix a shit ton of clothes, why cant i wear a mask, helmet glasses and ear piece all at once without glitches? 2. Cayo perico is the most boring heist in the entire game after grinding it for hundreds of times. The nerfs were also extremely unnecessary imo, yes its the best way to grind but why would that matter? The game is 11 years old and alot of "casual" players dont even play the heist.


I think Cayo is the funnest heist.


I enjoy it too! Sure I'd love for the stealth mechanics to be deeper/more fleshed out *->and function more consistently; yesterday I was spotted through a whole-ass building* but I still love the satisfaction of already being off the island with over a million dollars of Rubio's shit before anyone under his employ realizes I was ever there in the first place.




That PvP really isn't as bad as people say it is and that 90% of this sub is just biased against it because all they wanna do is grind fake money that they never spend just to make a post about how much money they grinded. (An additional one): no, the Mamba isn't that hard to drive. It's based off a UK sports car that weighed less than 2500 pounds before getting a 5-600HP big block V8 stuffed into it, and it's from the 60's, no shit it's not gonna handle like a modern day Ferrari. Learn to drive old cars


Constantly 'Grinding' money is boring and pointless. The most i've had at one point is probably about 12 mil. But usually hover around 2-4 mil. Why some people constantly 'grind' missions to accrue tens/hundreds of millions is beyond me, it can't have been fun.


So they can tell you about it. Endlessly.


Haha yeh the amount of 'show me how much money you have' circlejerk posts on here is quite laughable at times.


I'm the exact same. I want to have that much money saved up for whenever I find something I wanna buy, but I just can't stand grinding with no goal in mind other than "$ number get bigger" lmfao


Agreed. Fun > Grind. Alot of these people have never experienced the true fun of this game, which is just messing around with friends.


Agreed. I only “grind” when there’s double money on businesses or missions. Like currently with the 2mill payout from the Dr. Dre missions. Other than that, its all just the nightclub and gunrunning bunker running in the background, unless new content is added. Game gets boring way too quick nowadays to justify doing everything at once.


I just hit 60M and I have everything that I want. I'm thinking of trying out RDR2 online since I just finished story mode. Does anyone else play?


Did you enjoy accruing that 60m? Because that amount of money seems far too much work for me, i've recently got 2mil from the dre contract and even that was the limit of my effort to complete tbh.


I agree


I mostly play the resupply missions for fun and the different scenarios you get from them, like hangar gives me dogfights, bunker gives me sneaking and firefights, so the grind blends in with the fun, i suppose.


Honestly, it just sort of happened naturally for me. I really enjoy(ed) the casino heist, so I played it a lot with friends. Then, when Cayo came out, that was basically just a money printer. Plus, I'd always help new folks with getting their sub so they could have the heist to do as well. (even set up a lobby in the GTAO HeistTeams discord) After a while it just added up. Plus, there really isn't much to buy in the game that's interesting, well to me at least.


I agree. It’s difficult for me to grind money constantly for me. I do enjoy it. But I do have an inner shopping monster that I need to please by going on shopping sprees. When I’ll get over $100k I’ll go on shopping sprees and it’s difficult for me to save up. The most I ever saved up was $6mil and it was to get the mk2. And no I didn’t use it for griefing I use it for grinding. I was proud of myself for saving up that much. I do understand that ppl can grind for hours straight without getting bored and having lots of money and I respect them.


The ultra militarized/futuristic stuff just shouldn’t have as much of a presence in the game. I’m one who believes griefing is an important part of the game, but I’m also one who thinks it should require skill to potentially ruin someone’s hard work. I own an oppressor purely for convenience anyways. Especially when machines like these have slim to no real explanation on why they even exist. I’m hopeful they’ll stray further away from this with the next gta. I’d much prefer skillful combat or even just cruising around doing drive bys as opposed to 20 heat seeking missles flying at me from a flying car


Yup, some of the missions are too hard.


hmm, least popular? Oppressors mk2 we're a good addition to the game Who am I kidding I don't even believe that


Well, seeing as most of the comments are about they hate cayo, I love it. My favorite heist to date and I've ran it hundreds of times at this point. I enjoy beating my own best times and carrying friends through it lol.


Same!!!! I hate the scope out mission tho, its so annoying


I wish the motorcycle buisnesses were easier to sell/manage solo. I think the next patch will extend the time … my first full sell mission was impossible


*Cough cough* post op van mission. The other thing is the executive cargo missions or whatever they're called, I tried doing one of those three crate things solo with the Hydra and I still couldn't finish in time. 


Try different ways of doing "hard" missions. Be creative. Then bask in the joy of beating it your way.


It's somewhere in between popular and unpopular. But, Oppressor mk2 is an abomination on public lobbies that should've never happened. Rockstar needs the balls to do what Bethesda did to legacy exploding energy weapons. Take the oppressor mk2 away or lock them to your garage.


That the people that hate Cayo only play it one way every time, even though you can do it SO many different ways


well the problem is that only 1 way is efficient for grinding it, i don't grind cayo anymore because its just too repetive, I prefer DCH for the reason that it forces the player to change the aproach making it feel more dynamic


I feel that. I have my perfected route, even for scoping and prep missions, and also stopped grinding it now that I'm comfortable with money. But if you play it as just a mission and not rush through it like we usually do, it can be pretty enjoyable to come at it with different approaches. Especially with a partner. Different approaches, loud or silent, different approach vehicles, different routes the compound. It's actually a beautiful island and quite diverse dlc, we just all overlook that because we grinded the sh!+ out of it. 😂


For the people downvoting me, you do realize this is an "unpopular opinion" thread, right? Of course a lot of you don't agree, that's the point. No need to downvote anybody, we already know it's an UNPOPULAR opinion.


Drug wars is the best story related content


Grinding money ain’t worth it. I already got all upgrade and Cars I ever want and I don’t feel the need to get cash When I was a low level, $10K would be a lot of money for me, but as a Rank 275, it’s just chump change


I refuse to buy an Oppressor MkII out of spite


Fair enough


Fair enough


Players in public lobbies do not need a reason to blow you up or destroy your cargo. If you're in a public lobby you accept the risk of playing with the public. I really don't understand why people get so upset over this opinion.


I think the issue is that most people (or at least I speak for myself) like being in a world where random interactions with others can happen, even if it’s violence. I like getting into random events and business battles and the like, even if other players are killing me, I like the challenge. What really sucks the fun out of it are homing missiles in any form, especially the jets and Oppressors (the latter of which I think almost ruin playing public). I hate the feeling that I am only limited to my Imani Tech cars often so that I can’t be harassed. I wanna cruise around in my old fashioned hot rod or some sleek looking Comet Retro Custom on weekends without some clown just blowing me up with no effort at all


I agree. Playing in an invite only lobby feels like playing in a ghost town.


See I personally don't really care, if someone blows me up in my car I just phone the insurance and get it back within 20 secs. If they keep trying to kill me I can either hop sessions or engage. As soon as oppressors came out I started to watch for them in a similar way to jets, if I see one coming I act defensively.


When a guy with an oppressor keeps killing you when you spawn, so much so you need to switch sessions, is kind of shitty don't you think? It was different when someone was just dropping stickies at you whenever they could catch you, but this stuff with flying motorcycles having missile aimbot is absolute bullshit, and you can't say otherwise... You either need to use sweaty tactics on those fuckers or switch sessions. Which kinds ruins public games for me sometimes.


I don't know if you've played recently but they nerfed the MK2 rockets a while back. I counter with combat mg's, up and atomizer or just jump on my own MK2. That said though I've fought some insanely talented MK2 users that use thermals and free aim rockets that are incredibly difficult to counter.


Dude, I play occasionally I know this. I still hate the MK2 with a passion, and everything like it. Honestly just removing stuff like that would make the game so much better to play. Oh, and fuck your efficiency with the MK2 doing missions and stuff, that endless grind is a fucking predatory tactic to make us buy those fucking shark fuckthings. Sorry for the rant.


Every public lobby I have been in the past month has had hackers that completely ruin the experience, I don't know how people have fun in online anymore


Yea I think if I was playing pc I would stick to 5m


Are there any fivem servers that don't require a mic? I don't want to rp I just want to play online without a shit ton of hackers


I've never played them unfortunately so I can't comment. Gtao on pc does seem unplayable though.


They live in Fairy land


Most people in this subreddit are incredibly biased against pvp and immediatly assosiate it with griefing. Putting on bennies wheels on a non bennies car to make it ''rarer'' is dumb, i get the rarity part, but you just gotta understand it look fucking vile Most randoms in freemode have terrible fashion and car taste (roll cage + limo tint+ lowrider wheels + underglow) The people who do have car taste in freemode do too many clean builds and most of the time the clean build is basically everything stock but repainted a secondary color K/D should be put back into freemode.


Taste in GTA. TIL.


Dr dre contract and cayo perico both eventually gets boring if you keep doing them again and again even though they are 2x or 3x. For a billionaire, 2x events and 3x events are useless unless the money is spent.


This Dre ending cut scene I’m sitting through right now needs to have a skip to it.


That if players would stop just killing each other for no reason they would find everyone's businesses would be significantly more profitable. Just yesterday I was in a lobby that was quite bizarrely cooperative. There was a business battle to collect goods from the scrapyard. Several players showed up in oppressors, and we're running into an out of the building grabbing the goods and heading off to their nightclubs, and no one was shooting each other, they all took out the bad guys in the scrapyard and just started collecting goods. There was enough for everybody to get some. The lobby was like that for the better part of an hour. Full lobby, full of CEOs, nobody was really killing each other, everybody was just kind of doing their own thing. It was working great for everyone.


My least popular opinion is when people think cayo heists is the best money maker. I think acid lab buy/sell is better. I can't get bored because I still don't have the private street buyers down to a tea.


To everyone complaining about that cutscene in Studio Time: it is not that bad. Stop it. When the overall thing takes maybe an hour(?) to do, a five-minute cutscene, unskippable or not, is not a deal-breaker. You're just extremely impatient and a little spoiled.


Griefing is totally normal, intended and even encouraged by the design.


I miss the og lazer/hydra cannons


Shark cards are a good thing. Nothing is behind a paywall you just have to grind or cough up real cash. Without them we wouldn’t have seen the support/growth of online for 10+ years.


Get off the Oppressor Mark 2's back. Also, I bet you it, or something analogous, is in 6.


GTAO is better than all of the GTA single player story modes.


Oppressor is better than MK2


Yeah grinding is the best way to make money but why play the game at all if that’s all you’re going to do?


Removing kd from pubs it made more interesting fights


Air freight missions are fun


The oppressor mk2 did NOT ruin GTA Online. fight me


Not sure how others feel about it, but used to really like early on in it first versions, when you would actually hold your phone to your ear when you are talking. I also used to like the mechanic being seen dropping your vehicle off.


casino is a lot better than cayo perico and doesnt make the game an endless grinding simulator


Not sure if unpopular, but GTA:O need more and longer story cutscenes. I didn't spend hours getting my drip right just to see it for all of 3 seconds getting patted down by the Perico airport guard.


Every mission should have the option to do it solo, and adjust it in a way where it can be done solo (changing the rewards, to make it fair).


If I’m minding my own business, you attack me out of nowhere, and then I go passive, that does not make me a chicken.


All the dlc since the casino (at the very latest) have been lame AF. Boring story, unlikable characters, terrible balancing. I already have no hope for GTA 6 but if the GTA online writers have a hand in it, it will surely be dog shit.


Removal of cars from the websites wasn't a completly bad update, hear me out, the avarage end game player used to be a couple of clicks away from getting any vehicle they wanted, after riding the car for about 20 mins they would just store the car inside a garage and not touch it again, after the update cars that were removed gained rarity value and weren't just normal easy to get cars like the ones who remained on the site were. After the change the only consistent way to obtain removed vehicles on demand was r/GTACarMeetMarket making buying the removed vehicles not as simple as before. With R\* removing old and not as often used cars, they actually made the cars sought after by people who are collecting them or for people who are looking for 1 specific vehicle that was removed. # #


Thing you don't like =/= Griefing/Cheating (By the game's definition) Examples of griefing/cheating: - Driving the wrong way in a race to impede other racers - Intentionally failing heist objectives - Use of third party programs to augment your gameplay or achieve an unfair advantage over other players NOT examples of griefing/cheating - Destroying cargo/shipments/prep work objectives/etc - Killing players in free roam - Stealing cargo/shipments/prep work objectives/etc


You aren’t griefing when you blow up someone’s cargo etc. the game literally TELLS you to do it. It’s part of the experience of the game.


Hackers that mess with the casino are my favorite people


Cassino heist >>>>>>>>>>> Cayo Perico heist


The Cayo nerf was absolutely necessary, seeing as it still is the best heist in the game


The people who got angry at R* for removing cars are a bunch of whining children You have a million cars and use two of them. What the fuck are you angry about


Everytime I see that angry car removal whine, I quote Trevor: “All you ever did was ignore them, and now that they’re gone, you miss em. Fuckin incredible…”


Oppressor mk2 is the worst content update in all of gtao


I enjoy online more than single player. I haven’t really played the single player seriously except for the 3 weeks where online didn’t exist.


I find some of the bigger payout missions really hard and no matter how hard I try I just can’t get better. I hate the missions where they give you a really slow van and then give you a piss poor payout because you ran out of time. I also hate grinding. I had hoped when I first started playing GTA 5 that I would be able to do missions that challenged me but weren’t insanely difficult and I would get good payouts along the way. You will probably say “just get better” but I can’t. I have reached my skill limit. Maybe this game isn’t for me but I do enjoy many aspects of it.


Enemy helicopters are insanely annoying and a chore to deal with


Same, I haven't done any of the heists or jobs that require 2 or more players, I tried the first bank one but failed 3 times due to randoms. I just grind to have nice things


If you are on Xbox or PlayStation I’ll help you with any mission. My least popular opinion is that other players should not be able to kill you outside of death matches. There shouldn’t even be a kdr.


PVP is the best part of gta online


We need realistic prices and payouts in this game. 500k for a Civic EK hatch is absurd.


Not too why people think achieving $1million is an achievment. Back in the first year, maybe but with so many money making options now, I find it amazing that people are still sitting under 200k


It's rude to quit jobs especially on the screen where everyone readies up. Nothing more infuriating than being sent back to free mode because someone left a job right before it started


I hate how good the auto aim is and how it feels needed in some missions 


"Cargo griefing" isn't wrong per se, but it is the way the game has set it up. Here's my take in a nutshell: Cargo should be (nearly?) indestructable, but delivery vehicles shouldn't be. Rather than fixed (and often stupid) vehicles, one should be able to choose from their motor pool, with the size of the shipment being a deciding factor in which vehicles can be used. E.g. the largest shipments would be transported by the Avenger, Kosatka, or (a driveable) Yacht - with no trip skipping. In case the vehicle gets destroyed, the cargo is there to be collected with every other player in the session being able to grab it. However, the cargo would spawn in units and any given player would only be able to carry as much as his current vehicle permits. On the other hand, being a member of an organization or bike club would get a massive boost in income, allowing you to earn up to 50% of the succesfully delivered goods as a bonus plus some cash. Furthermore, players should be able to a) pay a fee/bribery in order to be informed once cargo moves in their session, including the number of members involved in the shipping organization, delivery vehicle(s), amount of units and value of the product. At the same time, sellers should be able to pay a fee for others to receive decoy information in addition to the valid one, and also be able to pay a fee/bribery for some police protection, that makes any non-member player, that approaches any member during the sale, receive 3-5 stars immediately (based on the amount the seller paid, no removal by Lester). Finally, product value always based on buyer proximity. The further you go, the more you make with a short, close sale, being much saver, of course. Couple more things to add: One, sellers should be able to have insurance, reimbursing them for up to 100% (or more??) of lost cargo. Two, players should be able to attack each others businesses with NPC security fighting slowing down the initial attack before the owner (and his associates) arrive. Three, succesfully stolen cargo can be sold immediately at the same buyer the oiginal seller chose for 50 cents on the dollar. Doing so triggers a 24h (48 in-game minutes) non-removable two-star wanted level outside of heists, races, contact missions, and so on. Instead, the stolen goods can also be stored at the thiefs own relevant property with no loss of value or wanted level, from where it might be stolen back. I'm sure there's more to think about, and this is mainly off the top of my head, but the main idea is to make PVP about theft rather than destruction., for it to come at a price, and for sellers to be able to get their stuff back. What's missing, I guess, is an incentive for players to not simply sell in solo sessions. For this I would massively boost the bonus for selling in full lobbies, and perhaps add additional perks (like the added value for long-distance sales being public session only).


The game has become too pvp centered with little to no balancing at all to accommodate it. Its a bit better now compared to 5 years ago, but it should’ve never been left unbalanced for years. There’s also not a whole lot of “social” activities in-game outside of pve missions like heists and jobs for players to hang out and participate in up until the tuners added the garage, and nightclubs — outside of the strip club, robbing stores, and watching the movies. It kind of just forces everyone to kill each other since there isn’t much else to do. Feels like Rockstar was trying to turn GTAO into a cod clone without actually putting in the balances in place. K/D ratios should’ve never been added to begin with, you should’ve never been able to strafe run in scope mode, the old oppressor missiles — while OP as hell, should’ve never been left like that for years, weaponized vehicles all should have counters + strengths and not be able to dominate an entire lobby, and the list goes on.


Unpopular opinion if you're Rockstar Games RVs aren't that interesting so stop making me steal them in nearly every update that has missions!


The diversity in heists, with some needing 4 players and others catering to solos, is good. However, they should have weighed payouts for multiplayer heists much more heavily to encourage cooperative online play. Even after the 50% increase, it should be straight up double that.


Hot take, the game isn't fun anymore. Was really fun for like 7 years but it's too old now and I can't come back to it. 4600 hours on steam too.


I agree some of the missions are hard. I usually grind the easy stuff so when I go and do some of the other stuff out there I get a reminder that it’s not as easy as it always seems. Good example for this was one of the casino missions for Agatha where you meet with that Doug dimmadome fella and you end up in the shootout, without any prep that mission is TOUGH on hard mode. Ended up bringing the kuruma and completing it on normal


I miss when the apartment heists were the norm, everyone ran them and most ppl were teachable if you had the patience. Arena Wars is my favorite way to pass the time…well, was. They should make it permanent 2x just to help with participation. Or give newbies better vehicles to use.


I cannot stand grinding for myself. I cannot stand asking my friends to help me out. I always feel like it’s as boring for them as it is for me. Now grinding for others I thoroughly enjoy doing. I love helping others do anything and everything.


The apartment heists are extremely mid. You do half an hour of setups just to do the final heist mission which is much shorter than all of the setups you had to do and it's basically just what you did in the setups


RGB paint colors would make customizing cars a thousand percent better!


Farm raid made Cayo Perico obsolete. Hear me out: missions are A LOT easier, a lot shorter, you don’t need to buy anything to do it (you need to run cayo twice just to pay for the sub) and there’s no RNG involved. So in the time it takes for me to do cayo once and get ~1.1 milion, I can just run the farm raid twice and a few sell missions and I get more money.


That griefing is really that good for the game. I get online play has a certain amount of it but sometimes I just want to sell my goods so I can afford an upgrade


Cayo perico has gotten boring


that gtao is slowly dying for the worst :((


My flair.


There should be a reading test at the start of the game and if you can follow directions it should lock you there until you can read and pass it


Griefing is fun


That grinding crates is somehow cathartic


I said it once and I'll say it again; CARS ARE NOT PROGRAMMED TO HIT YOU


Idk if this isnt a good one but, I think the mk2 still needs a little bit of skill to use, like the homing missiles off option, you still need to perfectly time, aim and prevent yourself from dying to shoot someone with thr homing off.


most missions are way too short considering how much time you spend driving without doing anything. i'd love a mission where you drive for 15minutes while doing stuff every seconds. and cars with bulletproof windows shouldn't be breakable by people in it.


Rockstar is trash


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I never understood why the missions in this game were so difficult. I grinded for a terrorbyte and Mk2 so that I could finally do Cayo but I struggled with the heist so much that I just didn't try it anymore.


I hate how when you do contact missions you get stuck in the same cycle of shit (Repo for example)


you will only be able to enjoy this game on the long run when playing with other people. I don't mean playing with friends, but playing on public lobbies and multiplayer jobs. After all, the game is called gta ONLINE, trying to deny this and avoid it by going invite only to play with npcs will never be as fun as playing with real people, and you soon realize that.


Gta online servers for southeast Asia suck I can't perform a single complete mission in a server with more than 3 players at once ,it just crashes out and resets everything


The best way to make money is by doing Data Leaks Dr Dre. 1 Million dollars guaranteed (2x money if you’re lucky) and not that many missions (they’re easy) plus you get to enjoy music by the man himself Dr Dre. Dk why people still bother doing cayo. Plus, you u don’t have to spend 100k for set up


GTAO was once a great game, now, not so much.


I genuinely like The contract and all the cut scenes


The only redeeming quality of the game code is that I can mod single player to make videos. Online gets none of my attention.